
Oct 25, 2017
Will be kinda arkward when this card launches in Europe for 699€ which is the same price as the 3080 launch price.


Oct 27, 2017
You know how through the generations there's been certain "scam years" for pc hardware, where you know what's for sale is not worth what they're asking but that's all there is. Well, we're still in one of those. It started from the 2000 series and it's just kept going, falsely boosted with the crypto mining, covid and AI splurges.

Hoping the 5000 gen puts an end to it. Otherwise the 6000 series ought to after their shares tank.

If you're desperate for an upgrade I'd still wait for benchmarks on the 4070, wouldn't trust a "lower price" card from nvidia rn.


Oct 25, 2017
You know how through the generationss there's been certain "scam years" for pc hardware, where you know what's for sale is not worth what they're asking but that's all there is. Well, we're still in one of those. It started from the 2000 series and it's just kept going. Hoping the 5000 gen puts an end to it.

If you're desperate for an upgrade I'd still wait for benchmarks on the 4070, wouldn't trust a "lower price" card from nvidia rn.

4070 performance is around a 3080. You pretty much get a 12GB 3080 with DLSS3 and improved ray tracing.

Fall Damage

Oct 31, 2017
If performance is similar I might have to ebay my 3080 and replace it with a 4070. I've never had a card that put out this much heat and my setup is in a small room with no airflow and I live in a very hot climate. I don't think I can handle another summer with this card lol.

Is there any reason to think the 4k performance will be worse than a 3080?


Oct 27, 2017
An extra whopping 2GB of lower bandwidth memory, 30% fewer RT and Cuda cores. Just clocks higher.
For basically the same price, 3 years after the release of the 3080 which was during the covid and crypto boom while their gaming sales are now at the floor despite increased availability.


Oct 25, 2017
the 4070 looks like an alright card. Especially the low power consumption makes it attractive. Only 200 watts, pretty good.


Oct 30, 2017
A 70 series card selling for $599 $699 is probably not what most people expecting
Where does $700 come from? Now that we know there's a Founders Edition card we know it will be available for $600 at launch.

Add just base inflation to the $500 3070 and you're at almost exactly $600 already and that's before accounting for the fact that inflation in the semi conductor space has been significantly higher than in the market generally. There's no price increase here just inflation.

Anyone expecting anything lower than that has completely unrealistic expectations divorced from market and general economic realities.


Oct 30, 2017
In limited quantities most likely and the AIBs are mostly going to be a bit above that, definitely ones with a better cooler.

Given we've seen leaks of multiple single 8 pin dual fan cards already, it's pretty much a lock that there's going to be plenty AIB cards available at or near MSRP at launch.

A "better cooler" isn't really a necessity for a card that will pull 180w on average in games either.
Oct 25, 2017
Can anyone explain to me, a dumb dumb, why the FE is going to use the 16 pin power connector while AIBs have managed to use a normal 8 pin plug? Is there some advantage to 16 pin even when the power draw is so moderate?


Oct 25, 2017
Given we've seen leaks of multiple single 8 pin dual fan cards already, it's pretty much a lock that there's going to be plenty AIB cards available at or near MSRP at launch.

A "better cooler" isn't really a necessity for a card that will pull 180w on average in games either.
They are most likely going between 620-650(and some others above that), then add in tax and it gets closer to 700 depending on the model.

It is true that a better cooler isn't meant for that but often those ones usually cost more for a reason compared to other AIBs.


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
I might get it if I can grab the founders edition and then sell off my 3060ti to recoup half of it. Otherwise, I will wait. 4 gigs of extra ram will keep my 1440p gaming decent.


May 24, 2018
United States
Where does $700 come from? Now that we know there's a Founders Edition card we know it will be available for $600 at launch.

Add just base inflation to the $500 3070 and you're at almost exactly $600 already and that's before accounting for the fact that inflation in the semi conductor space has been significantly higher than in the market generally. There's no price increase here just inflation.

Anyone expecting anything lower than that has completely unrealistic expectations divorced from market and general economic realities.

It's in line with the last couple gens, but prices have gone up significantly in the space over the last few gens even apart from inflation. The inflation adjusted launch price of the 1070 would be $485 today. I know everyone on Reset buys a new XX90 at launch, but for a lot of midrange users who only upgrade periodically and sat out through crypto and shortages, there's some very real sticker shock these days.


