Should Zutara have happened?

  • Yes

    Votes: 84 14.6%
  • No

    Votes: 490 85.4%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
I don't recall what you're talking about here, when was Aang and Katara's relationship shit on?
I'm just reiterating my thoughts from my recent watch but like I said how the first season is Aang's crush, the second brings light to Katara returning her feelings - to then dramatically end the season with Aang being faced with condition for his final chakra. The third season though, the focus on their relationship leads more towards Aang becoming possessive of Katara which hit a point of annoying her because that's not where they were yet. There's some transition period into this, Kataraang's dance at the fire academy was great, it was bold and honestly charming of Aang while also showing that he's becoming cocky. But right up to the play recapping the adventures the two are on *bad* terms with Aang steaming jealous because the play ships Zutara (something the show feeds us a few episodes), and Katara (rightfully given his behaviour) doesn't assuage that feeling but ultimately the relationship feels one-sided at that point which it didn't really in season 2. After that they go their separate ways for the final battle, Katara with Zuko, and it just feels like Katara & Aang's ending kiss just came out of nowhere without a make-up part to it.

The conflict itself makes sense, and it had most of the season to develop it. The resolution, not so much. Which is sad for someone who was all aboard Katarang up through the first 2 seasons, I was looking forward to the realization of their romantic feelings but it was all mess and I don't get to really see agency from Katara's perspective which the previous season did much better.
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, ON
I teach a class on book publishing and I did a session on fan fiction...I brought this up and many students told me how disappointed they were in how this played out. People were really annoyed lol


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
I mean it was bad I guess
The only thing I remember about this movie is that they did a crossover with The Apprentice where people had to create a marketing campaign for the movie and stage a publicity event.

Half the fucking teams spelled the name wrong.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
"He's bald, and short, and 2 years younger and nice and supports her and let's her enjoy her childhood again during a war, that's boring, therefore they're incompatible"

"He's got a scar, and his element is the opposite, and he's 2 years older, he's tried to kill her and her friends multiple times, he's angry and broody and can change, that's exiciting, clearly they're meant to be"

was having those talks with zutara shippers on forums in 2005, they were wrong then and wrong now.

Thinking about this some more, I have to ask people to look past the "Enemies to Lovers" trope fixations and actually examine their interactions over the course of the series;
  1. Zuko, the crown prince of her people's oppressors, leads an army to invade her village threatening violence if they don't surrender the avatar they believe is hiding there.
  2. Proceeds to spend the entirety of first season doggedly pursuing them.
  3. In the season 1 finale beats her unconscious to kidnap Aang.
  4. Spends the first half of season 2 doggedly pursuing them again.
  5. Season 2 they seemingly finally have a heart to heart only for Zuko to immediately betray her trust and assist in Azula almost killing Aang.
  6. Zuko changes sides during the half way point of the final season but by this point after everything he's done, Katara wants nothing to do with Zuko.
  7. Near the climax of the series, Katara finally makes peace over her resentment towards Zuko after finally coming to terms with her trauma of her mother's death.
And that's literally it. Zutara as a ship was always built on fanon projection of what they could be rather than what was actually displayed in text. It's not a coincidence that a lot of Zutara shippers also went down the Sasuke/Sakura and Draco/Hermione rabbit hole, and probably grew up to become Reylo shippers. And like the ironic thing is Zuko is one of the better written redemption stories in fiction largely because at a base level, he wasn't actually horrible person, but a misguided guy trying to live up to a horrible person. But it feels like the people "inspired" by Zutara have doubled down on projecting onto actual pieces of shits with their ships. lol

Zuko and Katara is definitely an interesting written story on learning to actually forgive someone who hurt you, but relationship goals? Nah.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
It really is mate like it's pretty clear in season 3 something is developing.

Again might as well say if you watch Witch from Mercury and never say Suletta and Mio as romantic

I'll go out on a limb and say "I get it." Like I definitely read their relationship as romantic but at the same time I was skeptical if they were actually going to go all the way with it given the timeframe.

But on the other end the writing of the Gang in Korra was pretty bad in retrospect. Both Mako and Bolin were pretty lacking as characters and Asami ironically became the stock love interest for Korra much in the way Mako was for her in the first season. This is another pairing the fandom did way more to add and give chemistry than the show actually did.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
enemies to lovers is my least favorite romance trope of all time

so no, and thank god

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
It really is mate like it's pretty clear in season 3 something is developing.
They very explicitly made fun of that idea in an episode in order to hammer home that there very explicitly wasn't anything between them.

