
Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
It's pretty clear that Crackdown 3 is going to be mediocre at best. The E3 trailer was built entirely around Terry Crews, and Old Spice "I CAN'T STOP SCREAMING" Terry Crews rather than, say, Brooklyn 9-9 Terry Crews at that.

This was an entirely satiric post yes?


Oct 25, 2017
They didn't green light the sequel causing real-time worlds to disband then rushed c2 which was mediocre at the very least . Then seemingly shoehorned cloud smoke and mirrors bs into 3 and took 4 years to not release it and now they lost the series creator I hope it turns out well but you could hardly call this well managed could you?

Um, RTW went on to make APB, which was a huge failure and ultimately led to their death as a studio.

MS did wait too long to greenlight the sequel and then fucked it up by only giving Ruffian nine months to develop the game, but what happened to RTW wasn't on MS.
Oct 27, 2017
Although CD2 didn't receive critical acclaim it was a damn fun game and had a remarkably short development time. Massively improved net code eliminating the tethering found in CD1, doubling the co-op player count to 4, more agent customization, awesome evolution of the orb system, and i will throw a rubber duck bomb at anyone that doesn't agree with CD2's wing suit being the best movement mechanic around a 3d space. 4k CD2 already micro!

Yep, don't care about peer pressure I play Crackdown 2 way more often than the first.


Nov 2, 2017
Despite the shitshow that is Crackdowns development, I'm happy that microsoft never threw in the towel on this one. Crackdown looks fun...even if it's not technically impressive. Guessing this is another game that will do decent commercially due to Game Pass.