
Oct 25, 2017
Sounds about right for a man fueled on cocaine and on top of the world professionally in the 70's/80's. im not gunna argue for the honor of a dead man.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
I was just thinking it would be interesting to hear what Jay Thomas had to say about this and then I remembered Jay Thomas died. :(


Oct 25, 2017
Fiddler's Green
If someone commits a crime, and you aren't the victim, that doesn't make it not a crime. And it doesn't mean it's strange to disapprove of the criminal, even though they didn't victimize you. Society has set standards of behavior, largely to control inherent impulses. Among these are that you don't sexually touch other people without permission. Noting that someone did that, and that it's wrong, isn't "white knighting", it's expecting basic standards of decency and law to be respected. Finally, a victim's willingness to put up with that sort of behavior, either because they like the person in question, or they fear for their career if they speak, doesn't absolve the person acting out.


Oct 27, 2017
Hell, I bet we'll hear of problematic behavior regarding Kimmel during the Man Show.

Well that would be the world's least shocking thing ever. I mean, I like the guy but the entire existence of The Man Show goes against much of what we are seeing today, and hearing from Kimmel himself.

I mean, they did bits like this where he had women grab his crotch and have them guess what is in his pants.


I don't even personally have a problem with him having done the show, I don't think it should speak badly on him today. I'm just saying, I can see how folks would find it problematic, and I also see how it wouldn't be all that shocking to learn if it happened outside of the show back then. I sure hope not though.


Oct 27, 2017
This is a weird one. "It was so much fun" implies she enjoyed it and didn't have any problems with it... so how is it harassment to her (since no one else on the set has said anything else we only have her story to discuss).

If its mutual and the person doesn't mind I don't see how its harassment. If they were flirting all the time, and it was part of their friendship, I don't think anyone else can judge. Harassment is solely based on if the other person is ok with it, and she was. Who are we to tell her what she is ok with or not.


Oct 25, 2017
East Lansing, MI
This kinda reminds me of the Atari accusations thread. The 70s/80s were a wild time with Pam seemingly ok with it and Williams just straight up being coked out of his mind.

Y i k e s. Keep rotting in hell.

Are we really going to excuse sexual harassment as imperfections?

"I'm sorry I groped and molested her. I'm just your average imperfect human."

Then we have these types of comments made without the context that's been mentioned.


Oct 26, 2017
This kinda reminds me of the Atari accusations thread. The 70s/80s were a wild time with Pam seemingly ok with it and Williams just straight up being coked out of his mind.

I'm sure if Williams were still alive he'd apologize for the inappropriate behavior and that would be that. Pam is reflecting back on a time with a different mindset now, Williams likely would as well.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
we knew Robin Williams was an extremely troubled person who dealt with a lot of issues. these actions are inexcusable, yes, but for me something feels wrong about dragging someone through the mud who had a long history of mental health issues and drug addiction who ended up committing suicide
Oct 30, 2017
The man's dead. And for those asking for blood, he didn't die a nice death either so there's your comeuppance. I have no interest in soiling a dead man's legacy. Especially if it ever lead to an attack on his daughter or something asinine.
Oct 27, 2017
In the 90s, the dead were socially immune from these things

"Dont speak ill of the dead" was the phrase i think

Our culture is changing for sure


Oct 25, 2017
It was the 70s and Williams was extremely charismatic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Not to defend inappropriate behaviour, but the quotes in the article imply that she found this to be harmless and not something she's recalling to sully his name.

But more about her experiences with him on set, as someone she was clearly very very fond of.

Despite his on-set behaviour, Dawber characterised her relationship with Williams as sisterly and spoke of his "gigantic heart". "I really loved Robin and Robin really loved me," she said. "We just clicked."

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
If she was ok with it fine but others who witnessed it or who Robin played around with like this may not have been ok with his behavior.

As he was a cocaine addict and alcoholic I'm sure he's done a lot worse.
we knew Robin Williams was an extremely troubled person who dealt with a lot of issues. these actions are inexcusable, yes, but for me something feels wrong about dragging someone through the mud who had a long history of mental health issues and drug addiction who ended up committing suicide
He's not being dragged by Mindy or anyone here other than the "rot in hell" poster. And how does suicide, drug and mental health issues absolve anyone's behavior? It's a slippery slope giving disturbed folks a pass.


Oct 26, 2017
Not to defend inappropriate behaviour, but the quotes in the article imply that she found this to be harmless and not something she's recalling to sully his name.

