Deleted member 11501

Permanently banned for having an alt account
Oct 27, 2017


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
Well when the map pops in after 2 to 3 mins of every match and the frame rate drops to single digits then tell me it's playable

The game never drops to single digits on Xbox One X and it never, ever loaded any textures or buildings in while playing on Xbox One X. No streaming issues whatsoever.

So yeah, it is playable, more then that.

It has his problems but it is an early access game, everything will get fixed in the next weeks and months, why so many people are freaking out and want their money back is beyond me.

Deleted member 11501

Permanently banned for having an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
The game never drops to single digits on Xbox One X and it never, ever loaded any textures or buildings in while playing on Xbox One X. No streaming issues whatsoever.

So yeah, it is playable, more then that.

It has his problems but it is an early access game, everything will get fixed in the next weeks and months, why so many people are freaking out and want their money back is beyond me.
Who said I'm playing on Xbox One X,

It might be in early access but even that needs to have its standards.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
Who said I'm playing on Xbox One X,

It might be in early access but even that needs to have its standards.

Nobody said that, I'm just saying that it runs fine on that version and that it's Indeed playable. But in your posting as answer to user Calvert, you didn't ask on what he played either, you just put it as a fact that it generally runs like that, which it doesn't do. Just wanted to clarify this, again.

If you think this is "not having standards" for an early access game, then you never ever played early access games before.

Deleted member 11501

Permanently banned for having an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Nobody said that, I'm just saying that it runs fine on that version and that it's Indeed playable. But in your posting as answer to user Calvert, you didn't ask on what he played either, you just put it as a fact that it generally runs like that, which it doesn't do. Just wanted to clarify this, again.

If you think this is "not having standards" for an early access game, then you never ever played early access games before.

Every early access has standards especially pubg seeing it's been in development for more than 1 year and is regularly played on PC. The Xbox Port should have been much better then the garbage they released. How you can't understand that is beyond me. Again making assumptions I don't understand what early acces is , is an assumption


Oct 28, 2017
Well when the map pops in after 2 to 3 mins of every match and the frame rate drops to single digits then tell me it's playable.

One persons experience differs from anothers. Your talking as if your experience is the gospel and the same for eveyone. You have no idea what console im using. I guarantee that my experience is playable and nowhere near as bad as what your saying.

Yes its not perfect but its early access. I dont know what you expected. It sounds like your expectations were way too high. Even really powerful pc's struggle to play the game. And your now on some sort of crusade lol

Deleted member 11501

Permanently banned for having an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
One persons experience differs from anothers. Your talking as if your experience is the gospel and the same for eveyone. You have no idea what console im using. I guarantee that my experience is playable and nowhere near as bad as what your saying.

Yes its not perfect but its early access. I dont know what you expected. It sounds like your expectations were way too high. Even really powerful pc's struggle to play the game. And your now on some sort of crusade lol

I think you misread my post , I've only talking about my own experiences yet you are taking it personal , I'm telling you why I refunded it , not once have I said it's happening to everyone else.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Just for the record. I'm playing on xbox one S and ive never had textures take anything more than 5 seconds to load in, and that's only when I first land.

There could be another issue involved here. There have been many reporting slow loading textures and bad performance when using a slow external HD or when their internal one is close to full.


Oct 28, 2017
That 2 or 3 minutes to load textures is complete bs. Never took more than 6/8 secs for me.
Im a fanboy of 60fps, but this game is completely playable and absolutely enjoyable.

Soony Xbone Uhh

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
For everyone on the fence


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Just made it to 6th but the game was lagging really bad. The guy who killed me did it before I even saw him and he was right in front of me when my body hit the ground.

The highlight of the match was having a guy take pop shots at me for about 3 minutes and I couldn't figure out where he was and was convinced there were two becuase he was still hitting me behind cover, forcing me to heal. I eventually saw him sneak out from behind a tree and I head shotted him with one bullet. Felt good.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
By the way, I don't know if they did an online hot fix but parachute is way smoother since this morning.

I've observed the improvement there as well.

Like I said before, I don't know if they can make online hotfixes but parachuting is pretty smooth now since yesterday, for whatever reason. Here is a video.

Performance seems to be in general much smoother at the moment for me, it's pretty much locked 30 most of the time in the last few rounds and because of that (and my last sensitivity setting) even aiming feels really good now, got the chicken dinner again last round.

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One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Well when the map pops in after 2 to 3 mins of every match and the frame rate drops to single digits then tell me it's playable

Message Xbox live on their website they will issue a refund right away .

