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Oct 27, 2017
I am cashing in my once in a lifetime "bump for bottom of page" token....


You know what the best I could say is that at least this is 4 years old, so one could argue in context it could be worse. I don't know though, that kind of post unmoderated remaining for all to see just sums up my fears here. For all its faults this is the most progressive place I know and frankly I do not trust MOBAfire to keep that up, I don't see how they could and expect a RoI as mentioned in the OP. At the end of the day no one here, not staff or moderators have any control versus MOBAfire.
I do suffer a certain degree of anxiety with the rise of the right, of facism and hate and its apparant popularity, I hate to imagine taking many steps backwards, so excuse the "excitement" here it is real and it is genuine.

I haven't been active on here a lot, because video games are dead but this situation deserves a "gg" to Cerium, whoever that person is. One wouldn't know because community participation clearly wasn't priority #1.

Conspiracy theories about the real reasons for the ERA split are being fed by this buyout. The corporate PR speak with the "clear fit" and then having it be a company that violates all kinds of things that this forum ostensibly stands for.

Just well done, man.

Now we just need someone to find some twitter posts from the CEO of MOBA that transwomen aren't women and we'll be golden.

Funny you mention that, likely its been mentioned, but I am already upsetting myself by coming back to this discussion as it is so don't want to trawl from where I left off yesterday.

A friend who deleted her account yesterday, had looked at our new sister sites and sent me this link earlier, apparently this kind of thing is allowed to exist within MOBAfire's network unmoderated and remain so for months. that is not a "family" I am comfortable to be with.

Gender and sex, what it means to modern day society :: Page 2 :: League of Legends (LoL) Forum on MOBAFire

LoL forum thread "Gender and sex, what it means to modern day society", page 2. Share & discuss your favorite strategy guide or build on our League of Legends Forum!

to me, you're born a guy, or you're born a girl. You could maybe have a mix of parts if something weird happens or if you have surgery later in life and that's fine.

If you want to go around and act like a girl even though you aren't, or vice versa. go ahead. I won't stop you. But for the love of god don't get mad just because someone doesn't "refer to you with the correct gender pronoun" or some stupid **** like that. When i was younger i didn't get mad at someone on the phone for calling me a girl because my voice was higher then. (and yes that actually happened a couple times)
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I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
So, I posted what I posted about being a mod because I care about this community, because I care about this experiment that we actually could create a progressive(ish) gaming/nerd space. I clapped back at one disrespectful post. And then I went to bed.

And then I woke up to this. 10 pages of this.

Being told that I don't respect myself, I don't know any better, I'm actually part of the problem. Apparently I'm actually taking a job from a hypothetical person who would do this for pay?

This has made me feel worse than anything Cerium could have ever done to me or exploited me for.

I'm taking a break for a day.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
is this shit gonna start over or is it a lost cause?

bunch of geezer 30yo+ posters

this place is gonna slowly turn into gamefaqs with an open registration

I'm not really understanding why the whole convo here is about mods not getting paid. They're vocal they don't want paid.

anyway if there is a place to go as this devolves into nothing someone shoot me a message because I just wanna read about games and ect bullshit without dealing with most of society that I can't understand or In general can't stand.

the idea that my data was sold irks the hell out of me


One Winged Slayer
Jan 10, 2018
Funny you mention that, likely its been mentioned, but I am already upsetting myself by coming back to this discussion as it is..

A friend who deleted her account yesterday, had looked at our new sister sites and sent me this link earlier, apparently this kind of thing is allowed to exist within MOBAfire's network unmoderated and remain so for months. that is not a "family" I am comfortable to be with.

Gender and sex, what it means to modern day society :: Page 2 :: League of Legends (LoL) Forum on MOBAFire

LoL forum thread "Gender and sex, what it means to modern day society", page 2. Share & discuss your favorite strategy guide or build on our League of Legends Forum!
The "clear best fit" right here, obviously.

