
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, seriously, do people really deflect perfectly without just mashing L1? I don't know how they do it. In some boss fights, you'd need perfect timing hundreds of times.

And yes, I am cranky because I now keep dying to fucking Emma without even getting to the hard part!

Consistently all the time? Unlikely. 90-95% of the time? Very reasonable after first playthrough in my opinion.

Also to clarify, this isn't an all or nothing kind of deal. You can do option select too, which means you will have deflect inputs that do nothing, but allow for more auto-piloting to notice other stuff. It's not just you have to hit one button per attack instance or you are mashing everything. There are different degrees.


Oct 27, 2017
Just wanted to say that it was fun being part of these OTs. Even though I've played/finished them all, it's the first FromSoft game of this type where I've been able to play from launch, so figuring everything out, giving/receiving tips, etc. as it was all happening (as opposed to being a somewhat lopsided LTTP thread) was pretty special.
Mar 29, 2018
Also to clarify, this isn't an all or nothing kind of deal. You can do option select too, which means you will have deflect inputs that do nothing, but allow for more auto-piloting to notice other stuff. It's not just you have to hit one button per attack instance or you are mashing everything. There are different degrees.

Wait. What does this paragraph mean? "Option select"?


User requested permanent ban
May 29, 2018



Oct 26, 2017
Been so busy with work I just picked this up again.... the blazing bull is still kicking my ass, anyone have any cheese?


Oct 27, 2017

I taught myself to constantly be looking at my opponent's hands to see what they're doing/winding up. Of course, most of the time I guessed wrong. LOL

Been so busy with work I just picked this up again.... the blazing bull is still kicking my ass, anyone have any cheese?
For me, I just locked on and chased behind and to the side of it. When it enters its turning animation, you can get some hits in. You can pretty much do this through the entire fight. I'm sure there are much better ways. :)


Oct 26, 2017
Been so busy with work I just picked this up again.... the blazing bull is still kicking my ass, anyone have any cheese?

Firecrackers, then stay on his ass. When you chase him he'll try to slow down and turn but slip a bit when doing so. This is a good time to get hits in. You'll see I get wrecked a few times but then I get into a chasing rhythm.



Oct 27, 2017
Aaaand Guardian Ape down

Not gonna lie, i kinda didn't care when it was done. Like i said earlier, i feel like I'm starting to get burnt out.... and its not like I'm just marathoning things either..I'm taking my time.
As an aside, only 19 percent of folks actually beat ape according to Xbox achievement stats


Oct 26, 2017
Final boss down. Wasn't that hard tbh.

Beat him on my fifth attempt. The huge arena probably helped. Got the Return Ending. The first Genichiro fight was the worst by far. Bird Man in Hirata was almost as bad.

I'm glad it's over. Did I enjoy playing the game? Eh, not really.

Why continue playing a game that might take more than 30 hours to beat if you weren't enjoying it?


Oct 27, 2017
Wait. What does this paragraph mean? "Option select"?

Option select is something you do in fighting games where you do a string of inputs that defends against multiple possible outcomes.

In this game, all it means is that once you've identified possible move transitions from a particular move, you can defend it without needing to actually look. For instance, if you know that a particular move has a handful of transitions with different timings, then you just identify the timing of set of faster attacks and hit deflect at each of those timings, then identify the slower attacks by animation. You reduce the number of things you have to actually look for (hence auto-pilot) and you can spend that extra time looking for other stuff.

Another example is there are enemies where a move transitions into multiple moves that you can just do a string of inputs instead of having to look. One such case is the standard spear monk, where the default 2 hit leads into either perilous thrust or perilous sweep. If you don't want to bother to look for the animation, know that the sweep is slower than the thrust, and sweep is slow enough that you can jump in time after a dodge forward. This means that regardless of which perilous is actually triggered, you can always just dodge in (will catch thrust if that's the move, will just dodge in and recover in time to jump sweep if not) then jump (will not jump if thrust since you are in mikiri animation, will recover in time to jump sweep if it's a sweep). You will always win and you don't have to actually look.


Apr 7, 2019
So I just watched the video VaatiVidya uploaded two days ago...

