
Oct 25, 2017
Haha. No, it's not that! It's just I'm running out of ideas. Thank you for your compliments, considering that it's one of my favourites I made for this game. Maybe I just need to experiment more. I've 100% the game and am running out of places to kill enemies other than Niflheim and Muselpheim lol. I've got 136 GIFs for this game. That's half of what I've done for Horizon so far, but I can't think of much else to do. Maybe I'll log back on tonight and experiment. ;)

You've done great work, you deserve a break.

NG+ might come in a future update too.


Oct 26, 2017
Kratos is Farbauti. There is no "real Farbauti." The writers said (in the recent GameInformer interview) that the giants named him that. In terms of the development process, "Farbauti" meaning "cruel striker" was a perfect coincidence.

Kratos is Farbauti. There is no "real Farbauti." The writers said (in the recent GameInformer interview) that the giants named him that. In terms of the development process, "Farbauti" meaning "cruel striker" was a perfect coincidence.

Aaand there you go stating your assumptions as if they were facts. Again.

Where did I state my assumptions as facts? I just said that person could be anyone since the traits are erased and the curtain hiding it. Or that in the timeline from where the snake came things could have been different, that is why the giants realized that wass an error based on this theory. And yeah things were different in that timeline, at least the snake was weaker and smaller that he couldn't fully wwin against Thor. He is now bigger and more powerful and by the time they will fight Thor in this timeline so the outcome would be different.
I think this dying person coudl be Kratos since Kratos said yeah we are close to the end this time directly after showing that mural (which may give a hint that is his end)
And I know that Farbauti is meant to be Kratos and meaning cruel striker and I even said that before. But like I said things could be different in the alternate future timeline where Farbauti could not be Kratos and Loki is real Loki without being Atreus. The Jotnar may have realized that and that is why the dying person is wearing green Norse skirt, the face and arms were erased to hide the real identity of that person (probably to make us speculate if this person ahs the markings or not) and that mural has the word fraud written on it. they can still call Kratos Farbauti since this a description that fits him anywa but his depiction is now different from the one dying. Atreus also said just a moment before my mother predictions are true and she hasn't been wrong yet. The devs did all those details and hid some on purpose to make it like a red herring and to make people speculate. It wasn't only me who saw that mural as mysterious too and the hidden traits, or calling it a red herring. Dunno what is wrong about having theories about this, especially that messing up with timelines and predictions can make things change drastically.

However, we do have to consider the fact that God of War's Thor may not even need Megingjörd nor Járngreipr. After all, he wasn't wearing any gloves nor anything that looked like a special belt. There's also the fact that Atreus held Leviathan like an ordinary axe.

Nonetheless, I don't doubt that Kratos is stronger than Thor, or at least that he'll win in a fight.


He has a belt over another belt. the top one looks kinda special. Some rings are dangling from it. Dunno what they are. No apparent gloves, just hand wrappings.

Things could change in the final design of the next game especially if they use this design a vision and not close to the real one. Even Thor could different in the next game.


Oct 27, 2017
In one of the Norse mythos, Thor manages to sneak into Jotunheimr pretending to be Freya as a promised bride to a particularly powerful giant who got hold of Mjolnir. During the bridal banquet he revels himself, recovers the hammer and massacres a lot of giants.

This has already happened, it's one of Mimir's tales. Freya stopped the massacre and cast them all out of Jotunheim with no way to return. Odin was furious.


Oct 28, 2017
Absolutely love the stretch where Atreus is an arrogant asshole. Videogame storytelling through gameplay at its best. He was incredibly annoying what means SSM nailed that part really well.


Oct 31, 2017
This has already happened, it's one of Mimir's tales. Freya stopped the massacre and cast them all out of Jotunheim with no way to return. Odin was furious.

Yeah that's what I was referring to. There was a guy who asked how the giants died, my impression is that it's this version of that myth mixed with some Odin meddling.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I'm so bummed that once you get your most badass equipment there's not much left to do. I geared up only to have ravens left to find. Spam them sockets with running speed enchantments yay! I need NG+ :(
Oct 28, 2017
I don't think Thor is even fighting Kratos out of vengeance, but more that he wants a challenge. He's taken him seriously after he defeated Baldur, not his sons.

The part where Atreus killed all of those Dark Elves.. ehhh, I don't think the game even did a decent job of me making me buy that. He didn't seem that strong up until that point. He is Loki, the trickster after all, but he's not becoming that until this next game.
I think Thor and the other gods know that the death of Baldur means the beginning of Ragnarok. So they can't be happy about Kratos killing him.


