Deleted member 4093

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sony's response was much better than what PR bullshit they said before about protecting their gamers.

This is just raw honesty. Yeah it's not what people want to hear, but I much prefer hearing it like it is and being told "No my sweet child, we're only doing what's best for you."
Its all PR BS not sure how its better when its beating around the bush. I wouldn't pay attention to it.


Oct 25, 2017

This is internet incredulity distilled.

You cant carry over a game save to another platform / hardware.

First world problem. Just the next thing for peeps to rant about after lootboxes so the mainstream media join in.

There are far more pressing things going on in videogames which could do with this level of vitriol...gender and minority representation being one.
I don't think you actually understand the underlying issue here.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't mind them trying to remain "competitive". But, I think this game currently is too big to ignore. Every business has to make exceptions. Understanding that they have had massive data breaches in the past (so this may call their networking infrastructure into question and rightfully so)however, they must overcome that and move forward.

Also I much prefer this(no console platform crossplay) over 24 hour drm checks. Just gonna leave this one here.


Oct 26, 2017
Actually, I think most people have a Ps4 because:

A) Xbox's original idea for the Xbox One and how fucked up the message was, and that caused people to flip to Sony
B) The friends of the people who flipped to Sony didn't want to game alone, so they bought PS4s too to play with their friends who initially flipped
C) The message overall from those initial buyers was just that PS4 was better, and that has dominated the conversation

The exclusives part didn't come until later. PS4 didn't have a high number of "great exclusives" until a couple years in.

Most people have a PS4 because

A) It was 100 dollars cheaper
B) It was objectively better performance wise

Those are the only two things that really mattered at launch.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, having an article that's basically buried on USA Today (I can't find it clicking around any of the sections easily) is going to result in them being "absolutely screwed". Hell, I doubt the average person reading USA TODAY would even understand what the issue even is. This is the type of thing that gets outrage on ResetERA, which is really meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

I'm not saying they're in the right. But this ain't gonna impact their business. If they continue their stance into next gen? Maybe.

I read the tech section of the USA Today. People who read USA Today know all about their sections, and if you click on "tech" from the main USA Today homepage (which is right on the USA Today taskbar), it shows up in the main stories. How is this hidden in any way?

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
I imagine if they don't reverse this (the account locking) soon someone will either threaten to or actually file up a lawsuit, since I don't think what they're doing is legal, or if it is it's definitely treading the line.

So whenever that happens they'll definitely reverse it. They really don't want that kind of press. So I'd say it's just a matter of time.

At this point I'm beginning to think that the way Epic set up cross-play is directly linked to the account migration. So no cross-play, no migration.

It's the only thing that makes sense to me. I guess I can't believe Sony would be so stupid.


Oct 25, 2017
That's really just PR talk. Companies flip like a dime when the shoe is on the other foot.

From what I've seen of Nadella and Spencer I don't agree with this. This isn't 2013. Social media rakes you over the coals for shit like this. It isn't in their best interests to go back on everything they're doing and saying now.
Oct 25, 2017
The only reason you're damage controlling this is because you're concerned, and rightfully so.

This is snowballing.

More people are arguing in here than actively trying to do anything.

We'll see what happens in the coming days, but don't be shocked when the media moves on after putting out their little articles today about it.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
Bothers me that I no longer have a PS4 and am banned on Xbox One, can't carry over anything I've earned, and Sony, the devs, and the fanbase are just telling me to go fuck myself. I'm glad I ultimately dropped the game.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
That's really just PR talk. Companies flip like a dime when the shoe is on the other foot.
It's really not, this isn't 2008.


Anyone that thinks any giant corporation is 'good' or 'for gamers' is so naieve. Both Nintendo and MS have been heinously anti-consumer in the past.
MS is promoting GAAS it is in there best interest to support cross platform even beyond consoles. This isnt 2008


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Multiple people in this thread have already said they won't buy the next playstation console. So yes, it has impacted sales.

In before people move those goalposts lol

I mean, people on GAF were also claiming how the Pro lacking 4K Blu-ray support would be the complete and utter death nail to it and how the S would gain lost ground.

Like, I'm sure there will be some who stick to their words, but a sample of size of people heated in the moment isn't exactly reliable. :P


User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
Most people have a PS4 because

A) It was 100 dollars cheaper
B) It was objectively better performance wise

Those are the only two things that really mattered at launch.

I would add exclusives to that. The tail end of the PS3 lifecycle renewed confidence in people.

Deleted member 17207

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Most people have a PS4 because

A) It was 100 dollars cheaper
B) It was objectively better performance wise

Those are the only two things that really mattered at launch.
A) Maybe, but that was definitely not as big of a part of the conversation as everything else was. But yeah, definitely helped.
B) Nah, I don't think that was part of it at all. PS3 was objectively better performance-wise too, wasn't it? That didn't even help PS3 initially stay on-par with 360's sales.

