
Oct 25, 2017
Only one that surprised by is Horizon being cross gen. Still plenty of next gen exclusives with the likes of Demon's Souls, Ratchet and Clank and God of War Ragnorok. Absolutely firing on all cylinders.


Jul 16, 2019
So the cross-gen strategies between Microsoft and Sony in the end are almost identical. I'm very surprised by this move from Sony, but I think it's actually good for consumers given we are in a very, very tough year which has impacted on so many families.
Xbox you get the upgrade strategy too to be fair , Sony do you get the ps5 version if I buy it on PS4 ?

https://twitter.com/xboxnewsreddit/status/1306351487027568640?s=21 unsure how to embed


Jul 18, 2020
We can discuss strategy and communication separately. This strategy is great, but the communication from Sony has been deceptive and pure bullshit. Don't say you're about generations when a 2021 flagship title is coming to a 7 year old console. For fuck's sake.

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
I can't read this news to mean anything other than Sony straight up lying about their cross-gen strategy to try to score some points over MS.

It's really quite something if you think about it.


Oct 27, 2017
England, United Kingdom
So it seems like the only true PS5 exclusive in the launch window is Astro's Playroom, which is supposedly a glorified demo for the new controller and possibly Ratchet & Clank which I assume is still exclusive (though launch window is generous for that, as the rumors are maybe March 2021). Is that about the size of it?

I'm almost certain Ratchet & Clank is a genuine PS5 exclusive as it's "Built from the ground up for PS5".

Slightly disappointed Horizon (and to a lesser extent, Spidey) isn't gonna be full-fat PS5 but the decision makes sense for Sony. PS5s are gonna fly off the shelves regardless and releasing them for a 100+ million userbase helps making a ridiculously good value £350 PS5 DE a thing that can be done.


Oct 25, 2017
Did you try VR? It was the best thing that happened this generation IMHO.
You aren't wrong about the other games. I liked PS360 generation way more than this one. This gen still had some amazing games and we finally got good image quality on consoles.
yeah i bought ps vr twice. first on base ps4 and then again last year on the pro. it gives me bad motion sickness. i only use it for porn now which is legitimately next gen.

this gen had some phenomenal games. i love love TLOU2 and Ghosts, but i was ready for me. it seems Sony and MS are not.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
For months we've had talk about how Microsoft fucked up, they don't believe in generations, PS5 is doing it right lmao. And... now Sony announces this the day before PS5 pre-orders open up? You're kidding me lol.

"We have always said that we believe in generations"

"We are thinking that it is time to give the PlayStation community something new, something different, that can really only be enjoyed on PS5."



With Xbox Series X titles being Cross Gen for the next couple of years, will this affect Game Design vs PS5 Games?

As Phil Spencer announced XBox Series X games will be cross gen. With the importance of SSD next gen and the impact of instantly loading will XBox game design be held back from true next gen capabilities as game designers need to bear in mind the current gen? I'm thinking of PS5 Ratchet and...


Techradar: Xbox Series X's cross-gen approach is robbing players of the next-gen thrill

About the cross-gen approach of MS https://www.techradar.com/news/xbox-series-xs-cross-gen-approach-is-robbing-players-of-the-next-gen-thrill


Phil Spencer confirms that first-party devs have the choice of whether or not to make games cross-gen

I think this really dispels the theory of Xbox forcing all games for the next two years to be "held back" by the OG Xbox One. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHKQ22CQoSw Edit (posting what I said in the comments): Folks, note that he is not saying that there will or will not be only...

Like the amount of discussion we've had on this topic these past few months has been unreal lol. And in the end, Sony was doing the same thing.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
I'm happy with this. Spiderman Miles Morales looks great, but did not look like a game that couldn't be done in some capacity on PS4.

Am surprised about Horizon though.
Oct 27, 2017


Feb 28, 2018
Worst example you could have picked...

