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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
"But actually, we already opened some games as cross-platform with PC and some others..."

Repeating themselves like a broken record.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Are they that inept, technically, that they cannot integrate with other systems due to the fear of thier service being compromised? That says more about thier infrastructure if anything.

Their network was rated below XBL in an independent study, if anything it'll improve the experience.


Oct 27, 2017
Speaking at the IFA technology show in Berlin, Sony chief executive Kenichiro Yoshida said he felt playing on the PlayStation 4 was the best experience for gamers and therefore should not be compromised.

It's not a very flattering quote, but, I've seen worse.

Arrogant Sony back in full power. Hopefully Microsoft beat them to submission next Gen so they relearn some humility. Just like 2006!

Finally, an honest summary about what these threads are actually about.

Boy Wander

Alt Account
Oct 29, 2017
The best experience for your players is the experience that they ask for. So if they're asking for cross-plat play for Fortnite, Rocket League and others, just fucking give it to them. Smacks of arrogance that "we know better than our players what they want" . It's a shitty attitude and hopefully not one that they'll get away with next gen.


Nov 2, 2017
Blackpool, UK
"Less players on multiplayer TOTALLY makes PS4 the best place to play for gamers!" Oh piss off Sony, what a load of BS. Multiplayer only games, and the new direction of Live Services that seems to go with them, benefits HUGELY from the increased community available via crossplay. Games that tanked like Evolve may not have tanked if players from all platforms were able to play with each other. Third party devs are going to have to seriously consider Sony's short-sighted position in the future, it's pretty unfriendly for gamers AND publishers. Now that MS and even Nintendo are jumping on this it makes Sony look firmly stuck in the past, and gives people a choice to make when the next round of hardware comes along. Do I want the more restrictive walled garden approach, or do I want to be able to play with the widest potential audience possible?

I say this as someone who's loved Sony since the PS1, and has preferred their exclusives for YEARS now. I also can't be arsed with multiplayer, doesn't matter to me at all. But I can't ignore the popularity of multiplayer experiences, and it seems really stupid to continue to restrict that experience by denying crossplay. Just recently I bought an Xbox One S instead of a PS4 Pro purely because of the 4K blu ray ability. If the PS4 had 4K blu ray, I'd have paid the extra and got that console in an instant. But Sony wanted to save a few bucks and skimped on the 4K drive that'd have helped their marketing of the machine as a great 4K system. The people making these calls are losing touch again, we're only a tiny step away from the arrogant Sony of the past. If they keep this shit up into the next hardware launch, they're going to find a lot less success as they drive people to other companies who aren't as dumb and restrictive.


Oct 27, 2017
Watertown, NY
Fortnite IS the best to play on PS4 because there are only casual players so the competition is easy, while on Xbox everyone is a hardcore gamer.



Oct 28, 2017
Jesus, this is so stupid. Everything about it rings so hollow. Who thought this would be a good thing to say, not only do they reopen a self-inflicted wound, they actually make it worse.

Deleted member 10908

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
What a shitty reply. I'm so glad I never made the switch and kept playing multiplatforms on the Xbox one despite it being the inferior platform early on this gen.
Now with the X i couldnt be happier, I'm using my PS4 pro just for exclusives and thats it. Its things like these why i only play on a PS4 if theres no other choice
Oct 25, 2017
Exactly... if I want a open platform I should stay with PC and not buy a console. I already choose a console to not have to deal with playing against people with different configurations.

It is important to a console platform that everybody playing its games have the most close possible experience... no matter single-player or multi-player... it should be fair to everybody.

Cross-play is something that some ERA users are trying to force over us consumers.

you're out of your mind, if you don't want to cross play then don't do it. It's literally that simple. But thanks for wanting everyone else to suffer cause you have some weird ideals about "parity".


Oct 25, 2017
Considering how big GAAS titles are, publishers doing their best to keep a game active aligns with their best interests. Cross play allows publishers to manage and worry about one big community potentially. It's a pro consumer and pro publisher feature, so getting an answer like this just speaks to how locked down and outdated Sony are with their platform.


Oct 25, 2017
If Fortnite and Minecraft couldn't make Sony budge on this issue, nothing will.


Oct 31, 2017
It is important to a console platform that everybody playing its games have the most close possible experience... no matter single-player or multi-player... it should be fair to everybody.

Cross-play is something that some ERA users are trying to force over us consumers.