I had no idea Sekiro could recognize the Sculptor when he became the Demon of Hatred.

He said he shared sake and eavesdropped a lot and that's why that happened, but I would like to know what exactly triggers it, because I shared all the sakes available with him and this didn't happen to me. I assume there's some important moment where you should eavesdrop to trigger it.

Also that Sekijo bit was nice, must have been Isshin that named him too.

I know when you kill him you hear his voice and he thanks you for ending his suffering


Feb 1, 2018
Going back to BB, this game is ubdoubtedly harder and less intuitive when it comes to combat.

I feel like its a bit a more satisfying to hit enemies and damage them than constantly deflect to get the killing blow.

For the next game ,enemy deflects should have a different colouring or sound effect to indicate that YOU are being deflected.
Dec 6, 2017
I want to write the most hateful rage post ever right now so I'll just say that I wanted to, not do it and drop this miserable fuckhead of a game for the millionth time now.

Cool, I feel vaguely less hateful.


Apr 4, 2019
Going for the Shura ending and wow Emma and Isshin are tough. Perhaps not as tough as the Purification final boss but still hard.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
I might have hit my final wall with the game

Owl (Father) is so tedious and boring. His posture and damage barely go up and it's tough to be aggressive cause he's constantly jump kicking away and throwing fire crackers. What an awful fight


Dec 24, 2018
Aaaand done! Just about 60 hours playtime in total. That was my favorite boss in the game. Don't think I will go to NG+ anytime soon, Dreams, Anno 1800, Yakuza kiwami 2 - a lot of other titles that want attention, but there are so many open questions for me.
-The Snake "fruits". I have no idea what the purpose of these is.
-I missed a bonfire near flower viewing stage. You can see it from the bridge. I tried to find a way, jump over, even walljump but no luck.
-the red-white paper windmill. I feel I missed something there. I figured out the white windmill but even with a lot of searching no luck.
-WHY was the Koi in the headless ape bossarena? This surprised me a lot when I found it there.
- the forest section before mibu village left a LOT of open questions, but all lore related.
-Snap seeds. Outside of the butterfly boss I did not find a purpose for them. If this game is stuffed with illusive walls like souls and uses snap seeds for them, I may have missed a lot.
There are other points that escape my mind but I'm excited to return to it someday and figure all this stuff out. So, please no answers to any of those questions ;)

Also, after it being active all the way to the end: what does the Belldemon actually do? I read better items, but hard to tell what these are. Better drop rates? Different stuff? I drowned in prosthetic upgrade material, so maybe it's this.


Oct 26, 2017
I bought it digitally. Unfortunately.

Still, I feel your time is worth more than a game you're not enjoying.

Aaaand done! Just about 60 hours playtime in total. That was my favorite boss in the game. Don't think I will go to NG+ anytime soon, Dreams, Anno 1800, Yakuza kiwami 2 - a lot of other titles that want attention, but there are so many open questions for me.
-The Snake "fruits". I have no idea what the purpose of these is.
-I missed a bonfire near flower viewing stage. You can see it from the bridge. I tried to find a way, jump over, even walljump but no luck.
-the red-white paper windmill. I feel I missed something there. I figured out the white windmill but even with a lot of searching no luck.
-WHY was the Koi in the headless ape bossarena? This surprised me a lot when I found it there.
- the forest section before mibu village left a LOT of open questions, but all lore related.
-Snap seeds. Outside of the butterfly boss I did not find a purpose for them. If this game is stuffed with illusive walls like souls and uses snap seeds for them, I may have missed a lot.
There are other points that escape my mind but I'm excited to return to it someday and figure all this stuff out. So, please no answers to any of those questions ;)

Also, after it being active all the way to the end: what does the Belldemon actually do? I read better items, but hard to tell what these are. Better drop rates? Different stuff? I drowned in prosthetic upgrade material, so maybe it's this.

Lets see if I can answer some of them...

1-Snake fruits are required for one of the three post Sword Saint endings.
2-Don't fully understand what area you mean here.
3-It's at the end of that area with a bunch of pinwheels before you fight the Knight.
4-Based on the description of the flower you find after beating the Guardian Ape that's where the water from the Fountainhead flow into so it makes sense that it would drift there.
5-True, that.
6-It's useful against those purple ghost enemies you face.


