What tendency/ideology do you best align with?

  • Anarchism

    Votes: 126 12.0%
  • Marxism

    Votes: 86 8.2%
  • Marxism-Leninism

    Votes: 79 7.5%
  • Left Communism

    Votes: 19 1.8%
  • Democratic Socialism

    Votes: 425 40.5%
  • Social Democracy

    Votes: 241 23.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 73 7.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't claim they stopped focusing on those problems, but their political line changed from one to the other. The context was something to the degree of "class" as a basis is no longer relevant with the BPP being an example, yet their politics moved towards class, not away from it.

No argument there.

It's tied to whiteness, because it fucking is white. It's nothing to do with perception, but a reality.

Also no argument there. That's what I'm worried about - there are certainly plenty of non white socialists providing their input and analyses, but the Berniecrats - while helping destigmatize the word socialism - are also tying it up with white-interested economic reformism, and outside of that there is still a refusal among many Marxists to engage with superstructure problems on their own terms.


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
We discussed superstructure much earlier in the thread. Part of the ultimate problem with how "Marxists" and "Leftists" address superstructure problems is that, in the end, it is still reformative and, ultimately, the struggle to combat bigotry exists outside of Socialism. It can be fought along side it, but racism/sexism/homophobia/etc can "potentially" be solved within Capitalism itself. I say "potentially" because Capital always requires an alibi and scapegoat to satisfy its requirements of unequal development.

There are plenty of "progressive" movements in the world that posited that simply replacing one ruler for another of a national bourgeoisie or national character was sufficient enough to liberate their people. Marxism-Leninism devolved from international proletarian to a national bourgeois character post WW2 and all of those movements that addressed the racial superstructure and colonialist problem became part and parcel and willing participant in global Capital and their people are no better off.

Anyway, point being...

What's the takeaway here? What new ways are people addressing superstructure that hasn't been done, and failed, before?


Oct 25, 2017
I spent a lot of time thinking about the superstructure model and I I think what I ultimately landed on as a personal stance is: material relations create strong constraints around other immaterial relations, but the relationship is not deterministic. And, just as importantly, they are also not the only source of constraints, that people's social relations have just as real an impact on their motivations and activity as their material relations. As long as we continue to miss that, we'll continue to get blindsided by how shit suddenly goes wrong

Like, I'm a bit of a broken record sometimes, but one of my eternal recurring questions is going to always be: why does this happen:
There are plenty of "progressive" movements in the world that posited that simply replacing one ruler for another of a national bourgeoisie or national character was sufficient enough to liberate their people.


Oct 25, 2017
They outwardly and explicitly lessened their focus on black liberation in favor of international proletarianism. This led to a visit to the PRC and meeting Zhou Enlai.
Sphagnum Said it better than i could.
Don't be mad at me because you've only read the Wiki.

Maybe you have the privilege of talking out of your ass to sound smart. Some of us don't and are encouraged to actually to learn about people.
Condescending and dismissive, as always.
The BPP absolutely adopted a Maoist-inspired international revolutionary outlook, but it's not like they stopped focusing on the problems specific to the black community.
Also no argument there. That's what I'm worried about - there are certainly plenty of non white socialists providing their input and analyses, but the Berniecrats - while helping destigmatize the word socialism - are also tying it up with white-interested economic reformism, and outside of that there is still a refusal among many Marxists to engage with superstructure problems on their own terms.
The problem is, it's not just Berniebros. It's more systemic then that.


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
Even more to consider given the route Marxism Leninism took: An "overt" Gramscian take on the superstructure, where the "Socialist" "Vanguard" takers a top down and authoritarian and "correct" attitude to mold the superstructure itself to then influence the base. However, in the Marxist sense, life reproduces itself and can not be orchestrated.

You're not wrong about material and immaterial relations, constraints, etc. And what you're considering as a personal stance is the Marxist one: that as long as we keep "missing" that social relations never actually change, we can't expect the relationships between people to change.

Deleted member 721

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What you guys would do, when you need to relax your mind of political debate, but the fascism and anticommunism is rising and could Win your country in the elections this year and you feel preoccupied with that?


Oct 25, 2017
The problem is, it's not just Berniebros. It's more systemic then that.

