
Oct 25, 2017
Considering that the Stormcloaks are pretty damn close to being actual Nazis, I didn't really think there was a choice here.


Oct 25, 2017
LMAO. Stormcloaks "Nazis" - Meanwhile the Thalmor do actual Nazi things and Vichy Cyrodiil plays along.

My sweet summer children.

Also I keep seeing people say "The Empire plans to regroup and fight the Thalmor again!" - If the player knows that, the Thalmor DAMN WELL KNOWS THAT TOO. And that's a plan that relies almost entirely on the element of surprise, which it flagrantly doesn't have in its favor. Skyrim and Hammerfell could beat the Thalmor without the Empire I say. The Empire on the other hand is saddled with incompetent generals and a weak kneed Emperor.

An independent Skyrim has far better chances cleansing the world of the High-Elf question than Vichy Cyrodiil.


Oct 25, 2017
They're both bad. Now where is TES 6: Two more morally grey factions and oh look there's a dude killing everything and walking around carrying half the GDP of a country


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so sad that after this many years I still have to keep making people understand that if the Stormcloaks represent any WW2 era faction...

...That it would be the French Resistance.


Oct 28, 2017
People are taking Skyrims shitty plot so seriously. You are unable to play as Stormcloaks because they're racist against cat people and elves. Jesus...


Oct 26, 2017
LMAO. Stormcloaks "Nazis" - Meanwhile the Thalmor do actual Nazi things and Vichy Cyrodiil plays along.

My sweet summer children.

Also I keep seeing people say "The Empire plans to regroup and fight the Thalmor again!" - If the player knows that, the Thalmor DAMN WELL KNOWS THAT TOO. And that's a plan that relies almost entirely on the element of surprise, which it flagrantly doesn't have in its favor. Skyrim and Hammerfell could beat the Thalmor without the Empire I say. The Empire on the other hand is saddled with incompetent generals and a weak kneed Emperor.

An independent Skyrim has far better chances cleansing the world of the High-Elf question than Vichy Cyrodiil.

I don't think the empire's plan to regroup and fight the thalmor actually relies on a matter of surprise simply because men reproduce a lot quicker than elves do. You have to remember that while the Imperial army took huge losses in the great war, so did the Aldmeri Dominion. However unlike the empire, the AD simply can't reassemble an army in 30 years, it's just not possible for elves. That's where the stormcloaks and the civil war come in, ensuring that the empire can never really regain their former might and be forced to deal with infighting and rebellions instead of planning a second counterattack. The AD can handle a weakened and fractured empire, but a unified and recovered one would be way too much.


Nov 1, 2017
Enjoying this thread. Tried to play the game twice on PS3, first time my system was stolen and the save was lost and on my second playthrough the game became a buggy mess as I got about 100 hours in. Neither time did I start this quest or make a choice between the factions.

I'm getting quite far into the game on PS4 now and was thinking about entering into the civil war.

Will have to read a few more pages of the thread before making a choice.


Oct 25, 2017
Also I keep seeing people say "The Empire plans to regroup and fight the Thalmor again!" - If the player knows that, the Thalmor DAMN WELL KNOWS THAT TOO. And that's a plan that relies almost entirely on the element of surprise, which it flagrantly doesn't have in its favor.

It's not contingent on surprise at all, nor could it be. The Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion are in the midst of a cold war, with both of them actively anticipating a Second Great War.

There's a reason both factions acquiesced to a stalemate; they were both grievously wounded. Both underestimated the other. The Empire lost its intelligence agency, the terms of the Concordat, and the Imperial City's wealth. The Dominion lost its entire committed invasion force in the Battle of the Red Ring.

Skyrim and Hammerfell could beat the Thalmor without the Empire I say. The Empire on the other hand is saddled with incompetent generals and a weak kneed Emperor.

If you read about the Great War, you'll find that none of those claims are true.

(1) Hammerfell's forces were only able to beat back Lady Arannelya's Thalmor army because of General Decianus' strategically discharged Imperial forces.

(2) The Empire's known generals and Emperor acquitted themselves well, decisively stalemating a conflict that shouldn't have been winnable, and avoiding the dissolution of the Empire.

General Decianus rallied Hammerfell for a counter-offensive and deceived Arannelya into thinking his forces had stayed committed to Hammerfell by discharging his veterans while he reinforced Cyrodiil.

General Jonna led Skyrim's reinforcement of Cyrodiil, defeating Thalmor attacks from surrounding cities, and encircling Lord Naarifin's main army in the Imperial City.

Emperor Titus Mede II led the crucial strategic retreat from the Imperial City, allowing the Thalmor to sack it, but then surrounding and eradicating their entire army.

