Cosmo Kramer

Prophet of Regret - Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
So we all know the current situation in Hong kong, the ethnical cleansing of muslims, now they're influence in US companies like Blizzard. I mean China doing horrible things isn't anything new but the whole NBA/Blizzard situation is really scary.

Who or what will stop them? They're not getting any weaker and every year their power and reach actually grows more and more beyond their borders.
You could say they're only exposing the rest of the world and making it clear money is the only thing that matters to the world.
As a mere mortal i can't help but lose even more faith in humanity with the shit that's being exposed lately

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
Realistically, nothing short of military intervention by the other superpower in the planet and that's not a good idea. Best case scenario would be to let its own economic power collapse, especially since they have a demographic crisis coming in a few decades.


Oct 25, 2017
moving production to other countries. thats kinda whats already happening rite now since its not as worthwhile to make things in china like it used to

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
We should make sure we don't replicate their dystopia here.

Maybe I'm naive but I feel like they will troll themselves into a massive uprising. I don't want to see a war between us.


Nov 1, 2017

I know that's pessimistic, but realsitically. ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Tariffs, sanctions and active encouragement of boycotts of any company that supports them. I don't care whether it's Blizzard, Disney, Coca-Cola or even Nintendo. These companies need us. We don't need them.


Oct 29, 2017
So we all know the current situation in Hong kong, the ethnical cleansing of muslims, now they're influence in US companies like Blizzard. I mean China doing horrible things isn't anything new but the whole NBA/Blizzard situation is really scary.

Ethnic cleansing and democratic repression happening "isn't anything new," but the NBA and Blizzard is what's "really scary."

Your priorities are pretty distorted, and clearly it's just affecting what you touch now, and so the alarm bells are going crazy over a US sports league that will lose money, but nothing else in the US, and Blizzard, who's made extremely poor decisions about its own esports league.


Nov 6, 2017
Nothing much, until the current government show they can't sustain the economic growth or have push too hard on the populace and they push back, but nothing international action will get anything done.


Oct 25, 2017
Support Chinese citizens who fight back against the government. Eventually the desire for a free nation will grow to be too big for the government to put down.

Deleted member 8861

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I don't see easy solutions. By the same metric, one might ask what is to be done about the USA, and no easy answers there either.

At this point, I doubt if a country can really exist without an irredeemable act in its history


Oct 26, 2017
The Chinese citizens themselves are the only way things will change.

It's up to them. Anyway China's soft power is too strong now. The sleeping giant Napoleon talked about is just about awake now.
Cosmo Kramer

Cosmo Kramer

Prophet of Regret - Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
Ethnic cleansing and democratic repression happening "isn't anything new," but the NBA and Blizzard is what's "really scary."

Your priorities are pretty distorted, and clearly it's just affecting what you touch now, and so the alarm bells are going crazy over a US sports league that will lose money, but nothing else in the US, and Blizzard, who's made extremely poor decisions about its own esports league.
I'm sorry if i came as saying the Nba/Blizzard situation is worse than what has been happening there for decades, it was not what i meant to say at all.


Oct 25, 2017
There's no single solution, but here are some things you can do to the extent possible:

Don't buy products or services from China or Chinese companies, particularly if they have ties to the Chinese government.
Don't support companies that betray human rights and freedom of expression to appease the authoritarian regime of China.
Write to your representatives in government in your country. Ask them to take similar action at a national or local government level.
Tell people what's going on.


Oct 27, 2017
Nothing. China's been a single-party state for seventy years, and that's not changing any time soon.


alt account
May 11, 2019
It's so complicated, there's so many layers to it, I don't know, none of us do. I think we're on the cusp of a long battle of sorts... this is going to continue snowballing. More companies will bend over. Some won't and will face the repercussions economically and those will be the ones I'll be supporting.


Oct 25, 2017
China's economic growth is unsustainable, and the seams are beginning to show. It's a matter of time, really.


Oct 27, 2017
I hear trade wars are good and easy to win.
The difference is that in this case tariffs would not be used to win anything, but just to hit their economy and for that, trade wars should definitely work well.

