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Oct 25, 2017
Just voted for the best thread title in a long while. I am still giggling. It's about a restaurant with a golden M.


Oct 25, 2017
Started Gran Turismo 7 today. Music Rally is fun, love the time attack nature of it, feels very arcadey in design. Didnt have much time to try much else but I do like the different assists I could enable. Sport sold me on the series, so this having more single player content has me excited, especially as I get the impression it'll be supported for quite a while. Oh, and its also pretty darn gorgeous.


Oct 25, 2017
The fake concern from the Trial thread is something else lol
I wonder if Sony is indeed planning on changing their return policy to that of Steams too?

For those not subbed to premium they could return a game if they played under 2 hours and get their money back but those that have premium can try 2 hours of a game without even needing to pay for it.

Though if they do change it I feel era will still find some way to have some form of outrage anyways.


Oct 27, 2017
Man I really hate how fucking janky the movement in Horizon is sometimes. Getting Aloy to grab some rope to slide down should not be as finicky as it is in Forbidden West.
Helps to change movement options in the accessibility options, turning and tuning the auto-sprint curve. Still, locomotion in Horizon remains pretty janky. I think it's one of the biggest lingering issues. At least she doesn't control as bad as the mounts! Lol


Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it to make those news threads tbh
I noticed era follows this type of pattern for threads.

OP is posted, many enter and post hot takes without reading the OP, either some get debunked because the OP has the information needed or if there is no clear answer replies follow suit choosing the most negative outcome/assumption of how something would go or how it is going to effect everything without no basis to actually support it/such.

It's like a game and everyone wants to win in trying to find something to shit on.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Sony could/should make an avatar builder. Doesn't need to be something advanced like the one on Xbox, but something like Gravatar should be standard.

I've been rocking my Crash Bandicoot avatar for probably a decade, but I'd like to see something like that implemented.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
I wonder if Sony is indeed planning on changing their return policy to that of Steams too?

For those not subbed to premium they could return a game if they played under 2 hours and get their money back but those that have premium can try 2 hours of a game without even needing to pay for it.

Though if they do change it I feel era will still find some way to have some form of outrage anyways.
Honestly having the trials is a way smoother solution than needing to churn returns all the time on games, I can see the argument with some saying it shouldnt be locked to the service(but nintendo does the same thing locking game trials to Switch online) but other than that, most are just being typically hyperbolic about this esp when the pricing is based on wholesale cost and not retail cost which also drastically reduces the amount of devs who make whole sales 34 dollars on a game And this would limit this to pretty much mostly big devs only.


Jun 9, 2020
I just went ahead and tried out PS Now for the first time in years. I am on a Gig speed internet package, but even then I was still surprised that the game I tested had virtually no latency (that I noticed). Played the first level of Sonic Adventure and I'll be damned.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
I just went ahead and tried out PS Now for the first time in years. I am on a Gig speed internet package, but even then I was still surprised that the game I tested had virtually no latency (that I noticed). Played the first level of Sonic Adventure and I'll be damned.
A lot of people prob will be surprised by how decent it is now with the rebranding.


Mar 7, 2022
Play this, is really fun

this is a walking simulator.

'this is a walking simulator.' is a walking simulator and should at no point be mistaken for the actual act of walking. If at any point while playing should you experience a sudden urge to ambulate, please exit the simulator and attempt to walk it off.


Apr 1, 2021
I just went ahead and tried out PS Now for the first time in years. I am on a Gig speed internet package, but even then I was still surprised that the game I tested had virtually no latency (that I noticed). Played the first level of Sonic Adventure and I'll be damned.
I've got 300 down/up and I've never had any issues with streaming; I finished a few PS3 games before my sub lapsed. I have more issues with timing out because I get need to do someone else and then boots me for inactivity, but that's my own fault.


Oct 25, 2017
The trial option for PS+ is a cool idea. Especially with games getting more and more expensive these days. Im all for it. Im surprised people could complain about this, its literally giving people the option of deciding whether to buy it or not. Then again said people probably blindly preorder Battlefield each year so...

Im interested in seeing how the higher PS+ tiers turn out. They could be great, though Im still not quite sold on it yet. Waiting to see just how well its supported in content, and how well the emulation on older titles are.


Oct 25, 2017
The trial option for PS+ is a cool idea. Especially with games getting more and more expensive these days. Im all for it. Im surprised people could complain about this, its literally giving people the option of deciding whether to buy it or not. Then again said people probably blindly preorder Battlefield each year so...

Im interested in seeing how the higher PS+ tiers turn out. They could be great, though Im still not quite sold on it yet. Waiting to see just how well its supported in content, and how well the emulation on older titles are.

I'm still stunned it's apparently going to be trials for all (>$34) games, not just Sony's first party. The only negative I have is that it's two hours. For a lot of games these days that's not long enough to really get a feel for what you're getting into.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still stunned it's apparently going to be trials for all (>$34) games, not just Sony's first party. The only negative I have is that it's two hours. For a lot of games these days that's not long enough to really get a feel for what you're getting into.
Im fine with 2 hours. Obviously yeah that's not great for something like... Yakuza 7 where I think I spent 3 hours on the first chapter where very little happens, but I figure if I focus on gameplay in the trial, I can get a feel for the core mechanics, and performance of the game. Its not perfect, but its pretty much what Steam technically can give us, only this time I only need to pay for the subscription, not go through the faff of buying a Steam game, trying it, and refunding it!