Right, that's why I brought up Marxists. But socialism - if it ever breaks out - had to be international to succeed and that requires overcoming ethnic and national chauvinism. Although "socialism" in the purest sense is an economic revolution, I don't see how it can practically succeed if during The Revolution the workers aren't willing to confront the different struggles of different people of different backgrounds rather than just the one thing that unites them, the class struggle. Class struggle is the basis but it will devolve into something else unless an intersectional understanding is also adopted.

And I don't think that can simply be called "idealism", because it's not just about making people think nice about oppressed and exploited people whose problems are not purely tied to capitalism. The problems that face black people or women or gay people or whoever are partially bade and partially superstructure, but you can't organize them all together into one movement to change the base without addressing those superstructural concerns as well! This at its simplest is an issue of solidarity for the sake of making the whole stronger.

We discussed superstructure much earlier in the thread. Part of the ultimate problem with how "Marxists" and "Leftists" address superstructure problems is that, in the end, it is still reformative and, ultimately, the struggle to combat bigotry exists outside of Socialism. It can be fought along side it, but racism/sexism/homophobia/etc can "potentially" be solved within Capitalism itself. I say "potentially" because Capital always requires an alibi and scapegoat to satisfy its requirements of unequal development.

There are plenty of "progressive" movements in the world that posited that simply replacing one ruler for another of a national bourgeoisie or national character was sufficient enough to liberate their people. Marxism-Leninism devolved from international proletarian to a national bourgeois character post WW2 and all of those movements that addressed the racial superstructure and colonialist problem became part and parcel and willing participant in global Capital and their people are no better off.

Anyway, point being...

What's the takeaway here? What new ways are people addressing superstructure that hasn't been done, and failed, before?

To be honest, I'm not sure. That's something we need to work on. In the meantime I don't think there's anything wrong with supporting minority and other repressed groups in their various reformist struggles simply because it's the right thing to do within the current reality.

But while I agree that racism/sexism/homophobia and so forth are problems that can be solved "potentially" within capitalism, I think they neee to be addressed within the framework of socialism itself rather than excised as something separate simply because socialism - should it successfully emerge - will be incomplete without victory on those fronts as well. Let's say, for example, that there was another depression and the workers rose up and seized the MoP. They begin establishing councils. When it comes time to vote on this or that, the black workers say "hey, we need help in this area because of x and y historical problem" but the white workers say "Divisive! We need to focus on the pure socialist revolution, and when we change the base the superstructure will change with it!" The female workers say the same thing and get the same response from the male workers. And so on. We have a democracy now but without an intersectional commitment it's just a new way for old societal power relations to be maintained.

So sure, we can have the vanguard sitting around debating pure Marxism before The Revolution, but if they're not seeking to instill an intersectional fervor along with the economic theory it's empty.


Mar 4, 2018
I think Sphagnum got across what I was trying to convey before I shunted us through like a half-dozen tangents because I used a bad illustrative example, yeah.


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
I'm 3/4 deep into that stated pitcher of Hemingways, so I hope I make sense.

Although "socialism" in the purest sense is an economic revolution

Let's say, for example, that there was another depression and the workers rose up and seized the MoP. They begin establishing councils. When it comes time to vote on this or that, the black workers say "hey, we need help in this area because of x and y historical problem" but the white workers say "Divisive! We need to focus on the pure socialist revolution, and when we change the base the superstructure will change with it!" The female workers say the same thing and get the same response from the male workers. And so on. We have a democracy now but without an intersectional commitment it's just a new way for old societal power relations to be maintained.

I think these two statements go hand in hand.

Socialism is more than an "economic revolution", as the concerns of economy (planning, allocation, consumption, collectivization, accumulation, etc) are the concerns of scarcity, growth, and surplus.

But the second statement... Does "Group X" having access to "Item X" and having the political authority to withhold it not satisfy the concept of privatization?

The first hit on Google:

Tangible and intangible things owned by individuals or firms over which their owners have exclusive and absolute legal rights, such as land, buildings, money, copyrights, patents, etc. Private property can be transferred only with its owner's consent, and by due process such as sale or gift.

In your illustration the MOP have been seized but the end result is that the once proletariat has now become the Capitalist, and Capitalism has always promised accessibility to Capital by the proletariat. The American Dream has come true as the various proletariat has changed their productive relations and can now use it to their own benefit of surplus and expropriation. But now each group has to protect their own Capital and assess its trade value against their needs to further their own economic goals.

This is Capitalism, and no one is liberated.