Oct 27, 2017
Is it actually said at any point that Tyr was killed by Odin? I finished the game yesterday again and when Atreus ask what happened to him, Mimir talks about Odin finding him like a threat but it never says he killed him.


Oct 26, 2017
Is it actually said at any point that Tyr was killed by Odin? I finished the game yesterday again and when Atreus ask what happened to him, Mimir talks about Odin finding him like a threat but it never says he killed him.

Nothing confirms he is dead. We know that he got severely punished by Odin. So he either got banished, or beaten and assumed dead by Odin. Either way, I am sure he is hiding somewhere and watching what happens and trying to guide the protagonists in the background.
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Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
Where did I state my assumptions as facts? I just said that person could be anyone since the traits are erased and the curtain hiding it. Or that in the timeline from where the snake came things could have been different, that is why the giants realized that wass an error based on this theory. And yeah things were different in that timeline, at least the snake was weaker and smaller that he couldn't fully wwin against Thor. He is now bigger and more powerful and by the time they will fight Thor in this timeline so the outcome would be different.
I think this dying person coudl be Kratos since Kratos said yeah we are close to the end this time directly after showing that mural (which may give a hint that is his end)
And I know that Farbauti is meant to be Kratos and meaning cruel striker and I even said that before. But like I said things could be different in the alternate future timeline where Farbauti could not be Kratos and Loki is real Loki without being Atreus. The Jotnar may have realized that and that is why the dying person is wearing green Norse skirt, the face and arms were erased to hide the real identity of that person (probably to make us speculate if this person ahs the markings or not) and that mural has the word fraud written on it. they can still call Kratos Farbauti since this a description that fits him anywa but his depiction is now different from the one dying. Atreus also said just a moment before my mother predictions are true and she hasn't been wrong yet. The devs did all those details and hid some on purpose to make it like a red herring and to make people speculate. It wasn't only me who saw that mural as mysterious too and the hidden traits, or calling it a red herring. Dunno what is wrong about having theories about this, especially that messing up with timelines and predictions can make things change drastically.
Alright, my bad. You never said that, but the way you state things so matter of factly gives the impression that you believe them to be factual.

I don't think there is a different person with the name Fàrbauti nor another Loki, regardless of timeline. My assumption is that they're all Kratos and Atreus. I don't think it would be a good idea too if they made Faye (Cory said this was her vision, not some other Jötnar) so all-seeing that she would even know about how the timeline might have changed. In fact, I don't think there's even an alternate timeline. My theory is that there isn't really even an alternate timeline, but that Kratos and Atreus are simply natural parts of God of War's version of Norse mythology. For there to be a single timeline instead, where events just loop (such as Jörmungandr going back in time) over and over, would be perfect to match Norse mythology's cyclical nature.
He has a belt over another belt. the top one looks kinda special. Some rings are dangling from it. Dunno what they are. No apparent gloves, just hand wrappings.

Things could change in the final design of the next game especially if they use this design a vision and not close to the real one. Even Thor could different in the next game.
The top belt just looks big to me, and feels like a Nomura-style belt over belt design choice. You're right that they could still change this, but I believe this is at least very close to the final design. If they were still far from it, then they wouldn't have shown him in the flesh like this. It also matches the statues he has in the game, so it would surprise me if they ever changed it drastically. Then again, his appearance here could solely be based on Atreus' idea of him, which would have been based on the statues...
When a giant and a god love eachother very much magic happens and sometimes give birth to a wolf and a snake, or in some cases an eight legged horse.
You got it a little wrong, man. An eight-legged horse is born when a trickster god is forced to distract a mighty horse by tempting it with the form of a female horse.
Is it actually said at any point that Tyr was killed by Odin? I finished the game yesterday again and when Atreus ask what happened to him, Mimir talks about Odin finding him like a threat but it never says he killed him.
I don't recall it ever being explicitly stated, only hinted at. Tyr is possibly still alive, perhaps mortally wounded or simply sealed away by Odin.


Oct 27, 2017
Nothing confirms he is dead. We know that he got severely punished by Odin. So he either got banished, or beaten and kept and assuemd dead by Odin. Either way, I am sure he is hiding somewhere and watching what happens and trying to guide the protagonists in the background.

Oh cool!

Also, I know Kratos isn't Tyr but I find interesting that on the wall Kratos seems to lack a hand... and Tyr loses a hand against Fenrir during ragnarok...


Oct 26, 2017
Everyone was surprised how the snale that comes from the future knwos an an old langauge that no one could understand. This langauge must be the Kotnar language sicne it is the oldest language there. I assume since the snake was in contact woth both Tyr and Faye (mostly Faye) one of them taught him that language as a way to encode the messages he conveys to Kratos and Atreus, so no other intruder would understand what he is saying.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
Anyone think they'll re-use the Lake of Nine in the next game?