Oct 25, 2017
How does the RTX 4070 compare to a RTX 3060Ti?

Is it much of an upgrade? Aka does it justify paying the $600?


Oct 30, 2017
It's in line with the last couple gens, but prices have gone up significantly in the space over the last few gens even apart from inflation. The inflation adjusted launch price of the 1070 would be $485 today. I know everyone on Reset buys a new XX90 at launch, but for a lot of midrange users who only upgrade periodically and sat out through crypto and shortages, there's some very real sticker shock these days.

The 1070 launched 7 years ago, that's not really a relevant contemporary comparison point.

There's no price increase over the last 2 generations, expecting prices to revert to market conditions 3 generations ago is just not realistic.

I absolutely agree that most users aren't upgrading their GPU every generation but every 2 generations is very common. Gamers waiting 7 years for a GPU upgrade are a bigger outlier than those upgrading every 2 years.

There's ever reason to be frustrated and complain about the price of the 4080 for example but those arguments just translate to a $600 4070.


Oct 25, 2017
The 1070 launched 7 years ago, that's not really a relevant contemporary comparison point.

There's no price increase over the last 2 generations, expecting prices to revert to market conditions 3 generations ago is just not realistic.

I absolutely agree that most users aren't upgrading their GPU every generation but every 2 generations is very common. Gamers waiting 7 years for a GPU upgrade are a bigger outlier than those upgrading every 2 years.

There's ever reason to be frustrated and complain about the price of the 4080 for example but those arguments just translate to a $600 4070.
Upgrading a gpu every 2 years sounds wild to me. I think 4-5 years is ideal in terms of up to date and saving on money.


May 24, 2018
United States
The 1070 launched 7 years ago, that's not really a relevant contemporary comparison point.

There's no price increase over the last 2 generations, expecting prices to revert to market conditions 3 generations ago is just not realistic.

I absolutely agree that most users aren't upgrading their GPU every generation but every 2 generations is very common. Gamers waiting 7 years for a GPU upgrade are a bigger outlier than those upgrading every 2 years.

There's ever reason to be frustrated and complain about the price of the 4080 for example but those arguments just translate to a $600 4070.

Yes, you're right that most people do upgrade more than every 7 years. But that doesn't mean there aren't still a sizeable body of people who sat out during crypto and stock shortages and are surprised by prices that are double the list of what they last paid. Check out steam hardware survey, 10 series is still well over 20% of all steam users and has 4 of the top 10 spots.


Oct 30, 2017
How does the RTX 4070 compare to a RTX 3060Ti?

Is it much of an upgrade? Aka does it justify paying the $600?

Should be around a 50% upgrade. Not worth it for existing 3060 Ti owners I'd say but if you're a new shopper then $200 more for 50% more performance, 50% more VRAM and DLSS3 support in a card that consumes the same amount of power is a really compelling option.


Oct 30, 2017
Yes, you're right that most people do upgrade more than every 7 years. But that doesn't mean there aren't still a sizeable body of people who sat out during crypto and stock shortages and are surprised by prices that are double the list of what they last paid. Check out steam hardware survey, 10 series is still well over 20% of all steam users and has 4 of the top 10 spots.

I'm sure anyone that last bought a Freddo for 10p 7 years ago would be shocked at how much they go for today as well.

Do we really think someone that bought an upper midrange card 7 years ago hasn't checked the price of GPUs once in the last 7 years?


Oct 27, 2017
Trying to dismiss the price hikes as if it's just because of inflation, which was largely because of energy prices during covid is ridiculous. Supply is up and demand is down.
Nvidia are still gouging customers and providing less while doing it. The 10 series lasted basically a decade while these cards are probably going to be sweating bricks to keep the same framerates when this cross-gen period is over in short while.

Crypto boom subsided, AI firms now renting server space instead of buying GPUs and real inflation is cooling off.

Buy only if you're desperate imo. They expect people to be because of how shit the GPU market has been for a number of years, only reason prices are still up while demand is down and their inventory is massive.
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Oct 25, 2017
Trying to dismiss the price hikes as if it's just because of inflation, which was largely because of energy prices during covid is ridiculous.
Nvidia are gouging customers and providing less while doing it. The 10 series lasted basically a decade while these cards are probably going to be sweating bricks to keep the same framerates when this cross-gen period is over in short while.