A simple "economic revolution" isn't the solution. And, coincidentally enough, what you've described happened within the Black Panthers. Some sections rejected opening the Party and their support and welfare structures up to whites. Others rejected the concept of liberating women. Etc etc. This caused divisions and, ultimately, aided in its own destruction.

In the meantime I don't think there's anything wrong with supporting minority and other repressed groups in their various reformist struggles simply because it's the right thing to do within the current reality.

Well, as I've said a few times before. These are needed struggles, and struggles within Capitalism are their own but they are independent of Socialism. And these struggles within capitalism influence and teach the generations of potential Socialist revolutionaries.

So sure, we can have the vanguard sitting around debating pure Marxism before The Revolution, but if they're not seeking to instill an intersectional fervor along with the economic theory it's empty.

How is Socialism, the recognition of the one thing that the majority of humans have in common, not intersectional? The one quality between me and a man or woman who I otherwise have nothing else in common with.

The Vanguard does not sit around and debate, the Vanguard is the true progressive and Revolutionary force that acts. The Vanguard are the proletariat of all races, sexes, etc that recognize what binds them their ultimate oppressor and abolishes it. Any section of the proletariat that devolves into reactionary politics should be destroyed along with Capital. What if the Vanguard cannot or will not successfully confront the reactionary politics of their Proletarian allies?

An "economic revolution" has happened, but the Social and Cultural Revolution did not. The Socialist Revolution has failed and the movement must start anew.

This is a depressing notion, but it is not an unknown one. This is the course of history. Remember Marx, Engels, and Lenin:

In our times, the idea of development, of evolution, has almost completely penetrated social consciousness, only in other ways, and not through Hegelian philosophy. Still, this idea, as formulated by Marx and Engels on the basis of Hegels' philosophy, is far more comprehensive and far richer in content than the current idea of evolution is. A development that repeats, as it were, stages that have already been passed, but repeats them in a different way, on a higher basis ("the negation of the negation"), a development, so to speak, that proceeds in spirals, not in a straight line; a development by leaps, catastrophes, and revolutions; "breaks in continuity"; the transformation of quantity into quality; inner impulses towards development, imparted by the contradiction and conflict of the various forces and tendencies acting on a given body, or within a given phenomenon, or within a given society
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Oct 25, 2017
Socialism is more than an "economic revolution", as the concerns of economy (planning, allocation, consumption, collectivization, accumulation, etc) are the concerns of scarcity, growth, and surplus.

But the second statement... Does "Group X" having access to "Item X" and having the political authority to withhold it not satisfy the concept of privatization?

In your illustration the MOP have been seized but the end result is that the once proletariat has now become the Capitalist, and Capitalism has always promised accessibility to Capital by the proletariat. The American Dream has come true as the various proletariat has changed their productive relations and can now use it to their own benefit of surplus and expropriation. But now each group has to protect their own Capital and assess its trade value against their needs to further their own economic goals.

This is Capitalism, and no one is liberated.

A simple "economic revolution" isn't the solution. And, coincidentally enough, what you've described happened within the Black Panthers. Some sections rejected opening the Party and their support and welfare structures up to whites. Others rejected the concept of liberating women. Etc etc. This caused divisions and, ultimately, aided in its own destruction.

Couple things. I actually put socialism in quotes to denote that I was referring to it in a specifically incomplete way - not as socialism in its totality, in all its outcomes and effects on the world. Saying "purest" was probably a bad choice (or I probably should've put the quotes around that) since that makes it sound like that's my opinion about it.

Regarding the example, that was basically my point! Divisions between groups within the proletariat will cause it to fail to carry out the revolution. But that does not mean that one group seeking to look out for its particular interests is bad if it's because those interests are necessary to rectify a previous inequality. Black proletarians or proletarian women seeking to create a world where they are equals is qualitatively different than white male (just as the American example - it would be different in China or wherever for example) proletarians seeking to uphold their privileges under the banner of a new order. The division only happens when these groups refuse to work together, not simply by recognizing the differences themselves and seeking to overcome them, but when they fall into a pattern of treating difference as divisive itself; and this is particularly a threat with groups who historically have had a privilege that they may refuse to acknowledge or overturn.

The BPP is an example of that in the other direction, or at least some elements of it.

Well, as I've said a few times before. These are needed struggles, and struggles within Capitalism are their own but they are independent of Socialism. And these struggles within capitalism influence and teach the generations of potential Socialist revolutionaries.

