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Oct 25, 2017
Im glad I already broke out of the blind Republican/Conservative upbringing I was raised in because shit like this thread would have turned me into one of those hardline loons real quick.


Nov 22, 2017
With the way some moderators ban and silence people I guess some of them are really really conservative, or "centrist"

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
About two years ago I made a hreads about a similar topic. And with all the shit that has went down in these past two years I began to thinking about this very question. So I have a question for all you to ask. Should conservatives be allowed on era. And if so what role do they have on this site. It's funny while there's no rule against conservatives on this stie many of their ideology are simply not allowed here. And My take on that question is no. Conservatism is the enemy of freedom and liberty and should not be allowed here
Conservativism differs from country to country and people support centre right parties for reasons that while are disagreeable, are not worthy of censorship and banishment from polite discourse.

Again, bigotry, hate and the like is banned, people can be on the right, especially economically and not support any of this and they shouldn't be banned from existing here merely because of a political compass being different.


Oct 25, 2017
The label has been almost fully co-opted by the republicans at this point. People who "fiscally conservative but socially liberal" are considered moderates now a days. Although if you ask me, "fiscally conservative" policies are still racist.



Oct 27, 2017
No, ban them all. Let's make sure we have only one allowed opinion on this forum. Makes for great discussion.


Oct 28, 2017
This is one of the most stupid questions I've read on here, and there have been many of those.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
Centrists believe in certain left and right principles.
Fiscal conservatism and social liberalism is common in Europe.

Most people who identify as the above would support equality, oppose racism and bigotry yet question government's role in society.

I'd disagree with them but wouldn't ban them because of this.

Red Arremer

Oct 26, 2017
I know we like to joke about gaming side being less progressive than etc. but I feel like mods are usually pretty quick to curtail the shit stirrers there. Maybe there's more of 'em? I dunno. I just can't remember the last poster I interacted with that gave me strong "I voted for Trump" vibes. Certainly some libertarian-ish vibes though.

There are a LOT of posters in Gaming who handwave minority issues away or call minority representation 'forced diversity' or infringing upon the devs' creative vision or whatever.


Nov 15, 2017
Come on lol. You can't do this. What are you gonna do, have a quiz on people's morals with a pass grade to sign up?

Not to mention, you can be conservative on some topics and liberal on others.

I am more left wing than anybody I know but even I know not every conservative is a piece of shit, even if it seems that way at times.

Also, that would just reduce ResetEra to being even more of an echo chamber than it is.

Engaging with people with different opinions to you is how you learn to understand them, and how they learn to understand you. Without such discourse, the divides would rapidly increase.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Isn't defining yourself as a conservative an action? If I am with people and 1 person somehow slips in, "I'm a conservative", I distance myself from them immediately. Ignore them too.
How do you interact with people in the work place like that? Or even society, sounds like a tough existence to be that hard core about it. Maybe because I'm in a area where it's almost like a 50/50 split so it would mean alienating half the population here?


Feb 27, 2018
Centrists believe in right wing ideology too.
Please, they're called moderates.

The more things change.

(Quick Edit.)
Everyone likes to talk about how Republicans shift the Overton Window to the right, but people also forget it works the otherway around too. Resetera is overall very liberal, so the Overton Window here is very left-shifted. Meaning that this forum's idea of "conservative beliefs" may be extremely skewed. If you start banning people for being conservative, you're going to be banning a lot of people for simply not being extreme leftists that don't check off all the stereotypical extreme-leftist political stance boxes.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
The label has been almost fully co-opted by the republicans at this point. People who "fiscally conservative but socially liberal" are considered moderates now a days. Although if you ask me, "fiscally conservative" policies are still racist.

Again depends on where you are and what that means.

In the UK the right wing party manifesto still support a minimum wage, full state healthcare, parental pay, and many things that would be considered to the left on the US spectrum.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
There are a LOT of posters in Gaming who handwave minority issues away or call minority representation 'forced diversity' or infringing upon the devs' creative vision or whatever.

Yeah, but as someone who once identified as a liberal and always happily voted Democrat, and fucking hated Republicans, I can tell you that kind of dismissive mentality is not just a Trump voter thing.


Oct 27, 2017
Again depends on where you are and what that means.

In the UK the right wing party manifesto still support a minimum wage, full state healthcare, parental pay, and many things that would be considered to the left on the US spectrum.
Shhhh. Only US focussed politics in these discusions please.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
How do you interact with people in the work place like that? Or even society, sounds like a tough existence to be that hard core about it. Maybe because I'm in a area where it's almost like a 50/50 split so it would mean alienating half the population here?
It isn't hard to disengage from conservatives. You just stop being near them.


Feb 20, 2019
I don't see why not. Whatever the broad term of "conservatism" even means these days, having conservative political values isn't against the rules and as long as they don't break them I see no reason why they shouldn't be allowed here. You would never even know if they don't talk about politics anyway, it's not like you're going to have to take a political compass quiz to sign up any time soon and I would bet there are quite a few already here that keep their heads down whenever politics come up.

On that note though I don't really see what they would get out of being here, I would think it would be more frustrating than not as politics are common place on the gaming side and even more so on etcera and pretty much any sign of conservatism will get dog-piled pretty quickly even if no rule breaking occurred (not saying this is a bad thing, just that I don't think it would be fun) - hell, I'm most certainly a lefty and even I have to take a break from the political discussions on here at least a few times a month due to frustration.


Oct 25, 2017
A gaming forum should have people that enjoy games in it, regardless of political opinion.

If they want to go to the off-topic forum and discuss their opinion, they should be allowed to do that too. If you are someone who hates conservatives, the last thing you should want is them believing they are being persecuted, as it confirms all the lies they are fed.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
How do you interact with people in the work place like that? Or even society, sounds like a tough existence to be that hard core about it. Maybe because I'm in a area where it's almost like a 50/50 split so it would mean alienating half the population here?

I am polite to people in work and in public, regardless of their political beliefs - unless they're a Nazi. But I will not actively spend time with conservatives if I can choose not to. I won't harass them about their beliefs or #cancel them. But it's unlikely I would actively seek friendship with them when their beliefs are not only completely opposite of my own (a Marx-reading socialist), but they also might hold views that put me or my friends at risk.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
What is fiscal conservatism? What are their policies and how do they affect minorities and other communities that need support?
Austerity for a start.

One I passionately oppose because the losers are those who can't either cope without the removed support or don't have a voice to oppose it.

However the arguments against such a policy isn't to ban anyone who argues for it, but to show why such policies are harmful and the real people such ideas, usually framed as being "fiscally responsible" are short sighted, cause extra spending in other areas (reducing children's spending causes higher youth crime, causing higher police spending) and are a false economic argument.

As someone who opposes such policies, I'm not arrogant enough to say that anyone who disagrees with me should be silenced and not welcome to express their views as such policy is not outside of the norm within pretty much any normal political discourse.
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