
Top Mog
Oct 27, 2017
I struggle to care much about ports, remasters, or sequels done long after the fact. Gimme fresh new IPs please!

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
Mid-tier Square is the best Square

I'd throw the FFX/XII HD remakes in the mid-tier space too since they don't take as many resources
Considering how big in scope a lot of the mid-tier games were because they weren't limited by the most powerful, cutting-edge graphics and such, they were able to focus on other aspects of the game, which made those games seem larger and hearty. For as great as I love cutting-edge graphics, a lot of these games scope seems cut down and pale in comparison to the games of classic Square.

Hell, I'd love to see an original FF spinoff series on Switch. No Crystal Chronicles, but something new that takes lots of inspiration from older games, but fits within a mid-tier model. In the OT's original post, they listed FFIII DS and FFIV DS as examples of mid-tier, and those games were chock full of content. Imagine new adventures, new worlds (literally, maybe a return of FF games with multiple explorable worlds), but the classic themes in check. If Square don't wanna give us a new mainline FF with HD graphics like this, give us one that's mid-tier, maybe graphics better than the DS games, but nothing crazy like FFXV. I can see it now, "Final Fantasy Legacy, only for the Nintendo Switch!"

That and other old IPs I'd love to see return (Chrono, Musashi, TWENY) and the thought of brand new IPs specifically made for the Switch, this sounds REALLY cool.
Oct 25, 2017
FFT 2 would be a mid-sized game?
I think it would be bigger than that

Just by the nature of what kind of game it is, it doesn't require as much budget. Like, Tactics games aren't going to have huge open areas with ridiculous levels of detail and complicated physics. They use fairly small isometric arenas that can mostly fit on screen with just a bit of panning. Even if the game has a huge campaign and they go all out on the character detail it'd still be a relatively low budget game compared to say FFXV. Hence, "mid sized". Hell, the two Advanced games were bigger than the original Tactics content wise.


Oct 29, 2017
Square also owns Taito so I'm expecting a breathtaking and ambitious Bubble Bobble hexalogy.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
Just by the nature of what kind of game it is, it doesn't require as much budget. Like, Tactics games aren't going to have huge open areas with ridiculous levels of detail and complicated physics. They use fairly small isometric arenas that can mostly fit on screen with just a bit of panning. Even if the game has a huge campaign and they go all out on the character detail it'd still be a relatively low budget game compared to say FFXV. Hence, "mid sized". Hell, the two Advanced games were bigger than the original Tactics content wise.
Judging from when FFT originally came out, it, SaGa Frontier, Legend of Mana, Brave Fencer Musashi, Bushido Blade, Threads of Fate were all "mid-tier" level games. FFVII-FFIX, Chrono Cross and Xenogears, given the size and presentation were higher tier.


Oct 24, 2017
When the hell did they even say all this shit last gen?

Within 2-3 months companies like Ubisoft were delaying or cancelling Wii U projects and Japanese support had already came to a halt. I'm pretty sure more 2018 Japanese 3rd party games are already announced for Switch in 2018 than came out in Wii U's second year. Its a completely different situation right now.


Oct 29, 2017
Team Saga Scarlet Grace. And whoever said Bushido Blade Online : it's brillant.

But what I would really like to see SE do is hiring a bunch of young, talented people and let them do their own thing - maybe with a veteran or two to keep an eye on them and help them.
I'm so bloody tired of those bloody Final Fantasy games.


Oct 26, 2017
Crystal Chronicles 2 as an online service game would be a good idea, methinks

TWEWY2 is a must. With the combination of d-pads, sticks, touchscreen, and it, They can have a wide array of badges

Back-catalog on digital. There's no reason to not have Final Fantasy 1-13 on the Switch (or any system now).

More experimental stuff like Octopath Traveler. OP is doing something different with the visuals, I want more mid budget games to take an aspect and spin it on its head like that
Crystal Chronicles 2 would work even better as a local coop game imo. Joycons are perfect for that game.
Agreed with TWEWY2
Also agreed on the backlog. Though they better fix FF IX before bringing it over. Like seriously.
Also agreed on games like Octopath. Though I'd like them making CC2 and TWEWY2 first. I need those games in my life.
I really doubt we're getting another Crystal Chronicles. Franchise kinda stalled after Crystal Bearers, and I just don't know if the desire or market is there.
It stalled because Crystal Bearers has fuck all to do with anything the series was originally about. The debut's idea of a multiplayer was also convoluted as fuck. And that's putting it nicely. It had one of the best FF soundtracks ever and some absolutely beautiful dungeons and enemies for that time though.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
I really doubt we're getting another Crystal Chronicles. Franchise kinda stalled after Crystal Bearers, and I just don't know if the desire or market is there.

Man, I totally forgot about Crystal Bearers! This is funny because I remember being pretty hyped during the Wii era and I was pretty surprised about the underwhelming reception that it got considering it had great graphics (Hell, it looked even better than Xenoblade Chronicles which ended-up being the best JRPG of the system) and fantastic music.

Did anyone here play it? I've heard that it had bad controls but still I think that it would be cool to have a new game with a similar premise and better execution.


