
Oct 31, 2017
Wait I read somewhere else there was no save transfer option to ps5 If you wanted to a later date ?
Can transfer PS4 to PS5 saves.

But can't transfer PS5 back to PS4 as I understand it.

I'm playing the PS4 Pro version on PS5 until these consoles get more performance patches, and I'll transfer my saves to PS5 version.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
I don't have an Xbox, but that's kind of a huge oversight on Microsoft's part, isn't it? What if a current gen player specifically wants to play the last gen version, for co-op with a friend still on the old hardware, or for weird situations like this thread is about?

Im sure that you can play together on Xbox live regardless of the hardware. But yes, in this case it does remove a useful option.

What should actually happen is From just give us a f*cking resolution where the game runs at a flat 60. I dont care if its at 1080p as long as it works.

Edit. Maybe Im wrong about the Xbox One/Series thing. I have no idea.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
I hope they end up pulling 60FPS on Series S. I'll take the image downgrade for true performance mode


Oct 25, 2017
Do technical shortcomings matter?? /s

1) hopefully they patch it
2) VRR support is on its way and this shouldn't be as big an issue moving forward.

I don't have an Xbox, but that's kind of a huge oversight on Microsoft's part, isn't it? What if a current gen player specifically wants to play the last gen version, for co-op with a friend still on the old hardware, or for weird situations like this thread is about?

There is cross gen support.
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully it's something that can be improved in patches down the road. When I get ER later this year (with a ps5... hahaha :[ ) I guess I'll have to check in on various performances after any updates.
PS4 and PS5 version can play together online


Oct 8, 2018
Are you sure about that? This was said pre launch:

Elden Ring cross-gen support

Elden Ring has what's known as "cross-gen" play, meaning those playing the game with someone in the same console family can do so together. If you're playing on Xbox One and your friend is on Xbox Series X, for instance, you can play together. The same rule also applies for those buying on PS5 and PS4. If you know your friend is getting the game on PS5 yet and you don't have one yet, you can plan on buying the PS4 version.

Elden Ring cross-play support

Elden Ring does not support full cross-play. If you are playing on a PlayStation system, you will only be able to play with other PlayStation users. The same goes for Xbox and PC, respectively.


Jan 21, 2018
Ooof having to resort to playing a last gen version on current gen hardware. Not good. And not something I'd ever do.

I don't have an Xbox, but that's kind of a huge oversight on Microsoft's part, isn't it? What if a current gen player specifically wants to play the last gen version, for co-op with a friend still on the old hardware, or for weird situations like this thread is about?
It was a conscious decision, so not sure I'd label it an oversight. Can't think of any examples of games re your co-op point.


Oct 27, 2017
Gotta say I don't understand this. Is frame rate performance that important and currently so bad that it's worth the trade off of reduced resolution, load times, asset qualities and effects? I've just heard people's impressions on podcasts and reviews and it doesn't sound like performance is bad enough to affect gameplay the vast majority of time (on PS5).


Nov 9, 2017
Long term this is not a good choice. It will be improved with patches and there will be a ray tracing update soon.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 18, 2017
Yup, was able to swap my PS5 physical version with the PS4 version at the store. Playing it in a nice 60 fps right now, feels great.

For action games, 60 fps is more important then anything else for me.

And if the PS5 version ever gets updated, I can just upgrade and transfer my save.


Nov 6, 2017
Long term this is not a good choice. It will be improved with patches and there will be a ray tracing update soon.


Also, it is a long term good choice, because you can switch to PS5 version anytime when they really patch it.


Oct 29, 2017
Gotta say I don't understand this. Is frame rate performance that important and currently so bad that it's worth the trade off of reduced resolution, load times, asset qualities and effects? I've just heard people's impressions on podcasts and reviews and it doesn't sound like performance is bad enough to affect gameplay the vast majority of time.
As usual with this kind of stuff it's a subjective matter :) It's just a warning, because right now there is no reason to buy PS5 disc version, since it has free upgrade to from PS4 to PS5.


Oct 28, 2017
Gotta say I don't understand this. Is frame rate performance that important and currently so bad that it's worth the trade off of reduced resolution, load times, asset qualities and effects? I've just heard people's impressions on podcasts and reviews and it doesn't sound like performance is bad enough to affect gameplay the vast majority of time (on PS5).
It's going to depend on the individual, but for me personally, it's absolutely worth the tradeoff. I'll take the rock solid 60.

Load times aren't bad at all, btw.


Dec 13, 2017
Digital PS4 version and PS5 are the same, so you get both versions.

Still don't understand why they didn't use checkerboard rendering on PS5, at least as a 3rd option.


Nov 7, 2017
Is it really that bad on performance mode on ps5? I played the beta and it seemed ok. I've already ordered the ps5 version and not sure if i should swap...
Impressions 1


Oct 25, 2017
Yep, tried performance PS5 mode and then PS4 Pro on PS5... from the distance I'm at, the image is barely softer on my TV, and god it feels so good to have the game that perfectly smooth. The lower grass density sucks a little bit BUT comes with less pop ins and it's not like the ground looks barren on the PS4 Pro either, so you adjust pretty quickly and it still looks great. And considering you can save transfer to the PS5 version (not the opposite though), when or if they fix the PS5 version's performance, you can just switch then. I'm super glad this was an option because I tried the game on my PC and god what a shitty experience, awful port.

