Deleted member 23046

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
For people wanting to play it Day 1, do not forget that until the release, the entire contributive web can be tagged with spoilers.


Oct 25, 2017
This might be one of the first instances I can think of Jason Schreier being majorly wrong about something? Didn't he say it was a disgruntled ND employee? I might be misremembering..
Schreier is replying the tweet about that disgruntled employee rumor by saying "if it's true, ..." people immediately come to conclusion that Schreier know more about it than us and think the rumor is true while actually Jason is just speculating just like everyone else. he later clarified that he didn't think the rumor is true at all.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
[NO 2FA]


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Technically wasn't hacked as there was no authentication to the server past some stuff that the games gave to everyone who launched any ND game.

Naughty Dog will take the blame on this one. Piss poor server management lol.
Could still be considered a hack if the person that got the info wasn't suppose to be there. It's like you left your door wide open and someone walked in and stole your stuff that'll be still considered a burglary.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
Please share what you know!

Each and every ND game that gets patch updates a key from a server after it gets patched, and that server gives you and millions of other people keys to look at that server. That server did not have any authentication what so ever. As far as I was told once you gave it the key that you had gotten it literally just opened the doors, and where do you think the copy of the game that leaked was :P

If OP wants to thread mark this because this is the legitimate way it was taken from ND. Blame them for storing information like that in such a unsecure spot.

I also want to point out I literally had nothing to do with the leak. I just was told how it happened.


Oct 25, 2017
I remember the hate Nintendo got when they went against the leaker of Sword and Shield and Sony is getting praised. It´s kinda funny.

That leaker was named and had more information known about that circumstance. Also what they leaked isn't nearly as substantial as this TLOU2 leak.

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What the fuck are you even talking about?

This isn't an argument. You're still ignoring the entire premise of my point which pertains not to the nature of consequences but the manner in which they're being gleefully salivated over.

I also think it's disingenuous to hold someone accountable for what others have done in the wake of their actions. One person made that tweet, and it wasn't the leaker. How about you hold the actual person responsible for that accountable instead?

I'm sorry you faced that harassment but I don't think putting the blame on the leaker is appropriate in that instance.
god this is such a dumb post.


Oct 25, 2017
Unless they are getting bonuses, I wouldn't think devs are getting anything substantially more as a result of sales.
Well I don't know how their pay system works so can't comment but this could potentially affect current or future pay and staff structure.
Yes, it will damage sales, but come on. It will not affect the jobs of hundreds of developers! Maybe instead of selling 20m copies it'll sell 18m. No one should lose their job for that. I could see ND or Sony making an excuse for layoffs, but it's BS. It'll still be a huge success and make a lot of money.
I don't doubt that TLOU2 will be a huge success but there could still be a loss of earnings, affect staffing structure or hirings and also reputational damages to the company since the story of this being from a disgruntled employee has made the rounds and will undoubtedly stick in people's minds regardless of what updates this story will have.

Also, while I do despise how big companies treat their workers and am all for crackdowns on the shit they do, we can't treat this situation differently because of NDs size.

Imagine if this happened to an indie developer, would you still feel as unempathetic as you currently do?

Again, I'm not saying to lock them up and throw away the key but there should be some form of repercussions from doing something like this.


Oct 25, 2017
JFC, that is a horrible tweet. I am sorry you received that.

And on that topic, I've read a lot of tweets about people being mad that TLOU2 is total "sjw shit" :/

Yikes. Sorry you had to deal with that.

Can't even imagine Neil twitter since the first reveal.

It really was an awful tweet =/ , I was on the receiving end of it too as I was trying to help Angie tell that bigot off. As awful as that tweet was I can imagine there are far far worse ones too and I'm just lucky that I or Angie (to my knowledge) hasn't had to deal with even worse tweets/messages. I feel for all those that have though including the devs, especially since they had to deal with getting blamed for the leaks for days now too until this news :(


Mar 31, 2020

Each and every ND game that gets patch updates a key from a server after it gets patched, and that server gives you and millions of other people keys to look at that server. That server did not have any authentication what so ever. As far as I was told once you gave it the key that you had gotten it literally just opened the doors, and where do you think the copy of the game that leaked was :P
OMG! Well it's shocking that more folks didn't gain access if that's the case. I assume ND shut that down at this point. Sounds like whoever was responsible at ND should be fired.


