
Nov 3, 2018
I played Shadowrun Returns a bit when it launched years ago, so I dove right into Dragonfall instead of replaying SR.

Whew boy even on easy this game can be difficult if you aren't a veteran of turn based strategy games. I am most likely not going into battles with everything I should have but I am dragging my party to the finish line.

Missions also take way longer than I anticipate, especially ones where the quest giver is like " Yeah quick job 500creds" but it's this multi hour thing.


Feb 10, 2021
I think I may have jinxed my PS5 version playthrough when I remarked on day 1 with my initial impressions of how polished Dragonfall is. With that I meant the general feel and the UI, but ever since then I have been plagued with bugs in a way I don't think I've experienced before.

Frequent constant music bugs where the background music will just stop in an area all the time, and I've had a dozen soft locks of various kinds already and I've only just at the part where the subway power goes off which is super early (AI turns not finishing, map transitions not loading, frozen controls, cutscene triggers not triggering, etc), as well as that weird bug where a mission kept resetting its progress whenever I finished it and returned to the main hub.

It's kind of crazy. The devs have got a lot of work to do here to get it anywhere near to being in an acceptable release state.


Feb 10, 2021
OK, I'm encountering a really weird bug in the early game.

The optional side quest for Gunari where you have to retrieve his stolen weapon crates just won't complete for me. But its kind of weirder than that. I'll do the whole mission non-hostile, making the deal with their leader and then the game leads you to the subway to exit the level and return to your Keiz. Except once the game has loaded the area it has reset the whole mission and directs me back Gesundbrunnen to do the quest from scratch.

I've loaded the game over and done the mission again and it does it every time. It's like loading back into the hub resets all the mission progress.

EDIT: Just tried it the hostile way and located the shipment that way. I'm now supposed to head back to the hub and give the info to Gunari, I go back to the hub and... it's directing me back to do the mission again and Gunari has no dialogue related to it. I guess the quest is bugged then.

Update on this issue in case anyone else encounters it:

I did the next couple of story missions, and after meeting Frau Muller I attempted it again. This time the mission successfully completed and was cleared off my mission log. Hooray!

However, it happened again in a different mission. The next thing I did was the Pharma mission where you have to go in to clean up 'loose ends'. I finish the mission, return on the U-Bahn, and on the way back I get the dialogue with Amsen that a lady called Frau Muller wants to meet up. I'm like "what? I just did that?", and sure enough, the game is repeating that mission plus the whole subway power down setpiece.

It's incredibly weird. I've literally never had a game just completely fail to track multiple quest completions, making me repeat whole quests that I've already done.

EDIT: Annnnnnd the fucking Pharma mission has reset. Wonderful.

I think I'm done. I can't with this. This is straight up broken.
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Feb 10, 2021
Lol, and now I'm having to do the subway power outage again.

This is easily the most broken game I've played. The triggers for the game recognising what missions are completed work seemingly at random. It's like I'm stuck in a time loop. Roll a 6 to avoid the game pretending like you didn't just spent the last 2 hours doing a quest.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol, and now I'm having to do the subway power outage again.

This is easily the most broken game I've played. The triggers for the game recognising what missions are completed work seemingly at random. It's like I'm stuck in a time loop. Roll a 6 to avoid the game pretending like you didn't just spent the last 2 hours doing a quest.

Yikes, let's hope those patches get here soon.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
What's interesting is that PC versions are just fine and don't have any of these bugs at this juncture. Well, haven't had them for many years.

How bad a port job was this with all the issues? It's just incredible.


Feb 10, 2021
Imagine playing something like an Uncharted game, and you work your way through levels 3 and 4, and you are waiting for the opening cutscene for level 5 to play... and it's level 3 again.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
I'm still relatively early in dragonfall after having beaten returns. I fortunately haven't run into any bugs like described above knock on wood. So far the most annoying bug in Dragonfall for me is that a team member will suddenly just stop following you. So the next time you have combat he is miles away and useless for that encounter as you have to spend ages bringing him back to combat. Fortunately this can be fixed by doing a simple save reload and that fixes the bugged out behavior (until it happens again rinse and repeat)

It's unfortunate the ports are so buggy because I'm enjoying my time playing the games. They feel like the crpgs I grew up playing. And the writing is good. Imagine a modern one of these in the ascent engine.


Nov 25, 2017
Never liked any of these games to be honest apart from the snes Shadowrun which I assume is related. Now that game was an absolute classic

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
And unfortunately I hit a nasty bug where I can't seem to progress without probably doing some major backtracking. Sad thing is, I think its an old bug rather than a new bug.

MKVI mission bug :: Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut Bug Reports

After clearing all obstacles in the mission and bringing all crew members, including the mkvi "package" to the return elevator, all characters exit through it but the game does not trigger and continue once the last character exits the screen (ie, take the elevator). Therefore the game simply...

Good game but the old and new bugs are frustrating.