Oct 26, 2017
Man, I totally forgot about Crystal Bearers! This is funny because I remember being pretty hyped during the Wii era and I was pretty surprised about the underwhelming reception that it got considering it had great graphics (Hell, it looked even better than Xenoblade Chronicles which ended-up being the best JRPG of the system) and fantastic music.

Did anyone here play it? I've heard that it had bad controls but still I think that it would be cool to have a new game with a similar premise and better execution.
I didn't play it for long. I wasn't informing myself that much about games and thought I'd get more Crystal Chronicles.. Got something completely else instead. Fuck that game. My life as a King was nothing like the original either, but it wasn't as bad as Crystal Bearers. I never got what they were doing with this franchise.
It's like Sonic Team syndrome where instead of building on top of the really solid foundation the first game had they threw everything they had against a wall and looked for things that sticked.
How about we have a game with the premise of the original game instead? Nice co-op hack'n'slash with spell comboing, dungeon crawling, cool bossfights and a beatiful OST?
Oct 27, 2017
I didn't play it for long. I wasn't informing myself that much about games and thought I'd get more Crystal Chronicles.. Got something completely else instead. Fuck that game. My life as a King was nothing like the original either, but it wasn't as bad as Crystal Bearers. I never got what they were doing with this franchise.
It's like Sonic Team syndrome where instead of building on top of the really solid foundation the first game had they threw everything they had against a wall and looked for things that sticked.

So... what was the problem with it?


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles
Actriser and Chrono series would be a dream come true.

Chrystal Chronicles as well especially with the local multi focus the switch has going for it.


Oct 26, 2017
So... what was the problem with it?
It's a character action game with a very limited moveset and awful controls. I didn't last long enough to see how the story turns out.
I'll ask what I edited in my last post in here in case you missed it:
How about we have a game with the premise of the original game instead? Nice co-op hack'n'slash with spell comboing, dungeon crawling, cool bossfights and a beatiful OST/atmosphere?
Oct 28, 2017
I want

DQ 11 localized
Kingdom Hearts 3
New Mana game
New Brave Fencer Musashi
A successor of some sort to Threads of Fate

And for the new IPs to be traditional style RPGs, action RPGs, fighting, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
I would love to see Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 come to the Switch, and eventually KH3. I would take heavy visual sacrifices (lower resolution, toned down effects, etc) to make it happen.

It's pretty cool to see publishers committing to bringing multiplatform and new titles to a Nintendo console without any gimmicks.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd love to see ports of FF XII IZJS and Dragon Quest VIII. These already have ports, so I'd hope that they would be a possibility -- but the DQ8 3DS port would be substantially higher quality.

Other than that, I've loved their stuff that isn't major. It's some of my favourite from them -- for example, 4 Heroes of Light was a great game. I'd be happy to see more games off the beaten path like that.

From what I've played of Project Octopath I think I'll honestly be happy with the majority of their output.


Oct 27, 2017
I really doubt we're getting another Crystal Chronicles. Franchise kinda stalled after Crystal Bearers, and I just don't know if the desire or market is there.

that's not a fault of the sub-IP though. the games went in a rather different direction than the original. a Crystal Chronicles 2 with an online & DLC/MTX focus would make sense in today's market

I doubt we're getting a new "Crystal Chronicles"-branded game at this point either. That sub-series never really took off in any major way (even though the DS games were fairly popular) so at this point they're better off coming up with a new sub-brand. Akitoshi Kawazu is still at Square and is clearly still capable of putting out a solid product (see: SaGa Scarlet Grace).


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
Bravely series is continuing, that's confirmed. Just need to know if they're retiring it to mobile, or if console handheld/releases will continue.
Where did they say they were continuing? Last I read, they were thinking about starting a new series rather than make a third game, which they did (this was after bravely second)


Oct 25, 2017
Where did they say they were continuing? Last I read, they were thinking about starting a new series rather than make a third game, which they did (this was after bravely second)
They posted this on their official twitter account when people asked about Bravely after Octopath was announced, saying that the Bravely series will be continuing.


Oct 30, 2017
Am I the only one who wants another Chocobo Mystery Dungeon? I suppose I should pine to Spike Chunsoft rather than SE...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Final Fantasy Tactics 2, Valkyrie Profile 3, and TWEWY 2. Please and thanks.


Oct 27, 2017
Dude, all I want is dq9 remake. I think it'd be perfect for Switch and I'd buy 4 copies for me and friends...


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
They posted this on their official twitter account when people asked about Bravely after Octopath was announced, saying that the Bravely series will be continuing.
are we expecting the producer to work on this and Octopath at the same time? it'll be doable, but it's gonna be weird to see the similarities unless Bravely Third does more to differentiate itself. you can really see the BD roots in OT


Oct 25, 2017
are we expecting the producer to work on this and Octopath at the same time? it'll be doable, but it's gonna be weird to see the similarities unless Bravely Third does more to differentiate itself. you can really see the BD roots in OT
Staff hasn't been revealed but still both Octopath and Bravely are different enough (in looks and combat) and Asano's team should be able to manage the creative side while two different studios do the developing.

Let's see if we some kind of announcement next year.


Oct 26, 2017
A Bravely Collection on Switch first wouldn't be bad tbh. The assets scale to HD amazingly well.


Oct 28, 2017
Lets see those new IP.

I'd like to see them develop a new StarFox Adventures.