Incredible hyperbole here. I'm on the first Xbox One and my framerate every match begins at maybe 15-20 and then is a mostly solid 30 after I'm on the ground. The map takes ~10 seconds to fully load in for me. This is all anecdotal, of course, but that goes for you, too.


Oct 27, 2017
I have only played 2 rounds since I don't have much time to play at the moment but I have not had it crash in that time. The frame rate was mostly smooth when I hit the ground, though it was, predictably, choppy in the lobby and when parachuting. I'm on a X1S with the game installed to an external hard drive. I have not played it since launch though so if they did some back-end stuff server side, I have not experienced it.

Really hope they get the first person servers up and running soon since I kind of want to wait for those before diving in completely.


Oct 28, 2017
Like I said before, I don't know if they can make online hotfixes but parachuting is pretty smooth now since yesterday, for whatever reason. Here is a video.

Performance seems to be in general much smoother at the moment for me, it's pretty much locked 30 most of the time in the last few rounds and because of that (and my last sensitivity setting) even aiming feels really good now, got the chicken dinner again last round.

Pretty much my experience everytime i play.


Oct 27, 2017
Well when the map pops in after 2 to 3 mins of every match and the frame rate drops to single digits then tell me it's playable

If that ever happened to me maybe I'd have the same opinion? I dive straight down at 234mph and the longest I've seen things loading for was like 1 building and a few textures for a couple of seconds. I've seen one building looking like the video in crowbats video exactly once in 25 hours of play. The textures taking a while to load in is more common, but that doesn't affect playability and again, it's only the first couple seconds after hitting the ground.

If you have shit loading in for 3 minutes, trust me, it's not the norm.
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Nov 12, 2017
Well when the map pops in after 2 to 3 mins of every match and the frame rate drops to single digits then tell me it's playable

Message Xbox live on their website they will issue a refund right away .
I've played lots of hours and viewed many hours of streaming on Xbox One and the X and have never noticed that it takes 2-3 min to load assets in. Just curious, do you happen to have a video of this happening to you. Just want to see it in action.


Oct 27, 2017
Like I said before, I don't know if they can make online hotfixes but parachuting is pretty smooth now since yesterday, for whatever reason. Here is a video.

Performance seems to be in general much smoother at the moment for me, it's pretty much locked 30 most of the time in the last few rounds and because of that (and my last sensitivity setting) even aiming feels really good now, got the chicken dinner again last round.

Like I said on the first day after comparing my in-game performance when it first launched in Aussie/New Zealand to just after US launch to my performance the next day... I feel pretty confident in saying that the majority of sporadic performance and framerate issues people are having are server related. There was a massive difference from what the game played like within the first 12 hours, the next 12 hours and the following 12 hours when more servers came online.

When servers are tuned properly I think a lot of people are going to be seeing their framerate performance appear to be more stable going forward. I'm guessing they're having some kind of issue serverside though because the vast majority of them are offline, with only 3 up, as opposed to like 6 or 7 they had up for a short time on the second day. This is likely to be the reason they haven't launched the free trial yet.. I bet once those servers are all up and more stable the free trial pops up and people will be talking about how much better it plays... all without a patch.


Dec 10, 2017
I can't seem to hit anyone, I can sneak up behind someone with a shotgun and miss with 2 shots at point blank range.

Still lots of fun, but I need to get better at it. Going to hope that input lag is partly to blame becasue I don't suck like this in Destiny or Overwatch.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I can't seem to hit anyone, I can sneak up behind someone with a shotgun and miss with 2 shots at point blank range.

Still lots of fun, but I need to get better at it. Going to hope that input lag is partly to blame becasue I don't suck like this in Destiny or Overwatch.

I'm sucking more than usual today. I was never afraid of a fire fight before. Today, I can't buy a kill. Just had a face off with a guy who had a pistol and I had the AKM. He won and I reloaded so I shot 60 rounds without killing him.

Gonna piss around with the sensitivity settings now. See if I can make it work for me.

Oh, and the game is lagging way more than usual of the EU servers. I ran 50 metres before the game put me back due to lag.


nøthing but silence
Oct 25, 2017
From 'quake area to big OH.
This game brings out the salt, hate and hyperbole.

Early access = paid beta
Pc build =/= Xbox build

If you're unable to deal with unstable sub 60 fps and some texture or memory issues, this game probably isn't for you (yet).

I haven't played the game on any platform, but I see plenty of people having a good time. I've also seen people say the game was shit on pc but long ago, and even some beastly machines often struggle.

