PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
Do we believe that if Rogue One and Solo had had their release dates swapped, they would have more or less swapped box office takes as well?


Nov 10, 2017
Do we believe that if Rogue One and Solo had had their release dates swapped, they would have more or less swapped box office takes as well?

I believe Rogue One would have made less, but still been profitable; I believe that Solo would have made more, but not significantly.

Put another way: Disney would have lost money in that scenario as compared to this one.

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
I believe Rogue One would have made less, but still been profitable; I believe that Solo would have made more, but not significantly.

Put another way: Disney would have lost money in that scenario as compared to this one.

But are you suggesting that "lets steal those Death Star plans" was significantly more exciting than what Solo was selling?

That said, Rogue One had Vader, so that's a significant boost in its favor for the casual fans, but I don't know how much his presence was advertised in the trailers.


Nov 10, 2017
But are you suggesting that "lets steal those Death Star plans" was significantly more exciting than what Solo was selling?

That said, Rogue One had Vader, so that's a significant boost in its favor for the casual fans, but I don't know how much his presence was advertised in the trailers.

Yeah, mainly because we didn't know *what* Solo was selling.

No one really knew the movie was about stealing fuel until they went in, which is not really exciting in itself- and not knowing the plot of a movie is also not really exciting (see the opposite: Blade Runner 2049, which no one really knew what it was about going in, but turned out awesome, but had similar results to Solo- not a very high turnout).

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
Enjoy. I liked the movie on my first viewing but absolutely loved it the second time.

When you watch it the second time, the script, direction, and acting really really pop. There's very few wasted moments. It's a very efficient film. Comparatively, I can think of spots from other new films that I think rather negatively on:

1. Tentacle wars in TFA, Takodana needed some tweaking too.
2. Canto Bight for obvious reasons in TLJ.
3. Saw Gerrera base in Rogue One.

The closest thing that approaches those for me in Solo might be the Han and Chewie masking themselves as slaves bit, but it doesn't really approach those others for me and is a bit of a nitpick.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Rogue was also the first ever non-trilogy Star Wars movie AND was riding off the high of Force Awakens, so it had a lot going for it box office-wise. On the flip side, Solo had pretty much the exact opposite: ill-will from a chunk of fans for TLJ, Memorial Day weekend, Avengers/Deadpool still in play, and a general feeling of unnecessariness from fans.

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, mainly because we didn't know *what* Solo was selling.

No one really knew the movie was about stealing fuel until they went in, which is not really exciting in itself- and not knowing the plot of a movie is also not really exciting (see the opposite: Blade Runner 2049, which no one really knew what it was about going in, but turned out awesome, but had similar results to Solo- not a very high turnout).

That's a really good point. The marketing seemed to needlessly hide the general direction of the film beyond " Han's gonna grow in this somehow."


Oct 25, 2017
Clearly the marketing spelled out that this movie was about



The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
I feel the advertising for Solo was very low key in comparison to what you'd normally expect.

I also think it would have done much better had they waited to release it in December.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
The assumption since TFA was that they really wanted May releases, but that hasn't panned out. Other than a six-month window for Christmas toy sales, I'm not sure what their logic is leaning on May so hard.

Especially on the heels of Disney's own IW, which was going to (probably) be the biggest film of the year.

Why not just own the Holiday season? The previous three films absolutely killed it at the box office in December.


Oct 25, 2017
I just got back from seeing it. Didn't buy into the doom and gloom before, it was really fucking good. Helps that it's a cohesive movie the entire time as compared to rogue one(which I still enjoyed) where the first and second halves are basically two different movies with the same actors.

Not only was the acting good, the cinematography was great (the galaxy is no longer just white people and aliens and lando). The score was good. And all of the EU cohesion, from the bounty hunter name drops, Maul cameo, and extended look at how hyperspace travel looks like in live action. Also, finally you get to see an imperial blockade. As someone who enjoys the universe outside of the films, this was really really good. Everybody who didn't give this a fair shake over the last several months can go kick rocks.


Oct 29, 2017
Just thought about that Maul reveal again and wondered if it would have been more fitting (and cooler) if it was Cad Bane instead.


Diego Renault

Nov 1, 2017
I've seen it a second time too and was still greatly entertained. I think the acting was really good. There was no character I didn't like. I also think alden ehreneich performed the iconic han solo manerisms pretty well.

The story between han and his love interest was beautiful.


Oct 29, 2017
But that's the advantage with Cad, no one really knows him well so they could do more with the character. And he's also Not. Darth. Maul.

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017

It's a complicated issue. I enjoyed Ehenreich, but I do think how he came across in marketing had an impact on the box office. He simply did not channel Han in trailers. And despite the film actually being named Solo, I don't think it enjoyed as much leeching from that characters popularity as it might otherwise have. I love the film and have seen it twice, but Ehenreich's Han is not similar really to Fords Han. There's a willful dissonance that allows me to buy them as the same character, but I'd be lying if I said that he wasn't far from the guy that sat down with Luke in Mos Eisley.

Could Ingruber or someone else with a more comparable look/voice have provided for a better film? Hard to say.
Oct 31, 2017
Fun movie. Nothing major but it shot the vibe through. Chewie is the man. L3 should have been a lot better instead of one note joke and then death. The end where Han shoots Beckett is badass.


Oct 25, 2017
Super weird of some people to feel like they're being ignored because they didn't cast someone they made a petition about.


Oct 27, 2017
It's a complicated issue. I enjoyed Ehenreich, but I do think how he came across in marketing had an impact on the box office. He simply did not channel Han in trailers. And despite the film actually being named Solo, I don't think it enjoyed as much leeching from that characters popularity as it might otherwise have. I love the film and have seen it twice, but Ehenreich's Han is not similar really to Fords Han. There's a willful dissonance that allows me to buy them as the same character, but I'd be lying if I said that he wasn't far from the guy that sat down with Luke in Mos Eisley.

