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Oct 27, 2017
The better question for this thread is what would your country do if Wyoming became an independent nation-state with control of 1/3 of the American nuclear arsenal?


Oct 25, 2017
not broken up but states that can fully sustain themselves like CA can separate from the united states. They wont but they can.
Oct 27, 2017
No Moose should all that power

But does it bang?



Jan 23, 2019
Serious question. It's clear during this pandemic that after Brexit and COVID, the EU is likely going to fall apart at some point in our time, and it got me thinking about America's (mis)handling of COVID, and how some states have been left to their own devices.

Edit: so the thread derailed into yet another EU discussion because I made a comment about the EU falling apart. (I should not have used the phrase "likely to fall apart" and spoke in absolutes) but look, the EU is amazing no doubt about it, however is it so difficult to imagine the possibility of more members leaving over the next few decades as economic and nationalism pressure seeps further into western countries, even with all the red tape involved? Even if the EU exists 50 years from now I can't imagine the members remain the same.

America is in a very strange place, especially to an outsider looking in. Its political system is fundamentally broken, the economy is on federal life support, mass shootings have become the norm, the healthcare system is frighteningly poor for a superpower, hell even the postal service can't catch a break. Like what the hell man?

Would you be happier to see the USA broken up into smaller states? If so, then how?
Umm no


Oct 28, 2017
Fuck the South. Let it burn after we take away all those military bases, defense contractors, the interstates, NASA (filled with scientists from the North because our schools don't fucking suck suck) and SNAP/Medicaid/SSI benefits that we are disproportionately paying for while you call yourselves 'the real America.' The Great Lakes are ours and when the Water Wars start, you're not getting a drop.

(You can take Indiana though.)


Oct 28, 2017
If you're American, no, unless you want to be bullied / dictated to by other countries who don't make stupid decisions like this.


Oct 26, 2017
If Trumpism continues past his presidency and blue states continually get shafted like they have been, they might start to wonder what the point of the Union is, especially since the often contribute most to the federal budget. I don't think it's in the cards right now, but if we keep going like this for another 4 to 8 years then I think it might be a possibility.


Oct 31, 2017
It should. United States is taking in free money because the internal order revolves around it. The entire world is financing their irresponsible behaviour with no balance in check. Most of the world power is vested in a single nation, and as everyone can see it only takes one bad president to take the world into the chaos.
Oct 28, 2017
It should. United States is taking in free money because the internal order revolves around it. The entire world is financing their irresponsible behaviour with no balance in check. Most of the world power is vested in a single nation, and as everyone can see it only takes one bad president to take the world into the chaos.

The world is not in chaos. Let's get some perspective here. If not the United States it's going to be somebody else anchoring the global economy. And you're not going to like them either.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, definitely not willingly giving unfettered control of any portion of our current military to Trumpet morons. What do you think crazy people with no grasp of reality will do with nuclear weapons and drones?

Really "own the libs", that's for sure. We're going to have to fight before the U.S. breaks up because we'd sure as shit have to fight after (and it would be even worse then).

Africanus II

Oct 26, 2017
There would be a mass redistribution of people (in particular minorities) right before anything is solidified.


Oct 29, 2017
The US splitting up is logistically impossible with a nationalized military that operates within state borders.

Each seceding state's capital would be seized by the end of the day. Plus, would you really want military rule with Trump as the truly ultimate authority?


Oct 25, 2017
This forum is hilarious.

You're so anti-state rights but now want states to succeed and form their own country?

This shit wouldn't be this bad if it wasn't for the consolidation of power into the federal level that's dems(and now the GOP) been pushing for, for decades.

Well this is what happens when you have a crazy maniac as president. When Obama was president, we tried to explain to you why over stepping the bounds of the executive branch was not a good idea cause Obama will not always be president. There will always be the next guy and you might not like the next guy.


Oct 26, 2017
The idea of splitting up the US or one or more states leaving will always be absolute nonsense.


