
Oct 25, 2017
"Gosh why do you keep constantly mentioning this thing once in a blue moon that I'm -- by the way -- definitely cool with and totally not irked by at all, and hey did I mention that some of my best friends are gay."


Use of alt account
Sep 3, 2018
It's funny and sad that he gets so much shit simply for stating that he's gay publicly. This is a 1950's problem coming all the way back again. If anyone can turn it into a positive, though, he can.

If it continues to escalate, he should challenge his random twitter haters to videogame brawls in fighting games and stream the outcome on Twitch one day a week for $$$, which probably won't end well for any of them given how bad haters in online games tend to be.

In my personal experience, generally the more dumb/hateful a person is the worse they are at the game (there's scientific evidence that hate eats away at brain matter, so there ya go).

His tale of the tape would speak for itself. Even the branding for his merch writes itself ("I'm gay. Come at me", "I'm gay. Fight me (and lose)", etc). Hateres get blasted publicly, it's good stress relief, he likely gets more viewers. There is no downside. If you're reading this, Sonicfox, think about it!
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Max Payne

Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Homophobia. History of severe infractions.
It would be nice to live in a world, where people wouldn't have the urge to state their sexual orientation.

Roy Mastang

Mar 23, 2018
User Banned (Permanent): Homophobia. Account in junior phase.
I think sexuality has no place in gaming. I don't care if Ninja, Datto, Byf are gay or bi or straight and honestly I don't want to know.

That's private. Should stay as such.


Oct 27, 2017
It's sad we still live in a world where is needed to expose our sexual preference to support people rights...
Hope this help gay community someway to get more consideration from racist people.
Also hope for him the best, i rarely see fight game videos, but i started to look a bunch of them with him, and also a woman player yohosie (fun fact, is gay too) because they are really great and fun to see playing.


Oct 27, 2017
SonicFox is an inspiration, not only to Gay people.

Everyone struggling with self-confidence should copy a page or two from his book.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I think sexuality has no place in gaming. I don't care if Ninja, Datto, Byf are gay or bi or straight and honestly I don't want to know.

That's private. Should stay as such.
good thing you don't make the rules. people can express and announce their sexuality in any context they want. if that makes you uncomfortable, that's a you problem


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I think sexuality has no place in gaming. I don't care if Ninja, Datto, Byf are gay or bi or straight and honestly I don't want to know.

That's private. Should stay as such.

Would you say the same thing if a straight esport gamer thank his straight partner in an interview or on stage? Or talk about what kind of people they're attracted to?


Use of alt account
Sep 3, 2018
It would be nice to live in a world, where people wouldn't have the urge to state their sexual orientation.

Not even simply stating your sexual orientation!? Why? Why should someone have to hide that?

I think sexuality has no place in gaming. I don't care if Ninja, Datto, Byf are gay or bi or straight and honestly I don't want to know.

That's private. Should stay as such.

Well, regardless of how you feel, sexuality has always been part of gaming. Lots of women characters have been/are designed to appeal to horny, lonely straight men, this is just a fact. Overwatch is sexy, and people seem to love that game. Dream Daddy and The Last of Us seem to have a caring fanbase. Many straight game developers have stated their attraction for women and/or expressed it in their designs in the games they make, why shouldn't LGBTQ figures in the game industry have that right? If you're saying nudity of extreme sexual content shouldn't be in mainstream products, I agree, but why should anyone completely censor their sexual orientation?
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Oct 25, 2017
I think sexuality has no place in gaming. I don't care if Ninja, Datto, Byf are gay or bi or straight and honestly I don't want to know.

That's private. Should stay as such.
If you don't care about peoples sexuality then why do you want people to hide it? Why should I be forced back into the closet?


Use of alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Imagine being so backwards and uptight that you think "don't ask don't tell" should be mandated in anyone in any industry, much less a creative one.
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Oct 25, 2017
Pkrussl is the people that thought MLK Jr. should stop making people feel uncomfortable by being disruptive or White People would get madder at Black people. Changes happen when the issues are shoved into people's faces and they get uncomfortable. The issue is being gay required shutting up about being gay all the time.
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Oct 25, 2017
Got introduced to him at The Game Awards and loved him after that. Great dude and I wish him all the best. Fuck anyone who thinks there's something wrong with A) Being gay B) Being proud and brave enough to tell it to the world.
I think sexuality has no place in gaming. I don't care if Ninja, Datto, Byf are gay or bi or straight and honestly I don't want to know.

That's private. Should stay as such.
I don't usually do this, but this reads like "stay in the closet" kind of post.


Oct 30, 2017
I did not know much about him before the TGA. His speech was cringe, like very cringe, but awesome at the same time. I am happy he is happy and I hope he keeps winning the gamer of the year.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Pkrussl is the people that thought MLK Jr. should stop making people feel uncomfortable by being disruptive or White People would get madder at Black people. Changes happen when the issues are shoved into people's faces and they get uncomfortable. The issue is being gay required shutting up about being gay all the time.

Otherwise known as Boogie logic.


Use of alt account
Oct 28, 2017
It would be nice to live in a world, where people wouldn't have the urge to state their sexual orientation.

I think sexuality has no place in gaming. I don't care if Ninja, Datto, Byf are gay or bi or straight and honestly I don't want to know.

That's private. Should stay as such.

