The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Here's the thing, going "It's actually Rinoa" doesn't make Ultimecia's plan make any more sense.
The theory is she's using time compression to create a singularity, a point where she can destroy the fixtures in time that always lead to that bad timeline, but she's going too far. Edea still gets her power, Ultimecia dies and the loop continues, but Squall being alive suggests something may have changed, and the fixtures in time may have challenged.
Jan 18, 2021
Nope. From what I remember during the secret ending in KH4 its Sora and Shions kid after the MCU world. Paradox happened when they went back in time to correct the thanos snap


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
It would be better if both characters were just fleshed out more instead of being the same person. Ultimecia is a pretty shit villain. Rinoa is a pretty flat heroine. This theory doesn't do much for me.

Lord Vatek

Jan 18, 2018
The theory is she's using time compression to create a singularity, a point where she can destroy the fixtures in time that always lead to that bad timeline, but she's going too far. Edea still gets her power, Ultimecia dies and the loop continues, but Squall being alive suggests something may have changed, and the fixtures in time may have challenged.
If the whole point of this purely theoretical plot is to prevent Squall from dying, then why is she trying so damn hard to kill him?

If Squall being alive is the point of divergence, then why is she still trying even after he's shown to be fine?


Oct 25, 2017
FF8 after CD1 just shits the bed so much story wise, I would have taken anything else honestly. The whole amnesiac orphanage plot is one of the worst things in FF.


Oct 25, 2017
If the whole point of this purely theoretical plot is to prevent Squall from dying, then why is she trying so damn hard to kill him?

If Squall being alive is the point of divergence, then why is she still trying even after he's shown to be fine?
Guardian Force caused her to lose her memory.
Oct 30, 2017
Just theories.. would have made an excellent story twist if it was officially made in the game. but again nothing but die hard fans theories.

Lord Vatek

Jan 18, 2018
Guardian Force caused her to lose her memory.
Then who she is and her motives don't actually matter and she's just a generic doomsday villain trying to end the world for no reason at all.

Like the whole theory is only interesting because of the connection to the main cast but if she doesn't remember any of it then that connection doesn't exist anymore.

FF8 after CD1 just shits the bed so much story wise, I would have taken anything else honestly. The whole amnesiac orphanage plot is one of the worst things in FF.
I mean the Rinoa is Ultimecia theory relies on the amnesiac orphanage plot.


Oct 29, 2017
FFVIII is the coma dream of Squall from the fight with Seifer from the intro. Oh and Squall has cancer too.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean the Rinoa is Ultimecia theory relies on the amnesiac orphanage plot.
Shit would have to be rewritten completely honestly. I think Rinoa being future Ultimecia is an interesting concept but it would have to be presented properly (heroine destined to become the villain), whole orphanage plot would have to be dropped.

FF8 has my favourite FF world and music but I really dislike the story.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
If the whole point of this purely theoretical plot is to prevent Squall from dying, then why is she trying so damn hard to kill him?

If Squall being alive is the point of divergence, then why is she still trying even after he's shown to be fine?
I said that already, Ultimecia had evil wings and doesn't look entirely human, like Adel who was a hulk, being a sorceress is a transformative process and presumably can corrupt and empower the body. Ultimecia is attacking her friends but she is not totally in control of the corruption, she's mutated and her two natures are battling themselves out. Time compression may be her way to break out, and reconnect with her friends in her own dark way. That was my interpretation.

Did you even play the game? She hates the party because they're SeeD and she hates SeeD because they're destined to defeat Sorceresses like Ultimecia, who was vilified her entire life. She wants to use time compression to absorb all time, space and existence to becoming a living god so she can rule over the people who hated her

Forgive me for liking that more than some girl wanting to erase existence because her boyfriend died
I played it, I think that's a bit rude. It's not very clear at all what she's after, she's so cryptic. That's not just my interpretation of Ultimecia being Rinoa, it's not just that she can't get over her boyfriend.. but Squall surviving is one of the fixtures, that may suggest things can change. It seems to be a stable loop that the sorceress must pass on their powers, and the war between Utlimecia must happen, but now a new variable has entered the overall equation and one variable can lead to all sort of other variables, and ways to prevent the war. I think it is cooler because the antagonist is more personal and the ending had a new dimension.

