
Alt account
Jan 10, 2019
I doubt I'll have much difficulty figuring out what to do since I've watched a bunch of streams and have a general idea of what I can do, but are there any tips specifically for playing solo that'll make my life easier?
Wear an alliance flag, and watch out for players with them. And as said, always keep your eyes peeled and don't go to devils roar solo, that place will end you.

Also when starting a game, head out to a empty fort for resources.


Oct 25, 2017
So what other modes would folks like to see added to Arena, outside of Sloops (10+ Sloops per match)

Race is one idea. 6 islands, where teams have to collect a flag from each one. The order in which you do them is up to you, quickest team to collect all and cross the finish line wins.

I still wouldn't mind seeing a proper Battle Royale mode, using the whole map with a heightened number of ships on it (say 20 teams of 4). Last ship floating wins.


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
Finally jumped into tall tales last night. Didn't know how much time I had, so I did it solo. Boy.. It's a great little puzzle, and it's super well done. But dodging other crews and having such a slim margin of error is nerve wracking.

I got to the island with the shroudbreaker, but got my sloop attacked and sunk by a random galleon before I finished solving the puzzle. I shipped across the entire map to get back, but again (likely the same crew) started to steal my ship before I could finish getting the last piece. I scuttled, got the shroudbreaker, and prayed it would still be there when I returned with a new ship. Lo and behold, it was, as I quickly passed by the end, picked up my prize and delivered it to compete the quest.

It was like 2 hours longer than I wanted to spend, but ì was very satisfied and very very tired by the end of it. Kudos to Rare and I'm getting a crew first next time lol


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
Just did the Star quest. Ace.

Only blemish was
it ending in the same vault as the first Tale!
but that was minor. Otherwise it was a really good challenge and we had loads of encounters on the way. So good.


Oct 27, 2017
I completed the tall tales and I am so impressed by what Rare accomplished with it. The sense of disovery and adventure, as well as the way it keeps surprising you all the way through to the end is so well done. I hope they add more tall tales in the future.
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Nov 26, 2017
Ive been playing both modes a lot, the loading times are a real downer, took 7 minutes from game start up to starting a solo sloop run. Arena mode is longer still so they really have to hurry those along.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the tips everyone.

Literally an hour in, after picking up a quest, I got attacked by a Kraken, I shot its arms while attempting to steer out of the circle of tentacles before it eventually slapped my ship and picked me up, it finally let go and I got back to my ship, kept trying to repair but seems like the Kraken just pulls it under so I couldn't fight back, got stuck in the ship and couldn't get out before the screen went black and respawned. Ran out of time trying to find 2 damn white chickens for the quest so I just abandoned it.

Loving it so far, but I had some experience from watching people I know stream it so thankfully I wasn't completely lost. Selected another cargo run quest, but I picked up a message in a bottle and mistook that as the quest, so I grabbed a fruit box from the merchant guild thinking that was for the cargo run quest, filled it up on another island, finished that and realized I was looking at the wrong map, oops. I checked the correct map, saw I actually had like 8+ in-game days to complete it, I was wondering where I'm supposed to get this cargo from before realizing the name on the paper is someone in the outpost and not from the guild you grabbed the mission from. Grabbed the cargo from the barkeep and successfully delivered it to a small little fishing outpost without too much damage, decided while I was there I would fish for a bit, saw a storm nearby but assumed they didn't move and started fishing instead.

I then discovered storms do move, sat through the entire ~10 minutes of it making sure my ship doesn't fill up with water before going back to the main outpost and logging off. It was pretty scary seeing my compasses going all over the place, I can't imagine trying to steer through a storm with the wheel going all over the place either. For a game that's better suited for multiplayer, I had a ton of fun on my own.

Edit: Missed a word
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Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Man I don't know if anyone from rare is a member here but fucking shout out to you guys, these tall tales fucking rule. These combined with all the other cool shit this game offers (megs, krakens and other ships oh my). I've only done the first three but this is the kind of stuff I dreamed of when multiplayer gaming became a thing.

Kudos to you all, hopefully this is just the beginning of these things.

Arena is alright too but not that great solo via matchmaking, definitely need a crew Thst knows wtf it's doing.


Oct 25, 2017
Man I don't know if anyone from rare is a member here but fucking shout out to you guys, these tall tales fucking rule. These combined with all the other cool shit this game offers (megs, krakens and other ships oh my). I've only done the first three but this is the kind of stuff I dreamed of when multiplayer gaming became a thing.

Kudos to you all, hopefully this is just the beginning of these things.

Arena is alright too but not that great solo via matchmaking, definitely need a crew Thst knows wtf it's doing.
I assume even if they don't have official accounts, someone there must have an account. And otherwise, they probably still check these threads. Guilty pleasure, most definitely.

And because of that, just wanted to say that while I get bothered by the damn errors I get sometimes during big updates (stops connecting, the MS store craps itself, etc..), I absolutely love the game. Now I'm trying to get some people to play. I have some friends from work that have the game but I don't think they play anymore, so if someone here is up for some Tall Tales with a person that hasn't done a single one yet, isn't an English native speaker and lives in Asia so there might be a tiny bit of lag... let me know!