It sure was reassuring to look into a thread made last year on one of our new sister sites, MMO Champion, only to find this fun little moderation message:

Pelagos and trans representation in Shadowlands

So with Shadowlands World of Warcraft is getting our first transgender character. Pelagos, a Kyrian soulbind, is a transman after having presented as female during his mortal life. I think it's great that WoW is finally getting it's first trans character and I'm glad the developers took time...

"Gender issues" and the like aren't permitted topics

Of course, that wasn't before four pages with charming, unmoderated posts like

Take your SJW crap elsewhere. It's a god damn video game.
Threads about genders are forbidden on this forum.

Being heteresexual is statistically normal.

*insert rant about forced diversity here*

I didn't see any Blizzposts about heterosexual males and by that I mean actually saying that the male character decided to be male and heterosexual. So yeah, the Pelagos case really feels forced.
It's problematic and has no place in the game.

There's another thread, on the same topic, on the same forum, with even more awful responses, including the trash OP itself, but i'm not posting any quotes from this one here. All I got out of it was more confirmation that trans identities are a "forbidden topic" over there; great sign!


Oct 25, 2017
So, I posted what I posted about being a mod because I care about this community, because I care about this experiment that we actually could create a progressive(ish) gaming/nerd space. I clapped back at one disrespectful post. And then I went to bed.

And then I woke up to this. 10 pages of this.

Being told that I don't respect myself, I don't know any better, I'm actually part of the problem. Apparently I'm actually taking a job from a hypothetical person who would do this for pay?

This has made me feel worse than anything Cerium could have ever done to me or exploited me for.

I'm taking a break for a day.

Yeah, this is quite the norm here, that people do things for free (when it comes to doing things for free where money is involved) is a bad thing to do, EVEN if you do it on your own voalition. People love to smash down on people that can actually do things for free, just because.

So you do you, what you feel is the best, since you have your own needs, agenda and life to live, don't let other people say what is wrong or not when it comes to your own time.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
By making ads more intrusive and subscriptions more 'appealing'.
Making ads worse just seems like a weird thing to rely on when ad blockers exist.
But like I said, I don't understand this stuff. Maybe you can always expect to get a certain % to view your ads and plan around that.

At the very least I'm expecting more ads. That'd be one way to earn their 4.5 million back faster.

And despite what mods have said I expect eventually new sign ups to be opened up somewhat. ISP email addresses or work email addresses are both probably limiting potential growth.
Yeah the main thing I'd be concerned about is opening the registration floodgates and easing off on moderation to get the maximum people and engagement in here and gradually it just turns into a shithole like most of the rest of the internet.

Whatever plans MOBA has, or will implement, and whether they fail or succeed, I'm 99% certain that it will make things worse.
At best, things will remain the same, for a while.
more ads, more sponsored content, opening the forum to a more "diverse" crowd (i.e. more right leaning gamers), less moderation to generate more clicks, less discussion about issues around gaming companies and more "woah look at cyberpunk how awesome"..

these are all changes I now expect in the next 5 years.
You're more optimistic than me. :D
I expect like 12 months of status quo as they oversee, plan and prepare, then implementation from there.
Mar 18, 2020
So, I posted what I posted about being a mod because I care about this community, because I care about this experiment that we actually could create a progressive(ish) gaming/nerd space. I clapped back at one disrespectful post. And then I went to bed.

And then I woke up to this. 10 pages of this.

Being told that I don't respect myself, I don't know any better, I'm actually part of the problem. Apparently I'm actually taking a job from a hypothetical person who would do this for pay?

This has made me feel worse than anything Cerium could have ever done to me or exploited me for.

I'm taking a break for a day.

Stay up Roy, you've always been a class act. Don't let herbs with unwashed legs get you down.


Oct 27, 2017
The "clear best fit" right here, obviously.

It sure was reassuring to look into a thread made last year on one of our new sister sites, MMO Champion, only to find this fun little moderation message:

Pelagos and trans representation in Shadowlands

So with Shadowlands World of Warcraft is getting our first transgender character. Pelagos, a Kyrian soulbind, is a transman after having presented as female during his mortal life. I think it's great that WoW is finally getting it's first trans character and I'm glad the developers took time...

