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Oct 27, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
User warned: platform warring
Now that the dust has settled on the next gen consoles, I think we can all agree on one thing: it has been anything but a normal year in general, but also a weird console reveal cycle. What has become more apparent as we learn about both consoles, is that the Xbox brand has become extremely consumer friendly while Sony is...not.


Xbox Series X|S

-Forward compatible controllers. They have perfected the controller at this point and it just makes sense to allow people to use their old controllers if they want to, especially the Elite controllers which are pricey. The cost of controllers during the lifecycle of a console is almost an unspoken thing in the gaming industry, To buy a Switch and then purchase enough controllers to play 4 player Mario Kart is EXPENSIVE.
-Still no word on whether or not games like Halo Infinite will cost $70, but one thing we know for certain is that Gamepass will allow you to have the entire library of Xbox games for $15 a month. I will not go on about how incredible GamePass has become, even in the last month with games like Wasteland 3, Battletoads and Flight Simulator, but GP is still in its infancy and I cannot wait to see it truly blossom. It reminds me of when Netflix first started its streaming platform and there was a good show every once in awhile, now every month there are a plethora of amazing shows that span so many different genres. I expect GamePass to reach these heights within the next 2 years.
-Cost of console. The $300 entry point of the S into the next gen is a brilliant move, especially for what you are getting for that $300 (not to mention you get a $60 controller with it). Series X for $500 is an incredibly solid price for the power it provides. But what is even better is the financing options which in this economy is a really incredible opportunity for people to get a next gen console AND gamepass for $25 (S) or $35 (X) per month. As a teen I would have jumped on this in a heartbeat and as an adult I will probably be going with this option because why not? I am going to get a new gaming monitor that will run around $700 so now I don't have to spend over $1000 for my console and monitor all at once.
-Pre Order plans: So far so good, messaging has been on point and a time will be announced soon.



-No forward compatible controllers due to the new features, yet cross gen games like Miles Morales and Horizon will be able to use the PS4 controller...but only on a PS4. This is by far one of the most ridiculous things they have done and hopefully they walk it back. I currently have 3 PS4 controllers and 6 Xbox controllers (including 2 elites). The fact that my PS4 controllers are now obsolete is a slap in the face to fans.
-$70 games. We knew this was coming but I think due to the lack of a true gamepass alternative on the Playstation and the fact that this $70 is becoming over 80 in the UK and even higher in other countries is just really shitty. Yes games are becoming more expensive, but so many games are making massive profits off of battlepasses and cosmetic items. I have personally spent about $150 on Warzone.
-Cost of consoles, the $399 for the Digital is a great price and I would imagine many people will be opting for that. Between the digital and the S, we are seeing the end of physical copies, I'd expect the next gen to omit discs all together.
-Pre Order situation...Ok so you have me sign up to be the first to get in on the new console..but then you don't send me anything and then you let Walmart completely decimate your pre order plans. EPIC FAIL.
-Jim Ryan, the new Don Mattrick? Honestly Jim should just fuck off as he does more harm than good. His whole "we believe in console generations" comment is really biting him in the ass as we learn that several BIG games will be on the PS4 and then they doubled down on it today saying they plan to support the PS4 for years. Will be interesting to see if God of War is also cross gen. I personally don't have an issue with cross gen, but the messaging was all about shitting on Xbox for doing it, yet you knew the whole time you would be doing it as well. Also..who holds a controller like this!?
Mar 8, 2018
I don't dispute the argument that there are different business strategies at play (that's clearly true), but this framing is just straight up warring.


Oct 27, 2017
System Warring - The Thread
Both companies are out for money. Both have different strategies.

It's like an Era mod already said a few weeks ago:

Is Nintendo the most anti-consumer company of the big 3?

- Any and all internet features in games are locked behind a paywall - They removed Virtual Console to sell retro mini consoles - Forced day 1 DLC locked to plastic toys - Very little effort put into quality of life console features - Extremely aggressive DRM practices. Good luck if you ever...