Feb 10, 2021
There are a LOT of bugs relating to progression triggers in the game. To the degree it makes me think the code is in a real messy state.

I'm still waiting on a patch before I go back to it. I have a very high tolerance for this stuff usually (I stuck with Cyberpunk at launch on console for a week until I finally had enough of the crashing every 30 minutes), but it's still unplayable for me when its about 75% likely that any mission I complete just doesn't register as finished when I get back to the hub.
Possible solution: Stuck in combat after defeating enemies.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
The patch didn't fix my issue since I think its a legacy bug but I found a solution that I'll mention here for anyone who runs into it.

Basically on the mission I linked above but probably on others also, I jacked into the matrix and hacked what I needed to hack. But the matrix kept spawning enemies. I just left the matrix since I had done what I needed. But apparently those enemies were still there. So when I tried to transition to the next area that is what was crashing the game.

So I jacked back into the matrix. Killed the enemies. Left the matrix again and immediately noticed that I was out of tactical combat where each person has to move individually which wasn't the case before. I then was able to transition to the next area without it crashing.


Oct 27, 2017
Playing the PS4 version and this may be the buggiest game I've ever played. I can't count how many times I've encountered progression blockers. The amount of times I've had to google a specific scene because of some random bullshit is so frustrating. I've made it all the way to Hong Kong bonus content, I'm playing through the Tiger's Den mission and I'm stuck in the control center cause combat won't end. I guess it's a bug where some enemies haven't entered the room. I've reloaded saves, started the mission completely over and it keeps getting stuck.

It's a shame cause I don't remember the series being this buggy when playing it when it originally came out.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
Playing the PS4 version and this may be the buggiest game I've ever played. I can't count how many times I've encountered progression blockers. The amount of times I've had to google a specific scene because of some random bullshit is so frustrating. I've made it all the way to Hong Kong bonus content, I'm playing through the Tiger's Den mission and I'm stuck in the control center cause combat won't end. I guess it's a bug where some enemies haven't entered the room. I've reloaded saves, started the mission completely over and it keeps getting stuck.

It's a shame cause I don't remember the series being this buggy when playing it when it originally came out.
The games on PC side are fine. Its a shame that such great games got such a shoddy port 🤦‍♂️.

Kupo Kupopo

Jul 6, 2019
i appreciate everyone taking the time to share their bug info. was considering these games on series s, but'll pass for now...


Feb 10, 2021
Yeah, I'm beginning to get concerned that at least the PS5 version might be being left behind. Dragonfall is in such a terrible state for me that it's unplayable due to the mission looping bug, and yet it hasn't seen a single patch since the day it launched.

I'm sure it's just that the devs are working hard to squash the serious issues and improve the state of it, as well as Sony's certification process being what it is, but it's hard to be optimistic when there has been very little communication on it.


Feb 10, 2021
Two months in and still no PS5 patch. The game has been left in an unplayable state, these aren't minor bugs.

Biggest purchase regret in a good long while.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
Two months in and still no PS5 patch. The game has been left in an unplayable state, these aren't minor bugs.

Biggest purchase regret in a good long while.
So they left the games out to die basically? Thats such a shame as Dragonfall and HK are very good games :(.

Edit: Aren't physical versions releasing this year as well? Are they legit going to print them with the current broken mess and sell? 🤡


Feb 10, 2021
Yeah, that's what is so disappointing. By all other accounts the game is great, but the bugs kill it. The looping mission bug that ceases progression is one of the most severe bugs I've come across in a modern console game, and to have none of the other niggling ones addressed in any patch at all since release is insane.

It needs patching like crazy, and yet it's seen nothing at all two months in. Very much feels like the publisher has abandoned it.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
Yeah, that's what is so disappointing. By all other accounts the game is great, but the bugs kill it. The looping mission bug that ceases progression is one of the most severe bugs I've come across in a modern console game, and to have none of the other niggling ones addressed in any patch at all since release is insane.

It needs patching like crazy, and yet it's seen nothing at all two months in. Very much feels like the publisher has abandoned it.
Who is the publisher for this on consoles? Is it still Paradox? It might be worth tweeting at publisher and some gaming mags/journalists.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if it's Paradox still, but I do know that their tendency to leave stuff to die on the Switch has started to sour me overall on them as a publisher.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Trying to start Dragonfall on XS: it doesn't show the character in creation menu. And the game doesn't even load the first mission. Deleted and installed, cleared my saves, profile, it always gets stuck in the first loading screen.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't speak to the other platforms but just had an update for each game come down on the Xbox side of things.
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Oct 26, 2017
Quick question for folks that have this on switch. How is the performance? Any hitches or things like that?


Oct 26, 2017
Unless things got patched recently, performance and bugs are not good. I would wait and see if it got further patched.
What kinds of bugs and performance issues are there? No review I've read mentions the actual bugs or performance issues. I was thinking of buying it physically on switch through LRG and I don't want to waste my money.