Oct 25, 2017
USA, Sol 3, Universe 1
So, for those not in the know, it's June, and in June in the USA at least it's Queer/LGBT/LGBTQ/LGBT+/Gay/GSM (search around, different people call it different things) Pride month! Chosen in June to commemorate the stonewall riots, queer pride month recognizes the impact queer people have had to the world, and some people also use the month to focus on activism. This year, I plan to volunteer at the local queer youth center and help with a panel for my college's GSA about inclusiveness for non-LGBT queers (like myself).

I know Era has quite a few queer people and allies too, so any plans in particular this month? It's not coming out day, but feel free to share a bit about your queerness and yourself if you like.
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Oct 27, 2017
this will be my first pride since realizing I'm non-binary :) I've been to pride plenty of times before but this'll be a special one

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Going to pride in Asbury Park on Sunday then NYC later this month


Oct 30, 2017
Yeah, Era has super left leaning posts form what I've seen. Definitely a safe space here.


Oct 27, 2017
New York
Bi (Pan, I guess, technically? Never been entirely clear on the distinction) here. Good idea for a thread. That said, I'm waaay too busy to do much out of the ordinary this time of year; so i'll be enjoying it vicariously through you folks. Best wishes to the rest of you!

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Bi (Pan, I guess, technically? Never been entirely clear on the distinction) here. Good idea for a thread. That said, I'm waaay too busy to do much out of the ordinary this time of year; so i'll be enjoying it vicariously through you folks. Best wishes to the rest of you!
Bi I think is for people who aren't attracted to pre-op trans people or just people who aren't aware that pan is a thing? Pan is basically just you're attracted to anyone regardless of sex, genitals, gender etc.

Sexy Fish

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If you really like rainbows Playstation has a free pride theme!





Oct 25, 2017
My birthday month is the gayest month, and my birth date is officially the gayest day of the year.

I was made to be a homosexual.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know anyone who is bi who actually sticks to the rigid "I am only attracted to cis men and cis women" "definition". ime bi/pan have always been interchangeable

Deleted member 31199

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
My local Target (and I assume Target's nationwide) had a pride display located at the front of the store. Seeing that a few weeks ago made me smile.


Oct 25, 2017
Wish my country wasn't homophobic and had some activities going on. But I'll celebrate in my own way somehow.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm straight, but my sister-in-law is bi (she married my brother), and I know one other bisexual and a lesbian, plus 2 people who are trans. I support everyone.
Redhead On Moped
Oct 25, 2017
USA, Sol 3, Universe 1
I'm pretty fuckin gay, but I can't do anything this pride month.

Wish ya'll the best!
You can be the youest you you can be, that in itself would be pretty gay. :P

Seriously, being yourself is good enough. Not everyone needs to be an activist, and activism shouldn't just happen one month out of the year anyways. No shame in not doing anything special either. :D


Oct 27, 2017
Under your bed
Wait what it's june already?? I swear it still feels like we're in late April. Sheesh.

Ummm happy pride! I'm transgender (no op) and pansexual, about as queer as it gets.

Tethered Penguin

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
Doylestown, PA
Hi I'm Bi/Pan! I don't have any specific plans, I'd like to go to Philly for the parade if I can get down there this year. If not probably Asbury Park for some of their bonfire events at least. I do my best to educate people (specifically in my family) this month if they have any questions or want to know more and all that so it's usually pretty healthy. I also gotta keep that slew of LGBT+ content for sites I write for going!
Happy pride everyone!
Redhead On Moped
Oct 25, 2017
USA, Sol 3, Universe 1
So, a little about myself. I am a queer weirdo, and am totally cool with it. I am not closeted, but I don't go out of my way most of the time to show the world how queer I am either. I am asexual, polyromantic (not polyamorous, look it up), AMAB, and though I sometimes go through gender woes, I'm honestly fine with any pronouns online, and what I'm presenting as IRL (though I always get misgendered, regardless of the factors). Still working on getting my name legally changed (maybe gender marker too, who knows), and I try to push for inclusive and fight against non-LGBT queer erasure within queer groups when I can. Over the years, tons of friends have come out and i think I only have 2 or so straight friends. The rest of us? We're all queer in different ways.

And I know that not everyone likes the word queer and I respect that, yet it's the most inclusive term I can use in general. If you don't identify as queer, I can completely understand and respect that, and will instead refer to you how you'd prefer. See, the thing about queer people is that we're all different, yet kinda lumped together in some ways, so the most imperative, important thing we can do for each other is to have acceptance and respect!
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Oct 25, 2017
Skipped pride over the last two years but im keen to participate this year. Already got a couple of house parties line up next weekend :)

Pirate Bae

Edelgard Feet Appreciator
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Bi and proud! Hello :)

My city isn't having a Pride festival until September for some reason. I'll just have to get drunk with my gay and ally friends to celebrate instead.

Deleted member 42221

User requested account closure
Apr 16, 2018
Pan trans girl - probably not going to have a lot of pride stuff going on but I'll try and do a lot of trans pride posts on my social media.


Gameplay Programmer, Sony Santa Monica
Oct 25, 2017
Happy Pride Month! Bi dude here. Hope everyone has an excellent month and onward from the things you do to the folks you love!
Oct 25, 2017
I celebrate all of the LGBTQ community this month. I wish I could do something, but no car. Now This Nerd did a video on the history of LGTBQ characters in comics to celebrate this month for those interested.
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Dec 15, 2017
And every fucking year, like clockwork, i forget to schedule the right vacation time. oh well, ship sailed. let's have a great month anyway.


Oct 26, 2017
Going to pride next weekend with some friends. Lets see how it goes as Im popping my gay pride cherry xD
Redhead On Moped
Oct 25, 2017
USA, Sol 3, Universe 1
I celebrate all of the LGBTQ community this month. I wish I could do something, but no car. Now This Nerd did a video on the history of LGTBQ characters in comics to celebrate this month for those interested.

I saw this video a bit earlier, and it has a lot of great points! Might as well show off my favorite queer person in comics, Jughead Jones. The Jughead comics are fun, but I never thought they would hit so close to home.

Like, this scene in particular in which Archie, his best friend, says that Jughead is not a normal guy just made my heart go UGH, because I've been there, and I know how awful it feels like. It's hurtful, but they captured that feeling so well.

They also covered something else, which is aces who accidentally lead people on. I don't try to, but it's happened before, and Jughead absolutely portrays the situation well when explaing to Sabrina the burger sales flyer girl that he doesn't like people that way.

Here's to more solid queer representation in the media in the future.
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Oct 29, 2017
Happy pride month everyone. As someone who is more ace than anything, I'll be doing nothing since I get to remain invisible and life is less complicated that way.

But I'll cheer y'all on from the sidelines :P
Redhead On Moped
Oct 25, 2017
USA, Sol 3, Universe 1
Happy pride month everyone. As someone who is more ace than anything, I'll be doing nothing since I get to remain invisible and life is less complicated that way.

But I'll cheer y'all on from the sidelines :P
I can completely, totally understand where you're coming from. I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I wish I could still pass as straight, but I just can't, even if I try. You do you though, and if you're invisible, you're cool with it, and it's not getting in anyone's way, absolutely more power to you. You do you! :)