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The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Except they weren't tedious. They were literally the only thing left to do. So when you get on, you have a goal to work towards

My friend and I had spent the last 4 weeks working on Fouls and Castaways. We had to get creative. Dress as noobs, attack only noobs, only do message in a bottles, run brigs and find noobs to join us, hit every skull fort, hit every shipwreck, etc. It wasn't a grind, it was a goal, something to work towards as we played and experienced the game

That's what voyages and Legend and Athena are all about; something to get you out experiencing the world and players. For people with nothing left to do, commendations were it. They were the push and the goal. And now... nothing
But I dont think that was the intended function at all, it only accidentally wound up that way because they skewed them too far in the wrong direction. If they were meant to be the thing you strive for once everything is done, they would have never dispensed rep in the first place.

How are people liking/not liking the Cursed cannonballs in actual gameplay? All I'm hearing is tears over barrels. Any gameplay impressions of other stuff? Haven't had much time to play.
They're game changing for fighting skeleton crews and people at forts (the lock barrels one seemingly stops the skeleton crews from repairing). Havent had an opportunity to mess around with a few of them the way I want to - I think shooting anchor and sail balls at docked ships doing voyages should be a fun bit of mischief but the server I was in this morning was fairly empty

They'll probably also be useful in a chase - i can imagine making some distance by anchor turning so theyre in range, and then popping an anchor and sleep/dance ball to freeze them. But again I havent actually tried it
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Oct 27, 2017
The barrels took some getting used to, but after a 2-3 hour session the interface became second nature.

I was skeptical of the cursed cannonballs at first, but after getting to use them on another ship and seeing the panic it caused I'm sold.


Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
From a developer's point of view, implementing features that are the basis for future content makes sense but from an end user's perspective it makes for a very confusing experience. I am glad that Mike has come out and explained their reasoning and how this sets the foundation for future stuff that we're going to enjoy. I also really appreciate that they're going to add a shortcut to take all / store all with barrels. This satisfies any feedback I had on this update so far.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
I still think a barrel should indicate its empty which they didnt comment on, but once take all gets implemented and becomes second nature it'll alleviate my main issue with the current barrels

The cannonball quick menu sounds nice too. Ive been getting around having to pause by swapping out my custom quick selects on the dpad to the cannonballs. If you keep tapping it'll cycle through the ones you have


Oct 27, 2017
I still think a barrel should indicate its empty which they didnt comment on, but once take all gets implemented and becomes second nature it'll alleviate my main issue with the current barrels

The cannonball quick menu sounds nice too. Ive been getting around having to pause by swapping out my custom quick selects on the dpad to the cannonballs. If you keep tapping it'll cycle through the ones you have

Agreed. It was a little frustrating to open one up and find nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's the full edit to Mike's post:


I missed the following when I first posted:

We're adding an 'empty' tag to barrels so players know in advance if its empty. This will be available in the next update.

We're fixing the issue where players get disconnected due to wave / ship movement.

We're going to review the stack limits.

Also I want to address the reasoning behind not having a 'take all' option on the fly. This is related to us expanding to multiple items types in a barrel, otherwise this would only work for what are currently single item barrels, although we want to expand the items they can contain in the future. Also, we need to be mindful of potential crew disharmony issues with a single crew member taking all various item types from a barrel in a single button press. This would become the primary way versus making a more considered choice. For players who just want to grab a stack of cannonballs quickly, we're confident the 'Take All' option from within the interface will be a considerable improvement.


Oct 28, 2017
Aside from the barrels complaint, I really like the cursed cannonballs. They add a lot morme depth to battles and other situations. We had a battle last night between a few ships and it was fun to use them. Today, I was solo slooping and a guy went to an outpost I was headed to. I waited around a few minutes for him to leave, but he wasn't leaving. I ended up shooting a couple of holes into his ship and then using an anchorball to get it away from the outpost. It sank pretty far away from the outpost, and I was able to safely unload my stuff. It'll be interesting to see how these can be used in different situations.


Oct 27, 2017
But I dont think that was the intended function at all, it only accidentally wound up that way because they skewed them too far in the wrong direction. If they were meant to be the thing you strive for once everything is done, they would have never dispensed rep in the first place.
Intended or not, they left it that way for 4+ months, after endgame players invested hundreds and hundreds of hours into it. And it stayed that way patch after patch after patch. It doesn't just lower the requirement, it actively dismisses the time and effort people put into them to a significant degree

The rep gain is so insignificant- I'm willing to bet all of them put together wouldn't advance a single level from 40-41. It's tough to see anyone arguing that the rep is a legit reason for this change. The entire premise behind the "Legend" and horizontal progression was about making your pirate notorious visually in the game. That's certainly authors intent. Having high level commendations and titles that let dedicated players stand out seems to fit with that vision


Oct 25, 2017
The Danger Zone
How exactly do you scroll through your cursed canonballs in your inventory aside from pressing a button to go through them one by one?

They didnt think to have another radial menu to select what kind of canonballs to hold?


Oct 25, 2017
I guess something went wrong, or the fixes haven't been pushed across all the servers yet?


Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
I'll say one thing about the new barrel system (after a few hours of playing with it)... it is VERY nice not to have to switch to cannonballs/planks/bananas first to place them in their respective barrels. On a controller that was a bit of a pain.

