
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

México is big on videgames and Sony put up pre-orders with a big discount, something really rare in our market, from $13,999 pesos (Roughly $666 bucks), to around $9,800 pesos (Around $467 gringo coins).

So, yeah, people went CRAZY for the pre-orders, it was a big deal. So imagine the surprise when, apparently, all of them are getting cancelled, with people getting to twitter to complain, with a good amount of memes and people claiming they'll switch to xbox. So you know, the usual stuff.

They could complain to Profeco too, as in the Consumer Protection Commitee, who are known to actually enforce offers like this if they feel like it. We'll see what happens.
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Oct 28, 2017
Fire who ever is in charge down there.

Edit- so real? or are we spreading misinformation.


Oct 29, 2017
Maybe it was a mistake to post that deal?
And lmao at gringo coins. 🤣🤣🤣


Jul 22, 2019
I don't understand what is the problem?
They made a mistake and then canceled the pro-orders, how is this considered a scam?


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
Yeah, it was an error on their side and it was quickly removed (like in half an hour, I think?) I tried but the stock was removed when I was making the purchase. I can understand the error, but and the cancellations, but people gotta get their money back

I don't understand what is the problem?
They made a mistake and then canceled the pro-orders, how is this considered a scam?

Last update I saw, people were charged, but there was no refund yet for those who get the cancellation. Also, consumer rights here over vendor errors tend to favor the consumer. If the vendor made the mistake in the transaction, well, though luck, you gotta honor that price. Specially if you were already charged (as it seems to be the case)


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
I don't understand what is the problem?
They made a mistake and then canceled the pro-orders, how is this considered a scam?

I think it's less about it being a scam and more about people thinking they secured a unit from an extremely limited supply of launch consoles, only to be rightfully angry when they find out that they do not because it was a pricing error.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe it was a mistake to post that deal?
I don't understand what is the problem?
They made a mistake and then canceled the pro-orders, how is this considered a scam?

Here in Mexico we have something called PROFECO, it's job is to protect consumers from bad practices and make companies honor the prices even if they were clearly a mistake, but sometimes it gets out of hand, for example...

A certain chain had a Smart TV at 10.999MXN instead of 10,999MXN, so people started arguing that the TVs were at 10MXN instead of 10999MXN, complained with PROFECO and the chain was forced to sell them the TVs at 10MXN

It has happende a lot with TVs, computers, phones, etc... so yeah, they will force Sony to honor those prices


Oct 25, 2017
The actual issue here seems to be that people need to be refunded more than anything. Sometimes pricing errors occur, for whatever reason, but if you decided to not honor those sales you need to refund every single person that has payed already.


Nov 16, 2017
Depending on the law, whether or not it was deliberate isn't the point. You're contractually obliged to provide what you offered for the price you set. Set the wrong price? Boo hoo.


Oct 25, 2017
Depending on the law, whether or not it was deliberate isn't the point. You're contractually obliged to provide what you offered for the price you set. Set the wrong price? Boo hoo.
Not sure how it works in Mexico, but where I'm at (Portugal), unless the retailer/seller doesn't refund me they can course correct. Otherwise they're forced to make the sale. Hence why to me it seems that is the actual issue more so than the actual pricing error. Either give people their money back or honor the deal.


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Don't see the issue here. They aren't obligated to honor a clear price mistake. They can't just recharge you the higher price so they either honor or cancel it.


Oct 28, 2017
As someone that has worked on the backend of a lot of eCommerce sites with automation that can make errors from time to time, this seems like a real dumb law.

Is there more to it than just pricing errors having to be honored?

For example. If there's a pricing error on a product, but it's always advertised by the seller for the intended price is that okay?
It makes sense to me if a seller is advertising a TV for 10MXN to have to sell the product for 10MXN vs a seller that advertises a TV for 10,000 MXN and accidentally lists on the site for 10 MXN.

Pretty funny this happened in Mexico of all places.

Because of that specific law or what do you mean?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 5, 2019
the Spanish Basque Country
As someone that has worked on the backend of a lot of eCommerce sites with automation that can make errors from time to time, this seems like a real dumb law.

Is there more to it than just pricing errors having to be honored?

For example. If there's a pricing error on a product, but it's always advertised by the seller for the intended price is that okay?
It makes sense to me if a seller is advertising a TV for 10MXN to have to sell the product for 10MXN vs a seller that advertises a TV for 10,000 MXN and accidentally lists on the site for 10 MXN.

Because of that specific law or what do you mean?
Because of how little popular PlayStation is in that country compared to Xbox, it's almost as if they thought "Ummm... ¿Cómo podemos ser incluso menos populares? 🤔"

And Profeco too.