Crypto boom subsided, AI firms now renting server space instead of buying GPUs and real inflation is cooling off.

Buy only if you're desperate imo. They expect people to be because of how shit the GPU market has been for a number of years, only reason prices are still up while demand is down and their inventory is massive.
Well said, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. I see what Nvidia is doing and I won't fall for it(until the price is right).


Oct 27, 2017
Nvidia even tried to cut back their TSMC order and got denied. They're sitting on piles of this garbage already, more on the way with no demand but cant spook shareholders with sudden massive price cuts (shareholders love price HIKES) because their sales are already fucking down (obviously once crypto nosedived) and are somehow still pretending to foresee a lot of growth. Companies are taking massive dives on any negative news each earnings period as the tech bubble pops.

We're in recession territory, demand is going to be down everywhere, and companies are still trying to rip people off. Time to start calling them out. Even the fed chair talked about how his job is so tough because raising rates wont bring down prices if the price hikes are manufactured.

Fuck em. Sit on your stockpile till kingdom come, there are barely any next gen games out worth playing anyway and RTX at this stage is a joke.

You want to keep prices up, put some serious firepower in there. Outperforming on cross-gen is great for a GPU that lasts 2 years. It's gotta last longer than that at these prices, especially in a recession.
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Oct 25, 2017
Nvidia even tried to cut back their TSMC order and got denied. They're sitting on piles of this garbage already, more on the way with no demand but cant spook shareholders with sudden massive price cuts (shareholders love price HIKES) because their sales are already fucking down (obviously once crypto nosedived) and are somehow still pretending to foresee a lot of growth. Companies are taking massive dives on any negative news each earnings period as the tech bubble pops.

We're in recession territory, demand is going to be down everywhere, and companies are still trying to rip people off. Time to start calling them out. Even the fed chair talked about how his job is so tough because raising rates wont bring down prices if the price hikes are manufactured.

Fuck em. Sit on your stockpile till kingdom come, there are barely any next gen games out worth playing anyway and RTX at this stage is a joke.

You want to keep prices up, put some serious firepower in there. Outperforming on cross-gen is great for a GPU that lasts 2 years. It's gotta last longer than that at these prices in a recession.
Oh yeah everything here is spot on! But yeah Nvidia won't care until something happens later on.


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
Should be around a 50% upgrade. Not worth it for existing 3060 Ti owners I'd say but if you're a new shopper then $200 more for 50% more performance, 50% more VRAM and DLSS3 support in a card that consumes the same amount of power is a really compelling option.

Yeah, after thinking about it, I'm not bothering to upgrade my 3060ti. It's more than enough for the games I play at 60fps. Hell, I mostly stream my games to my steam deck. It's a better value to eventually upgrade my 3600 ryzen for 1080p.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm wondering now if Nvidia is about to reset pricing for the 4070 Ti and 4080. Relative to the 4070 the pricing of is bad, but maybe this is Nvidia goal to try and sell 4070s. I'm sure the 4070 will outsell the other two, but still not convinced it will sell great. Part of the issue is there is no game to push these new cards, outside of cyber punk again with the path tracing update. 20 series is still mostly fine if you only care about raster.
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Oct 30, 2017
$600 for a 4070...woof!

I can't wait to see my local Microcenter just be filled with more unsold 4000 series RTX graphics cards!


Aug 6, 2020
I'm wondering now if Nvidia is about to reset pricing for the 4070 Ti and 4080. Relative to the 4070 the pricing of bad, but maybe this is Nvidia goal to try and sell 4070s. I'm sure the 4070 will outsell the other two, but still not convinced it will sell great. Part of the issue is there is no game to push these new cards, outside of cyber punk again with the path tracing update. 20 series is still mostly fine if you only care about raster.