Ive been playing both modes a lot, the loading times are a real downer, took 7 minutes from game start up to starting a solo sloop run. Arena mode is longer still so they really have to hurry those along.
I've had the same issue. It's obviously not actual loading for the game, but some network issue since sometimes things can be pretty smooth. I hope it gets fixed soon-ish.


Oct 27, 2017


Alt account
Jan 10, 2019
Can anyone tell me what's the payout for doing a Tall Tales voyage multiple times?
Oct 25, 2017
Has anyone seen ever been fortunate enough to see Shrouded Ghost? It's only the meg I have left to complete the set.

EDIT: Corrected meg name because I was too lazy to look up the correct one the first time round.
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Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
Did the second Tall Tale with a 3 man crew.
Holy shit the health scaling on Briggsy
was crazy. Totally different experience to doing it 2 man, and not in a good way. Weird misstep from Rare, unless we got a bug.
Oct 29, 2017
I got hung up on the journals a bit today. They can only be read when doing the tale, but there doesn't seem to be any connection to the potential islands.

We did the The Cursed Rouge again. Not a single journal was on the island we had to go to. I'm not sure what Rare wanted to achieve with this. You have no clue where to find them so you need to turn to a guide.

I just don't get it. :/

Anyway, this is the best gaming experience I've had in years.


Dec 30, 2018
Played a little of the story mode tonight solo, absolutely loved it, the sense of adventure it brings is honestly unrivalled imo.

No hand holding, no big arrows telling you where to go or what to do, figuring things out just feels so damn refreshing.

After getting the shroudbreaker and heading back to the outpost I kept hearing this music, couldn't figure out what it was, thought it might be because I picked up the shroudbreaker and it was just playing for atmospheric purposes, that is until the megladon tried biting my ship in half, scared me to death!

I was looking at my map on the sloop and then all of a sudden a big shark mouth comes at my face, then I was like "Oooh, that's why that creepy music was playing" haha.

I love the sense of exploration this game gives as well, trying to find the chest off one of the islands actually led me to another random chest underwater that was completely unrelated because I actually went to the wrong island lol.


Oct 25, 2017
The mechanic of the telescope in the Art of the Trickster one took us WAAAY too long to work out. The journal was more of a hindrance than a help there. Still had fun though.

I wish the books would remember what page you're up to though.

My crew and I are currently undefeated in Arena :D

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
Came back to the game to try out the campaign solo and it was pretty cool until a crew decided to fuck with me by harassing me as I was trying to figure out where to go for a step of this quest. I basically couldn't get anything done, so I scuttled the ship and found out that the item I needed to continue the quest was gone that meant I'd have to start over again. It was such a bad, demoralizing experience and is basically how I remember it being last year when I last played it. I'll have to figure out good times to play when nobody's on for a chance to do anything meaningful or else trolls will ruin everything.

If they let solo people be on their own server or a server with other solos that just want to experience and have fun, that would be the thing to really make it easy for me to have fun, but otherwise, it's too much work trying to avoid the assholes. At least I got my two achievements for the MS Rewards quest so I can be done with the game for the time being.

Tappin Brews

Oct 25, 2017
Came back to the game to try out the campaign solo and it was pretty cool until a crew decided to fuck with me by harassing me as I was trying to figure out where to go for a step of this quest. I basically couldn't get anything done, so I scuttled the ship and found out that the item I needed to continue the quest was gone that meant I'd have to start over again. It was such a bad, demoralizing experience and is basically how I remember it being last year when I last played it. I'll have to figure out good times to play when nobody's on for a chance to do anything meaningful or else trolls will ruin everything.

If they let solo people be on their own server or a server with other solos that just want to experience and have fun, that would be the thing to really make it easy for me to have fun, but otherwise, it's too much work trying to avoid the assholes. At least I got my two achievements for the MS Rewards quest so I can be done with the game for the time being.

i know how frustrating that can be, believe me, but without that constant, unknown threat, much of the tension and sense of urgency would be gone. its not much of adventure without risk


Oct 25, 2017
Just did The Shroudbreaker and also The Cursed Rogue. Those were so much fun, specially The Shroudbreaker with the Indiana Jones feel to it!

I also loved that during The Cursed Rogue, everybody was sitting down while the NPC would talk. The two missions also took us a while, about 2 hours each, even though one of the players already knew what to do. I wanna do the rest with people who haven't done anything though, since figuring out every bit is more fun (we still had to, since that person didn't quite know all of it, just some parts).


Oct 25, 2017
Completed Art of the Trickster last night. Loved how ambiguous the puzzles and were, required some real thinking!

Arena is the nuts too, Rare have really nailed this.