I hope they do, but I think it's clear we won't spend a majority of the time there, next time around. I expect to spend more time in other realms next game. We've got what, 3 or 4 other realms to explore, right? Plus they could bring back Jotunheim, open up Muspelheim, and of COURSE we'll revisit Helheim again (likely to a greater extent). I'm just genuinely excited to see Asgard.


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
Are titans related to giants?
They could be, since both Giants and Titans are depicted as the pre-god beings. The very first giant was Ymir, who was the source of all things. While the Titans were the first beings that came after the primordial gods, who were essentially aspects of the universe personified rather than living beings.


Oct 26, 2017
Are titans related to giants? Also dont forget Atreus is part mortal.

Well the way we could extrapolate how Farbauti is Kratos, not only as cruel striker, but also Farbauti was a giant too. So the jotnars in this game may consider Kratos as giant or descendant from the giants. I don't even think Faye would even get along with Kratos if he she didn't consider Kratos as one of her kinds, from different land true but similar to her somehow. The way also Baldur calling Kratos: I thought you were bigger and ther other stuff like long away from home and his kinds were supposed to be enlightened can be directly mistaken for Kratos too since evertyhing applies to him: he thought he would be bigger since he is the descendant of titans 'giants), away from home (Greece), his kinds supposed to be enlightened (the olympians as politicians or knowers).

Also even in Norse mythology, there are different types of Giants, the frost Jotnar of Jotunheim, the fire giants of Muspelheim and their ruler Surtr (that we will see when Ragnarok will happen).

Skoll and Hati and teh world serpent are cosnsidered giants too.
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Oct 25, 2017
If Giants is not just a name and they are demigods who are also giant in size how come Kratos' wife was human sized? And do we know how she died? Aren't giants supposed to live for centuries?


Oct 26, 2017
If Giants is not just a name and they are demigods who are also giant in size how come Kratos' wife was human sized? And do we know how she died? Aren't giants supposed to live for centuries?

Olympian gods came from titans who are giants in size too but they have normal sizes. In Elder Scroll Online, you meet a giantess who has a normal size ( taller than you but still human size) and then the ghost of her father who is even shorter than her.

The death of Faye must be for other reasons. maybe a disease or exhaustion or a curse.


Oct 25, 2017
I have a feeling that the giants aren't truly dead, just hiding/sleeping/frozen in stone until the Ragnarok. Faye's ashes might be part of the spell that would turn them into flesh again,

Freya and Atreus will unfreeze them to help the Vanir agains the Aesir in the next games.


Oct 26, 2017
I have a feeling that the giants aren't truly dead, just hiding/sleeping/frozen in stone until the Ragnarok. Faye's ashes might be part of the spell that would turn them into flesh again,

Not all the jotnar are dead. In fact Loki has to find his future wife who is a Jotun. Start watching from here: https://youtu.be/c9PJ-nw138w?t=35m25s

Atreus said what if those statues are those who got out of Midgard alive? Keep in mind that the giants constitued the Midgard army of Tyr.

Well someone in reddit had exactly the same thoughts as you: https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/8kwy2f/theory_that_jotnars_are_not_dead_but_hibernating/


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
But Jotunheim was filled with corpses of giant min size beings! There's also a corpse of another giant in Midgard as well. The giants we see in game are all giant sized with the exception of the corpse of Kratos' wife.
Jötnar come in all shapes and sizes, just like humans. The difference being that the range of sizes they can come in is much, much larger. That, and the fact that they can shapeshift and shrink down if need be. The shapeshifting is not necessarily a thing in God of War, though, as it hasn't been said yet. In Norse mythology, however, Giants are known to change their size. For example: Hrimthur, the son of Thamur (the Giant whose corpse we visit during the story), disguised himself as an ordinary stonemason in order to gain the trust of the Aesir so that he may build their wall. In Norse mythology, he offered to do so within a suspiciously short amount of time in order to win Freya's hand in marriage. If he failed, the entire thing would have been free. (this whole kerfuffle leads to Loki being pregnant with Sleipnir, lol) In God of War, however, all we know is that Hrimthur built the wall for the Aesir in exchange for an audience with Freya, so that he could tell her about the weakness he created in the wall. He may have been human-sized naturally for all we know, as Mimir didn't say anything, but he could have also shrunken himself to human size.


Oct 25, 2017
So... during the fight with the stranger, at one point Kratos just heals himself just like baldur did. What's the deal with that? I don't remember Kratos having healing powers and if it was explained at some point in this game I must have missed it.