During combat and at forts, it's slower to get materials, but - with a few tweaks this is a positive change.


Oct 25, 2017
Make sure that when you are on the open seas, you are always standing at full mast



Oct 27, 2017
During combat and at forts, it's slower to get materials, but - with a few tweaks this is a positive change.
Needing to have items out before putting them in barrels was weird from the start. That could have been changed a long time ago

I agree that after the QoL changes Rare outlined, and perhaps some other tweaks, this might be a better system

But this isn't an early access game. The main playerbase is not your Pioneer testing group. Rare rushed it. What's out *now* is not better. I think what upset most people I play with is the feeling that this implementation is only pushed out by people who don't play the game. Most people were upset before they even left the outpost, knowing how ridiculous it would make combat and game flow. Rare seems out-of-touch with that, and it hurts the "benefit of the doubt" we give Rare on the little bugs and gripes (by as holding supplies before putting them in barrels) because of the beautiful foundation we feel they're building on


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Intended or not, they left it that way for 4+ months, after endgame players invested hundreds and hundreds of hours into it. And it stayed that way patch after patch after patch. It doesn't just lower the requirement, it actively dismisses the time and effort people put into them to a significant degree

The rep gain is so insignificant- I'm willing to bet all of them put together wouldn't advance a single level from 40-41. It's tough to see anyone arguing that the rep is a legit reason for this change. The entire premise behind the "Legend" and horizontal progression was about making your pirate notorious visually in the game. That's certainly authors intent. Having high level commendations and titles that let dedicated players stand out seems to fit with that vision
Alright then have them dispense more rep if thats the new goalpost. Id rather have something thats beneficial to more players than placating a minuscule percentage of people mad they wont be able to feel special a year from now when they finally turn in 1000 captains chests because the luster of feeling special because theyre maxed out and own everything has worn off. Its cool you found a creative way around two of the commendations but the vast majority was just doing the work ad naseum and several relied on pure luck.

edit- kind of annoyed and misread something so im cutting out the second quote
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Oct 27, 2017
Alright then have them dispense more rep if thats the new goalpost. Id rather have something thats beneficial to more players than placating a minuscule percentage of people mad they wont be able to feel special a year from now when they finally turn in 1000 captains chests because the luster of feeling special because theyre maxed out and own everything has worn off. Its cool you found a creative way around two of the commendations but the vast majority was just doing the work ad naseum and several relied on pure luck.

edit- kind of annoyed and misread something so im cutting out the second quote
Ya, I have a history of overreacting to minor changes, and I'm definitely in a minority playerbase. It's not so much about feeling special (I was very proud of my 1000 pigs though), it's just about having a goal to work towards when you open up the game. Most people I know ignored the commendations until later in the game for this reason. Who goes out and specifically tries to get Castaway chests when they're working towards being Legend? You just do quests. And turn in what you get

Right now, the commendations are set to match the normal amount of chests someone will turn in on their way to Legend. Which just seems redundant to me. And I feel most people playing the game at the lower levels will feel the same; oh hey, cool I guess


Oct 28, 2017
Did they add death timers to chickens? I just had a golden chicken on my ship and it disappeared. The crate is w here I left it..

Tappin Brews

Oct 25, 2017
hate to say it but having taken a month off from the game i may have lost the "hook". set sail with a friend last night for 2 hours and was just bored. even the threat of enemy ships (i avoid pvp in this game unless i have a reason/advantage) inspired a lack of excitement and tension - which was always kind of a driving emotion for my enjoyment in the world. honestly not sure what would bring me back, i dont think volcanic islands and a row boat would be enough. genuinely a bit sad, but i thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game even if this is the end.

cheers to the crew!


Oct 27, 2017
Those sets look great. Crab and Kraken sets...hmm giant crab and some sea monster hunter company coming to the game?

Tappin Brews

Oct 25, 2017
had what must have been a bug last night (lots and lots of bugs all of a sudden by the way) - any ship that we got near, whether we approached them or they approached us, would sink and despawn. i'm assuming we were dropping in and out of instances somehow.

heres a vid as we cracked up when it happened for the 3rd time in a row. we spot a ship, we get near and it sinks. in this case it then came back out of the water. what you dont see is that seconds after this video the ship just out right disappears!


Jan 21, 2018
hate to say it but having taken a month off from the game i may have lost the "hook". set sail with a friend last night for 2 hours and was just bored. even the threat of enemy ships (i avoid pvp in this game unless i have a reason/advantage) inspired a lack of excitement and tension - which was always kind of a driving emotion for my enjoyment in the world. honestly not sure what would bring me back, i dont think volcanic islands and a row boat would be enough. genuinely a bit sad, but i thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game even if this is the end.

cheers to the crew!

I've had this problem when I stopped playing for a while. But playing with a group got me back in.


Oct 28, 2017
Are Athenas still bugged? I just hit PL a couple of days ago, but don't want my first Athenas to be a let down.


Oct 26, 2017
Is there a good strategy for the 30 Reapers Mark voyages? Seems like it will take ages to complete. Been doing OOS and cancelling any Chapter quests that pop up.


Oct 28, 2017
How do-able are solo Athenas? I'm tempted to try, but all of the Athenas I've done have been in groups of 3 or 4 and were pretty difficult due to the amount of skellies. Am I asking for a ruined evening if I try to solo one of these?
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