VGC covers news, Reuben attempts backpedal


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
VGC is now covering the news.

And to the surprise of nobody, Reuben is trying to backpedal.

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Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
In the case of DQ, SE does not own the franchise but rather Yuji Horii if I'm not mistaken and I believe that Sugiyama has some financial stake in the franchise as well.

Sugiyama will be around until he dies, sadly.

I think JP pubs and devs do care, but the problem is that the DQ composer isn't just on payroll for SE; he has ownership of the DQ IP and all of its music, and SE can't do anything with DQ without his involvement/cooperation. Langdon is also a piece of shit and should be excised because he doesn't have literal ownership over the IPs he's part of, but he does run one of the most prolific mocap studios in Japan, which a ton of Japanese studios use.

I appreciate the context related info.


Oct 27, 2017
He is the sole reason why I do not want Dante in Smash. I don't want more Reuben in my game.

Also LMAO he blocked me some time ago and I must not have realized it xD
He dont want thruths being told to him but he'll keep on spewing his garbage ass ideals publicly?
Soon enough he'll have to block the whole world.
Oct 26, 2017
I mean, it's not like Ken has an iconic voice. He's been doing it since SF4, they can find any other generic dude voice for him.


Aug 4, 2020
Is he not aware of the fact that hes a pretty well known name in the industry or does he just not care? Everytime he makes these controversial statements, he always acts surprised when people call him out on it.


Jan 28, 2019
I don't see how people can defend his stupid shit. He's just a voice actor, he can be recast, I don't see why you'd fight that. Dude's a piece of shit. I know Capcom has an "excuse" but I really hope something is done about this, Karen Strassman, Quinton Flynn, and any other VA that's shown their ass recently.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I don't see how people can defend his stupid shit. He's just a voice actor, he can be recast, I don't see why you'd fight that. Dude's a piece of shit. I know Capcom has an "excuse" but I really hope something is done about this, Karen Strassman, Quinton Flynn, and any other VA that's shown their ass recently.
The people who are defending him tend to be the exact same sort of right wing shitheads that he is and agree with his nonsense. They always get mad when one of their own gets rebuked for their shitty behavior.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
The original tweet (well, but the whole account) she's replying to/agreeing with is now deleted but wasn't the actress who played Freya in God of War agreeing with a similar sentiment after the Capitol riot, too? Was basically equating the terrorist storming the Capitol with BLM protests and saying that if you supported BLM then you had to support the Pro-Trump riot.

I can't find the original tweet she was agreeing with now but the Google cache shows the first part of it...

If you supported the BLM protests you cannot be against the pro-Trump protests. However if you were against the BLM protests you cannot support ...


Oct 25, 2017
People like him should not be platformed and I hope he gets fired.

I like the characters for sure but fuck this voice actor specifically - who cares if he gets replaced? Cool carefree anime lead voice is NOT hard to come by and based on the amount of similar protags for Chris, Ken and Dante, there should be plenty of viable alternatives. Let him go voice shit for the dumb fuck equivalent of these storied franchises.
Oct 27, 2017
The original tweet (account?) she's replying to/agreeing with is now deleted but wasn't the actress who played Freya in God of War agreeing with a similar sentiment after the Capitol riot, too?

I can't find the original tweet she was agreeing with now but the Google cache shows the first part of it...

Really pathetic tweet.

So many voice actors are showing their asses lately. It is sad to see this.
Reuben has a history of posting anti-semitic & racist conspiracy theories on Facebook


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Apparently buying into & signal-boosting bigoted conspiracy theories has been a common thing for Reuben, even before it started to become common knowledge in 2019.

Makoto Yuki

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, DMC5 doing as well as it did is proof that Capcom was right to return to the mainline games. The ideal solution is to focus exclusively on Nero until Dante is recast. Though hopefully Dante is recast ASAP to where it doesn't come to that if Itsuno doesn't want to.

Recast Ken as well, obviously.
I'm half joking when I say I want DmC2, really, I'd rather have Donte then another Reuben Dante. I doubt there will be a DMC6 anytime soon, but I if Dante comes back, I sincerely hope it's a new actor.


Oct 29, 2017
The original tweet (well, but the whole account) she's replying to/agreeing with is now deleted but wasn't the actress who played Freya in God of War agreeing with a similar sentiment after the Capitol riot, too? Was basically equating the terrorist storming the Capitol with BLM protests and saying that if you supported BLM then you had to support the Pro-Trump riot.

I can't find the original tweet she was agreeing with now but the Google cache shows the first part of it...

This was posted in the PS OT, and while it was definitely not a good look she did follow up with this at least:



The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
This was posted in the PS OT, and while it was definitely not a good look she did follow up with this at least:

Thats all well and good but the resounding point she's agreeing with and parroting is that the riots and terrorists storming Capitol Hill are equal to the BLM protests. Her one addition to the dialogue on Jan 7th was to say 'I agree that violence - like with the BLM protests - isn't good!'

It's disgusting. Unable to denounce racist Trump cultists and literal domestic terrorism without linking it to BLM protests and throwing them under the bus to make a point.


Oct 29, 2017
Thats all well and good but the resounding point she's agreeing with and parroting is that the riots and terrorists storming Capitol Hill are equal to the BLM protests. Her one addition to the dialogue on Jan 7th was to say 'I agree that violence - like with the BLM protests - isn't good!'