Oct 28, 2017
Because of how little popular PlayStation is in that country compared to Xbox, it's almost as if they thought "Ummm... ¿Cómo podemos ser incluso menos populares? 🤔"

And Profeco too.

Oh damn, really, I remember in the PS2 era the PlayStation brand was SUPER popular, but I never checked in on it again. Just assumed it stayed that way. That makes sense then.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't see the issue here. They aren't obligated to honor a clear price mistake. They can't just recharge you the higher price so they either honor or cancel it.
They aren't obligated to honor the price mistake. But during a console launch, it sucks. You thought you have a PS5 secured and now your pre-order is gone and the chances are slim that you can get another pre-order to secure a PS5 at launch. Sony is in the right, but it's super annoying for the fans/customers.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 5, 2019
the Spanish Basque Country
They aren't obligated to honor the price mistake. But during a console launch, it sucks. You thought you have a PS5 secured and now your pre-order is gone and the chances are slim that you can get another pre-order to secure a PS5 at launch. Sony is in the right, but it's super annoying for the fans/customers.
Sony is absolutely not in the right here. They advertised this as a temporary sale, as you can see below, and furthermore, they have charged people and there are no refunds in sight. You have basically paid for nothing but Sony's got your money. Profeco will go after them hard. Doesn't matter if it was a mistake, they are legally obligated to honor that price.



Oct 26, 2017
Sony MX did advertise the second batch of pre-orders, and when you clicked the link, it took you to the store's sale, so they will probably have to respect the discounted price if PROFECO gets involved.


Sony and Microsoft should really consider price parity with the US, the more people get access to their consoles/ecosystems, better and more business and profits for them. The current suggested price is waaaaaaaaay out of reach for most Mexicans (and Latin American people in general).


Nov 5, 2017
mmm, interesting as my fellow Mexicans have pointed PROFECO is legendary strict when it comes to enforcing offered prices even when it is a mistake, we all in Mexico have heard storys in the news about how they have ruled in favor of the consumer even when it was kind of a reach, and by what im reading here i dont see how Sony gets out of this


Oct 25, 2017
In normal circumstances I'd say that law is a bit pushy, but since people aren't getting refunded to begin with (which, as I've already said is the actual big problem here) then it actually works out well in the end that it is indeed so pushy.

This way, they'll have to honor the deal.

Though in normal circumstances (aka if a refund was given along the cancellation) I'd have zero problems with a retailer terminating the sale prematurely.

In any case, I'd assume this gets decided upon fast no? Since the products are launching in a couple of weeks it would be nice for the people in this mess to see it sorted out ASAP.


Oct 25, 2017
Profeco will go hard on Sony for this, at least it wasnt like the TV error some time ago


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
In normal circumstances I'd say that law is a bit pushy, but since people aren't getting refunded to begin with (which, as I've already said is the actual big problem here) then it actually works out well in the end that it is indeed so pushy.

This way, they'll have to honor the deal.

Though in normal circumstances (aka if a refund was given along the cancellation) I'd have zero problems with a retailer terminating the sale prematurely.

In any case, I'd assume this gets decided upon fast no? Since the products are launching in a couple of weeks it would be nice for the people in this mess to see it sorted out ASAP.
Even if they were refunding, PROFECO would act and enforce them to honor the price

It's not up for interpretation, that's how things work here

King Dodongo

Oct 27, 2017
Yeah many things are wrong in Mexico. PROFECO is not one of them. They are relentless. If you mess up, you face the music.


Jun 27, 2019
Mexico City
They should honor those preorders, I mean it went up for an hour, they linked directly to it on social media, it had the little 30% off icon on the Sony store... if all of that was a mistake on their part, that's not the consumers' problem, that's on Sony.

On a side note, those discounted prices are closer to what the real base selling price here in Mexico should be tbh. It's going for like $150 USD more here than in the US.

Mr. Robot

Oct 30, 2017
WTF, Why the hell are people in favor of big companies being allowed to make sale mistakes and canceling orders?


Jan 20, 2018
User Banned (3 Days): Platform warring
WTF, Why the hell are people in favor of big companies being allowed to make sale mistakes and canceling orders?

Because this is Era's sweet darling Sony making the mistake, if this were MS instead some would be screaming bloody murder.
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Oct 26, 2017
A lot of people in here are delusional if you think a company has to honour a pricing error online.

I'd love to know how much you would all still demand it if it was you selling an item on eBay or something similar.

Also folks who think this is a defence of Sony over Microsoft need to grow the hell up. We're all human and often we make mistakes, sure it would be nice to honour pricing errors but if you strike it lucky with getting the error price then good for you but to demand that price and expect a company to honour it is just flat out wrong. I've worked at multiple online stores and pricing errors occur a lot (try maintaining millions of SKUs).
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