Of course, that wasn't before four pages with charming, unmoderated posts like

There's another thread, on the same topic, on the same forum, with even more awful responses, including the trash OP itself, but i'm not posting any quotes from this one here. All I got out of it was more confirmation that trans identities are a "forbidden topic" over there; great sign!

Best fit! Hours of researching, clearly.

My hasty edit was trying to play "devils advocate" as well since I just know otherwise I would get a hammering for being overly dramatic, but this is my genuine fear. A business wants a return, it wants more people engaged, negativity and hate helps increase that engagement, look at twitter and facebook. I just cannot understand a company without trillions of spare dollars can afford to allow somewhere like ERA to continue as it is, they would need a large increase in eyes on the site.

Yeah the main thing I'd be concerned about is opening the registration floodgates and easing off on moderation to get the maximum people and engagement in here and gradually it just turns into a shithole like most of the rest of the internet.

This essentially.
Oct 25, 2017
Hilarious to see the l mods clown over themselves to defend not getting something for the work they do. This isn't a non-profit, in fact it's made a nice profit. You don't need to defend the factory owner. Volunteering for a non profit is great, volunteering for a place that actually makes profit is just mind blowing.

We, the people that generate the value, are saying you should get something and y'all just happy to defend not getting shit. Moreover fighting against us saying we should be paying you instead of the guy that just made off with 4 years worth of cash plus a payout of the giant corp that now owns this place.
Basically this. But I don't think it's funny I just don't understand why.


Oct 25, 2017
Some info here:

M.O.B.A. Network acquires - one of the world's largest gaming forums

M.O.B.A. Network has today acquired, one of the world's largest gaming forum and
"M.O.B.A. Network sees significant opportunities to increase advertising revenue through a higher share of direct sales, implementation of new ad formats, and a long-term product development strategy."

This makes it sound like they're going to make ads more annoying to push paid memberships.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheesh. What could've been. In terms of ownership structure, in terms of transparency, in terms of the kind of good this forum might've been doing this whole time. The conspiracizing in this thread is totally unwarranted but the sense that we were on the wrong mission from Day 1 isn't.

Really well put. Kinda encapsulates my thoughts in one sentence.


Oct 27, 2017
So why people are so mad? Capitalism won? Do we lose something? Is Era going to charge for something? Why are people so mad ? I really don't understand. It would be cool if mods and admins were paid. If people are so concerned with them why don't implement a "tip" button like twitter?
There has been a tip button implemented for nearly four years, members could buy the "Era Clear" as a means of "giving back". Except it turns out instead all the proceeds went straight to a millionaire's 2nd Lambo fund.

How much does running a site like Restera cost? Like on a monthly basis
We were given this information in the press releases from MOBA Network. All expenses (hosting, staff, legal etc.) total around $11,600/month for the last year. Around 20% of the ~$58,300/month the ads and Clear subs bring in. Leaving $46,600/month profit (before tax) for the single stakeholder Mr Cerium.
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Oct 27, 2017
4.5 million, wow, pretty wild. Once MOBA opens this site up so that anyone with an email can join its gonna be run over by GAF chuds and the mods won't be able to stop the flood. This place will look like GAF within months, it was a fun ride but I'm not
Going to migrate wherever this community ends up going, end of an ERA


Oct 25, 2017
My word, Cerium really picked some like minded individuals for our sister sites and no mistake.

I felt a little guilty I posted the link which was 4 years old, as I feared I'd get a monstering for "digging up the past"..... Not any more.

Can even just look at the main page, trans joke taken out of the games (WoW, Hearthstone). 400 lovely comments.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 10, 2018
I'll repeat what I asked earlier then; are we going to have a link to those cesspools at the bottom of every page on this forum, like the other sites on this network?

Hopefully this shit won't be plastered at the bottom of every page here like on all the other sites run / acquired by this network.



(screencaps from two seperate sites)


Oct 25, 2017
Plastering all your affiliated links at the bottom of every page will increase your google backlink score aka "makes all sites more visible".
I see no technical / financial or SEO reason why they wouldn't include all sites of the network in the footer of every page.