It's disgusting.

It is, comparisons between both, even if just related to violent acts, are just dumb.


Oct 25, 2017
I kind of disagree, though I've put in thousands of hours in SFIV and V. I will say I won't care one bit if they change it though.
If it makes you feel a little better ken's voice is so generic and EZ to do that I can do the it myself without missing a beat. We don't need him.

Capcom hire me pls


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Not saying this about anyone specifically, but what I think a lot of people don't know when talking about replacing Reuben. Excising Reuben from Capcom and DMC isn't impossible like Sugiyama, but it's incredibly unlikely. It's not just about picking a new voice and performer. If he were just that, it would've been very simple. But Reuben is a major collaborator with Capcom and a close personal friend of key employees. He's contributed a lot past and present to DMC and Capcom beyond his vocal performances and mocap. He helped build and modernize Capcom's mocap and performance knowhow back in the PS2 era and, and contributed a lot to the script and localization of DMC3 and to a varying degree on their later collaborations.The work the team did on DMC3 was very influential within the industry in general. He helped define the character of Dante as much as Itsuno, Shimomura and writer Morihashi. He's also close personal friends with the two former and many others at Capcom. He and his team aren't just typical actors and performers. They're involved from very early on in their Capcom productions, particularly DMC, which is not the case for most performers. He's a key point of contact for the rest of the performers. And he's active in the promotion of DMC games in a way that most performers, even Dan and Johnny, aren't. He was part of the promotion tour at TGS. He is essentially one of the two faces of DMC along with Itsuno, and is very respected both in Japan and internationally for his oeuvre including having worked on Avatar and other major productions.
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Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
Not saying this about anyone specifically, but what I think a lot of people don't get when talking about replacing Reuben is, he's also contributed a lot past and present to DMC and Capcom beyond his vocal performances and mocap. He helped build and modernize Capcom's mocap and performance knowhow, and contributed a lot to the script and localization of DMC3 and to a varying degree on their later collaborations. He helped define the character of Dante as much as Itsuno, Shimomura and writer Morihashi. He's also close personal friends with the two former and many others at Capcom. And he and his team aren't just typical actors and performers. They're involved from very early on in their Capcom productions, particularly DMC. And he's active in the promotion of DMC games in a way that most performers, even Dan and Johnny, aren't. He is essentially one of the two faces of DMC, and is very respected both in Japan and internationally for his oeuvre.

Excising Reuben from Capcom and DMC isn't impossible like Sugiyama, but it's incredibly unlikely. It's not just about picking a new voice and performer.
So just leave him alone to be a piece of shit?


Aug 23, 2020
Sound like he is a hypocrite then since he definitely still doesn't support BLM and is defending what happened this week.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 9, 2020
Not saying this about anyone specifically, but what I think a lot of people don't get when talking about replacing Reuben is, he's also contributed a lot past and present to DMC and Capcom beyond his vocal performances and mocap. He helped build and modernize Capcom's mocap and performance knowhow, and contributed a lot to the script and localization of DMC3 and to a varying degree on their later collaborations. He helped define the character of Dante as much as Itsuno, Shimomura and writer Morihashi. He's also close personal friends with the two former and many others at Capcom. And he and his team aren't just typical actors and performers. They're involved from very early on in their Capcom productions, particularly DMC. And he's active in the promotion of DMC games in a way that most performers, even Dan and Johnny, aren't. He is essentially one of the two faces of DMC, and is very respected both in Japan and internationally for his oeuvre.

Excising Reuben from Capcom and DMC isn't impossible like Sugiyama, but it's incredibly unlikely. It's not just about picking a new voice and performer.

Who cares what he did for the series in the past. What matters is now. And what he's doing now is posting support for literal terrorists. Other companies can survive without him and his company, so can Capcom.🤷‍♂️


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Well if they can't replace him like you say then what are they supposed to do?

What do you want me to say? I'm not Capcom. I can't answer for them. I don't even know if they'd know how even if they want to replace him. I didn't say Reuben can't be replaced. I said it's more complicated than just hiring someone else. I don't presume to tell people not to want Reuben replaced (and indeed I'm not). I'm not even deeply attached to Reuben's Dante beyond having a (conflicted) appreciation for what he's done for the character and the franchise, as I've never been enarmored with his performance and I've seen Dante be replaced before.

Who cares what he did for the series in the past. What matters is now. And what he's doing now is posting support for literal terrorists. Other companies can survive without him and his company, so can Capcom.🤷‍♂️

Capcom cares. Itsuno definitely cares. That's what I'm saying. Hence why they're saying they don't support his views while they will continue to work with him no matter what.
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Oct 25, 2017
Meh I could shit out some written lines for Dante too in like 10 minutes lmao. And another voice actor to replace him isn't a tough ordeal either it's not a wholly unique voice.

What's interesting is how involved in the industry he is with his mocapping studio tho. Didn't know that. Makes it more unlikely for him to be dropped from shit sadly.


Nov 6, 2017
Or maybe the real hypocrites are the people who thought "when the looting starts, the shooting starts", was completely justified during the BLM protests, but not when people were stealing stuff from the Capitol. Who can say, really?

Anyway, dude sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
Another example in the long history of Reuban Langdon's bullshit, I doubt Capcom is gonna stop using him but fuckin' come on, this is not a new thing from him. DO SOMETHING.