Higher refresh rate monitors/screens, Scuff controllers, PS4 Pro consoles, XIM, Mouse and Keyboard support, etc. have already ruined "fairness".

Deleted member 34714

User requested account closure
Nov 28, 2017
They aren't going to change their stance until their numbers start to show they need to.

It's been like a year or two where people insist they won't buy a PS4 yet it still is selling a lot I guess? Only reason they won't budge.` IMO it's pretty stupid because in the end they will eventually cave in and support more than just PC crossplay.


Oct 25, 2017
Who let Jim Ryan do another intervie......
.....Oh it's the new head of Sony, Welp.

Either way what a dumb statement, let alone saying "But actually, we already opened some games as cross-platform with PC and some others, so we decide based on what is the best user experience. That is our way of thinking for cross-platform" right after it.
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Oct 27, 2017
Watertown, NY
Considering how big GAAS titles are, publishers doing their best to keep a game active aligns with their best interests. Cross play allows publishers to manage and worry about one big community potentially. It's a pro consumer and pro publisher feature, so getting an answer like this just speaks to how locked down and outdated Sony are with their platform.

If they were truly locked down they wouldn't allow cross play at all. They allow it between PC, Mobile. Just not Switch and XBox. The biggest thing this hurts are games that don't have a huge player base on multiple devices. That's where there will be much more out rage IMHO.


Oct 25, 2017
Santa Albertina
Because it is fair and equal to everybody.

If I wanted a opened play field I should play on PC and not console... I avoid PC gaming due the exactly issues the Cross-play add to a platform... that push to consoles looks like PC (Pro different modes like Graphic or Performance when the right choice is a mode that plays identical to the base model) is something that annoy me to the point that it will be possible I won't have a place to play games in the future.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Every single crossplay game give you the option to opt-out from playing with other platforms, heck I think in many games you need to opt-in so you can crossplay with other platforms. Crossplay is no threat for your to your closed ecosystem.

that poster is well aware, they do this same song and dance in every thread about this and are subsequently informed in every thread about this

it's annoying that a lot of people do the willfully ignorant thing over and over, it's like we just start from 0 whenever a new thread pops up


Attempting to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 25, 2017
I tried to use the least console warring quotes in the article. The articles actual title is 1000xs worse

You shouldn't have used the quotes though (even though the real quotes do imply it).

EDIT: Good, the title is now fixed.

And personally I would have used the same title as the article :p
Oct 31, 2017
Exactly... if I want a open platform I should stay with PC and not buy a console. I already choose a console to not have to deal with playing against people with different configurations.

It is important to a console platform that everybody playing its games have the most close possible experience... no matter single-player or multi-player... it should be fair to everybody.

Cross-play is something that some ERA users are trying to force over us consumers.

If I want to play with my friends on a different platform, I, shockingly, buy that other platform. I know it's a hard concept for people to get. If I have friends somewhere else, and I or they can't be on the other platform, oh well, then I should have maybe made this a stronger consideration when making purchases and that's my problem.

I don't want the experiences that I personally enjoy altered just so concessions can be made in other areas to allow for "players across all platforms" to also play.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
Not sure how he's come up with thinking playing on a PS4/Pro is the best place to play Fortnite. Maybe in terms of the most popular platform, sure, but not in terms of performance.

Edit: I suppose not requiring PS Plus to play is also a pretty big bonus.


Oct 25, 2017
I rather have Google Play - Apple App Store crossplay where all my IAP purchases carry over.

I would argue it doesn't even make sense financially. If you wall off the ps4 version of games, what reason do I have to spend money on that version?

Because vast majority only have 1 console/gaming PC.

PS4 has the advantage of (in most cases) having the largest online population.

So chances are if you want to play with your friends you'll have to get a PS4. If there was crossplay, it would get rid of one of the biggest deciders of what console to get (being able to play with your friends).


Oct 27, 2017
Either cross play is good... Or cross play is bad. You can't have it both ways Sony.

Please turn off Cross Play with SFV, Rocket League and FFXIV if you're going to stick to this argument that PS4 is the best place to play ...


Oct 25, 2017
What if we just want access to OUR epic account on other console.
I don't even want cross-play, I want cross progression.


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
Was really hoping Sony's new CEO would be more level-headed.

Shit, and they JUST promoted this guy to CEO too. So that means Sony's mindset here will be like this for a long time if he holds onto the job for a while.


Oct 25, 2017
Is Don Mattrick working at Sony now? Because that is Mattrick-arrogance level response.
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