"I've had eyes for you since the day you first captured me. ❤️"

They were genuinely just platonic friends.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
They very explicitly made fun of that idea in an episode in order to hammer home that there very explicitly wasn't anything between them.

"I've had eyes for you since the day you first captured me. ❤️"

They were genuinely just platonic friends.

Reyes is talking about Korra and Asami


Oct 25, 2017
It really is mate like it's pretty clear in season 3 something is developing.

Again might as well say if you watch Witch from Mercury and never say Suletta and Mio as romantic
I feel like we're just going back and forth. So let me just say this. In WfM Suletta and Miorine are engaged in the first episode and the series as a whole centers on them and their relationship. Their respective character arcs are dependent on one another and their influence on each other is felt even when they're separated. You could watch the ending credits and tell that their relationship is meant to be interpreted romantically.

In contrast, Korra and Asami's relationship is more ambivalent. They spend a lot of season 3 together but the writers don't really have them connect on an emotional level. This isn't exclusive to them because I think the chemistry of the Korra gang as as a whole was really lacking. It's an aspect of the show that isn't very well developed.


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
They very explicitly made fun of that idea in an episode in order to hammer home that there very explicitly wasn't anything between them.

"I've had eyes for you since the day you first captured me. ❤️"

They were genuinely just platonic friends.

I am just wanna quote you because "The Ember Island Players" is probably the best Recap Episode in history and one of my favorites of all time lol
Nov 2, 2017
"should" have happened? No. That's obviously not where the show was going, and it would have been dumb. In a fanfic or reboot or something, go right ahead, I never liked kataang anyway

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
"looks at the Miraculous fandom and the love square"

I do find it very odd but understandable when we were younger and growing up with Avatar..nowdays though yeah it feels a bit questionable to me
I've only seen the movie but like, isn't the show literally just about Cat Noir and Lady Bug's will they won't they relationship? What else could people possibly be invested in romance wise?


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
No, because none of the ships made sense and they need to stop treating women as prizes for male characters


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe one day people will realize love isn't connected to height

Aang doesn't have to be taller than Katara, but if he was you wouldn't find a single Zutara shipper on this planet
They would still exist because enemies to lovers is incredibly popular but I agree that there wouldn't be as many. I think of lot of shippers saw Zuko as the "hot" option and went with that.
As an aside, I feel like the only time shipping comes up in Era threads is when it's one of these "bad man/good woman" ships and it often feels like the reason they're brought up is so people can make snide remarks about the people who enjoy those ships, and shipping in general. This particular thread hasn't really been that bad about it but there's certainly been threads in the past where ships of this nature were brought up just so people could get their dunks in. And like, I'm not going to tell anyone they have to enjoy Reylo or Sasuke/Sakura, because I certainly don't, but it does feel pointlessly mean-spirited to be dragging them out just to dunk on people for liking a trope you don't.

It's also just really out of touch when some people try to use these ships as a "dunk" on shipping at large because like, these really aren't the popular ships anymore at all. For like, at least the last 15 years or so shipping has been absolutely dominated by M/M pairings.
Agreed. The hating on shipping or any female dominated fan activity can be a lot and pretty ignorant.

I made a positive thread about Good Omens (and it's ship) that got no traction. :( And that one is actually enemies to lovers done incredibly well. (Okay, they were never really enemies. More like work for competing organizations.)


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
Reluctantly answering "no" on the poll only because of the lack of a "HELL NO" option.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
They would still exist because enemies to lovers is incredibly popular but I agree that there wouldn't be as many. I think of lot of shippers saw Zuko as the "hot" option and went with that.

Agreed. The hating on shipping or any female dominated fan activity can be a lot and pretty ignorant.

I made a positive thread about Good Omens (and it's ship) that got no traction. :( And that one is actually enemies to lovers done incredibly well. (Okay, they were never really enemies. More like work for competing organizations.)
No one cares about posting in shipping topics unless they themselves are shippers or there is controversy around the ship. This is true for most topics about fiction and fandom


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
No, because none of the ships made sense and they need to stop treating women as prizes for male characters
I think this completely misunderstands who was doing the shipping. It was mostly preteen and teenage girls who saw Zuko as a more compelling (and attractive) option for their fantasies. Nothing about treating Katara as a prize. If anything, Katara felt more like a self-insert with which to write about Zuko. (To be fair, I read very few Zutara fics 'cause I was a Kataang shipper so I could be completely off base.)

