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You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
The hardest boss in the entire game for me up to this point was that stupid gunner miniboss on the way to the Gun Fort. efffffff
That fight had me raging.

I found the Gentipedes and Apes to be the easiest boss fights. Gentipedes were like beyond easy and took like barely a minute. Their rapid attacks were super easy to deflect perfectly and it just filled up their posture like nothing and then it was over.

Apes were tougher for sure, especially second time around, but their movesets were pretty simple so not a lot of attacks or stuff to watch out for so it was just deflect attacks(which I found super easy to do, get in a bunch of hits then run away from scream and repeat. Second Ape fight would have been cake if I had actually read the Finger Whistle description and didn't try to take on both at the same time, but still I beat it on my second attempt.

I'm at the end game right now and so far the hardest fights for me have been:

Owl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Genichiro>>>>>>>>>Snake Eyes Shirafuji>>>Seven Spears

These were the only fights I had to repeat more than like 5-6 times to beat and more like a 10-50.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
So what are everyone's thoughts on
Guardian Ape?

I beat it after many attempts but that second phase is a slog. I think it nearly ruins the fight. I'm literally parrying/blocking and then running away. Get two pokes in and repeat. Let's not forget the Roar of Doom either which punishes trying to be aggressive. Absolutely annoying.

First phase was hard but better.

I love it, one of the best bosses From has made to me.

The second phase is all about posture damage. He has odd movement and timings but you can parry everything pretty easily, the tippytoe slam down makes him fall over for a few seconds and is the main thing to scope out. He loses the grab attacks and only uses sweeps so you can just jump attack when you see the symbol. The scream is the only time I ever let off pressure.

Plus the change in animation and music is so goddamn unnerving.


Oct 27, 2017
It's what I did first for like 10 tries and did not have clear openings, I mean I got some probably but really short and got punished.
I have no issue with the headless alone, and as soon as Ill manage to kill the add once Ill win the fight, but I never killed him.

But my 3 tries today were alright, I actually tried both methods today and got close, Ill keep at it :)

I'm went to sleep last night just at the door of this fight. Is the whistle confirmed to work? I'm definitely gonna try that! seems made for this fight.


Traded his Bone Marrow for Pizza
Oct 25, 2017
You may like Nioh, but I don't think liking one implies liking the other. I really didn't care for Nioh for instance, but am absolutely loving sekiro.
amazing, beautiful, with some terrible backtracking at a certain part.

Probably my favorite FROM game.

Should I try Nioh if I loved this?

Playing this game has just made me want anion 2 even sooner. The bosses in that game are more memorable IMO, I love the combat, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
i'm with you farmable ammo being pointless and not a big fan of the consumables either. But I think the stealth is very well done and really well implemented into the combat loop. It doesn't feel primitive. I feel like I have most of the standard sneak and kill options from every other stealth game I've played, and it moves so much faster than most stealth games. You can straight up sprint behind people and still backstab them. The simplified "alerted" phase seems very deliberate to get you back to action mode quickly. I was actually really surprised how lenient that is. I think it succeeds in making you feel like a badass while also facilitating exploration in a way the souls games never encouraged
Well I mostly mean the fact that I can get away with some weird strats in stealth like
I forget his name but its a miniboss up the stairs outside of the castle front door. He's surrounded by grunts. I just find it weird that I can pick all of them off with shurikens from afar and the miniboss never questioned it. I found a few scenarios where I could get away with this
That's probably intended but it still felt weird to me. Primitive might've been a harsh criticism. Some of these guards just suffer from MGS1 cone vision. It still feels really good backstabbing people (especially when you get certain abilities later).
Oct 26, 2017
Blanking out at work thinking about home thinking of sweet sekiro...get home insta turn on sekiro. Also lol it took me till genrichiooo to realize that you still take damage whilst blocking on hard mode.
So what are everyone's thoughts on
Guardian Ape?

I beat it after many attempts but that second phase is a slog. I think it nearly ruins the fight. I'm literally parrying/blocking and then running away. Get two pokes in and repeat. Let's not forget the Roar of Doom either which punishes trying to be aggressive. Absolutely annoying.

First phase was hard but better.

Stop bein a lil wimp and running away then xD.

Parry that ultimate attack, put it all on the line, the boss will get downed for a long time if you do



May 17, 2018
So what are everyone's thoughts on
Guardian Ape?

I beat it after many attempts but that second phase is a slog. I think it nearly ruins the fight. I'm literally parrying/blocking and then running away. Get two pokes in and repeat. Let's not forget the Roar of Doom either which punishes trying to be aggressive. Absolutely annoying.

First phase was hard but better.
My only complaint was the roar's range. It seems to be almost guaranteed to hit you for something unless you use the umbrella or mist raven. I had a much easier time with phase two.
Apr 24, 2018
Man, every successive day I go back to this game, I feel like such a god damn badass. My first day was a steep learning curve against puny enemies and a struggle against that first samurai. My second day led to a brick wall when I found the Drunkard. My third day led to massive breakthroughs and taking down three bosses! Then today, I rip through two more bosses and take on an entire group of enemies AND a samurai simultaneously while getting shot at from afar.

Holy shit! This game is like a childhood fantasy ninja simulator!
Posts like these give hope to newbs like me - thanks for posting!


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Also the prosthetics and combat skills are far more useful than you may think. Definitely abuse them against mini bosses.


