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Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
I assume this is talking about the PS5 with Disc drive? I'd be surprised if they sell for more than a Series X. As is, I'd be a bit worried about the Series S so if they come out with consoles that are both $450+, that's a hard sell for casuals
Yes, PS5 with disk drive is what I'm talking about.


Jan 28, 2019
Isnt BoM usually without taxes?
iirc the article also mentioned Sony having trouble with memory prices and I figure the whole Covid situation doesnt make construction/ shipping any cheaper.
Memory has become MUCH cheaper since that article was posted. That might be the reason Sony has ramped up production in the last couple months.

RAM and SSD prices will soon plummet due to oversupply and weak demand

"Despite the traditional peak season for electronics sales and the release of Apple's new iPhones in 3Q20, the quarterly decline in NAND flash ASP will likely...


May 30, 2020
If it's above $499 then I'm gonna sit out until the pro version comes out and ride it out with the series S in the meantime


Oct 25, 2017
Would make sense and Capcom would be more "in the know" than most people here, but I don't think anything specific is locked down
I don't think Capcom would be in the know. No one outside of Sony likely knows the price. And in general Japanese pricing for a lot of things is more expensive, which you'll see like me whenever paying Japanese prices for systems, games, movies, anime.
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Oct 27, 2017
Pack it up. We got 13 OTs out of PlayStation but at $700, we're all just gonna move to PC/Xbox/Switch.


Oct 25, 2017
Just got home, does anyone have a link to the Game informer Kena article? Don't seem to see a thread on it.


Apr 20, 2018
Isnt BoM usually without taxes? I mean if Sony sells it for 500 in stores you have to subtract taxes and retail cuts.
iirc the article also mentioned Sony having trouble with memory prices and I figure the whole Covid situation doesnt make construction/ shipping any cheaper.
Wasnt ps4 381$ BoM, and they sold it for 399$/€
You will make those losses along the year(s)

PM me your contacts.
Boozer and Deacon 🤣 🤣


Oct 25, 2017
Just got home, does anyone have a link to the Game informer Kena article? Don't seem to see a thread on it.

[Game Informer] What Does The PS5 Bring To Kena: Bridge Of Spirits?

The full article is available on the Gameinformer website. Pretty good stuff with the devs talking about the possibilities of the DualSense and some of the differences between the PS4 and PS5 versions too.

What Does The PS5 Bring To Kena: Bridge Of Spirits?

Ember labs shares what Sony’s upcoming hardware allowed the team to do with their first big game.


Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017
PS5 DE - 2 million dollars
PS5 - 3 million dollars

Sources: Dude trust me.


Oct 25, 2017
MS definitely will have a better year 1 and 2, they pretty much fixed everything with the brand before the gen was even over and now have a fresh start with good marketing. I just don't think they innovated in the correct areas, and largely it'll be a repeat of this gen. They pretty much already won back the US/UK, it's just that PS4 is just as popular again, whereas X360 that wasn't the case.

But as you said lot of factors to gauge the overall landscape of next-gen.
Software wise Xbox One had a pretty good first couple of years with stuff like KI, Dead Rising, Sunset Overdrive, and TitanFall yet that didn't put a dent in PS4s market share. Series X first party software lineup for the first year or so looks absolutely dire. Personally I think MS is gonna get the breaks beat off of them again because they just don't have the exclusives. I just don't see what's changed for them to reclaim any sort of lost market share. They've had the cheapest console, most powerful console, and GamePass for almost three years now get Sony has only widened the lead. If you weren't sold on Xbox by now, what reason would you have to switch next gen?


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Ya, even announcing megaton 3rd-party exclusives won't help sell 10m~ consoles when priced north of $500.

Unless Sony legit managed to snag GTA 6 as a timed exclusive, lol

All the air went out of the room at E3 '06 with the $599 drop. Not even the Fabula Nova Crystallis (FFXIII/VsXIII/AgitoXIII) reveal or the MGS4 trailer were able to wash away the stink of that sticker-shock.
Oct 25, 2017
Why would Sony even consider something around 650 dollars is puzzling. Considering they have known for a long time that Microsoft also has a cheaper next-gen option. Imo 550 is the absolute highest price they can ask for if they really aim to move units fast. And I don't know, it wouldn't still be very popular in a lot of regions with that price.


Oct 29, 2017
A PS4 Pro sells right now in Japan for 66.000 yen. I won't put into question that might be the price over there, but it's not going to cost as much in the West.
No one was claiming Serie S was $299 before announced and it was.
Perhaps I don't understand what you're saying, but it was indeed leaked that was the price, weeks/a few months ago.

A few of us discussed this point earlier.


Jimbo Replacement
Oct 25, 2017
If the PS5(any version) is over $500, I will self ban or leave era for a month

My gut > sauces


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 26, 2017
I fully expect a $399/$499 launch for both versions of PS5. Sony wouldn't play the waiting game with Microsoft, only to sell at a higher price after the XsX price was leaked. If Sony can launch at $349/$449, then that would be best.


Oct 27, 2017
Sadly this is the course of life for most of us. We finally get money to play the games of our dreams, and now babies, rent, mortgages, economic recessions, and a whole host of adulting crowds out any free-time. Thankfully this year I've been working from home and able to get a lot more game time in.
Wish I could say the same lol. WFH for me has just resulted in longer work days, more crunch, and having to essentially be "on call" at all times.

Before, my downtown office was like a 10 minute drive from my house, and I was home by 5:00 pretty much every day. Now, I'm starting work earlier, staying later (at least until 5:30 most days), and frequently getting text messages at like 6:30PM while I'm trying to eat, or on weekends, telling me to get on for a quick meeting. And I'm salary, so no overtime pay!

Essentially everyone else in my office are single, middle aged careerists/workaholics who've taken the shift to WFH as an opportunity to just be in work mode non-stop. I hate it. And while crunch isn't managed or anything, there's definitely pressure to not be the only one still working "only" 8 hour days.


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
A PS4 Pro sells right now in Japan for 66.000 yen. I won't put into question that might be the price over there, but it's not going to cost as much in the West.

Perhaps I don't understand what you're saying, but it was indeed leaked that was the price, weeks/a few months ago.

A few of us discussed this point earlier.
Nvm then. I probably missed it lol
Feb 23, 2019
My actual suspicion is $549 USD, as was quoted here and can see the discussion. The range shared I've heard is 60,000 - 70,000 yen, which precisely in USD something like $565 USD to $660 USD. However, I suspect they'll go for $549 in USD and maybe to compete will go lower.

I don't know the final price, I don't know how this exactly will translated to USD, but I also know the yen ballpark I know isn't bullshit. If they go for $499 USD, then great. But I'm placing my bets on $549 USD and I don't think they can go lower than $500 really from what I've heard.

don't see them exceeding XSX at all. It should be a cheaper machine to produce
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