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Jul 22, 2022


Jul 25, 2022
Holy shit, Jade is insufferable.

1st 2 espidoes are really slow. After that the show really picks up. It's a decent show if you can suspend your beliefs.

No resolution between the sisters (in the past) this season sucks.
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Aug 26, 2018
Finally made it through and...I appreciated the nods to numerous game events and sequences at least. They made it clear that they were mostly aware of the source material. But that almost makes it worse that the story they chose to tell and the overall tone were just completely off. Like, they had a cure for the T-virus in RE3, right? That's why later games had them experimenting with other stuff. That derails the entirety of the show. How did they screw that up?

There are overall plotting issues from the jump of Umbrella proper being able to not only survive past 2004, but then also just say "Lol New Raccoon City featuring Wesker" and no government authorities seem to care. Also the fact that this Umbrella apparently has the worst security in place you could imagine.

I also would've preferred that Riddick's Wesker was an assumed name or got body-snatched Alex Wesker/Natalia style rather than their race-lifting the character because Black RE5 Wesker is unavoidably Blade, lol. You need that little bit of separation there and it's an odd decision given how the creators were all like "the games are canon to the series." Just make your own universe at that point. I enjoyed him in the role otherwise, as well as Nuñez's Evelyn. She went HAM on that role and I respect it. Jade and Billie both young and adult are...eh. Just soooooo many bad decisions between the two and it made everything a really rough watch.

I think I would've been more amenable to the show if we had gotten a decent straight adaptation up to this point. There was a recent topic that popped up saying that we still don't have a canon interpretation of RE1 where everyone who are supposed to have survived actually did. Instead of energy being put toward that, we got...this thing which 50% of the time is "But Why Tho?" The Series. I wouldn't go above a 5~6/10 in a rating if I were to be generous.

I swear some of these lines make zero sense

Present Jade is told that her sister is an asshole by Umbrella Agent Man, Jade then says that Billie died when they were 14. This is never brought up again and episodes later, the show makes a big deal of revealing Billie as a Umbrella Agent by not showing her face until the end of the episode.
There are cues throughout the rest of the show that Jade considers Billie to have (metaphorically) died when she got infected, as she wasn't the same person anymore. But there are some other lines that reeeeeally don't make sense as well, lol.
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Aug 3, 2021
i need my zombie shows realistic

It has nothing to do with being not realistic, but with terrible scripts making characters do such dumb shit you can't roll your eyes harder enough just to move the plot forward in the most contrived way possible. Decisions these supposed smart people would never do even in fantastical settings.


Oct 25, 2017
It has nothing to do with being not realistic, but with terrible scripts making characters do such dumb shit you can't roll your eyes harder enough just to move the plot forward in the most contrived way possible. Decisions these supposed smart people would never do even in fantastical settings.

i was just joshin'


Oct 28, 2017
Can anyone give me the context of the dua lipa scene in this show? I keep seeing that scene in social media and have no idea what's going on or why that lady would break into song like that


Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017
Can anyone give me the context of the dua lipa scene in this show? I keep seeing that scene in social media and have no idea what's going on or why that lady would break into song like that
The woman is the Head of Umbrella but is being remote controlled/mind controlled by another character in secret. The dance scene was basically to show off that she can be made to do or say anything.
Jul 26, 2018



Dec 4, 2017
Friend begged me to watch it "so we can talk about it" but dear lord it's terrible. I was already not a fan of forcing licensed music into situations where it has no business, and this show does it like clockwork. It's almost as bad as Sony's music choices for their trailers, sizzle reels, and games show presentations.

Wish I could get all that lost time back.
Jul 26, 2018
Majority of bad reviews are just racist assholes.

