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Jan 17, 2018
Mexico CIty
I played 18 hours of this game during the weekend.

Dec 6, 2017
Bought the game last night, made it to the
Drunken Guy
and got my ass whooped like 20 times in a row and ragequit. Just had 2 coffees back to back and I beat him first time.

Now I gotta fight
old lady


You definitely don't have to yet. I took me sweet ass time exploring and upgrading myself and returned later to fuck her up.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Lady Butterfly was my first actually, got her on my 15th or so attempt. I hadn't even met Gyobu aka Horse Boss until after I beat her, and I beat him on my third try. But then you run into the bull mini-boss and I was stuck there for a good 40-45 minutes as I felt that fight was a harder challenge than the bosses before it.

I actually got horse boss on my first try! Lady Butterfly I tried about 10 times, "beat her", only to realize I only got her first form, got to her second form and got demoralized and quit.

Tyrant Rave

Has A Pretty Cool Jacket
Oct 25, 2017
What the hell Isshin, my god, I don't know if I can do it

Alright, like in Dark Souls 3 then. Thanks!
Final boss spoilers
seriously, dude is HARD. It took me a few hours to get through. I had to parry perfectly to get through. I felt exhausted after

Can't wait to see more reactions to this


Oct 26, 2017
either the second
was much easier, or I am much better at the game 30+ hours in

I guess the later :P


Oct 26, 2017
I wouldn't really think much of it, there are lots of little easter eggs and nods in this game from what I can see.

Hell, the entire intro scene was ripped out of Dark Souls
Mh there is another thing that's...well...
The demon of hatred is the sculptor from the temple. He always said he's different, and that the rot doesn't do anything to him, and he turned into a beast....I dunno, seems weird.


Oct 27, 2017
Thank you both! Is this story-related because I still haven't been to Ashina Castle Tower yet? :P

You can certainly proceed if you wish to, but yeah, you're not "supposed" to be there yet. I am honestly amazed you beat that...
Snake Eyes bastard, I think that and Headless
... were the only things I just decided to give up on and try again later.

Blade Wolf

Oct 27, 2017
Taiwan fully upgrading the Sabimaru (poison blade) worth it?

I just upgrade it for the first time and it's a huge disappointment, basically you get a different moveset that's harder to activate that does the exact same fucking thing.
Should I keep upgrading it? Does it get much better later? I really like how this thing looks.


Oct 27, 2017
Does anyone know if enemies give more exp in ng+? wondering if i should farm before advancing

also, does anyone know what the max vitality is?


Oct 27, 2017
A few questions for anyone who might know:

What am I suppose to be doing with this Shelter stone?

What am I suppose to be doing with this Precious Bait?

Is there suppose to be a key for the door behind the sub boss in Sunken Valley, by the Gun Fort shrine?

Is the fight on top of Ashina Castle the final boss?

Thanks in advance!

nothing yet, nothing yet, not yet, no.

Yeah can someone help here? I tried several things but none had a 100% chance success (they fail sometimes).
sprint under him always worked for me, its super punishable.


Oct 25, 2017
So i just killed the General after the Ashina Gate but the only way i can move forward is through the Abandoned Dungeon...Is that the normal way or can i open the door somehow?
Apr 24, 2018
First off, I've never really liked/played many stealth games nor character action games. The former I hated wonky detection/exploration aspect, the latter I hated the reflex heavy nature/difficulty of those games. Despite all this, I really wanted to give From's next title after Bloodborne a shot.

I'm only 4 mini-bosses in so far (amazed seeing people beating this nearly/already beating this - kudos to those of you that have). And I'm not gonna lie, just the first mini-boss I thought that maybe I have no business playing this game.

That first mini boss (General) absolutely destroyed me. Repeatedly. I'm pretty sure I died here 15-20 times (certainly over 10). I naturally followed the "commonly suggested" play tactic of going in aggressively and deflecting as much as possible only to see my posture drain greatly while his barely went down. Somehow I eventually got through this fight.