Guerilla said on the record that they wanted to implement flight in H:ZD and couldn't due to the PS4 load speeds, implying that the next game won't have such restrictions. Now we know H:FW will be hampered in the very ways they spoke of.
Welp I did not know that. I guess I was just trying to see the bright side of things because lately I've been very annoyed with Sony.

I also remember Sony boasting that they believe in console generations and well, that didn't age well did it.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
Spiderman and Sackboy is fine. Horizon legit pisses me off for the implication of Guerrilla not being able to do certain things due to the PS4 version. Flying did not happen in the first game because limitations from the hardware (if i remember correctly).... Shit 😕

And Fuck Sony for lying for months about their Cross gen strategy


Oct 25, 2017
I thought this was obvious for years, i warned people that Sony wouldn't abandon over 100 million PS4 users, it doesn't make any sense. But then they got my hopes up with the whole "We believe in generations" bullshit so now i'm bummed about something that i saw coming for years.

God damn Sony, get your shit together.

The Lord of Cereal

Jan 9, 2020
Horizon is the only one that's actually surprising, but even then, nothing about that trailer screamed impossible on modern hardware. But at the same time, I would not be surprised if this was some more recent mandate by Sony due to Covid and the fucked economy.

I'm still not worried about it being held back by PS4. They have an engine that works on PS4 with a lot of complete assets, the RAM speed deficit isn't terrible between PS4 and PS5 and things like fog can double as a buffering zone and something to help the graphical power deficit. The only concern to me is the CPU which is absolutely terrible on PS4, but even then, a 30fps PS4 cap and 60fps on PS5 and less enemies should be able to help with the greater than 4x power difference

I said the same shit about Xbox with most games as well. The devs are smart, and Guerrilla in particular is extremely smart.


Oct 25, 2017
Sony basically straight up lied which is pretty shameful. I can't imagine the shitstorm if horizon gets a massive downgrade because there is no way I can see that running in any way on a ps4


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not gonna lie this and the game prices kinda take all my hype away. And MS has made a poor job getting me hyped too. Might just buy a 3080 and sit out both launches :s


Oct 30, 2017
They are not taking the same approach. Demons souls is not on PS4. Destruction all stars not on PS4. I highly doubt the PS4 version of Horizon is going to compare to PS5. Also RATCHET is not PS4 as well.

There are some cross gen games, horizon being the biggest game it also on a engine that scales, and project wise started in late 2017.

Not all games are coming to PS4. ANd the ones that are I will bet my account on that they will pale to the overall experience on PS5.

But if thats a deal breaker for you then I guess get deflated then.
What are you even trying to say? This sucks. Period. The PS5 and the Series X are fucking amazing and people not designing games to take advantage of said consoles sucks. There's really no debate.

We don't know what other games are cross-gen because Sony isn't fucking telling us. I'm assuming Ratchet isn't, but that's basically it. Demon Souls might be, still...
I just need God of War not to be. But right now, I'm not too sure...


Jan 10, 2020
Horizon being avaiable on PS4 is the bad news of the day.
I remember the someone form the team saying that flying mounts were cut out from the first game because of technical limitations


Aug 4, 2020
The unfortunate thing about this whole situation is there would be no crow-eating with respect to any of this if not for console wars. If certain people didn't feel the need to:
  1. Kill MS for having their first-party games be cross-gen
  2. Kill MS for offering a lower-spec, value-oriented console
Then this would just be a situation of "oh hey cool, PS4 owners get to enjoy these games too."

But people dug themselves into this position of "cross-gen games and games that accomodate lower-spec machines fundamentally hinder games" and so now the whole topic has become a pit of snakes writhing about attempting to swallow each others' tails.

Lmaoo exactly. I really didn't see a problem with Microsoft doing it. I'm pro cross-gen and am happy that more people will be able to play these games but I think Sony should rightfully receive flak for this.


Oct 29, 2017
This is super diappointing coming from Guerrilla.

Imagine a Naughty Dog game forced with a big holding back. Guerrilla is a top team as them.


