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Oct 25, 2017
Omar is right, of course. Obama had a LOT of shitty policies. His foreign policies were awful. Despite his Muslim family, he carried water for apartheid state Israel. His use of the drone program in the Middle East, Afghanistan, and Africa (including Somalia!), murdering thousands of innocents and misreporting their deaths. Obama's continued use of the unconstitutional surveillance of American citizens. His refusal to punish the bankers involved in the 2008 crash was just one example of his utter commitment to the American class structures which benefit the ultra-wealthy over the rest of us.

And, as a black American, he never had our backs. Obama loves to finger-wag at the black community to this day but he was never an ally, just a symbol. The few times he made even the most milquetoast signals of support Republicans shouted him down and he backed off. On criminal justice reform and police violence Obama was a fucking waste of space.

The guy was horrible. A horoscope politician, great speaker, stood for the status quo and fuck-all else.

You know, Omar is speaking truth to power. First she attacked holy Israel and now Saint Obama. Christ, the Democratic Party is going to try to bury her at this point. We have to show our support, because she is absolutely right on these issues. America needs politicians like this.
100% agreed.


Oct 29, 2017
Damn Omar bucking. On one side, the party needs to unify, on the other, fuck status quo motherfuckers especially the ones that didnt stand with her this past week.
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Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
The Drone strikes he approved of in Yemen and elsewhere should be enough to send him to the Hague. The man is proof positive how easy it is to hypnotize liberals by being well spoken.


Oct 27, 2017
But centrists love him! Don't you dare criticize.

Obama's approval rating among Democrats is somewhere around 95 percent, so it's not just centrists.

This thread is a really interesting microcosm of leftist bubbles, both on Era and online in general. I do agree that a lot of the shortcomings of Obama's presidency on a policy level was trying to operate within a previously established framework in the interest of building bipartisan coalitions, national unity, etc, which in hindsight just looks naive at best. But I also think boiling him down as a "center-right" "horrible person" that people only really like because he was a good speaker and only remember fondly because of how terrible Trump is, is so incredibly divorced from reality.


Oct 27, 2017
Obama's general insistence on "You know, we just need to come together and move forward, not look backward" with virtually everything is one of the biggest reasons we are where we are. It ensured that, from foreign policy ghouls to the corrupt of Wall Street, we learned absolutely nothing and no one paid any consequences for anything that went wrong, and that we would just repeat it all over again.

Exactly. Absolutely infuriating.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm excited to see how the other forum twists itself into knots over this given how everyone over there has been calling Omar an anti-Semitic bigot (lol) for weeks on end.


Oct 25, 2017
Yep, if only we had a moderate candidate to face off against trump. Someone who's been in politics for a while with a deep knowledge of what it takes to be President. Maybe someone who was even married to a President! No way someone like that could lose to Trump.
If only...

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
Because there are two different arguments here. I don't want a candidate that's going to base their platform on bashing Obama, he was a good president. But there's nothing wrong with Omar pointing out his flaws in this context, she's not running for president and she's attempting to demonstrate that her problem with these issues is not based on partisan politics.


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
Can't help but laugh at the folks screaming unity and infighting.

What fucking unity. Members of her own party were tripping over themselves in their excitement to lob shit at her this week.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Damn she's incredible. We need a lot more democrats like her in Congress. Glad the party's attempts to silence her haven't seemed to work


Oct 25, 2017
I'm excited to see how the other forum twists itself into knots over this given how everyone over there has been calling Omar an anti-Semitic bigot (lol) for weeks on end.
Thats not hard to guess.

She is still a dirty muslim and bigot, but when she shits on Obama we have no choice but to agree with her because those are the facts!

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Oct 28, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
She's breaking all restraints. I like it, but I hope she has a plan for these decisions
Oct 26, 2017
She ain't wrong. She, along with other new Dems, are also doing a great job at pushing the Overton window left. People need to know going back to Obama era policies is not enough any more.


Dec 25, 2017
Obama was far from perfect and I doubt any president would be, but she is wrong to put him in the same boat as Trump. Before Trump came along those kids were separated from their parents for concerns of trafficking or other reasons. Trump made it a policy to separate every child from their family. All she has done here and gave fuel to the Trump admin that keep insisting that every other president did the same thing too.

Obama's drone policy was awful but he campaigned on war so it didn't surprise me. Outside of his heart warming speeches he always had mostly centrist policies to me. I never understood why people thought he was be more to the left.

I think Omar is going to end up losing support for these comments.

Quad Lasers

Oct 26, 2017
Can't help but laugh at the folks screaming unity and infighting.

What fucking unity. Members of her own party were tripping over themselves trying to get their shots in this week.

Word. After the bullshit tone-policing people have been chastising Omar with and the House response to her comments, people can eat my nuts with that rhetoric.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Obama should have declassified and released every single government file on Civil Rights and Black Power era activists. But that would have offended at least one white person so it would never have crossed his mind to do so.


Apr 4, 2018
A full 50% of the Dem voting base identifies themselves as an Obama Democrat so this isn't going to go over well.


Oct 27, 2017
She knows she can go in hard on any subject because she also knows that sadly America would never elect a brown muslim woman as President.

I'm glad she feels free to say whatever she likes. Kick that ass!
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