(3) You're telling me Ulfric's Stormcloaks could stand against the Aldmeri Dominion's full might? They were quickly captured by Tullius before the Dragonborn got involved, and if you side with them, they destabilize Skyrim further by deposing some Holds' competent leaders.


Oct 25, 2017
All you're telling me is that one nation was forced to invade another sovereign nation. That sovereign nation did not take too kindly to being invaded, and wants out of this awful position.

Like I said, Imperials are butt puppets of the elf nazis, and Skyrim are victims of imperialists who don't deserve to have been invaded. They are doing the right thing. Fuck outta Skyrim, imperial scum. That the engagement was manufactured by the Thalmor doesn't make it somehow invalid. Most of the Stormcloaks I've met in my travels are nowhere near what I'd call ignorant or ultra-nationalist. They just want to be left alone after being invaded and murdered.

There's no excuse for murdering people when you don't even know who they are. That's imperials being garbage.

Who were the folks who brutalized and kidnapped random citizens? Imperials and turncoats.

"Skyrim is for the nords" isn't ultra-nationalism, it's patriotism. There's a fine line between the two, for sure, but I can't think of anything I've played in the game that is any more offensive than any nation that's been colonized fighting for its freedom.

Thalmor are ultra-nationalists, who want to impose their will on the others. They're evil. The Stormcloaks are not.

This makes the India/Britain comparison sound even more apt. It would be like the Indians rebelling against the British while the British are being attacked by the Germans.


Oct 25, 2017
You have the choice between a) the cause of self-determination with a dubious figurehead and heavy racist overtones and b) shackling the land to a dying and decrepit imperial power.

I don't think either is a good choice. I roleplayed it both ways with different characters.

I enjoyed my Nord fiction better. I imagined I was a figure that rose up for the people and who had a cause around them but ended up dead after the game by the hands of the Ulfric who could not stand me being an alternate Nord hero. Then my child would rise from nothing and avenge and get rid of the corrupt and vicious Ulfric.


Oct 25, 2017
This makes the India/Britain comparison sound even more apt. It would be like the Indians rebelling against the British while the British are being attacked by the Germans.

The Empire is not occupying Skyrim. Skyrim has been an enthusiastic part of the Empire for hundreds of years, and indeed, the Third Empire was founded by a Dragonborn Nord.

The majority of the Imperials present in Skyrim are, in fact, patriotic Nords such as Hadvar, who is from the same village as Ralof.

The Stormcloaks are basically an uprising of white nationalists, scorning the province's current ethnic diversity.

Is it understandable they're upset about the religious persecution by the Thalmor? Absolutely. But the banning of Talos worship was an edict from the Thalmor, and it is enforced by the Thalmor, not the Empire, and affects the equally religious Imperials of Cyrodiil as well -- until the war resumes as planned.
Oct 26, 2017
I saved the Civil War quest for last. I wanted to make sure I got enough information before I made my choice.

As an Argonian character, there was no reason for me to side with the Stormcloaks so Imperials it was. I saw no real reason for any non-Nord character to side with the Stormcloaks because they were so blatantly discriminatory. It's a real shame there were no dialogue options for a character to discuss this matter with Ulfric. "I'm the dragonborn. I'll only help you if you agree to accept other races into Skyrim."

In a big RPG like Skyrim, they really should make the big quests more open to different approaches.

I wish there had been a negotiate a true peace (not just a cease-fire) option and a become high king of Skyrim yourself option. Or just kill everyone involved in the Civil War anarchy option. The fact that some characters are "essential" sucks in a lot of ways.


Oct 27, 2017
Both are assholes but I went with Stormcloaks for the revenge angle.

I'm generally not the type in a virtual setting to let someone who tried to cut off my head off just pretend everything is fine.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
The Empire is not occupying Skyrim. Skyrim has been an enthusiastic part of the Empire for hundreds of years, and indeed, the Third Empire was founded by a Dragonborn Nord.

The majority of the Imperials present in Skyrim are, in fact, patriotic Nords such as Hadvar, who is from the same village as Ralof.

The Stormcloaks are basically an uprising of white nationalists, scorning the province's current ethnic diversity.

Is it understandable they're upset about the religious persecution by the Thalmor? Absolutely. But the banning of Talos worship was an edict from the Thalmor, and it is enforced by the Thalmor, not the Empire, and affects the equally religious Imperials of Cyrodiil as well -- until the war resumes as planned.

Shit, Elsif basically asks you to break the law in honoring her dead husband by taking a few articles of his to the statue of Talos. The Imperials are so lax on the worshiping of talos that the edict may as well not even matter, it's a huge point of the game. And the people who do care, the Thamor, are depicted as narcissistic assholes who are bordering on actually evil. The problem I have with the game in that regard is that it often accidently makes high elves out to be even more fascist than the nords, because it's possible where the only high elves you ever see in the game are Thamor. And yeah, fuck the Thamor, they suck.