Oct 27, 2017
yeah i bought ps vr twice. first on base ps4 and then again last year on the pro. it gives me bad motion sickness. i only use it for porn now which is legitimately next gen.
I mean, that's something. I couldn't get into VR porn tbh. Image quality is shit and it feels like you are fucked by a giant, lol. Gladly I don't have problems with motion sickness in games. I had to train a bit, but it wasn't hard for me to get used to free movement. Maybe try some games that normally don't generate motion sickness like Astrobot or Moss? Or did you already try games like that? The PSVR and PCVR community around here always has some good tips as well.


Oct 25, 2017
This is fun.

All the people who where saying how HFW looks truly next gen to the point of being impossible to exist on current gen h/w must be feeling bad now.

I wonder how it will look on PS4 though.


Apr 20, 2018
I think it might be time to take a break from gaming. They are asking us to pay $500 for a console that will have no AAA exclusives for the first year. They are asking us to pay $70 for a port of a current gen game. They are spending precious dev time porting these games to PC. Demon Souls is PC on Day 1 despite what Herman hurst said, and it wont be the last. There is no way any of these games launching on PC will be utilizing that SSD for anything more than loading. Watch their requirements be really low.

Microsoft isnt even releasing any AAA games until Halo, whenever that gets released. Nintendo is content with selling ports running on emulators lol. Their big AAA game this holiday season is hyrule warriors. No one seems to be prepared. This isnt just disappointing, it's pretty much a nail in the coffin. Whats the point of waiting 7 years for a gen when you will just be playing the same games you were playing on PS4? Whats the point of this 8 core 16 thread CPu when you are still held back by 1.6 ghz single threaded jaguar cores? Whats the point of this expensive ssd when you will be limited by a 20 MBps harddrive?

I mean, this model that all of a sudden customers need to fork $500 or they're essentially left without any more access to new software is pretty unique to consoles. In most other media you get hardware upgrades every year, same as in PC, a persona with a 1080 doesn't necessarily need to buy a new GPU now, but someone with a 760 might have to. That said, I agree that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to upgrade right now.

Kinda hilarious that making games available for more people is "really disappointing" to some. Spec fetishization over common sense.

I think John has a point. Games are indeed scalable and I am sure Horizon 2 will look great regardless, but I think we can all agree that it's not the same having to design a game that has to work on a base PS4 with one that it's PS5-only.


Oct 27, 2017
Watertown, NY
What are you even trying to say? This sucks. Period. The PS5 and the Series X are fucking amazing and people not designing games to take advantage of said consoles sucks. There's really no debate.

We don't know what other games are cross-gen because Sony isn't fucking telling us. I'm assuming Ratchet isn't, but that's basically it. Demon Souls might be, still...
I just need God of War not to be. But right now, I'm not too sure...

What I'm saying is the version thats 100% the developers full vision is on PS5. In what I mean the best way to play it is on a PS5. Horizon looked insane, get's going to have huge caveats on PS4.

Ratchet straight up isn't possible on PS4 without load times or transition screens.

And honestly Horizon is still a ways off things can change.

I see the difference in PS5 games compared to PS4. So I'm all in on a new way to experience games with 4k, ray tracing, better HDR, no load times, 3D audio.

Scope of the games will still be huge when it comes to Horizon, god of war.

Notice they were specific on what games were coming to PS4. And it's literally just a couple early titles.

People are over-reacting.


Master of Balan Wonderworld
Oct 25, 2017
But then people would just buy the ps4 version for 60 bucks and play on ps5.

it's a little confusing right now.

No it's not. What you just typed made no sense.

This is what Playstation said:

Our own Worldwide Studios titles will be priced from US$49.99 to US$69.99

Not everything is going to be $70 Cross gen games will be the same price on both systems. It's not that complicated.


Oct 25, 2017
This is fun.

All the people who where saying how HFW looks truly next gen to the point of being impossible to exist on current gen h/w must be feeling bad now.

I wonder how it will look on PS4 though.
This doesn't negate that. Most AAA games on PC maxed out are impossible to achieve on consoles, too.