I mean you can dismiss it as bad fiction, but I think there's so much mystery in the ending, it should encourage people to imprint their own narrative, and what may have been going on during the window of time compression. Like Necron being up to interpretation, I don't think it's necessarily bad to suggest one character had another purpose, another identity.


Oct 25, 2017
I never played this game so all I have to contribute is the following question: Is Rinoa pronounced like quinoa or like the way you would pronounce quinoa if you were sounding it out phonetically?


Oct 25, 2017
I never played this game so all I have to contribute is the following question: Is Rinoa pronounced like quinoa or like the way you would pronounce quinoa if you were sounding it out phonetically?

No, and you're evil for even coming up with this. Imagining someone saying it that way though...


Oct 25, 2017
You know your story is bad when people still can't accept it and are coming up with alternate theories to make it work years after the game is out.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I really like the "Squall is Dead" theory, mostly because I don't like Squall very much.


"This guy are sick"
Jan 8, 2018
I definitely had this in my head towards the end of my playthrough but Kitase debunking it meant I thought little further on it.
Oct 25, 2017
That theory has been debunked by Kitase himself.

Is Squall Really Dead? Final Fantasy Producer Addresses The Series' Biggest Fan Theories

Was Aeris ever going to come back to life? Are Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy VII set in the same world? Is Gogo actually Daryl? Thanks to Yoshinori Kitase, we now have the answers to all of these questions. And they’re mostly “No.”

On the theory that Final Fantasy VIII's Squall dies at the end of Disc 1 when he's stabbed by Edea's ice spear and that the rest of the game is his dream:

"No, that is not true," Kitase said, laughing. "I think he was actually stabbed around the shoulder area, so he was not dead. But that is a very interesting idea, so if we ever do make a remake of Final Fantasy VIII, I might go along with that story in mind."

On the theory that Final Fantasy VIII's Rinoa is really Ultimecia:

"No, that is not true," Kitase said. "I don't think I'll incorporate that even if we do remake the game. But that being said, both Rinoa and Ultimecia are witches, so in that sense they are similar, but they're not the same person."

lmfaoooo he really didn't like this theory.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 29, 2017
I definitely had this in my head towards the end of my playthrough but Kitase debunking it meant I thought little further on it.

it's hilarious that people in this very thread are defending the theory when it's absolutely been debunked by Square themselves.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
"I guess it's okay if it's you Squall... nobody else." ;_;

One of the best twists in gaming tbh.


May 1, 2020
Tbh unlike the Squal is dead that is based on pure fiction this one has some real nice thoughts put behind it and it would have been better if she was a version of Rinoa that lost it all and turned evil


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
When you realize that, even though she fell to hatred and madness and lost her memories, some small part of her subconscious may have done it all just to see her friends again... to see him one last time... even if it meant sinking to the darkest depths... ;_;

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
In Dissidia Opera Omnia, you cannot have Dark Knight Cecil and Paladin Cecil in the same party because they're the same guy. You also cannot have (XIV spoiler) Yda and Lyse in the same party, for the same reason.

You can have Rinoa and Ultimecia.



▲ Legend ▲
Aug 28, 2019
Creators can't "debunk" theories of art interpretation. Art doesn't work that way!


"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
What if FF8 Remake Part 1 ends with the gang escaping the desert prison only for Squall to be resuscitated in Galbadia by Sora while Mickey Mouse stabs Edea??


▲ Legend ▲
Aug 28, 2019
It's not a painting etc, it's a defined story. You ever read a book and just change the ending cause you didn't agree with it?
If its part of the text the author has no say over it anymore to just change it by decree outside of the text. Unless they left literally zero ambiguity there will always be soom room for interpretation. Most decent stories leave things open ended enough for reasonable differences in interpretation.