Mostly agreed, but like I said, I just don't see the value in separating these struggles from socialism itself rather than treating them as integral parts of the socialist struggle to ensure minimization of friendly fire, to put it one way. In a dictionary sense, yeah, they're separate. But socialism/communism is "the real movement which abolishes the present state of things" so it has to grapple with all the messiness.

How is Socialism, the recognition of the one thing that the majority of humans have in common, not intersectional? The one quality between me and a man or woman who I otherwise have nothing else in common with.

It is! But tell that to the guys who won't shut up about how intersectionality is a bad liberal idpol word, because they obfuscate things for the curious liberals.

But to be honest, someone might fall in love with the idea of worker councils but only want to apply it to one particular people, and then you end up with weird nazbol or Strasserist shit. So while 'actual socialism' is intersectional by nature, we have to actively strive to uphold that understanding so people don't go off into the nonsense theory zone.

The Vanguard does not sit around and debate, the Vanguard is the true progressive and Revolutionary force that acts. The Vanguard are the proletariat of all races, sexes, etc that recognize what binds them their ultimate oppressor and abolishes it. Any section of the proletariat that devolves into reactionary politics should be destroyed along with Capital. What if the Vanguard cannot or will not successfully confront the reactionary politics of their Proletarian allies?

If they cannot, I don't blame them. If they will not, that's on them.

An "economic revolution" has happened, but the Social and Cultural Revolution did not. The Socialist Revolution has failed and the movement must start anew.

This is a depressing notion, but it is not an unknown one. This is the course of history. Remember Marx, Engels, and Lenin:

Agreed. Fight, fail, fight again, fail again, fight again until victory.
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Mar 4, 2018
Oooh, can we talk about tech and socialism? I was kind of afraid of bringing the futurism here, given how much we all seem to disagree on stuff.

One interesting thing about this machine intelligence thing is that, like... well, we're already at the paperclip machine phase, with what are effectively slow AGIs we call "corporations." The capitalist system is already doing this stuff.

Consequently, I don't necessary disagree with House of Lightning in the idea that we need shifts and fundamentally new ways of thinking about superstructures and all sorts of concepts to create a truly socialist future. I do disagree in the stuff we should be doing between here and there, because, as that video I linked establishes, we're, like... basically outnumbered and outgunned in that the capitalist system is supported not just by human-scale intelligences, but by superhuman-scale intelligences we overlook very often in the form of corporations. Corporations are made of people, it's true, but the outcomes they produce are, roughly speaking, not actually aligned with the interests of any single human. They're essentially multicellular organisms where we're the cells. And they very much want to keep capitalism going and very much act to that effect. Capitalism isn't just dehumanizing because of its oppressive nature, it's dehumanizing because it's already changing to serve interests that are fundamentally nonhuman through the gestalts we create in the form of corporations.

Whichever ideology can create an HLMI or true AGI first likely wins the game for the forseeable future, in my opinion, because it will by nature tend to perpetuate the contexts in which it exists to continue to perform its goal.
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Every time one of these Bernie mishaps pops up it makes me think about the damage being done to the understanding of "socialism" in the US by it being tied to whiteness. Total opposite problem from last century!

Also looks like Lula is going to turn himself in today?

A few days late on this, but I haven't been closely following this thread for the past few.

Respectfully: I absolutely do agree that Bernie has real blind spots on these issues and that they should be criticized (as long as it's about something he actually did or said, like the 2015 drugs comment, and not a wholly mendacious smear like the MLK/Jackson/Obama controversy). However, I think handwringing about the degree to which Bernie is doing lasting damage to the socialist "brand," as it were, both overestimates the actual numbers of vocally anti-left liberals, and the extent to which they're willing or able to argue in good faith on this subject.

To put this more succinctly: I think the problem is more that this sort of messaging is failing to reach people who might otherwise be amenable to socialism than that it's actively repelling anyone who might otherwise be amenable, and the specific "socialism is for white bros only" discourse you're talking about is very largely a phenomenon of certain online bubbles and the professional Dem political classes.


Oct 25, 2017

I had a good chuckle at AI researchers considering their own job to be the last thing AI will learn to overtake. I'm ready for Roko's Basilisk!

A few days late on this, but I haven't been closely following this thread for the past few.