Oct 25, 2017
If you see those actions as preventing World War III then they become much more palatable.
Well, I'm sure some do. I don't think propping up dictators, rigging elections, funding and arming right wing extremists to fight proxy wars, and straight up carrying out coups and assassinations as anything but bringing the world ever closer to another WW, but that won't be accepted by anyone who already drank the imperialism kool-aid a billion years ago.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm in favor of breaking up USA if we break up China and Russia too. America as the world police is bad, but in its absence China or Russia as the world police would be worse.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
There would be a mass redistribution of people (in particular minorities) right before anything is solidified.
Imagine being a young professional in Charlotte, Atlanta, or Miami or being a out-of-state college student at Duke, Vanderbilt, Rice, or Gatech and reading a headline about secession. Clusterfuck.

I'm starting to think of all sorts of dumb scenarios that pro-secessionists probably don't even give a shit about. Starting to imagine deadbeats escaping to another state(country?) to avoid paying child support and shit


Oct 25, 2017
It's a very real possibility that the new "western states pact" goes further after covid-19 and starts implementing health and economic policies exclusive to its participants, and then later perhaps the states would stop paying federal taxes and operate semi-soverignly. It would be an amazing and historic legal battle and probably constutional crisis.

The east coast might follow suit for their own type of system, Texas would surely go back to the glory days of being their own country, and you'll have 3 bordering coastal nations with a third world, barren central US that remains
Not fair to Illinois which is also a hardcore blue state.


Oct 26, 2017
I hope so.The state of California and it's people are the only ones I really give a damn about. Over the past 3 years I just can't seem to care about what happens to the rest of the country anymore.

That being said there's no non messy way to do it, and the only way to legally do it is through constitutional amendment. Good luck with that endeavor.

I think a better goal would be to see how far states can ignore the federal government. Concentrate power back to state governments then find a way to pay less and less federal taxes and keep it within state coffers. If CA can stop financially supporting the Union, that's the next best thing to actual secession.

Deleted member 18400

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Anyone who thinks the States should break off has clearly not done any research in the subject. I remember a section of my college economics class was about how our states work in conjunction with each other to basically fulfill HUGE amounts of trade that allows our economy to (usually) be such a power house. No state has the infrastructure in place to support itself and most states don't actually make enough tax revenue to support themselves without federal funding. There are a few states that MIGHT (and I mean might) be able to pull it off, namely California, but even then it would be a huge undertaking and a large gamble.

For some fun reading about what happens when a State tries to leave the Union google the "Republic of Texas"


Oct 25, 2017
Nope, we don't need any unnecessary bloodshed/civil war over someone's misguided pipe dreams.


Nov 30, 2018
No. We've got a crazy person and a pandemic destroying all normalcy now but let's wait due this to get under control and reassess everything then.

Africanus II

Oct 26, 2017
I will say that while talks of secession are premature, you all do know there is a future in which the United States doesn't exist as an entity. I'm sure the kingdom of Mali, the Roman empire, the Mughal dynasty, and more modern states like the USSR all at one point that they would endure till time indefinite. We are just constrained as denizens of the past to imagine it happening, especially at a rapid pace.


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine people cheerleading the idea that you need a passport to drive from cali to nevada.

Imagine people wanting to pay tarrifs and duties on fresh produce or frozen meat.

Imagine people saying "fuck yeah break up the U.S." when they don't even live here.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
There's nothing stopping us from forming compacts or voting blocs without having to break up the country. Look at how the western states and the northeast have banded together for this virus, that could be a permanent thing- states helping out other similar states. Purposeful coordination between similar ideologies.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Why is it always Europeans making these threads
This one was smart enough to spike their own OP with EU talk to keep the thread alive until the US day shift could take it from there.

I guess distance helps discussing these nihilistic scenarios because conceptually, it doesn't sound as bad as fucking over common people and upending their lives, as cataclysmic changes tend to.
Oct 27, 2017
Has anyone else noticed the OP laid this stinker of a thread and has abandoned it for 4 hours to talk about the FF7 remake?

Why isn't the OP tending to this dumpster fire?


But seriously folks, breaking up a world superpower is dumb and should be a last resort for everyone's health and safety, despite the enormous amount of stupid/ evil shit that emanates from us
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