Could Ingruber or someone else with a more comparable look/voice have provided for a better film? Hard to say.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a complicated issue. I enjoyed Ehenreich, but I do think how he came across in marketing had an impact on the box office. He simply did not channel Han in trailers. And despite the film actually being named Solo, I don't think it enjoyed as much leeching from that characters popularity as it might otherwise have. I love the film and have seen it twice, but Ehenreich's Han is not similar really to Fords Han. There's a willful dissonance that allows me to buy them as the same character, but I'd be lying if I said that he wasn't far from the guy that sat down with Luke in Mos Eisley.

Could Ingruber or someone else with a more comparable look/voice have provided for a better film? Hard to say.

I think people would be better off if they just admitted that they'd rather the role not be recast. I don't think it has anything to do with him not "embodying Han", people just didn't want to see Ford recast. And for what it's worth, Harrison Ford loved the movie. People we're going in expecting to see Harrison Ford, and they got out saying they didn't get Han Solo. To me that's a big disconnect in expectation

harry the spy

Oct 25, 2017
Sorry I'm sure this has been asked a thousand times but how is darth maul alive in this? He was killed in TPM when anakin was a kid. There is no way that solo is at least15 years older (deciding very generously solo is 20 in this and anakin 5 in TPM). How?

This movie was quite good btw . Better than rogue one IMO.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry I'm sure this has been asked a thousand times but how is darth maul alive in this? He was killed in TPM when anakin was a kid. There is no way that solo is at least15 years older (deciding very generously solo is 20 in this and anakin 5 in TPM). How?

This movie was quite good btw . Better than rogue one IMO.
BDS wrote up a great thread explaining what happened to Maul after Episode I.
Oct 25, 2017
Sorry I'm sure this has been asked a thousand times but how is darth maul alive in this? He was killed in TPM when anakin was a kid. There is no way that solo is at least15 years older (deciding very generously solo is 20 in this and anakin 5 in TPM). How?

This movie was quite good btw . Better than rogue one IMO.
Maul didn't actually die in TPM. He used the Dark Side to keep himself alive, and lived as a mindless animal in a literal garbage heap for over a decade, before being found and "saved". Solo is around a good two decades or so after TPM, at which point he had been running major crime syndicates.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm surprised that there is still some confusion that this movie takes place after TPM. The Empire didn't even exist back then, it was just the Republic which didn't even have any armies either.


Oct 29, 2017
i think id find it pretty distracting to watch ingruber do a harrison ford impersonation for 90 minutes.

because i found it pretty distracting when glover managed to slip into a billy dee impersonation every once in a while.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty sure Anthony Ingruber wouldn't have had anywhere near as good chemistry with Chewbacca as Alden had

I can't remember from the movie where exactly Donald Glover jumped in and out of a Billy Dee impression in particular but I remember him introducing the Millennium Falcon sounded very BDW-like from the trailers.


Oct 25, 2017
i think id find it pretty distracting to watch ingruber do a harrison ford impersonation for 90 minutes.

because i found it pretty distracting when glover managed to slip into a billy dee impersonation every once in a while.
Yup, impressions suck. I loved Donald's take on Lando but that one sentence where he was doing a Billy D impression was not good. It's the only time I didn't see Lando but Donald Glover doing an impression of Billy D Williams doing Lando.

A whole movie of that would've been terrible.
Nov 11, 2017
Do we believe that if Rogue One and Solo had had their release dates swapped, they would have more or less swapped box office takes as well?
It became a running joke online about how no one wanted to see Solo and that it was going to be terrible. I think that was unique to Solo because of all the production trouble rumours.


Oct 25, 2017
Alden is great and did his own take of Solo, as Ford stated after seeing it. Ingruber would have been an impersonation. Considering how good Alden did in the movie I'm glad they got him. He's the best part of the movie.

harry the spy

Oct 25, 2017
Maul didn't actually die in TPM. He used the Dark Side to keep himself alive, and lived as a mindless animal in a literal garbage heap for over a decade, before being found and "saved". Solo is around a good two decades or so after TPM, at which point he had been running major crime syndicates.
Thanks. This really confused me. Is Qi'ra a character in anything else ?


Oct 27, 2017
Alden really nailed the subtle mannerisms of Harrison Ford in his performance. One spot that jumped out at me re-watching ANH was when Han introduces himself, watch 3:00 in the first and 0:29 for Alden's. Not only is the voice dead on there but the mannerisms are there too.


PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
Yup, impressions suck. I loved Donald's take on Lando but that one sentence where he was doing a Billy D impression was not good. It's the only time I didn't see Lando but Donald Glover doing an impression of Billy D Williams doing Lando.

A whole movie of that would've been terrible.

I mean at the same time Alden is clearly doing his own take on Ford in the movie.


Oct 25, 2017
No, she's a new character, but it definitely seems like they intend to continue her story. Whether it makes it to the big screen or is resolved in books/comics, who knows.
Solo is pretty blatantly set up as a part 1 of 2. Whether part 2 happens (or was effectively meant to be "Solo" followed by "Lando") is an open question.
Oct 25, 2017
Solo is pretty blatantly set up as a part 1 of 2. Whether part 2 happens (or was effectively meant to be "Solo" followed by "Lando") is an open question.
I actually think Boba is/was planned to pick up on Solo's dangling plot threads. Boba is established to be within Han's sphere of the universe, the bulk of the hooks pertain to crime syndicates which is an obvious connection for Boba, and there's quite a few potential Boba/Maul connections, including both Palpatine and Mandalore.