(Doesn't mean the show is good by any means but yeah you can't trust those)
thanks for the heads up *sigh* so far we're finding the show unnecessarily cringe-inducing so I took the score at face value... I really wonder why they went with the whole teenage drama, an unlikable protagonist, and bad acting for both young and present Jade :/ puzzling decisions really

Zeta Ori

Oct 25, 2017
In terms of live-action RE, this show is second only to the OG Resident Evil movie IMO, and a clear head and shoulders above that trainwreck of a movie from last year (and all the Mila Jovovich sequels). Lance Reddick as Wesker is some inspired casting and the few scenes where they show him as OG Wesker are just *chefs' kiss*...

This show is far from great, but honestly, I enjoyed it far more than reviews would have you believe, and I'm hopeful for a second season.


Oct 25, 2017
I just suffered my way through the show. Please let Billie and Jade die in a ditch, they are just insufferable. They are so unlikeable, it is unreal. I moaned as jade got up again after the belly shot. But I could listen to Wesker all day, I guess I like his voice a lot.


Nov 2, 2017
So are we just ignoring the fact…

When we see present day Billie she's a different race to kid Billie?


Oct 27, 2017
You know, this show wasn't exactly awful, but wasn't exactly good either.

There were a few high points, I especially liked Lance Reddick and his performance/s as the Weskers.

One thing I can't stand at all is the incredible amount of right-wing and right-wing adjacent shit heels that are falling over each other to call this "woke" or whatever their buzzword of the quarter is this time. A tale as old as time.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 10, 2017
Mallorca, Spain
You know, this show wasn't exactly awful, but wasn't exactly good either.

There were a few high points, I especially liked Lance Reddick and his performance/s as the Weskers.

One thing I can't stand at all is the incredible amount of right-wing and right-wing adjacent shit heels that are falling over each other to call this "woke" or whatever their buzzword of the quarter is this time. A tale as old as time.
After all, when has resident evil had a woman protag, or minorities, or different sexual orientation?

You know the scriptwriters thought of that!


Oct 25, 2017
just binged the show over the last couple days, wasnt planning on watching it but once i saw lance reddick was wesker I had to give it a shot. he carried the show for me. halfway through the finale now. the show was fine. I dont think I would have watched it without him. some of the character motivations and stuff going on with the sisters has me rolling my eyes but overall the show is fine. I was never huge into RE or its lore so I dont know what they messed up or kept really

but i did see chainsaw bag guy so I'm happy with that


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished this. Reddick is fucking amazing, definitely miles better than this deserved.

The whole thing was honestly a trainwreck. It looks super cheap for most scenes, the action is too frenetic to be tense because you can have a character surrounded by zombies in one shot and then running away from them with 20 yards distance between them.

The big croc was cool, I liked that a lot. I have to agree that Billie and Jade are insufferable. When Jade refuses to shoot Billie at the end, I was rolling my eyes like they were fighter jets. You know she'll take your kid! Why the fuck wouldn't she?! If you shoot her, then you just hope the Umbrella guys don't spray you both down and let you go since their boss is dead.


Nov 14, 2019
I ended up liking the show quite a bit. I think it does a really clever job of weaving stuff from the games in without relying on them as critical plot elements in most cases. To me, it's far better to have a show that uses references in clever ways rather than strictly adheres to the canon of the games. The reality is that there is no canon for Resident Evil and accepting that makes it an infinitely better series. Getting caught up in the details, that ultimately don't matter at all, anyway, just bogs it down.

The story gets to use the existing characters and world and fit them to a narrative that is more appropriate for TV than the narratives of the games would be, especially since the games barely have narratives in the first place. Is it a great show? No, not really. But I kind of think if it was a truly great show, it would cease being RE, anyway. Being weird, camp, confusing, and contradictory is well in the spirit of the games, and so I think it was pretty successful. Hopefully it gets a second season as there is so much to potentially explore.
Feb 16, 2018
finished watching. it was fun

i liked how the story got more and more ridiculous with each episode

would be better if the people making it didn't treat it so seriously and just started at maximum absurdity instead of trying to set things up slowly

actually caring about the plot will just result in anger at every single character and situation. it's much more interesting if you just laugh at the whole thing

i want a season 2. less high school drama. more off-the-rails nonsense