Oct 25, 2017
Saw all 4 endings. Overall I liked it. Disappointed by boss repetition and how useless most prosthetics were.

Been so busy with work I just picked this up again.... the blazing bull is still kicking my ass, anyone have any cheese?

There is a speedrunning skip if you really don't want to fight him. Looking up any speedrun will show it to you. I did it on my last three playthroughs.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
Aaaand done! Just about 60 hours playtime in total. That was my favorite boss in the game. Don't think I will go to NG+ anytime soon, Dreams, Anno 1800, Yakuza kiwami 2 - a lot of other titles that want attention, but there are so many open questions for me.
-The Snake "fruits". I have no idea what the purpose of these is.
-I missed a bonfire near flower viewing stage. You can see it from the bridge. I tried to find a way, jump over, even walljump but no luck.
-the red-white paper windmill. I feel I missed something there. I figured out the white windmill but even with a lot of searching no luck.
-WHY was the Koi in the headless ape bossarena? This surprised me a lot when I found it there.
- the forest section before mibu village left a LOT of open questions, but all lore related.
-Snap seeds. Outside of the butterfly boss I did not find a purpose for them. If this game is stuffed with illusive walls like souls and uses snap seeds for them, I may have missed a lot.
There are other points that escape my mind but I'm excited to return to it someday and figure all this stuff out. So, please no answers to any of those questions ;)

Also, after it being active all the way to the end: what does the Belldemon actually do? I read better items, but hard to tell what these are. Better drop rates? Different stuff? I drowned in prosthetic upgrade material, so maybe it's this.
Yep, better drop rates in exchange for harder enemies.

Those are some interesting questions that will surely be exciting to figure out the next time. :D

Finished it in 61 hours myself, we must have very similar playstyles. I'm at 101 hours now, though, can't stop playing this shit. I really wanted to start some other games, too, but I can't. :(


Oct 25, 2017
So, endboss.
Genchiro is a pushover, as always. Isshin kicks my ass currently, but I almost managed to beat him once. You really HAVE to stay aggressive with him. No point in healing since it effectively resets all progress unless there is some lengthy attack that completely misses you.
One thing that fucked me up twice now is the camera. Sometimes it just breaks and loses Isshin. Usually, if he jumps (and maybe is directly above you).
In the third phase, the lightning hits me sometimes, sometimes not. I feel I should return to the section right before the dragon and get the timings actually right. You are supposed to jump and press R1 right before the attack lands, right? Maybe I do that too early.
Despite some problems, I have to say, it's soo satisfying to get a phase down without getting hit once.

It has to have hit you and then you press R1. You do however need to have enough airtime left after getting hit to do the counter. Generally I saw that he was doing a lightning attack, waited a beat after when I normally would have jumped, and then jumped into the attack spamming R1.


Oct 27, 2017
Going back to BB, this game is ubdoubtedly harder and less intuitive when it comes to combat.

I feel like its a bit a more satisfying to hit enemies and damage them than constantly deflect to get the killing blow.

For the next game ,enemy deflects should have a different colouring or sound effect to indicate that YOU are being deflected.

When we get deflected isn't there a distinct sound effect in addition to the orange sparks?

Black Chamber

Oct 27, 2017
United States
I'm pretty sure this is the lowest amount of bosses they had in any Miyazaki game, though, including Demon's. Even counting the reused bosses and bosses that you can't possibly fight in the same playthrough since they're exclusive to different endings paths. There are 14 bosses total in this game, 16 if you're VERY generous. Demon's Souls has 17. Bloodborne also has 17 if you don't count Chalice Dungeons, if you do, there's another 9 or so in there, not counting reskins, which is being less generous than we're being to Sekiro here.

Like, the low amount of bosses is even a negative in the game to me, even though it doesn't stop me from loving it.
Sekiro has the most bosses in any From Software title to date - and the DLC hasn't even been released yet.