Oct 25, 2017
The duality of wanting the new ownership to not intervene in ERA policy and moaning that the new ownership dont intervene on subforum policy sure is something.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll repeat what I asked earlier then; are we going to have a link to those cesspools at the bottom of every page on this forum, like the other sites on this network?

or this:


"Oh look at all those sister sites which much share the same values as ERA"


"Oh look we own RESETera now, I thought that was a hive of SJW snowflakes, I better join there"

So whats the absolute best takeaway from this? That MOBAfire really are as "Hands off" as everyone says so will leave ERA alone to do as they see fit. But then ERA is happy to be part of a network actively and openly homophobic, bigoted and god knows what else.

What would ERA do, blacklist its own sister sites? No wonder the ACTI BLIZZ response was so tepid if this is the kind of readership that was being courted.

Very upsetting.


Oct 27, 2017
The duality of wanting the new ownership to not intervene in ERA policy and moaning that the new ownership dont intervene on subforum policy sure is something.

See my point, so best case, they are hands off.... So ERA is officially fine to be a part of a network which encourages homophobia and bigotry. Would ERA blacklist these sites from discussion.

Not to mention the utter ridiculousness of somehow saying that allowing open bigotry is a good thing that should be lauded as being "allowed to happen".
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Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
My word, Cerium really picked some like minded individuals for our sister sites and no mistake.

I felt a little guilty I posted the link which was 4 years old, as I feared I'd get a monstering for "digging up the past"..... Not any more.

You inspired me to look; as a gay dude myself I am also concerned about being attached to a forum that is potentially homophobic, transphobic, racist or misogynistic. I love the community here and I thank that I can talk about games with a community that won't berate my opinions or me because I'm gay.

And well… That thread took me seconds to find on Google.


Oct 27, 2017
You inspired me to look; as a gay dude myself I am also concerned about being attached to a forum that is potentially homophobic, transphobic, racist or misogynistic. I love the community here and I thank that I can talk about games with a community that won't berate my opinions or me because I'm gay.

And well… That thread took me seconds to find on Google.

Yeah.. Its not hard to find. I am not sure of the histories of course, but if MOBAfire has courted these other sites and bought them like ERA for being a "good match for their values" then that sends the signal that MOBAfire are happy with such threads to remain.
Meaning by association ERA matches those same values (or lack thereof as it appears).

Can even just look at the main page, trans joke taken out of the games (WoW, Hearthstone). 400 lovely comments.

Jesus, :(


Oct 25, 2017
I'll repeat what I asked earlier then; are we going to have a link to those cesspools at the bottom of every page on this forum, like the other sites on this network?

I also wonder about the opposite : will a link to resetera be added to those websites? I don't know how to feel about this website being advertised on other sites that allow this crap.
Oct 25, 2017
What incentive do the mods have t stay on for free instead of just jumping to a new site? where they're not just volunteering for a huge corp?


Oct 27, 2017
Just in case you only stumbled onto this thread today here's what's happening.

1. ResetEra was sold to MOBA network. Nothing has effectively changed except for who will be getting the add revenue from now on.

2. Users are complaining that Cerium got money and didn't pay mods. They ask mods to speak up.

3. Most Mods speak up and say that they don't want any money, they'd just like people to be kind to them.

4. People continue to ignore them or outright say that they are wrong for not wanting to be paid. Nothing says kindness like demanding someone's opinion and then dismissing it entirely.

5. Repeat 3. and 4. multiple times.

6. You are here. "Why isn't Cerium responding? We've harassed him and all the mods for 60+ pages... I guess he just doesn't care about us now"

7. Era users continue to be pricks to mods and Cerium, demonstrating why most people who try to moderate this place eventually leave. No matter what anyone tries to do for this community people will hate them and at the end of four years only one person still had the stomach to try to keep running this place.

It says a lot about this this community that we're on page 68 and only about 8 in over 3300 posts asked about Cerium's personal health and/or wished him good health. Most of the responses on this thread are mocking or criticizing Cerium for "selling out" or "not paying mods" (who don't want to be paid, but apparently mods are wrong about their own opinions) and yet there are still some people here howling and asking for a response for him as if his words would "cure" anything rather than serve as an avenue for a new torrent of attacks.