Oct 26, 2017
So... during the fight with the stranger, at one point Kratos just heals himself just like baldur did. What's the deal with that? I don't remember Kratos having healing powers and if it was explained at some point in this game I must have missed it.

Kratos realized at the end of GOW3 that he is immortal and cursed to roam the earth all the time for him to not get crazy, he needed to change.
Like I said before, his immortality is less flawed than Baldur, the latter can heal himself without a hurdle and nothing can hurt him except mistletoe while Kratos on the otehr hand can be hurt by anything and his healing exhaits him, but nothing literally can kill him.
It seems this is part of the power in his Spartan Rage godly power. That state insta heals him.


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
Now that we know the game. The extra stuff could be further checked to dig more conclusions from it.
Good point! I might just do that. They're also just cool stories, so worth listening to again.
So... during the fight with the stranger, at one point Kratos just heals himself just like baldur did. What's the deal with that? I don't remember Kratos having healing powers and if it was explained at some point in this game I must have missed it.
The game's writers referred to it as Kratos willing himself to heal, so I guess that's a new ability he has now. It's really cool and I was surprised when I saw it happen in a cutscene.
Haha. No, it's not that! It's just I'm running out of ideas. Thank you for your compliments, considering that it's one of my favourites I made for this game. Maybe I just need to experiment more. I've 100% the game and am running out of places to kill enemies other than Niflheim and Muselpheim lol. I've got 136 GIFs for this game. That's half of what I've done for Horizon so far, but I can't think of much else to do. Maybe I'll log back on tonight and experiment. ;)
(forgot to reply, haha, my bad)

It's kinda sad once you realize there's not much else to do, huh? I dived right back in for a second playthrough once Photo Mode dropped, but I can imagine how much time it takes to come up with ideas for shots and executing them... It sure would be cool if we got an arena mode we could easily play through again and again for things like this. But turbobutts (damn, that username) is right. You deserve a break!


Oct 25, 2017
Jötnar come in all shapes and sizes, just like humans. The difference being that the range of sizes they can come in is much, much larger. That, and the fact that they can shapeshift and shrink down if need be. The shapeshifting is not necessarily a thing in God of War, though, as it hasn't been said yet. In Norse mythology, however, Giants are known to change their size. For example: Hrimthur, the son of Thamur (the Giant whose corpse we visit during the story), disguised himself as an ordinary stonemason in order to gain the trust of the Aesir so that he may build their wall. In Norse mythology, he offered to do so within a suspiciously short amount of time in order to win Freya's hand in marriage. If he failed, the entire thing would have been free. (this whole kerfuffle leads to Loki being pregnant with Sleipnir, lol) In God of War, however, all we know is that Hrimthur built the wall for the Aesir in exchange for an audience with Freya, so that he could tell her about the weakness he created in the wall. He may have been human-sized naturally for all we know, as Mimir didn't say anything, but he could have also shrunken himself to human size.
Loki being pregnant? But Loki is male, what the hell?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
Jötnar come in all shapes and sizes, just like humans. The difference being that the range of sizes they can come in is much, much larger. That, and the fact that they can shapeshift and shrink down if need be. The shapeshifting is not necessarily a thing in God of War, though, as it hasn't been said yet. In Norse mythology, however, Giants are known to change their size. For example: Hrimthur, the son of Thamur (the Giant whose corpse we visit during the story), disguised himself as an ordinary stonemason in order to gain the trust of the Aesir so that he may build their wall. In Norse mythology, he offered to do so within a suspiciously short amount of time in order to win Freya's hand in marriage. If he failed, the entire thing would have been free. (this whole kerfuffle leads to Loki being pregnant with Sleipnir, lol) In God of War, however, all we know is that Hrimthur built the wall for the Aesir in exchange for an audience with Freya, so that he could tell her about the weakness he created in the wall. He may have been human-sized naturally for all we know, as Mimir didn't say anything, but he could have also shrunken himself to human size.

I could have sworn that Mimir mentions shape shifting (and Atreus has a line that hints at shape shifting early in the game).


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
I could have sworn that Mimir mentions shape shifting (and Atreus has a line that hints at shape shifting early in the game).
Oh, really? Cool then. I'll be on the lookout for that during my second playthrough. Actually, yeah, I'll probably record all (if I can) of Mimir's stories. Been doing so for Kratos' cause I really liked some of them, such as the horse and scorn pole ones.

I think what you're referring to with Atreus hinting about it is when he said Giants can come in regular human-size and that they aren't necessarily gigantic? I don't recall him hinting about shapeshifting otherwise...