Then I beat the Ogre and the first mini-boss in Hirata Estate barely dying. I thought hey, maybe I'm finally starting to get the hang of things.

Then the Second General (Yamauchi?) happened. I wound up beating him with 4 deaths, but I completely changed my play-style on my 4th and (successful) 5th attempts. Instead of going in, I just dodged all his attacks and went in for one attack or two. I also pulled off a couple of Mikiri Counters, here. Instead of feeling frustrated by my seemingly slow reflexes as I had previously been, I had very little issue beating him this way.

I also messed up the stealth attack on my successful attempt and wound up taking both bars off of him in actual combat. Amazing what a small difference in play style made for the difficulty in the fight for me.

Now I just have to get through the Drunkard and hopefully my first real boss, or two. I don't know how far I'm going to be able to get, but I'm definitely going to stick with it as long as I'm able to. All these comments of having to go in and always deflect have me a bit worried - but as I saw with the Second General, maybe there are other ways of playing and playing successfully (although going in was useful against the Ogre/first mini-boss in Hirata estate).

The game is certainly very difficult (for me) and definitely frustrating at times, but I think that hook of believing that winning is possible is still there for me (just as it was with what I played of Bloodborne, my only real previous SoulsBourne experience). Glad that I've stuck with it through the weekend and at least made at least a little bit of progress.

One tip that I just learned that I wish the game had explicitly stated is that staying in a blocking stance makes posture regen faster than not being in a blocking stance. I found this out on a tip video and would have never discovered this on my own, as I never previously entered blocking stances.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I've been following impressions of this game, and what seems striking to me is that it doesn't sound like a lot of these boss fights are fun.

Is that the case? Is that different than their other games in that regard? I only played Bloodborne once through because it literally gave me headaches, but there were a number of bosses I would have loved to fight again.

IMO this game has the best fights From ever did. Of course if you neglect the mechanics and try to cheese them out is not very fun. That's like saying Dark Souls fights sucks because you can stay in the back and throw lightning spells until bosses dies.
Dec 6, 2017
So i just killed the General after the Ashina Gate but the only way i can move forward is through the Abandoned Dungeon...Is that the normal way or can i open the door somehow?

If you want to know the simple answer:

Yes, you can

If you want the solution:

The door opens from the other side only, it's barred from the inside. You have to get into the castle and back down to unlock the shortcut essentially.

Keep exploring either way.


Dec 8, 2017
Where should i go next? I have a choice of Senpou, Sunken Valley and Depths. I want to be in the best possible position to face the ape


Oct 25, 2017
Appreciate the replies. Thanks.

I guess I should not take posts where people curse out the bosses after beating them too literally, lol.


Oct 27, 2017
If I could give one tip it would really be emphasizing the relationship between health and posture, for both you and your enemies. If a foe's posture is replenishing very quickly, switch it up and go for cheap shots until you shave off some HP, then go aggressive on breaking their stance. Likewise, don't let your own HP get below 50% because you won't be able to block shiiiiiiit before you're worn out.

Also, holding block GREATLY accelerates your posture recovery rate, so if need be, get some space and hold block, then watch your posture damage recover in seconds.

Blade Wolf

Oct 27, 2017
Taiwan fully upgrading the Sabimaru (poison blade) worth it?

I just upgrade it for the first time and it's a huge disappointment, basically you get a different moveset that's harder to activate that does the exact same fucking thing.
Should I keep upgrading it? Does it get much better later? I really like how this thing looks.

Anyone? Is the 3rd and 4th upgrade worth it?
Oct 28, 2017


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Where should i go next? I have a choice of Senpou, Sunken Valley and Depths. I want to be in the best possible position to face the ape

Senpou IMO. Not many minibosses and the boss fight, without spoiling anything is easy, so get the relatively easy attack power upgrade there.
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