Your opinion and experiences are valid, but so is everyone else's.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Do you need me to screen shot my Refund receipt mate, what pleasure would I gain from lying . It shows you can't handle it when someone is critical of a game you like . It's pretty sad to be honest

How about you show me any proof of single digit gameplay or 2-3 minute texture loading. Like I said, blantant lies. As for what pleasure you get, beats me, you wouldn't be the first person to make disingenuous claims about a game. Hell, you wouldn't be the first in this thread.

It is sad, though, that you can't express your displeasure with a game without extreme exaggerations and hyperbole.


Oct 25, 2017
The gunplay itself feels about a decade old. SOCOM II on the PS2 had about the same, if not better, tighter gunplay 14 years ago. Sloppy.

Deleted member 11501

Permanently banned for having an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
How about you show me any proof of single digit gameplay or 2-3 minute texture loading. Like I said, blantant lies. As for what pleasure you get, beats me, you wouldn't be the first person to make disingenuous claims about a game. Hell, you wouldn't be the first in this thread.

It is sad, though, that you can't express your displeasure with a game without extreme exaggerations and hyperbole.

I think you are incapable of hearing anything that does not please your ears , not everyone will have the same gaming experience as you so your just going to need to man the fuck up and accept that the Early access has game breaking flaws.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I think you are incapable of hearing anything that does not please your ears , not everyone will have the same gaming experience as you so your just going to need to man the fuck up and accept that the Early access has game breaking flaws.

Lol. Man the fuck up, eh? Nice deflection. You make a claim, it's bullshit, and I called you on it. Why don't you "man up" and substantiate your claim?

Over a million people have played the game on Xbox, surely you can find a single example to back up your statment, right? I've never said the game doesn't have problems, I think we all know of it's problems by now. Doesn't change the fact you're full of it and that your claim of single digit frames and 2-3 minute texture loads is an absolute, unequivocal, flat out false statment.


Oct 26, 2017
I really wish the map was better, hard to use on the plane. I've noticed Xbox players spread out more than PC. Not everyone goes to the same well known spots.


Oct 27, 2017
With a game like this, its best not to put your balls on the chopping block to argue that people aren't experiencing what they say they are.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I'm not sure how it plays on PC but something needs to be done about vehicles. I'm seeing more and more games where people are playing destruction derby at the end and I've been run over more times than I'd like.

They need to have far less fuel, they need to be weaker and you should be able to blow out the tires while they're moving to get them to spin out.

Deleted member 11501

Permanently banned for having an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Lol. Man the fuck up, eh? Nice deflection. You make a claim, it's bullshit, and I called you on it. Why don't you "man up" and substantiate your claim?

Over a million people have played the game on Xbox, surely you can find a single example to back up your statment, right? I've never said the game doesn't have problems, I think we all know of it's problems by now. Doesn't change the fact you're full of it and that your claim of single digit frames and 2-3 minute texture loads is an absolute, unequivocal, flat out false statment.

Quote from Digital Foundry's Richard Leadbetter

PUBG on Xbox One starts up promisingly enough with a decent, attractive front-end, but once you've moved on from character creation to your first in-game lobby, you're instantly besieged by low resolution textures that seem to be failing to stream in properly, combined with performance just above or below the 20fps threshold – depending on whether you're playing on Xbox One or its significantly more powerful 4K counterpart.

Moving onto deployment into the game's single map (the PC's second map is en route), performance continues to be a struggle, kicking off with a prolonged stutter before moving on to 15-20fps territory as the transport plane flies above the map. In terms of first impressions, PUBG is borderline horrendous – an assault of low quality artwork, jarring pop-in and disappointing performance. Input lag also feels off – whether that's down to deadzone issues on the analogue sticks or the variable frame-rate remains to be seen (it's something we're looking into) and in this respect at least, it's the same story whether you're gaming on a standard Xbox or the X.

Does the situation improve once you're deeper into the gameplay? Well, a 30fps cap with correct frame-pacing is in there, and there are areas of the map that can yield an agreeable enough experience, when gameplay does indeed hit the target frame-rate. However, there is very little consistency overall. An extended journey across the landscape in a jeep can play out smoothly enough, with a flawless 30fps line. Meanwhile, entering a house, opening a toilet door and exchanging fire with a lurking assailant can see frame-rate dip to 20fps for no reason we can readily come up with

Seems pretty damming to me, and my experience has been even worse


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
So the consensus is that this is definitely a game to play on One X? Is there hope for One S players? I'm stilllll on the fence of buying a XBONE S just for this game lol. I want it so bad!! But I'll try to be patient and see how it improves in there. Maybe I can wait for a decent One X deal somewhere.