Oct 27, 2017
i know how frustrating that can be, believe me, but without that constant, unknown threat, much of the tension and sense of urgency would be gone. its not much of adventure without risk
Previously I'd completely agree. You're all just fighting over meaningless currency and that fight is the centerpiece of the experience to obfuscate the grind and lack of content. But Tall Tales feels much different. The adventure is in the story, and you can have genuine, unique, and exciting experiences that don't involve other crews at all. Tall Tales doesn't need added tension

If it was an Indiana Jones style treasure hunt where all the other crews are after the same MacGuffin, the tension would be great. But that's not how they're designed. Opposing crews are sinking you for the wrong reason. There is something fundamentally different between losing some gold and losing quest items. Losing progress towards Pirate Legend is trivial but being unable to progress through a storyline is simply not fun

I don't know how Rare is going to find the correct balance as they add more and more mechanics (fishing and Tall Tales) which just don't benefit from the dog-eat-dog environment the grew from a solid year of fighting over gold. Arena isn't the answer, and neither is completely friendly seas. We'll see


Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
i definitely feel the pain of tall tales being interrupted/canceled because another crew takes your quest items. Happened to me half the time in testing when I was playing solo and it hurt a lot. But, it is sort of a "that's the game" situation, and I vowed that if we engaged crews that were on TTs I would stop attacking when we found that out.

Last week a friend and I sank 2 ships that were on Tall Tales and felt bad. One we tried to return their key, but they logged out before we could (and the key disappeared). Another, after sinking and killing them I went to the ferry of the damned and told the guy we would leave their quest items on a rock where we sank them (our ship had the reaper up so they could see where we were). He went from saying "you MF'er" on the ferry to being very thankful/grateful. It was pretty funny. But in that case they were on a brigantine and we were on a sloop and how they couldn't manage to escape us easily I have no idea.


Nov 13, 2017
Did the second Tall Tale with a 3 man crew.
Holy shit the health scaling on Briggsy
was crazy. Totally different experience to doing it 2 man, and not in a good way. Weird misstep from Rare, unless we got a bug.
Regarding your experience:
"Me and the wife and a friend spent 30 minutes spamming cannonballs in her face on the side of that beach to no avail. She heals constantly and instantly and i think the fight REALLY needs to be fixed. It's broken AF right now. We all gave up said we'd revisit when they address it. Shame, we were having such a great time until that very point."


Dec 30, 2018
Couldn't they just make the story mode a separate mode with separate servers which has PVP turned off?


Nov 13, 2017
Could and should IMO but they're steadfast (it looks like) on keeping this perma PvPvE. I really think SoT would benefit from PvE only servers. I play with my wife and other friends and their S.O.'s who dont play many video games but absolutely love SoT for the simple act of sailing together, solving riddles, digging up quests and now fishing. They get so demoralized when other players gank and try to grief or now try to chase you down on Tall Tales after you've told them and they respond with, "we know".... they could go forever with not PvP'ing and be perfectly content.


Oct 30, 2017
Couldn't they just make the story mode a separate mode with separate servers which has PVP turned off?
Would be hard to do. A pure PvE version of current Adventure mode would be very vulnerable to trolling and griefing. Just imagine another crew showing up, you can't attack, or stop blocking your stuff on the ship, taking away loot etc. Doing any form of PvE only server would require them to consider a lot of this kind of behaviour. The only other options would be private servers with a single crew on it, which I don't see happening either.

Regarding your experience:
"Me and the wife and a friend spent 30 minutes spamming cannonballs in her face on the side of that beach to no avail. She heals constantly and instantly and i think the fight REALLY needs to be fixed. It's broken AF right now. We all gave up said we'd revisit when they address it. Shame, we were having such a great time until that very point."
Currently she seems to take way too much hits, when you or on a Gally or Brig. Might be either a balancing issue, or her beeing bugged. On a sloop, she is apparently quite easy. Still she is managable, just horribly time consuming and eating your ressources away.


Dec 30, 2018
Could and should IMO but they're steadfast (it looks like) on keeping this perma PvPvE. I really think SoT would benefit from PvE only servers. I play with my wife and other friends and their S.O.'s who dont play many video games but absolutely love SoT for the simple act of sailing together, solving riddles, digging up quests and now fishing. They get so demoralized when other players gank and try to grief or now try to chase you down on Tall Tales after you've told them and they respond with, "we know".... they could go forever with not PvP'ing and be perfectly content.

Yeah, my wife doesn't even play games and she was sat watching me play SOT last night and said "I would definitly play this with you, you could sail the ship and I will navigate and we can find treasure together, it will be fun" but the second she found out about the griefing and stuff it just immediately put her off, she has seen me being griefed on the game before and she just thinks it is annoying and honestly I have to agree with her, I don't want to spend hours finding treasure just to have a group of children come up screaming down their microphones and killing me over and over then taking the treasure, essentially rendering all the time I spent playing the game worthless, my time is already limited enough these days.

I don't mind PVP in games but there does seem to be a very high level of purposeful trolling on SOT probably because of certain streamers on twitch actively encouraging it, hence why, like yourself, I think they should find a way to make it so it's PVE or at least give an option for private servers for people like us who are content with PVE.