I think the message has way more to do with it than what's on-paper.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
At this point I'm beginning to think that the way Epic set up cross-play is directly linked to the account migration. So no cross-play, no migration.

It's the only thing that makes sense to me. I guess I can't believe Sony would be so stupid.
That's my thought as well. Epic would need to rework their backend which could take some time. It'd just be easier if Sony caved on cross play so they could flip a switch.
Oct 25, 2017
From what I've seen of Nadella and Spencer I don't agree with this. This isn't 2013. Social media rakes you over the coals for shit like this. It isn't in their best interests to go back on everything they're doing and saying now.

Not saying they'll ever go back. But they are trying to say stop putting faith in even people like Spencer. He's just one man. Not a corporation. And Corporations will do anything to get and keep your money. Also Phil won't be there forever.


Oct 25, 2017
Their response was to release an exclusive skin on Playstation!

They haven't acted to oppose this. All they've done is to tweet things people want to hear. They aren't flexing at all.

I feel like they're the only ones who will get Sony to budge, and as I'm typing this I hear Ian from Easy Allies bringing the same point.

Like, Bungie and Ubisoft have no issues between Destiny and Division iirc. I get not being able to use equipment and such, as that may be more on the platform memory than on the account (I don't own Fortnite), but there's no reason for the accounts themselves to be blocked.

And while I'm not going to shift the blame from Sony entirely to Epic, they are culpable. The account blocking can only be taking place from their end. Sony can demand all they want, but ultimately they don't control the accounts and servers.


Oct 27, 2017
This is only less significant than Battlefront because it was a culmination of grievances against a trend of games using lootboxes and of course EA doing EA on a Star Wars game with their lootboxes that broke the camel's back.

This makes it seem like it's only a portion of overlap of Sony fans that have Fortnite that cares but it is a broader trend of Sony overstepping their bounds that will likely effect other games in a similar way in the future and that's before getting to people who want cross play with their friends and Sony being the only platform standing in the way. Like Sony said, they have 80 million players so controlling the accounts and ability to crossplay for that many people becomes a big deal, even if it's just one platform. It's one platform attempting to control everything.

Eh... I think the main reason the Battlefront issue was wider was because it affected everyone that played the game. This doesn't, not even close. There are a relatively small number for whom this situation absolutely sucks, but most will continue to play Fortnite in precisely the same way without knowing (or all in likelihood caring) about what is, frankly, a pretty awful mess.

Ultimately I think you exaggerate the size of the crossplay issue. You have to remember that, in this case, Sony are simply being conservative, sticking to a status quo that people are content with. There is no parallel to Microsoft proposing DRM in 2013, a move which damaged the Xbox launch immeasurably, where they wanted to change things from the way they always were.

For this to become a major issue, those that are for crossplay are going to have to prove how great it is, at which point Sony will seem like they're standing in the way of change. We're years from that happening, frankly, and that's not really Sony's fault. There are what... three high profile games that are pushing crossplay?


Oct 25, 2017
More people are arguing in here than actively trying to do anything.

We'll see what happens in the coming days, but don't be shocked when the media moves on after putting out their little articles today about it.
It doesn't matter.

The entire industry is going crossplay.

This issue is going to get worse and worse for Sony.


Oct 27, 2017
Its all PR BS not sure how its better when its beating around the bush. I wouldn't pay attention to it.

You're right that they could have just went full on "We're in the lead, and you'll complain, but at the end of the day you'll always come crawling back to your PS4. We own you" honesty.

That's what every mega corporation actually thinks, but it's understandable that they don't actually just say it. :P


Oct 27, 2017

Anyone that thinks any giant corporation is 'good' or 'for gamers' is so naieve. Both Nintendo and MS have been heinously anti-consumer in the past.
Agree. Can't believe people are falling for "good guy" Phil. All companies have their anti-consumer issues. Nintendo binding content to toys, MS not offering real free to play, and Sony locking out accounts.


Oct 27, 2017
You are trying to protect Sony's diminishing reputation even though they are basically breaking the law right now.

You tell me.

Me suggesting that this probably won't have the big of an impact on their reputation is protecting their reputation? Okay then.

Couldn't care less about their reputation, nor am I concerned in anyway. If I happen to be wrong and this has a fallout that impacts their position in the video game space and that results in another console becoming more attractive next gen, then I'll buy that console instead. Same way I go about it every gen.


