Oct 25, 2017
I wonder with there being free upgrades. What the price will be for the PS4 versions.


Oct 25, 2017
It takes 3-5 years for AAA games to be developed these days. They would have had PS5 devkits for what? A year or so? Do the math. Even if a game is next gen only in the first year or so chances are that game began development on last gen hardware anywhere. That's not even going into the budget these games need to make back on release.

I just don't really understand the controversy over crossgen games either way. The controversy should be Sony not being clear about this from the beginning and instead being obtuse for several months. Not that crossgen games are a thing. Your true next games will start coming in 2022.


Feb 9, 2020
Weird that they are limiting stock for the PS4 then, maybe they will discount it soon after all since they are releasing big first party titles on it for a while still.
Really a weird move tbh... that and the high price games. Might just keep the PS4 and wait till launch games on PS5 drop to buy one.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, those transitions honestly just feel like a cleverly hidden loading screen. They're also popping you into very short segments of other levels. It's not that impossible to imagine a version of that game running on a PS4, where you just take a bit more time flying through the multiverse.
The game loads whole worlds populated with new assets in about two seconds without any funky LOD stuff, and at quite some frequency.
Waiting too long between each transition would make that whole sequence fail at what it's trying to do.

I don't think you can do that on a PS4 hard drive, unless the game's significantly visually compromised, compared to PS4 games.
Has any PS4 game ever done something like this?


Oct 25, 2017
That is quite dissapointing. This next gen is even more cross gen focused than what was this current gen at the beginning. We are just seeing the same games with upgraded resolution, better framerate, a bit of upgrade in textures, faster loading times and ray- tracing ( which is not always guaranteed).

What I expected from at least Horizon 2 was a new world built from scratch approaching the full capabilities of the PS5, especially its SSD. I wanna see shit in world building and gameplay perspective that current gen consoles are nowhere near capable of achieving, like for example; what the Unreal Engine 5 demo did and what Rachet & Clark is doing, but you're just dragging this for a least the next 2-3 years; guess God Of War will be the same.
Last edited:
Oct 31, 2017
Looking just at the SSD, think about it this way:

Horizon 1 had a loading screen, and from then on, it was a seamless open world. Meaning, no further loading during gameplay. So where does the "power of the SSD" in game design come in? Will the PS4 version stop in the middle of gameplay to load? I think we both know that's not gonna happen. Meaning, the PS4 version is holding the PS5 version back. Or, more accurately, Horizon 2 is a PS4 game, upscaled to run on PS5. And not the other way around.

I'm not sure I understand how an ssd would drive new game elements. They've been around for awhile and I haven't heard of any PC title taking particular advantage of this or making something truly unique. It will be great to have no loading times though as games this gen have become absolute monsters to load(Witcher, destiny for example).

my thoughts on it are scaling games is the future as it has been on PC. As is there's resolutions and frame rates today on PC that are not/will not be obtainable to the same capacity as the PS5/Series X can.

I don't think there's really much to worry about here. If Xbox's design philosophy is anything to go off of the "design 4K 60 FPS then scale down for lower end systems" probably applies here. I'm sure at some point the game design will become too big or grand in scope that it would no longer make sense to support such a low end system without severely lowering resolution, and in such cases that hardware wouldn't be supported.


Oct 27, 2017
Spider-Man, Horizon, and Sackboy coming to PS4 is great news for me. No need to buy a PS5 until late next year. Is this the first dual console launch without a major exclusive on either console?
Demon's Souls is not cross-gen. Well its a ramake from a PS3 game but still the biggest day 1 exclusive for PS5. And then thers Ratchet and Clank that seems to be the only 1st party game taking full advantage of the PS5 SSD.


Jun 6, 2020
This explain a lot of things. To be fair the only thing that seemed really next gen all this months was the UE5 presentation. On the first PS5 showcase I was a bit underwhelmed, even with horizon (on the graphics side not by the game itself) because I was not seeing the visuals I was expecting after the UE5 presentation.

Don't get me wrong, I still think that this games look gorgeus and I'm very hyped for them.