There are 32 unique bosses in Sekiro [I came up with that number because I only included each boss that you fight once, so things like the two Owl fights I only included one of him and the three similar Sumo bosses I only counted once - the same goes for any mini boss you fight more than once] and that is more than in any previous FromSoft game.

The DLC will no doubt add even more unique bosses to the roster.
Oct 27, 2017
Finally beat the game, probably the easiest of From Soft's games imo. Whereas in every Souls and Bloodborne I always dreaded going into a boss fight, in Sekiro, just about every boss I walked in feeling ready to go and confident that I'd beat them. With the exception of DoH, there wasn't really any boss that made me go "I dont know if I'm ever gonna get past this guy." I really hope there's a sequel to this game or another game that uses its combat system because it was the most fun of I've had out of all of the recent FromSoft games. To people that know me, that sounds like blasphemy, but the combat system was so much fun and it made you feel like a badass.

Excellent damn game.

Side note: I'm so glad that they actually put music into the normal areas in the game. Its one of the things I dont like about the souls games(mostly only music during bosses). The music made it a lot more interesting and atmospheric than just boring ass silence for most of the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Sekiro has the most bosses in any From Software title to date - and the DLC hasn't even been released yet.

There are 32 unique bosses in Sekiro [I came up with that number because I only included each boss that you fight once, so things like the two Owl fights I only included one of him and the three similar Sumo bosses I only counted once - the same goes for any mini boss you fight more than once] and that is more than in any previous FromSoft game.

The DLC will no doubt add even more unique bosses to the roster.
I wouldn't count enemies with two health bars, like the
ogre, mist noble, headless
. The pretty clear distinction to me is if the enemy gives you a memory, it's a boss.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
Just beat a certain late game boss. Here's how I was able to beat him

Owl (Father) - I basically stayed in his face at all times but didn't attack. I let him attack first, parried what i could and then punished the obvious openings. The obvious openings to me were his unblock sweep attack and then the overhead follow up, as well as his combo that ends with a firecracker and a very long sweep attack. There are other openings but these are the easiest to spot and punish. I did this and took only one hit on his first phase.
The second phase was a huge pain in the ass. Mostly cause he kept disappearing all the time. He also barely attacks with his unblockables in that phase outside of the thrust attack. It took forever but I was able to chip his health away and take him out.

Black Chamber

Oct 27, 2017
United States
I wouldn't count enemies with two health bars, like the
ogre, mist noble, headless
. The pretty clear distinction to me is if the enemy gives you a memory, it's a boss.
The mini-bosses most definitely count as bosses and they are meant to. Some of the mini-bosses are tougher than some of the main bosses
Lone Shadow Longswordsman, O'Rin Of The Water and Seven Ashina Spears gave myself and others a lot more trouble than most of the main bosses


Oct 25, 2017
The mini-bosses most definitely count as bosses and they are meant to. Some of the mini-bosses are tougher than some of the main bosses
Lone Shadow Longswordsman, O'Rin Of The Water and Seven Ashina Spears gave myself and others a lot more trouble than most of the main bosses

Relative difficulty isn't the contention. Rewards and requirement for completion are. The first is a reskin of a basic enemy, the second can be walked past. Both only give a bead. The wiki is a pretty good guide. Mini-Boss is the better distinction and even then the repetition among this group diminishes the count significantly as a good number are used as regular enemies later or are gimmick fights at best.

Also including things like the bull in a boss list actively hampers the quality of the list overall.


User requested permanent ban
May 29, 2018
I mean, seriously, do people really deflect perfectly without just mashing L1? I don't know how they do it. In some boss fights, you'd need perfect timing hundreds of times.

And yes, I am cranky because I now keep dying to fucking Emma without even getting to the hard part!

I finally went into the third phase with all 10 gourds. And I needed them all! As well as a Jizo Statue to revive twice! Man, I just don't like these boss fights where it takes you forever to get to the main part, and you have to do it over and over again. Anyway, I beat the fucker and I was excited to go down the evil path....but that's the end!! What??? So you're missing 1/3 of the entire game! I thought this was the way to fight Owl at Hirata. I guess not.


Nov 4, 2017
That blazing bull boss fight was bullshit. I died to this boss so many times because I just couldn't grasp the tactics until my 5th try.