Oct 26, 2017
A) Maybe, but that was definitely not as big of a part of the conversation as everything else was. But yeah, definitely helped.
B) Nah, I don't think that was part of it at all. PS3 was objectively better performance-wise too, wasn't it? That didn't even help PS3 initially stay on-par with 360's sales.

I think the message has way more to do with it than what's on-paper.

The PS3 wasn't even close to cheaper though.

The difference between 500 and 400 dollars is massive especially when one isn't as powerful as the other.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Not saying they'll ever go back. But they are trying to say stop putting faith in even people like Spencer. He's just one man. Not a corporation. And Corporations will do anything to get and keep your money. Also Phil won't be there forever.
It's not about putting faith in Spencer, it's about understanding that Microsoft is a fundamentally different company than they were ten years ago, due in large part to the influence of people like Nadella and Spencer.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Twitter is now suppressing the #BlameSony hashtag. It won't auto complete anymore.

Deleted member 3812

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The shareholders are losing money now, so who exactly are they doing this for?

Yoshida needs to step in now. When you're biggest division is causing the company a PR headache as well as loss in stock value, the boss has to get these fucking idiots in line.

Gamers had their purchases essentially stolen from them by Sony.

PC Epic Account holders who have purchased items on PC and linked their account to PSN has discovered that their purchases CANNOT be transferred to XBox One/Switch.


Oct 31, 2017
I mean, people on GAF were also claiming how the Pro lacking 4K Blu-ray support would be the complete and utter death nail to it and how the S would gain lost ground.

Like, I'm sure there will be some who stick to their words, but a sample of size of people heated in the moment isn't exactly reliable. :P

Ok? so take my younger brother (14) and his friends who can't play with each other because of this garbage. Future console purchasers. Who you think they're gonna go with when the time comes?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Well, i think that if sony dont react now, it wont matter much ultimately. But it sets up for a very interesting next gen.

If MS keep pushing this "openness" and sony dont, you might see more and more people buying xbox/pc/nintendo versions of games regardless of who has the marketing deals.

If im MS, i would start pushing this angle next gen, hard.
Oct 25, 2017
Like I said. You have people more willing to dig in on either side than actively try to change this while also giving hot takes about what is going to happen in the future.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't see what the big deal. They don't want you playing with the competitors player base. It's a business decision. Just like MS doesn't offer real free to decision.

Do you have a netflix account?

I assume if you do you have it tied to multiple devices, your consoles, your cellphone, your smart tv, etc.

Now imagine you log in to your netflix account in your cellphone but it says "can't access this account because it is restricted to your PS4", oh shit, you forgot you watched some movie on the PS4! now if you want to have netflix on all your other devices you need a second account.

That's exactly what's happening here, Sony is punishing consumers who used their Fortnite accounts on the PS4, fortnite is a 3rd party application that is supposed to have portability among all platforms it is available at, sure sony can block crossplay all they want, but blocking your Fornite account which should be compatible with all platforms is not okay and it's vile, specially if you have invested money on fortnite, now if you want all the shit you have on your PS4, which i repeat, should be tied to your fortnite account and thus all platforms, you will need to pay again.

This is what is being reported, this is why there is outrage.


Mar 15, 2018
Yes it will. I can guarantee you 1. I had no problem switching from 360 to PS4, and I'll have no problem switching back.

It might not cost them sales of the console, but I will definitely be playing on my Xbox / Switch / PC now instead of my PS4 account. And if I ever want to purchase a game or in-game purchases for a 3rd party product that has crossplay similar to Fortnite, I will now be doing that on Xbox instead of PS4 (and PS5, etc...) until they change their policy. Unless you love the PS4 controller that much (and I like it), you'd kind of be crazy not to, right?

I was gonna buy a PS4 this year but I'm holding off until next generation, now. God of War will be the last Playstation game I bought - everything else gets a Gamefly rental, now. I'm not investing any more money into Playstation's ecosystem until I feel like it meets my expectations, and between being unsure that my purchases will move forward to the next generation, and understanding that Sony chooses to be an island in a world where the biggest games are adopting platform-agnostic progression and MP, the PS ecosystem currently doesn't meet my expectations for where it should be.
You could point out that I'm just one guy on a forum, but it seems like, to me, no level of reaction on the internet would convince some of you that there even is a reaction, not until Sony themselves acknowledged it in such a way that that acknowledgement could not be handwaved away by y'all.

I agree the locking people out of accounts needs to be fixed immediately But I am not willing to give up 5-7 years of wonderful entertainment over crossplay.


Feb 27, 2018
Agree. Can't believe people are falling for "good guy" Phil. All companies have their anti-consumer issues. Nintendo binding content to toys, MS not offering real free to play, and Sony locking out accounts.
Wow, did you really just try to shill for Sony that blatantly? That's not related to the topic at hand at all.