Personally I've been checking products I buy for a while already for 'Made in China' sticker, because of environmental impact and political reasons, so I'll continue doing that. There are alternatives, although they're hard to find in some areas (electronics).

I just don't want the Chinese government to get any of my money anymore now.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Global economic sanctions. But even still. Who would that end up hurting the most?


Oct 25, 2017
And such violence will only grow anti-government sentiment. Especially if the Chinese people know the rest of the world stands with them.

The Chinese people don't know that because it's not happening. Part of the CCP's grand strategy of control is to foment a clash of civilizations narrative, just as has been done by Wahhabi Islamists. And just like their response to Islamists, the political doctrine and public sentiment of most countries have fulfilled that role.


Aug 18, 2019
Trump is on the right track with tariffs. The big thing that would probably end them once and for all and is what the administration was pondering is cutting off American investments in China. Blizzard and NBA can't be beholden to the Chinese market and therefore government if investments to the company are cut. Though I don't believe Trump sees China as an ideological threat that they are as much as an economic one, and as soon as the negotiators work out a favorable deal for US, China will be back to the same old same old.


Oct 27, 2017
We could literally pass a law forbidding domestic companies from censoring fans, employees, contest winners, etc, etc on the basis of political speech.

China would ban the NBA, Blizzard, etc in their country for us so we wouldn't have to make a law banning domestic companies doing business with China.


Dec 20, 2017
Any permanent, lasting and impactful changes always has to be done on the politics level, whether it is International or domestic. Protests does help to ignite the flames and spread awareness, but nothing impactful will ever come from protests itself.

How many of you has protested against Trump and what has changed? The one that can truly make the changes are people like AOC, Ilhan etc. Even Greta's climate protest will come to nothing if there isn't a single "good" politician is willing to fight for it.

You can protest greatly to bring down a government, but what matters is if the next politician is willing to do good. Just look at Egypt, different leader, same shit.

For context, I am not an American, I'm Indonesian. My country is also plagued by heavy corruptions, protests has done little until there were some real honest people willing to step up into the politic arena. They made improvement changes in a year for problems that were never solved for decades.

People who think they are "GOOD" , needs to step forward and wrestle for the leadership, otherwise nothing much will happen.


Oct 25, 2017

There's a looming demographic crisis, increasing wealth inequality, stagnated wage growth, a tightening job market, lagging sales, hushed bankruptcies and bailouts, and an overall economic slowdown.

The government is trying to paint over it, but indications point to an incoming crisis.


Oct 28, 2017
Something probably but who knows. People here act like every global political situation has been as is since the beginning of history. Things can and do change.


Nov 4, 2017
The Chinese citizens themselves are the only way things will change.

It's up to them. Anyway China's soft power is too strong now. The sleeping giant Napoleon talked about is just about awake now.
That may not work as well as you might think. The Chinese populace is often more aggressive than the federal government is. For example, if the Chinese people had a vote, they would be far harsher on the Hong Kong protests than the CCP has been.

In reality, the only way to get a country to do things that you want them to do is to offer it something of sufficient value. Many of the things that the CCP is doing are reactions to purely domestic factors so an outside actor isn't going to be able to do much to change that. This is even moreso true when the actions in question enjoy broad support from the populace. However, that doesn't mean that it's impossible to change how China behaves on the international stage.

There are two big problems to this though, or actually there are three. The first is that China can see the US as an example of how to behave internationally, and that example is extremely negative. Second, we can take Russia as a precedent of a country that the West could have neutralized as a threat but was turned into an adversary instead during the 2000-2010 period. Finally, we have the problem with Western media and how it reports stories. It's sexier to dress up stories as good actors vs. bad actors and to reinforce this by reiterating that everything bad actors do is bad, and that everything that good actors do is good. This is a hopelessly naive attitude and it's probably responsible for a huge amount of harm, and makes it very hard to politically advocate for rapprochement.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I'm buying less Chinese stuff. Also good for my wallet that I'm not buying junk from aliexpress anymore lol. And good for the environment as less shipping transport is needed. But really everyone needs to do it to have any effect on China

and that's not gonna happen