I wouldn't be too terribly surprised if an eventual 4080 Ti gets released and gets priced at $1200 while the 4080 gets a cut to $1000. If the 4070 Ti gets a cut, I can't see it being as drastic, maybe $50-$100 at the absolute most. Still wouldn't be great IMO but could move more units.
I'm wondering now if Nvidia is about to reset pricing for the 4070 Ti and 4080. Relative to the 4070 the pricing of bad, but maybe this is Nvidia goal to try and sell 4070s. I'm sure the 4070 will outsell the other two, but still not convinced it will sell great. Part of the issue is there is no game to push these new cards, outside of cyber punk again with the path tracing update. 20 series is still mostly fine if you only care about raster.
The 4070 is 600 USD with AIBs ending up cheaper boards & coolers Vs 4070 Tis & 4080s whacking on coolers & boards way too overkill (because Nvidia was mucking around with 400W+ power limits with 4070 Tis & 4080s) means that for the 4070 Ti especially I can't see any necessary price cut beyond $100 and even a price drop of a $100 would get to close to the 4070 while being like 15% faster (good chance a lot of cheap AIB 4070s or even the FE one will be tad below a 3080) than said 4070 while incurring losses for AIBs. Especially if Nvidia doesn't want to take a financial hit on dropping prices.

Nvidia have created a messy lineup below the 4090 and ironically they would've been better off just focusing on AD102 with a 4090 Ti in addition to a 4090 instead of the 4080 and attempted '4080' 12GB and trying to clear out Ampere stock than the mess they made (though AIBs have part to blame with their expensive ass 4070 Ti & 4080 designs).

I at least hope Blackwell launches are less messy. Like Nvidia should just do a 5090 and 5090 Ti at the beginning and see how the rest of the market is feeling to finalize SKUs below them (and hopefully 24Gbit/3GB GDDR7 Memory Modules come along, because 12GB for 70 class cards is not enough, like 3GB Modules would mean potentially like a 18GB 5070 Ti & 15GB 5070).


May 24, 2018
United States
I'm sure anyone that last bought a Freddo for 10p 7 years ago would be shocked at how much they go for today as well.

Do we really think someone that bought an upper midrange card 7 years ago hasn't checked the price of GPUs once in the last 7 years?

Generally no, I'd expect most people have checked prices at some point. But I think that it's reasonable for people to hope that a new generation might bend the cost curve back toward what it had historically been in the past, since there's obviously been non-inflation increases in the price and we know demand is softening significantly. A 4070 at $500 would still be a greater-than-inflation increase vs what 20%+ of gamers are using.
Generally no, I'd expect most people have checked prices at some point. But I think that it's reasonable for people to hope that a new generation might bend the cost curve back toward what it had historically been in the past, since there's obviously been non-inflation increases in the price and we know demand is softening significantly. A 4070 at $500 would still be a greater-than-inflation increase vs what 20%+ of gamers are using.
I mean the thing about the 4070 is that it's more a 3060 successor from a die size & specs perspective, like that leaked 4070 Vs 3060 & 1060 slide with CS2 Nvidia Reflex is kinda telling! (though AD104 is slightly bigger than GA106 and costs like slightly more than double to manufacture).


Oct 27, 2017
AMD really needs to get their 7800 xt and 7700 xt out sooner rather than later. At this rate Nvidia will get out the entire 4xxx stack before the 7800 xt gets released.


Oct 25, 2017
AMD really needs to get their 7800 xt and 7700 xt out sooner rather than later. At this rate Nvidia will get out the entire 4xxx stack before the 7800 xt gets released.
Exactly, it's getting out of hand.

Like I heard they are coming this summer, but that's pretty much it!


Oct 25, 2017
AMD really needs to get their 7800 xt and 7700 xt out sooner rather than later. At this rate Nvidia will get out the entire 4xxx stack before the 7800 xt gets released.
I have personally given up on Radeon at this point after the 7900XTX and 7900XT. Too many marketing gimmicks by AMD to try and trick people, and AMD shown they have zero interest in trying to compete with Nvidia.

They are basically in the same spot by as Nvidia in terms of pricing down the stack, but with a worse product in terms of feature set. Main advantage AMD has is their vram, but they still price too high when competing with the total Nvidia package.
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Oct 29, 2017
I have personally given up on Radeon at this point after the 7900XTX and 7900XT. Too many marketing gimmicks by AMD to try and trick people, and AMD shown they have zero interest in trying to compete with Nvidia.