Oct 26, 2017
They identified the individuals. This isn't some random third world hacker. It's in the headline mate.

Also, this is not some "I left this out and now the game is spoiled" moment. Someone was intentionally looking. Unless the files were quite literally uploaded to a public repo, there is a breach somewhere.
I stand by that Sony will never sue over this for a variety of reasons. Just way too hard for something like this.


Oct 29, 2017
Get fucked.

Avoiding spoilers in here is already pretty hard with that thread popping up every minute on the front page, and I managed to get spoiled in a YouTube comment section of a video about how to make Shakshuka. Not even kidding.

Yes I am pretty fucking mad, have no idea if the spoiler was real, but it doesn't really matter because now I think it is. Ugh.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
Well go for it instead of hinting stuff then.
It's likely external QA or similar. I was saying "we won't know more than that" regarding names and such.
Am going to quote myself from the other thread.


Each and every ND game that gets patch updates a key from a server after it gets patched, and that server gives you and millions of other people keys to look at that server. That server did not have any authentication what so ever. As far as I was told once you gave it the key that you had gotten it literally just opened the doors, and where do you think the copy of the game that leaked was :P

If OP wants to thread mark this because this is the legitimate way it was taken from ND. Blame them for storing information like that in such a unsecure spot.

I also want to point out I literally had nothing to do with the leak. I just was told how it happened.


Jan 21, 2018
How did the game leak then? Sounds like a massive fuck up on ND's / Sony's part.


May 1, 2018
goddamn, people in here are bloodthirsty

Its odd because when its one of the ROM sites hit with legal action games companies are decried as being heavy handed, but here people want someone to be hit with the kind of lawsuit that will ultimately ruin the livelihood of a person and their family.

Whoever leaked this absolutely screwed up massively, but if its a choice between Sony losing a minimal amount of revenue to a small few people not buying the game and one person losing their livelihood and being made broke by this I'd prefer Sony and Naughty Dog take the hit every time.

Relative to the total projected sales of this game, revenue loss would be fractions of a percent and ultimately meaningless to them.

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The leaker set off a chain reaction that has made some damned fools actually think that it's a great idea to spoil the game 'for the greater good', to fuck the SJWs, or even in a sad state of fighting a console war.

Blaming the trigger to this situation is normal, and substantiated. I'm sorry empathy is hard on you, but you do you. Keep fighting the good fight that committing a crime is worth defending.

Deleted member 63305

User requested account closure
Jan 23, 2020
People are actually calling others Nazis just because they don't want this guy to go to jail.

Jesus fucking Christ some of you need to stop worshipping your favorite companies as deities that you have to give your life for and smite any who goes against them.

Childish and sad doesn't come close to describing it.



Oct 30, 2017
So if they aren't in the industry, they can't be really blacklisted.
If they didn't hack their way in and managed to get access from someone else ie a friend or family member, can they be even sued?

Deleted member 5334

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Is that one of those streamers swattings?

Yeah. When that shit was happening, not gonna lie, definitely was scary. Even got someone killed once (not to a streamer but someone else from what I understand). I remember one streamer, it got to the point how many times he was called, they just send someone to the house, just to confirm everything's okay, and then they'd move on.


Alt account
Aug 29, 2019
Am going to quote myself from the other thread.

I also want to point out I literally had nothing to do with the leak. I just was told how it happened.
Looks like they have a massively insecure infrastructure then, which isn't that surprising given the state of PSN I guess, but still.
Doesn't seem like they can do a trial out of this tbh.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, they already ruined the game for me so yeah, I guess they will pay for that, bunch of a**holes... I don't even know if I'm going to play the game at this point, I don't see the point right now.