Shinra Employee of The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
I don't dispute the argument that there are different business strategies at play (that's clearly true), but this framing is just straight up warring.


They're both trying to get your money, that's it. It's up to consumers what they feel is better value for them.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not seeing anything incorrect in your assessment, but I think saying one is purely consumer friendly and one is purely anti consumer is nonsense.

I also think a $399 Digital Edition is great on Sony's part, but every time pre-orders went up last night they were gone immediately and I had to settle for a disk version. The apparent scarcity of the cheaper option means it's not actually an option for a lot of early adopters. It remains to be seen, but I don't expect the Series S to be so scarce.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I don't like the idea of anti consumer but

There's a clear difference to anyone unbiased between what Xbox is doing for their players and PlayStation for theirs.

One company feels like they're happy to have you and the other feels like they know you'll never leave them so who cares.


Oct 29, 2017
New York
System Warring - The Thread
Both companies are out for money. Both have different strategies.
This. Just get whatever console you prefer, play whatever games you want to enjoy and most importantly, who cares about what others think of each platform? Just enjoy whatever you like man, system warring is overrated and getting old.

Navidson REC

Oct 31, 2017
Local MP and couch co-op is huge in my group of friends, so forward-compatible controllers are so nice for me. I'll have four controllers the moment I buy a Series X. Love it.

EDIT: I agree though, this thread could've been framed much better. Sony offers some awesome games (as does MS), and that's what consumers want. It just sucks that the cost of entry is much higher for PlayStation players IMO.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
This thread will go well when the OP has set it up for warring from the start.


Oct 28, 2017
FWIW I agree the messaging, pricing and certain elements of what Sony are doing aren't as good as MS recently, but I wouldn't frame it as anti-consumer


Oct 25, 2017
Jim Ryan is definitely not the new Don Mattrick. Just watch any Microsoft E3 after Mattrick took over and compare it to a non-Don E3 and it will become extremely apparent. Mattrick was responsible for the XB1 focusing on TV, Kinect, and no used games.

EDIT: He's probably also the reason why Microsoft pushed micro-transactions at the start of the generation as well.


Jan 21, 2018
Fuck $70 games, but are you REALLY going to pin that on Sony and the PS5 when every other publisher is doing it (even Ubisoft said they are sticking to $60 games "for the time being") and initiated it well ahead of yesterday?


Feb 17, 2019
Neither feels really one or the other. I don't even want to call a company friendly. They don't care about you, they want your money and lifelong support.


Oct 25, 2017
I get what you are trying to say and agree with a lot of it, but the way you are framing it guarantees a thread lock


Sep 3, 2020
Vote with your wallet. I like what Sony do and am prepared to pay for it.

Console is a good price, they have a great legacy of AAA gaming.

Not worried about controllers working backwards and forwards etc.


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Have we moved from xbox concern threads to ps concern threads now lol


Oct 27, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
System Warring - The Thread
Both companies are out for money. Both have different strategies.

I support both consoles, but can we not talk about shitty things companies do? I mean yes Microsoft wants our money, but they are providing a lot of cheap opportunities and not forcing gamers to buy new controllers.

Deleted member 31333

User requested account closure
Nov 6, 2017
This is definitely a console war thread but I can't help but laugh that all the ammunition the Sony stans were using against MS the last few weeks has come back to bite them in the ass.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Fucking hell, there are several threads available already to discuss things. Platform warring is the last thing we need...


Oct 27, 2017
XSX and XSS are going to have just as many problems on preorders. Just look at the 3080 that just went up today. Times and dates planned before hand but still a complete shit show. It sucks that retailers seem to have gome AWOL with the PS5 but it would have been just as difficult to get if it still went as planned for today.


Oct 25, 2017
Threads like this only feed the console wars. Corporations always have their best interest at heart. If it happens to align with ours all the better.
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