In a way it is a good thing since it means that true next gen games are going to look absolutely awesome.
Oct 27, 2017
Every console launch is the same story, we won't be seeing games taking full advantage of these consoles' capabilities until 2023 at the very least. Previous gen took FOREVER to get going, and this one is not looking good either. By the time the good games start flowing, we will be trading our consoles for their enhanced revisions.
Jan 29, 2018
Initially disappointed to hear that Horizon is cross-gen but I've got no evidence that's it's going to be held back by the PS4 version. Maybe it will be, maybe it won't. Either way I'm going to want to play the best version of it.


Oct 26, 2017
Better frame rates, higher resolutions.

Its a big reason PC gamers upgrade their components. Demon Souls will be exclusive at launch, with more PS5 exclusives coming down the line. If the line-up doesn't appeal to you at launch, just wait another year and buy a PS5 then.
Then it should be called PS4 Pro plus. For next gen atleast release a title that will utilize all the features of the console. Pc is different best entirely as they are shakled by constraints of consoles and are general purpose machines like phones


Oct 28, 2017
Wait a second, did you guys genuinely believe that SSD marketing talk?


I mean SSD can make a big difference in game design. R&C seems to be about the only game so far that can demonstrate that in a way not possible for current gen. I mean you could jump between worlds, you would just have to have fairly lengthy load times. Mind you SP did an awesome job with GoT load times, as did ND with TLoU2.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
It takes 3-5 years for AAA games to be developed these days. They would have had PS5 devkits for what? A year or so? Do the math. Even if a game is next gen only in the first year or so chances are that game began development on last gen hardware anywhere. That's not even going into the budget these games need to make back on release.

I just don't really understand the controversy over crossgen games either way. The controversy should be Sony not being clear about this from the beginning and instead being obtuse for several months. Not that crossgen games are a thing. Your true next games will start coming in 2022.

We literally had people saying cross-gen games on XSX didn't count as "games" and there's nothing to play on it lol.

But you're absolutely right. Games take awhile to create. The original Spider-man was a top 10 game this gen, I expect Miles Morales to be just as good if not better, and it'll run better, load faster, and look better on PS5.

For people who want more: just wait a bit longer.

Then it should be called PS4 Pro plus. For next gen atleast release a title that will utilize all the features of the console. Pc is different best entirely as they are shakled by constraints of consoles and are general purpose machines like phones


Why would they call it PS4 Pro Plus? PS4 could run all PS4 pro games. PS4 can't run all PS5 games. And like I said, Demon Souls is exclusive.

I'm... not sure how individuals upgrading their PC parts to have better graphics/frame rates/etc. can't be applied here tbh. You're gonna have to explain that one.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean whether you are for or against cross-gen is whatever, I feel Sony should get shit, not for cross-gen but misleading people.
Yes Sony should have definitely clarified this much earlier. They just did what I hate about Aron Greenberg. Just to gain some pr points and flame console wars
Wait a second, did you guys genuinely believe that SSD marketing talk?

See, this is where I'm at: what ground breaking game design can exclusively be done because ssd? I can't think of anything! tbh, I personally think these games are designed for ps5 first & they are most likely downported to ps4... ps5 version came first in other words.

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Aug 25, 2018
Guess I'll keep my Pro for another year. Demon's Souls isn't enough for me to buy it at launch considering I've already played the original multiple times.


May 25, 2020
imagine understanding this post

What's confusing? Someone earlier in the thread said that Sony fans are now having to double down on crossgen being crap so as not to admit they only said it because it was MS doing it. Rather than just actually believing crossgen is crap regardless of who is doing it.

And lots of people in this and other threads have been asking (in various ways) "where are the people who said crossgen is bad now?" in threads fill of people still saying it.

And therefore the internet never ceases to amaze me.

It's not hard to follow.


Oct 26, 2017
We literally had people saying cross-gen games on XSX didn't count as "games" and there's nothing to play on it lol.

But you're absolutely right. Games take awhile to create. The original Spider-man was a top 10 game this gen, I expect Miles Morales to be just as good if not better, and it'll run better, load faster, and look better on PS5.