Imperial all the way.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think its an accident.

The ruling elves of the Summerset Isles and by extension, The Thalmor are far more dangerous than the Stormcloaks. Stormcloaks are nationalists, they're only obsessed with Skyrim, the Thalmor want to destroy everything.


Oct 25, 2017
The problem I have with the game in that regard is that it often accidently makes high elves out to be even more fascist than the nords, because it's possible where the only high elves you ever see in the game are Thamor. And yeah, fuck the Thamor, they suck.

There are understandably few non-Thalmor high elves in Skyrim, but they do exist. One in particular, Runil of Falkreath, is a former Thalmor battlemage who works as a priest of Arkay in penitence for his warcrimes.'s_Dark_Past


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
There are understandably few non-Thalmor high elves in Skyrim, but they do exist. One in particular, Runil of Falkreath, is a former Thalmor battlemage who works as a priest of Arkay in penitence for his warcrimes.'s_Dark_Past

Off topic but Runil is one of my favourite characters in game, in part because he provides insight into what a religious mindset is often truly like. No zealotry, but finding ways to rationalise the world as according to his beliefs, with some self-acknowledged doubt as well.


Oct 25, 2017
This is a great thread. I haven't put that much thought into it. I chose the Stormcloaks because the Legion tried to kill me and I wanted to belong to a group that keeps me safe and provides me with some gear. Easy as that. Later I realized Ulfric is an asshole and never spoke a word again to a single stormcloak. Life is hard.


Oct 25, 2017
This is a great thread. I haven't put that much thought into it. I chose the Stormcloaks because the Legion tried to kill me and I wanted to belong to a group that keeps me safe and provides me with some gear. Easy as that. Later I realized Ulfric is an asshole and never spoke a word again to a single stormcloak. Life is hard.

Depending on how far you are into the Civil War questline, you can defect. The Jagged Crown quest completion is the point of no return for your chosen side, but until then you can either (1) talk to a wandering Imperial soldier, and they may ask you to switch sides, or (2) bring the Jagged Crown to General Tullius (or Ulfric Stormcloak, if you've chosen the Imperials), and he'll accept you into their ranks.


Oct 25, 2017
I felt pretty unattached since I tended to play non-humans but then you get to the point where you find out more about what caused the empire's defeat after oblivion and I picked a side. Well as much as you can pick a side when you barely finish the story when you're busy fucking around for hundreds of hours. I feel like all the Stormcloak supporters either are RPing hardcore isolationist Nords, support the Thalmor, or never got the info dump on the Stormcloaks from the Thalmor embassy.


Oct 28, 2017
Back on 360 i picked empire. On ps4 iv picked stormcloak because i now want scottish independence.
Oct 26, 2017
Both are bad.

IMperials are a puppet government that oppresses its people without fighting back

Stormcloaks are an angry oppressed people being played by the aldamari dominion, and are racist, and wont to kick out everyone else.

At least the stormcloaks are fighting the aldamari dominion.

IMperials need to get there shit together really fast.

In my mind, I wouldplay Ulfric and the imperials leaders against each other while swaying hte people.

I would get the champions to turn an army into werewolves in secret, and have it slowly spread through the aldamris provinces, in addition to working with the dawnstars in identifying vampires, and the vampires inthe dominion and cooordinating with the champions werewolves. all the while training more people in guerilla warfare and terror tactics.

then 5-10~years later on a blood moon, have my secret army turn and massacre the dominions higherups and supporters on the same day.

Have it be known as teh Blood Howl Revolt.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm actually surprised anyone would choose the racist as fuck stormcloaks. I'd sooner join New Vegas's legion, because even if it's pure evil misognist shittery at least Caesar has a logical plan and end game. Ulfric is just... Well he's pretty much like Trump with the Russians.

LMAO. Stormcloaks "Nazis" - Meanwhile the Thalmor do actual Nazi things and Vichy Cyrodiil plays along.

My sweet summer children.

Also I keep seeing people say "The Empire plans to regroup and fight the Thalmor again!" - If the player knows that, the Thalmor DAMN WELL KNOWS THAT TOO. And that's a plan that relies almost entirely on the element of surprise, which it flagrantly doesn't have in its favor. Skyrim and Hammerfell could beat the Thalmor without the Empire I say. The Empire on the other hand is saddled with incompetent generals and a weak kneed Emperor.

An independent Skyrim has far better chances cleansing the world of the High-Elf question than Vichy Cyrodiil.

So, you think the entirety of the empire couldn't beat the thalmor after having time to recover from the last war, but the puppet Ulfric can? The stated plan for the Thalmor to disrupt the Imperials from reunifying WAS the stormcloak rebellion.