Has anyone seen comparisons between native PS5 and PS4 on PS5 load times?
That was one of my worries when switching to that version, but... from my mind counting, when I died, both were around 7sec, PS4 Pro version on PS5 was probably slightly longer. But it's def not a problem. I haven't tried fast travel yet since I still haven'T reached that point but it's probably not much longer. Really not something to worry about
Impressions 2


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I am playing PS4 version on PS5 and it's great. The image is a bit softer, but the consistent framerate absolutely makes up for it. FROM has a great CB implementation. I highly, highly suggest it. You could tell me this was a native app and I'd believe you.

Load times are also short as well.


Oct 8, 2018
Is it really that bad on performance mode on ps5? I played the beta and it seemed ok. I've already ordered the ps5 version and not sure if i should swap...
if the beta version didnt bother you, then you should be fine. Its essentially the same level of performance going by Digital Foundry.


Oct 26, 2017
Thanks for this, in all the hub-bub I'd missed what you need to do to get the PS4 version on PS5.

I think I'll roll with this for now and update to PS5 if/when there's a patch. I'm generally not super-framerate sensitive, but given the display I'm currently playing on, I'm not sure I'd be missing much on the PS5 version anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Ooof having to resort to playing a last gen version on current gen hardware. Not good. And not something I'd ever do.

It's genuinely a great experience. Don't let it dissuade you. The game still looks fantastic and runs what feels like perfectly.

Like the only thing I notice is grass not being as plentiful, but honestly I find that more distracting on PS5 because of how short the draw distance for grass is. It's a smoother, more even experience in many regards on PS4. You aren't missing out on anything significant, to be perfectly honest.


Oct 25, 2017
Gotta say I don't understand this. Is frame rate performance that important and currently so bad that it's worth the trade off of reduced resolution, load times, asset qualities and effects? I've just heard people's impressions on podcasts and reviews and it doesn't sound like performance is bad enough to affect gameplay the vast majority of time (on PS5).

The reduced resolution is not that huge. It's just a bit softer. You really won't notice it after playing for like 2 minutes.

Same with loading, it really is not that much longer.

Asset quality seems pretty much the same. Grass is less plentiful, but with the draw distance so short on PS5 I honestly don't like how it looks, and again, you won't notice after a couple minutes.

I thought I didn't mind the up and down framerate, but man the consistency of the 60fps I realized was making my experience far more enjoyable.


Oct 28, 2017
Has anyone seen comparisons between native PS5 and PS4 on PS5 load times?
I don't have exact numbers for you, but the load times of PS4 version on PS5 are way better than I expected. Quick as hell. As Chettlar said above, you could tell me this was the native PS5 version, and I'd believe it.


Oct 26, 2017
Sony proving even a broken clock is right twice a day with this one lol.

I hope the ps5 native version is sorted by the time I play this game.


Oct 28, 2017
I mean can i continue working on my platinum when i switch from ps4 version to ps5 later on, or do i have to start all over anyway?
Ahh. That's a hard no, then, I'm afraid. Two separate lists and Platinum trophies. I don't believe shared trophy lists are common anymore, between PS4 and 5.
Trophy lists of PS4 and PS5 version are separate


Oct 25, 2017
I mean can i continue working on my platinum when i switch from ps4 version to ps5 later on, or do i have to start all over anyway?

They are separate trophy lists. Unfortunately, due to how they redid some backend stuff on PS5 trophies (lists for PS5 don't even show up on PSVita and PS3), there are no games where you have a united PS4 and PS5 list. Which is so unfortunate, since this seems to be the generation of people starting on one system and then moving to another, and a united list would be so much nicer, given it was a lot rarer on PS3 > PS4, which did support united lists.

Honestly just stick with the PS4 version. It's genuinely really good on PS5. The smoothness of the gameplay is so nice. Then if you ever want to visit it again, you could go for that second platinum, or maybe it let's you just pop them all on the PS5 version. I do know that it never works backwards unfortunately, which sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
The reduced resolution is not that huge. It's just a bit softer. You really won't notice it after playing for like 2 minutes.

Same with loading, it really is not that much longer.

Asset quality seems pretty much the same. Grass is less plentiful, but with the draw distance so short on PS5 I honestly don't like how it looks, and again, you won't notice after a couple minutes.

I thought I didn't mind the up and down framerate, but man the consistency of the 60fps I realized was making my experience far more enjoyable.
The only really noticeable difference is a very slightly softer image, VERY slightly longer loading times and grass density. But there's still good grass density despite that, and that also comes with LESS popins, despite the technically shorter draw distance. So from my short experience in the open world with the PS5 version, it's not bad, but still pretty unstable, and these trade off are definitely worth it for that super smooth solid framerate, since the game still looks really good anyway.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
i have the ps5 disc version arriving today, but i'm hoping they'll patch a PS4 settings super-performance mode into the ps5 version. should be doable, i think


Oct 25, 2017
The only really noticeable difference is a very slightly softer image, VERY slightly longer loading times and grass density. But there's still good grass density despite that, and that also comes with LESS popins, despite the technically shorter draw distance. So from my short experience in the open world with the PS5 version, it's not bad, but still pretty unstable, and these trade off are definitely worth it for that super smooth solid framerate, since the game still looks really good anyway.

Yeah. It's definitely not just me. Pretty much everyone I know who is playing the PS4 Pro version on PS5 says it's a great way to go.

Don't let it disuade you people!


One Winged Slayer
Jan 20, 2018
Say I start the PS4 game and get a few trophies. After transferring my save to the PS5 version, will I automatically receive all the same trophies in the PS5 listing?