Games are at best good art, at worst still intended to be paracosm for a general audience. You need to remember that video games are not only for you. There's a lot to unpack in your sentences here:

1) Sexuality and sexual orientation has never not been in games to some degree. Game characters are designed to have sex appeal, or have moments of growth where their sex life is part of the story (because most people have sex lives and it would be weird to omit it completely in a serious narrative). The old trope in the RPG where the male hero rescues the princess and they become a ship is a part statement of sexual orientation (it shows they are clearly heterosexual, or at least bi). When Max Payne grieves over his dead wife by drinking pain pills while shooting a bunch of dudes vigilante-style, as weird as that is, that is in part a statement of his sexual orientation because it shows how much he cared about the woman who was taken from him. So what you're really expressing is either trolling, or a regression of what videogames have offered audiences for several decades.

2) As far as I'm aware Sonicfox hasn't been posting any inappropriate content that's not suitable for a professional environment. He's simply stating he's not straight. It's weird that anyone thinks he shouldn't be allowed to say that just like it would be weird if you're a hetero guy wanting to express a girl is pretty or that your wife makes you happy. It ends up being a zero sum game of pointless censorship, and that's not good for anyone.

3) For artists with active sex lives, their sexuality is part of who they are and to some extent so, even if subtle or seemingly inconsequential, it might show in their work

4) This is because unless you're just making something primarily to have aesthetic value, it is impossible to censor creative choices in your work because most creative choices of something you work on that's your own idea will reflect how you feel and what your politics are.

5) So what you're really advocating with posts like that is censorship or the sentiment that someone who might not fit the norms of what games have communicated in the past shouldn't have a voice in the games industry, which is pretty regressive and not really a useful perspective in these discussions tbh.
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Oct 26, 2017
I don't really follow any big figures in eSports or video games, and SonicFox is no exception.

That said, I appreciate his passion and his enthusiasm for who he is. So, I say more power to him! Keep on being you!


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
I think sexuality has no place in gaming. I don't care if Ninja, Datto, Byf are gay or bi or straight and honestly I don't want to know.

That's private. Should stay as such.
I hope you get just as mad when you see a straight couple holding hands, or kiss, or even acknowledge they are in a relationship. Perhaps even call the authorities to crack down on their deviancy!



Feb 5, 2018
I think sexuality has no place in gaming. I don't care if Ninja, Datto, Byf are gay or bi or straight and honestly I don't want to know.

That's private. Should stay as such.
I mean you could always just.. you know.. ingnore it? Its kinda strange to get this worked about a thing like this. Especially since his gaynes doesnt seem to be a hugre chunk of his content.


Oct 27, 2017
He's gonna keep this up until the people who "DONT CARE THAT HE'S GAY!!!!!" actually stop giving a shit about people being proud of who they are. The more unapologetic he gets, the madder gamers get


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
It would be nice to live in a world, where people wouldn't have the urge to state their sexual orientation.
Right... it's an urge. His gayness is bursting at the seams and he can't control it.

It's not like, y'know, a proud statement of protest against a world that demonizes and oppresses marginalized groups, specifically those in the LGBT+ communities, in no small part to religious and other toxic cultural influences that have forced countless people to deny their own identity and happiness for fear of ostracism, alienation, or even death.

No, you're right, he just has some 'urges'. Yup, you nailed it.


Oct 25, 2017
So are people also not allowed to state if they have a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife? Because that would also disclose your sexual preference.

Just let the nice fox man talk about the fact he likes men, it's not hurting anyone to know that information. If anything it will help encourage younger people to know it's ok


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
"sexuality has no place in games"

"sexuality has no place in books"

"sexuality has no place in music"

"sexuality has no place in movies"



Nov 5, 2017
lol SonicFox is awesome. I don't even mind he makes tournaments boring because he always wins.


Oct 27, 2017
Even if it was true that he says it too much, it's still his content and as long as he does not break some law he can put what he wants in it.

People should really stop acting as internet police deciding what kind of content can or cannot be put online or what content creators should do with their business.... Again as long as they don't break some law or human decency like that guy that filmed corpses in the suicide forest., Logan Paul maybe?

Chie Satonaka

Oct 25, 2017
SonicFox continues to be the fucking best. I cannot WAIT to see him rip it up in MK11.

Also, I enjoy seeing the bans in here, and I hope all of them are perms.
Oct 29, 2017
I don't think certain straight ppl consider the long period of fear and self hatred many (I wanna say most) gays have to work through as they come to terms with their sexuality.

Being able to say "I'm gay" and have people be okay with that goes a long way towards helping queer ppl accept and eventually love themselves. It's only a positive thing.


Mar 15, 2018
This guy is so adorably wholesome. I'd heard of him before, but his TGA speech was the first time I'd seen him talk, and it was perfect. How do people not like this dude?

Deleted member 426

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think certain straight ppl consider the long period of fear and self hatred many (I wanna say most) gays have to work through as they come to terms with their sexuality.

Being able to say "I'm gay" and have people be okay with that goes a long way towards helping queer ppl accept and eventually love themselves. It's only a positive thing.
Solid post.

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I live by the same rules of being as unapologetically gay as possible.

I really appreciate SonicFox as he seems to be the only famous gamer I've noticed who uses his platform to really support all us gay folk out there.

I always rind it funny how a simple phrase like I'm Gay can make so many people uncomfortable.


Oct 30, 2017
I don't really watch esports but massive respect to him. He's a great role model and stands up for himself and others this way, people should be able to talk about this stuff freely.