No one cares about posting in shipping topics unless they themselves are shippers or there is controversy around the ship. This is true for most topics about fiction and fandom
Fair enough. Although there is controversy around that ship (mostly from homophobes) but probably not as much (or as open) here.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Fair enough. Although there is controversy around that ship (mostly from homophobes) but probably not as much (or as open) here.
That'd be the thing. Plus Good Omens isn't as universal for this demographic as AtLA. I, for example, love the book but haven't gotten around to the show and there are so few characters in the book that who else is anyone going to ship beyong Crowley and Aziraphale?

Personally, I have one ship (Bruce and Selina) and opinions on relationships as they pertain to the fiction I enjoy (Choji and Karui is the best pair in Naruto because it's not just pairing literally everyone who knew each other in high school), but here I am in the Zutara topic because even on the peripheral of the fandom at the time, I got caught in the crossfire of that ship-to-ship combat.


Oct 27, 2017
I think this completely misunderstands who was doing the shipping. It was mostly preteen and teenage girls who saw Zuko as a more compelling (and attractive) option for their fantasies. Nothing about treating Katara as a prize. If anything, Katara felt more like a self-insert with which to write about Zuko. (To be fair, I read very few Zutara fics 'cause I was a Kataang shipper so I could be completely off base.)

Fair enough. Although there is controversy around that ship (mostly from homophobes) but probably not as much (or as open) here.

That was me. Katara was a rare dark-skinned female character I could use as a self-insert. And Zuko was cute and well-written while Aang was little brother tier.People need to understand the angle a lot of shippers come from.


Oct 26, 2017
Did you know that Aang and Katara's second to last interaction before fighting Ozai was her being mad at him for telling her not to go after the guy who killed her mom? And then when she comes back without a body count, he seems thrilled and thought she took his advice to forgave the guy only for her to counter that she didn't. Their last one was Aang forcing a kiss on her when Katara wasn't in the mood. Like, why toss in a "Will they? Won't they?" when you're so close to the finish line?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
As an aside, I feel like the only time shipping comes up in Era threads is when it's one of these "bad man/good woman" ships and it often feels like the reason they're brought up is so people can make snide remarks about the people who enjoy those ships, and shipping in general. This particular thread hasn't really been that bad about it but there's certainly been threads in the past where ships of this nature were brought up just so people could get their dunks in. And like, I'm not going to tell anyone they have to enjoy Reylo or Sasuke/Sakura, because I certainly don't, but it does feel pointlessly mean-spirited to be dragging them out just to dunk on people for liking a trope you don't.

It's also just really out of touch when some people try to use these ships as a "dunk" on shipping at large because like, these really aren't the popular ships anymore at all. For like, at least the last 15 years or so shipping has been absolutely dominated by M/M pairings.
Yeah, it's a bit Twilight-ish where a bunch of old dudes complain in a bubble about something that was primarily popular with teenage girls. Not to say there can't be any discussion reflecting on why certain types of ships got popular, but it'll never go anywhere beyond gossiping from a distance if you don't have the people who were in that headspace heavily involved.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The only ship that I hold close to my heart is Darius and Heinkel from FMA.

As for this ship, the answer is no lol. There would *probably* be more than a 0% chance of there being a more friendly connection between them, but whatever feelings she had when she actually opened up a bit and tried to connect with him were immediately destroyed after he proceeded to betray them all so thoroughly and become partially responsible for Aang (temporarily) dying.

Now him taking a lightning shot for her was a noble thing (funny that Azula is the one pulling the trigger both times), but I don't think she'd ever put herself out like that emotionally for him anytime soon.

Enemies/lovers shippers will endure regardless, so have at it. It *is* funny seeing all the decade old arguments come back through a new generation when the series hit streaming a while back haha


Aug 14, 2019
Bruce and Diana was the superior Shipping anyway 😏

Fellow Man of culture
That'd be the thing. Plus Good Omens isn't as universal for this demographic as AtLA. I, for example, love the book but haven't gotten around to the show and there are so few characters in the book that who else is anyone going to ship beyong Crowley and Aziraphale?

Personally, I have one ship (Bruce and Selina) and opinions on relationships as they pertain to the fiction I enjoy (Choji and Karui is the best pair in Naruto because it's not just pairing literally everyone who knew each other in high school), but here I am in the Zutara topic because even on the peripheral of the fandom at the time, I got caught in the crossfire of that ship-to-ship combat.

How do you feel about Gotham War?


Oct 25, 2017
Hell no. The actual romance of Aang and Katara was hardly a highlight of the series, being highly underdeveloped, but at least there was something there. As opposed to demanding a romance based on two characters being deemed to look nice next to each other in a DeviantArt banner.