They are basically in the same spot by as Nvidia in terms of pricing down the stack, but with a worse product in terms of feature set. Main advantage AMD has is their vram, but they still price too high when competing with the total Nvidia package.

Calling out AMD on marketing gimmicks while nvidia promotes their cards with DLSS3 performance compared to cards that can't even use DLSS3 is funny. They both utilize gimmicks, but nvidia's charts are easily the most misleading in the industry and have been for a while.

Trying to dismiss the price hikes as if it's just because of inflation, which was largely because of energy prices during covid is ridiculous. Supply is up and demand is down.
Nvidia are still gouging customers and providing less while doing it. The 10 series lasted basically a decade while these cards are probably going to be sweating bricks to keep the same framerates when this cross-gen period is over in short while.

Crypto boom subsided, AI firms now renting server space instead of buying GPUs and real inflation is cooling off.

Buy only if you're desperate imo. They expect people to be because of how shit the GPU market has been for a number of years, only reason prices are still up while demand is down and their inventory is massive.

Furthermore, this is looking like the worst 70 class card in some time. Most expensive and smallest relative gain to previous gen. The 970, 1070, 3070 all matched the previous gen's xx80Ti class card. The only one that didn't was the 2070, but we did get the 2070 super which had identical msrp to the 2070 which did match the 1080ti. Basically, the 4070Ti is what the "normal" 4070 should be performance wise based on precedent. The 4070 will likely only match the 3080.

and I still think the 12gb vram is somewhat stingy.

like, yeah, it's not as much of a disaster price/perf wise as some of the previous 40 series launches seemingly, but it's still pretty far away from "good" and I don't expect the reviews to be particularly glowing.


Jun 19, 2018
Trying to dismiss the price hikes as if it's just because of inflation, which was largely because of energy prices during covid is ridiculous.

This is just incorrect. The higher energy prices are NOW. During COVID there was a labor, materials and capacity shortage which drove up prices and a shipping crisis. Also, there was a demand surge during COVID.

There is still a big capacity problem for semiconductors that just seems to be going away now slowly. Also "inflation" is just an average. It says nothing for a specific product.

That said, I'm sure Nvidia is trying to extract as much money from their customers as they can, but now that supplyside constraints are loosening I'm pretty sure pricing yourself out of the market isn't the way to do it.


Oct 27, 2017
I really don't know what to do, my price range is around $600 for a video card but the 4070 seems like kind of a crappy deal. But the 8GB of my 3070 just isn't cutting it. I'd go AMD if they had a decent card in the $600 price range, but I don't want a last gen AMD card that has super poor ray tracing capability. Too bad the 7900 was priced so poorly. In all realness, the 4070 Ti should have been released as a 4070 for the performance gains (usually a x70 card is similar to the prior gen high end, ie, the 3090) but greedy ass Nvidia wanted to charge $800 and knew the public wouldn't accept a $800 4070.


Oct 30, 2017
I really don't know what to do, my price range is around $600 for a video card but the 4070 seems like kind of a crappy deal. But the 8GB of my 3070 just isn't cutting it. I'd go AMD if they had a decent card in the $600 price range, but I don't want a last gen AMD card that has super poor ray tracing capability. Too bad the 7900 was priced so poorly. In all realness, the 4070 Ti should have been released as a 4070 for the performance gains (usually a x70 card is similar to the prior gen high end, ie, the 3090) but greedy ass Nvidia wanted to charge $800 and knew the public wouldn't accept a $800 4070.

The 4080 is the card you should be aiming for as an upgrade to the 3070. If that's out of your price range then you're better off sitting out this generation.

The 4070 is a massive step up for the $600 price range but it's not a significant enough upgrade from a 3070. 2 generations or 1 generation plus 1 step up in the product stack is what you need for a significant upgrade.


Oct 25, 2017

NVIDIA claims GeForce RTX 4070 and RTX 3080 offer equal DLSS performance without Frame Generation -

GeForce RTX 4070 gets official performance claims NVIDIA is readying for the launch of the new GeForce desktop GPU. The slide you see above confirms the price of $599 and the release date of April 13th. But neither the price nor the release date are a secret anymore. Meanwhile, we received many...

TLDR: 15% slower than 4070Ti
Will probably be closer to 3080 12GB than the 10GB model.