Oct 25, 2017
Still farming at the castle. I justify the cheese because I don't know how difficult the end game will be.

Hail Satan

Oct 27, 2017
Finally beat...
Genchiro in the tower. His lightening form wrecked me.
Literally jumped up and started dancing.
Felt great!


Oct 28, 2017
I give up at the first general! I just can't read what he's gonna do and react quick enough with a correct response. Plus dying loads means I've no XP and no money!


Oct 25, 2017
I got the final skill in some of these trees and honestly the earlier combat art in the tree seems better than the more expensive later version


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
So what are everyone's thoughts on
Guardian Ape?

I beat it after many attempts but that second phase is a slog. I think it nearly ruins the fight. I'm literally parrying/blocking and then running away. Get two pokes in and repeat. Let's not forget the Roar of Doom either which punishes trying to be aggressive. Absolutely annoying.

First phase was hard but better.
Found it tedious tbh


Oct 25, 2017
So what are everyone's thoughts on
Guardian Ape?

I beat it after many attempts but that second phase is a slog. I think it nearly ruins the fight. I'm literally parrying/blocking and then running away. Get two pokes in and repeat. Let's not forget the Roar of Doom either which punishes trying to be aggressive. Absolutely annoying.

First phase was hard but better.

One of the coolest bosses just for the second phase but honestly got annoying after the first couple deaths just cause his attack style animation made me do hit and run chip damage which is so boring and a slog. I dread the rematch in my NG+


Feb 5, 2018
I think I have seen this type of repetition in other japanese media as well.
Even the most recent Haruki Murakami book suffered from a protagonist that would repeat every piece of new information
given to him.
Heh, doesnt really bother me with jap WO. So if someone else gets tired of it you might wanna try. :P

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Holy shit is this world actually connected like Dark Souls??? I just found my way back to the start of the game and a mini-boss is now there

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
I wonder what a fucking parry monster I'm going to be in literally every other game ever after this parry boot camp from hell that is Sekiro.
Lmao! Going to back to other games after playing 50 hours of straight Sekiro is a totally bizarre feeling. It's like my eyes have been opened and I'm aware of the matrix.


Jul 11, 2018
Guardian ape was the easiest boss, his first phase was only hard, I didnt even die when there were two monkeys. If anyone needs a tip: Just run a lot and dont focus on the other monkey, he will die with the guardian ape, try to only hit once or twice when the ape falls on the ground.


Oct 27, 2017
Beat Genishiro ! 1h of tries but still, so satisfying to finally pull it.
I managed first phases quite easily but with the mass parry in mind it's hard to react in time for each lightning strike and I soaked two of them in the end. Not pretty but since I missed only one gourd at this point, it passed.

Wolf of Yharnam

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
What the actual fuck, just found the
Demon. I'm pretty sure that's the sculptor. Fight seems impossible for me atm. I'll try the main boss first
Dec 6, 2017
Lmao! Going to back to other games after playing 50 hours of straight Sekiro is a totally bizarre feeling. It's like my eyes have been opened and I'm aware of the matrix.

I felt like such a badass even nailing parries so often in Nioh and Revengeance and shit, I can't wait to go back after beating this just to try it out.

Finally beat that fucking bitch, FROM nail the fuck everything to finally beating them euphoria every game (spoilers of course) -


Just as a tip for others since I'm sure at this point you were just avoiding the illusions as a strategy, but killing them actually yields emblems.


Oct 25, 2017
Just did probably the most dirty thing I've ever done in a video game...

Manually uploaded my save to the cloud before a major boss so I could download it after a ton of failures so I don't have to bother with Dragonrot and losing items lol.

No shame!


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
Oh man. I tried Lady Butterfly after defeating Drunkard with the aid of that dude nearby. She destroyed me. I am never going to beat her, am I? This is where my path ends. I see it now - no matter how hard I try, this game is beyond my capabilities.

I mean, I can only imagine most of you guys here are simply better at this. There is something about From games that I don't get - it's timing of certain moves. Sometimes I do them, sometimes I don't and I don't understand why. And I see a lot of people not having these issues, like they see the game in slow-motion or something. I mean, just clearing the guys around the Drunkard was a challenge to me, and him I would've never defeated without NPC help. And then I come to that Lady, I mean.... I didn't even understand what was going on. I will try it a few more times, but I am almost certain defeating her is beyond my capabilities.


Apr 20, 2018
Maan, so I've been playing this since friday. And something just felt off, I couldn't really parry or block properly. But reading about how hard people found the game, I just figured I was well a bit.. bad at the game. But today, fighting the boss at the top of Ashina Castle a buuunch of times, I'm like "hmmm I think the parry/block button isn't working all the time" And yupp, after a quick test, I found out my controller must be a bit broken, cause it won't register every tap haha. Sooo yes, I'm an iditot for not noticing before haha. Now after switching the controller the game feels sooo god damn good!
Last edited:

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Stamina is gonna feel like such a fucking slog to readjust to.
Heh, not only that but yesterday I played some Smash Bros online for the first time in awhile and I was CRUSHING everyone with my new found Sekiro Ninja training. My senses have been fine tuned and heightened!

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
I'd say it's more sad than creepy. A creature granted the curse of immortality forced to see it's mate die then having nothing but the flower it tends to in order to try and attract a new one.
Oh, i didn't know that, pretty sad :^(
from always gives the most hideous monsters sad backstories


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
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