But more about her experiences with him on set, as someone she was clearly very very fond of.

Despite his on-set behaviour, Dawber characterised her relationship with Williams as sisterly and spoke of his "gigantic heart". "I really loved Robin and Robin really loved me," she said. "We just clicked."

This is kinda where I'm at? Like, there's no controversy here or reason to get angry or incensed. Lady's writing a book and wanted to talk about her experience with Williams, which included what she saw as playful, if disgusting behavior, from someone she was quite fond of.
Jan 29, 2018
Dead men cant defend them selfs so i cant really feel anyway about this to be honest

Despite his on-set behaviour, Dawber characterised her relationship with Williams as sisterly and spoke of his "gigantic heart". "I really loved Robin and Robin really loved me," she said. "We just clicked."

Like what does this part mean

Deleted member 24097

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
I think this is basically where I draw the line at.
If the guy was just farting around, parading with his butts out and all-around behaving like a 10-year old, while nobody perceived any kind of harm out of it...
I think I'm already ready to forgive.
Let's not out-victim the victims.
Dec 22, 2017
If she had no issue with it then it was ok. If he did it to others on set who were not ok with it they would need to come forward before I would think less of the man.

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
Dead men cant defend them selfs so i cant really feel anyway about this to be honest

Like what does this part mean
It means she didn't find his behavior, as the kids who can't form actual opinions are fond of saying, problematic. Doesn't mean others didn't, and perhaps her book will make others feel like they can speak up if they feel they were wronged/abused by Williams.


Oct 26, 2017
I think this is basically where I draw the line at.
If the guy was just farting around, parading with his butts out and all-around behaving like a 10-year old, while nobody perceived any kind of harm out of it...
I think I'm already ready to forgive.
Let's not out-victim the victims.

I mean, lets be serious, if someone at my workplace was going around grabbing women's boobs I'd fire them.

So it's not like what he was doing is "harmless", it was just perceived at the time as Robin being Robin and the target of his playful harassment shrugged it off.


Dec 5, 2017
I believe Robin can be both a problematic figure and someone you can still love. Unless he was just miserably terrible up to the very end, but I believe many people dabble with being a bad person at some point in their life.

It's too bad this was a chapter in his life though.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
He's not being dragged by Mindy or anyone here other than the "rot in hell" poster. And how does suicide, drug and mental health issues absolve anyone's behavior? It's a slippery slope giving disturbed folks a pass.

well I saw more than one post like that throughout this thread and my intention isn't to absolve his behavior at all. I'm never that great at articulating myself properly but I just think this news should be received differently than other stories about fucked up things happening in hollywood especially considering robin willaims himself had spoken on his past behavior once he got sober. the man ended up killing himself seemingly because he did not want to continue living with the issues that he was dealing with so for me I find it hard to level any serious venom at him other than saying that his actions were wrong.


Banned for alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Has it ever occurred to some of you guys some women enjoy this type of debauchery? She seems to have been ok with it, so whatever. I'm not gonna shit on a dead man if she isn't.


Oct 25, 2017
This might hurt my favorite TV moment ever....




Nov 4, 2017
I spit on his grave.

Robin's behavior with Pam definitely fall under the lines of "totally not cool/uncalled for" but, as people have addressed, he was dealing with some pretty serious drug problems, self-admitted dual diagnosis battling mental issues, and had after this time in his life maintained long periods of sobriety. While none of this is an excuse, as people have also addressed, he owned up to his behavior in many, many interviews, made amends, and did his best to live a life different than his "using self" did.

Further, Pam's sharing of this story wasn't framed by her as some #metoo admission/claim and more just recalling an important and impactful time in her life truthfully and authentically.

People wanting to exacerbate this into anything more than it is are clearly interested in outrage mongering than they are fairness seeking. They are in such a rush to moralize and judge and adjudicate over someone they completely ignore the actual "victim's" (if you could even use that word in this situation) thoughts in the matter. All they want to do is besmirch, defame, and castigate. It's troubling.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
His behavior would not be tolerated today, but he also recognized his shit behavior and cleaned up later in his life. Separation of art and artist comes into play as well.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
If this is what their particular relationship was like and they had a mutual understanding about what they felt acceptable, then okay.

It's okay for her to be comfortable about her own situation.

If RW was just randomly doing this to all his co-casts who didn't feel the same way, then it's a different story.

Agree with this.