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
I'm still stunned it's apparently going to be trials for all (>$34) games, not just Sony's first party. The only negative I have is that it's two hours. For a lot of games these days that's not long enough to really get a feel for what you're getting into.
Its not 34 dollars retail. Its 34 dollars wholesale. Which is a big difference. (The wholesale price is the sum of a given product's cost price plus the manufacturer's profit margin.) meaning if the game is a 60 dollar game theirs Parts that go to sony etc, so what ever the devs Final Cut is and its over that threshold then it would need to have the trial.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
We have gamers complaining about being able to try games for 2 hours without having to pay for the game first (ie, drop $70 USD for a game, realize it isn't for them, then go through the refund process). This forum literally never ceases to surprise me in its ability to turn every single bit of news into a negative.

From my understanding of this, having a time trial lock is not in the same wheelhouse as having to create a specific demo build for a game, which does require a lot of additional resources to make sure that the demo build is functional. If it's just a lock that is inserted into the game code (probably a "Begin Time Trial" option in the main menu that flags the code to start the 2 hour timer, and when it expires, it changes to a "Buy Full Game," option that takes you to the PS Store where you can purchase the game and unlock the license (which returns you to the game and you can pick up where you left off).

I admit I've only had to deal with Sony's refund policy maybe twice across the PS3, PS4, and PS5 generations so far, and it's been pretty smooth. The first was when I bought the wrong version of Dragon Age: Inquisition for my wife on the PS Store, and they let me switch over to the proper version (I mistakenly bought the PS3 version, when I was trying to get the PS4 version), and the second was when I requested a refund for Cloudpunk on the PS5, because the performance was so poor. Both times were rather smooth.

With this timed trial feature, I can now try out games that I may have been on the fence about, and it's only costing me what I'm already paying for with my PS+ subscription. I was going PS+ Premium regardless (and my current PS+ and PS Now subscription will already be rolled over to the Premium tier anyway), and it doesn't seem like adding Time Trial support is going to increase the workload on devs like a proper demo build could do, so I'm just having a hard time "finding the concern" in this story.

it's also something we're hearing about second hand, and there are no doubt a lot of details in the contracts being inked with publishers that are being left out in this story. I'd be curious to know what publishers and developers think of this mandate before I activate my concern protocols.

As it stands now, based off of what has been reported, my take away is that I'll be able to try out a lot more games that I may not have been willing to pay full price for to decide if it's for me or not. It's a positive for me as a gamer. I'll have to wait and see how this affects developers before jumping to any additional conclusions.


Oct 27, 2017
We have gamers complaining about being able to try games for 2 hours without having to pay for the game first (ie, drop $70 USD for a game, realize it isn't for them, then go through the refund process). This forum literally never ceases to surprise me in its ability to turn every single bit of news into a negative.

From my understanding of this, having a time trial lock is not in the same wheelhouse as having to create a specific demo build for a game, which does require a lot of additional resources to make sure that the demo build is functional. If it's just a lock that is inserted into the game code (probably a "Begin Time Trial" option in the main menu that flags the code to start the 2 hour timer, and when it expires, it changes to a "Buy Full Game," option that takes you to the PS Store where you can purchase the game and unlock the license (which returns you to the game and you can pick up where you left off).

I admit I've only had to deal with Sony's refund policy maybe twice across the PS3, PS4, and PS5 generations so far, and it's been pretty smooth. The first was when I bought the wrong version of Dragon Age: Inquisition for my wife on the PS Store, and they let me switch over to the proper version (I mistakenly bought the PS3 version, when I was trying to get the PS4 version), and the second was when I requested a refund for Cloudpunk on the PS5, because the performance was so poor. Both times were rather smooth.

With this timed trial feature, I can now try out games that I may have been on the fence about, and it's only costing me what I'm already paying for with my PS+ subscription. I was going PS+ Premium regardless (and my current PS+ and PS Now subscription will already be rolled over to the Premium tier anyway), and it doesn't seem like adding Time Trial support is going to increase the workload on devs like a proper demo build could do, so I'm just having a hard time "finding the concern" in this story.

it's also something we're hearing about second hand, and there are no doubt a lot of details in the contracts being inked with publishers that are being left out in this story. I'd be curious to know what publishers and developers think of this mandate before I activate my concern protocols.

As it stands now, based off of what has been reported, my take away is that I'll be able to try out a lot more games that I may not have been willing to pay full price for to decide if it's for me or not. It's a positive for me as a gamer. I'll have to wait and see how this affects developers before jumping to any additional conclusions.

Good post!

I think for me personally I'm going to wait and see how it all pans out with the PS+ Premium stuff, rather than diving straight in as it'll obviously improve over time (I'd be very shocked if it didn't after launch!), mainly in regards to the retro games. The main thing that concerns me is that the retro stuff will only be available at that tier and you won't be able to buy them separately (Unless I missed something).

The game trial stuff sounds good though, it's nice to be able to give games you normally wouldn't play a shot, kinda like the old demo discs back in the day. In regards to any potential dev concerns, that's for them and Sony to figure out, we're just here for the ride haha.


Dec 26, 2017
As it stands now, based off of what has been reported, my take away is that I'll be able to try out a lot more games that I may not have been willing to pay full price for to decide if it's for me or not. It's a positive for me as a gamer. I'll have to wait and see how this affects developers before jumping to any additional conclusions.

That's just crazy talk...waiting for additional information before jumping to conclusions. I'd keep that sort of thing on the down-low around here, if I were you. ;-)


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I want to see how many pubs play ball for Premium?

How many will allow their old games to release there while how many will only allow a few or how many will refuse?

How much will it be big titles that were classics back in the day or how much will be obscure titles that are usually forgotten but are gems in their own right?

How many pubs will hold back because they feel they'd rather just bring out a remaster at a higher price instead?

Lots of logistics to consider as this library grows and changes.
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