Respectfully: I absolutely do agree that Bernie has real blind spots on these issues and that they should be criticized (as long as it's about something he actually did or said, like the 2015 drugs comment, and not a wholly mendacious smear like the MLK/Jackson/Obama controversy). However, I think handwringing about the degree to which Bernie is doing lasting damage to the socialist "brand," as it were, both overestimates the actual numbers of vocally anti-left liberals, and the extent to which they're willing or able to argue in good faith on this subject.

To put this more succinctly: I think the problem is more that this sort of messaging is failing to reach people who might otherwise be amenable to socialism than that it's actively repelling anyone who might otherwise be amenable, and the specific "socialism is for white bros only" discourse you're talking about is very largely a phenomenon of certain online bubbles and the professional Dem political classes.

I suppose that's true. In my own life most "normal" people I know don't really even catch on to these arguments and only pay attention once campaign season starts. But he could be doing so much more if he wasn't prone to these gaffes. I guess it's similar to Hillary where she was controversy prone but half the time the controversy was some grinned up nonsense, glossing over her real problems.
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
I suppose that's true. In my own life most "normal" people I know don't really even catch on to these arguments and only pay attention once campaign season starts. But he could be doing so much more if he wasn't prone to these gaffes. I guess it's similar to Hillary where she was controversy prone but half the time the controversy was some grinned up nonsense, glossing over her real problems.

I agree that it can be frustrating. A good deal of the criticism is fair and warranted, and also necessary to hear for the sake of building a broader leftist coalition (side note: if you want a good accounting from a black leftist of the Sanders campaign's failings, I'd recommend listening to what Anoa Changa has to say in this podcast).

But I would be very, very wary of assuming that the specific brand of outrage towards Sanders coming from a specific tribe of Extremely Online people is representative of any discourse about socialism taking place on the ground, unless you're actually encountering such sentiments IRL as an impediment to leftist organizing.


Oct 25, 2017
Look comrades, it's us. LMAO :D

Deleted member 721

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Automation is starting, for example the transition of physical law suits for digital was big already, there's a bunch of work in physical, to archive It, to move It, to sign It, copy, you had some Jobs about only that, i Worked on an internship that i worked a lot in that in the court house. Today there's nothing of that anymore. And its starting to appear softwares to do some automatic petitions.

Juridic World Will get a Lot automated in the near future, Job Will get more scarce.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks to Bernie, tons of people conflate demsoc and socdem. Kind of a small difference when it comes down to the same strategies with different long term goals.


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I like democracy and think destroying private corporations is Good Actually. What does that make me?

Deleted member 721

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I like democracy and think destroying private corporations is Good Actually. What does that make me?
We are in weird times, the academic/real definition of stuff doesnt matter anymore, as an user Said to me here in other words "doesnt matter What you Say communism is or Marx, but what the popular meaning is and what people say It is today".

Doesnt matter what reality is, but the usual perception of it.

In the past existed this, but people didnt have access to information like today, today people might even know the real meaning, but he choosed to believe in the propaganda.

Im not saying in the controversial stuff, or stuff that you can and should question.
But its creating/changing definition of words to better adapt an Idea, and not through an historical, sociological scientific analysis and discussion.

I know democratic socialist/social democrat is small stuff, but i have seen too much of this stuff of wanting to Change definition of stuff.

Nazism/fascism is left not Far-right
Left = more state
Right = less state
Communism is Stalinism and dictatorship.

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Oct 25, 2017
Thanks to Bernie, tons of people conflate demsoc and socdem. Kind of a small difference when it comes down to the same strategies with different long term goals.
TBH I always get them mixed as well and use the wrong one in conversation and honestly we should probably just find a different label for one of them


Mar 4, 2018
Agreed on all counts. Let's tear some companies up (and no, I don't mean subdivide them into smaller companies).


Oct 25, 2017
The Roggenwolf ("rye wolf"), Getreidewolf ("grain wolf")[1] or Kornwolf ("corn wolf")[6] is a field spirit shaped as a wolf. The Roggenwolf steals children and feeds on them.[7]

Other names are Gerstenwolf ("barley wolf"), Haferwolf ("oat wolf"), Erbsenwolf ("pea wolf"), Kartoffelwolf ("potato wolf"),[6] Graswolf ("grass wolf") and Pflaumenwolf ("plum wolf").[8]

Sometimes the Roggenwolf is equated with the werewolf.[8]

Deleted member 721

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017