You are damaging the people that keep this site running to the point where they have to retreat to take care of their mental health, yet somehow you still think the problem lies with them or with their practices. This forum is incredibly abusive to any and all moderators. You treat them like enemies then you act surprised when the only way they can speak openly about how they feel is either with sarcastic posts or inside private Discords with other mods.

Some of you are frothing in the mouth for the next screencap or quote that you can use to attack the staff.

Most of you don't even pretend you are.

Some of you don't even wait.

Being told that I don't respect myself, I don't know any better, I'm actually part of the problem. Apparently I'm actually taking a job from a hypothetical person who would do this for pay?

This has made me feel worse than anything Cerium could have ever done to me or exploited me for.

You (and by "You" I am referring to the people harassing and disrespecting Cerium and this site's staff), don't care about any mod's health.

You don't care about Cerium's health.

Drop your pretense.


Oct 25, 2017
The "clear best fit" right here, obviously.

It sure was reassuring to look into a thread made last year on one of our new sister sites, MMO Champion, only to find this fun little moderation message:

Pelagos and trans representation in Shadowlands

So with Shadowlands World of Warcraft is getting our first transgender character. Pelagos, a Kyrian soulbind, is a transman after having presented as female during his mortal life. I think it's great that WoW is finally getting it's first trans character and I'm glad the developers took time...

Of course, that wasn't before four pages with charming, unmoderated posts like

There's another thread, on the same topic, on the same forum, with even more awful responses, including the trash OP itself, but i'm not posting any quotes from this one here. All I got out of it was more confirmation that trans identities are a "forbidden topic" over there; great sign!
Any post regarding sexuality, gender identity, ethnicity or women's rights to bodily autonomy is regardless of context considered a "forbidden topic" on an equal level with posting graphic violence gore images and is encouraged to be reported immediately for moderation.

** Off-Topic Forum Rules ** PLEASE READ

Off-Topic Forum Rules IMPORTANT: The rules described in this post are an addendum to the normal ruleset, and are specifically made for this section. WHEN MAKING A THREAD... If it's a World of Warcraft related thread, please use the appropriate World of Warcraft Forum. We now have a...

"clear best fit"


Oct 25, 2017
Norn Iron
I'm also curious if Era's staff/team know much detail about these plans for new ad formats, creating growth and synergies with the MOBA Group yet?
M.O.B.A. Network sees significant opportunities to increase advertising revenue through a higher share of direct sales, implementation of new ad formats, and a long-term product development strategy. M.O.B.A. Network, therefore, estimates that can grow sales significantly in 2022 while maintaining an EBITDA margin.
we see significant opportunities to develop, continue to grow traffic flows, improve the sales development and extract synergies within the M.O.B.A. Group.

M.O.B.A. Network acquires - one of the world's largest gaming forums

M.O.B.A. Network has today acquired, one of the world's largest gaming forum and
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Oct 27, 2017
Any post regarding sexuality, gender identity, ethnicity or women's rights to bodily autonomy is regardless of context considered a "forbidden topic" on an equal level with posting graphic violence gore images and is encouraged to be reported immediately for moderation.

** Off-Topic Forum Rules ** PLEASE READ

Off-Topic Forum Rules IMPORTANT: The rules described in this post are an addendum to the normal ruleset, and are specifically made for this section. WHEN MAKING A THREAD... If it's a World of Warcraft related thread, please use the appropriate World of Warcraft Forum. We now have a...

"clear best fit"

Equivalent to "graphic violence gore"

Truly its like looking in a mirror.

Jesus Christ.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm also curious if Era's staff know much detail about these plans for new ad formats, creating growth and synergies with the MOBA Group yet?

M.O.B.A. Network acquires - one of the world's largest gaming forums

M.O.B.A. Network has today acquired, one of the world's largest gaming forum and

They said a few pages back that they didn't know. But also they somehow knew they wouldn't impact on the site and moderation, despite not knowing what they are.
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