For people who want more: just wait a bit longer.


Why would they call it PS4 Pro Plus? PS4 could run all PS4 pro games. PS4 can't run all PS5 games.

I'm... not sure how individuals upgrading their PC parts to have better graphics/frame rates/etc. can't be applied here tbh. You're gonna have to explain that one.
I was saying in case you just need same games with better fps and resolution then for me it's a PS4 Pro + until it get proper exclusive


Oct 29, 2017
horizon really didn't need to be cross-gen. very surprising tbh.

..... but does this mean it's coming out very soon?


Oct 27, 2017
I mean Forbidden West could have given us flying mechanics, better indoor environments without the need to load, and so much more, but no they had to make it work with PS4. That's bullshit.


Nov 12, 2017
Somewhat? Try entirely. Two possibilities exist. Either sony knew all along they would be doing this, or they changed their mind.

IN the former case, it means they stirred up console war stuff, dissed pro consumer moves, and attacked the competition for something they were going to do. That's plain shitty. In the latter case, it means all that talk about spider-man and horizon needing the SSD to work was a lie...and sony was dissing pro consumer moves simply because the competition came up with it first.

It's especially bad that the next gen upgrade for spider-man is locked behind a 20 dollar paywall, when such upgrades on the xbox are free. So sony is not only doing the thing they attacked microsoft for doing...but they are doing a worse version of it.

Wherever you stand on the issue, microsoft laid out their gaming philosophy years ago and have stuck to it. Through ridicule to thepoint now where even their staunchest rivals are being froced to adopt it. Sony has not articulated a philosophy for next gen beyond 'SSD! SSD! SSD!'. Today's news means they have either gone back on that philosophy, or never really had it.

Had they simply gone along with microsoft form the get go this would not be an issue, but sony used this as a wedge issue to differentiate their ecosystem form microsoft.
Bravo. Amazing post dude.


Oct 25, 2017
lol...super disappointing but after next year cross gen should be a distant memory
sure, but that means we will have to wait till 2025 to get a true next gen game from Guerrilla Games, Insomniac, Polyphony Digital, Sony Santa Monica and Bluepoint.

I know they didnt announce gow as current gen but i am 100% convinced its cross gen. GT7 looked cross gen from the beginning.

I was wondering why these games were all targeting native 4k 30 fps. it made no sense to me. now it makes perfect sense. their base is 1.8 tflops.


Oct 25, 2017
But it's not console launch title. So till that time we won't have a proper next gen game
True, but it's launch window. So it won't be long.

And trust me, I'm not defending this stuff, but it is true that you don't usually see many titles taking full advantage of new hardware in the first couple of months.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean SSD can make a big difference in game design. R&C seems to be about the only game so far that can demonstrate that in a way not possible for current gen. I mean you could jump between worlds, you would just have to have fairly lengthy load times. Mind you SP did an awesome job with GoT load times, as did ND with TLoU2.
TLOU2 load times are not good at all. They are masked by cutscens so u dont noticed them the 1st time u play as the game is loading as u watching the cutscenes, but if u skip a cutscene, u actually stay waiting around 1 minute untill the loading ends.
Ghost of Tsushima is really impressive though. 8 second loads by fast traveling from 1 point of the map to the other, or respawning, felt something only posibble on a SSD.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I was saying in case you just need same games with better fps and resolution then for me it's a PS4 Pro + until it get proper exclusive

1.) That's not what I'm saying. You asked what's the point of spending money on next-gen machines if they run games better & look better, I said people spend money on upgrading PC parts for games to run and look better - its not that different.

2.) There... is an exclusive at launch. Its called Demon Souls. I guarantee you Sony will drop more and more exclusives as the gen goes on.

Again, if it doesn't appeal to you at launch, just wait (and I understand you not wanting to spend $400/500 at launch ). But some people are looking forward to Demon Souls. Others are looking forward to playing Miles Morales at 60 FPS. Others are fine with PS4 for now and will wait for God of War or the next exclusive.

And that's all okay.