show me your skeleton

#1 Bugsnax Fan
Oct 28, 2017
skeleton land
so i headcanoned that the art of book was coming out so much later than the film because they wanted to spend extra time massaging the narrative of its development but it's already out in one market so... what gives
why is this book out in march/4 months after the film and the other books were same day?

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Its so easy to say that now but the end result would be an even shittier movie. Trevorrow sucks even worse
Nah it couldn't have been worse and missing the point than "you're a Palpatine" or Kelly Marie Tran and Domhall Glesson being given shit to work with. Even if the directing was mediocre or whatever, it wouldn't be worse
Oct 25, 2017

^ We really need an extended cut of TROS and put this shit all back in

You can friggin see Vader's castle in the background

I'd love to see one. Not to rewrite the movie, just to see more. See some cuts that might add some context or breathing room to existing moments. Maybe rearrange a couple bits if they're feeling feisty.
You totally can see Vader's castle in the background of that cut shot and it's absolutely weird that on-screen there's almost no context that Vader's castle was where he was at.
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Oct 27, 2017

This is my new favourite picture. Toss the Mona Lisa into a dumpster and hang this in the Louvre instead.

The Boat

Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, he tells Kylo that "he is no teacher" and that the name Darth Plagieus has no meaning to him making me think he was like the Sith Dali Lama that practioners would seek out for guidance, not a master/apprentice one.
I love the idea of a Sith Dalai Lama ahah
It wouldn't be impossible but I feel like it would raise more questions and just serve as a plot device. Why not just a holocron from Vader (when he was a Sith) or a holocron from Palpy
I don't necessarily disagree, adding a new character, especially if he "interferes" with the lore is tricky. Impossible to tell for sure without seeing how it would be implemented of course.


Oct 29, 2017
Fuck, Tor Velum is real afterall. At least it would've brought a completely new and creepy atmosphere to the franchise :/


Nov 1, 2017
Man. Colins version of episode 9 sounds legit awesome. Way better than the piece of shit turd we got.

Rey building a badass lightsaber that combined her staff and Lukes saber? Yep. Kylo Ren going to Vader's Castle on Mustafar for clues to track down Palpatines dark,secretive Lovecraftian , interesting, Bendu-like master? Yep. A final battle on a changed Coruscant? Yep. Force Ghost Luke trolling the fuck out of Kylo following him around And FG Luke training Rey the way he should have? Yep. Force Gods from Clone Wars series on Mortis? Yep. Rey actually doing something that I've talked about with other Star Wars nerds for years -turning into a Grey Jedi and combining the Light and Dark sides of the Force? Yep.

Fuck Disney and Abrams dudes. Fuck them completely.


Oct 30, 2017
Man all this post-examination and post-scrutiny. I think the could have beens are interesting but that's as far as it goes for me.

The trilogy ended and while it was going, between TLJ and ROS I was torn because I felt TFA was such an obvious rehash and TLJ experimented too much and ROS was kinda dumb.

But looking back I enjoyed things in all 3 movies. It has become lionized for me. TFA had a ceremonious portrayal of OT members and TLJ took bold steps in all directions including some prequel era feel and brand new ideas, and ROS is a Blockbuster epic set in Star Wars with a cool final villain scene, interesting implication of Rey's heroism in spite of a negative inheritance and I found some of the dialogue entertaining. Kylo Ren was consistently appealing from beginning to end and honestly, I'm just looking forward to rewatching the Blu Rays.

I hope Disney can overlook the grief, the spite and outcries and just be optimistic about new films. Nothing good comes out of continued damage control.


Oct 27, 2017
i wonder what the offending factor in this treatment was for LF/Disney. sure us nerds can pull each other's hair out and scream over this stuff but it's not like either would've changed the commercial trajectory much

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
It absolutely could have been worse. In no universe is TROS a worse screenplay than Fallen fucking Kingdom.
But this isn't the script for Fallen Kingdom. If the outline we've seen for his script for IX was directed by him, it indeed very likely would have been better than the one we got. Ideally you want an other writer all together but they still chose 'the worse of 2 evils' which is interesting.


Oct 25, 2017

What the hell were they thinking? This shit is way too cool for Star Wars. I haven't seen any of the sequels and the setting in its current form doesn't interest me in the slightest, but this... this I would watch.


Oct 27, 2017
Why is it, that whenever stuff like the artbook or the colin Trevorrow script come out people automatically think 'they looked great they should have used it in the movie!'.

Concept art is concept art and most of it dates back years. There is a good reason it does not make it to film. The grass is not always greener.


Oct 27, 2017
Ok I desperately want a twisted Dark souls/ Bloodborne type Star wars game directed by Miyazaki. This stuff is too wickedly cool to go to waste.




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Oct 26, 2017
This is all fucking dope. Especially the last two pics.

Edit: we could have had a Kylo and Chewie scene?! I've literally wanted it since the words "your father, Han Solo" were spoken.

I want to know what their relationship was. I mean, Chewie's his fucking uncle for god's sake.

That fan art of Chewie and Kylo made me want it to be official.


Oct 26, 2017
Its so easy to say that now but the end result would be an even shittier movie. Trevorrow sucks even worse
I think that Ep. IX under Trevorrow probably would've been worse, but also much more interesting. Trevorrow's films are trash, but in a mostly interesting way (like, how the fuck did that dude even come up with some of the insane stuff in JW2?).

Rise of Skywalker's worst crime isn't that it's bad, it's that it's also incredibly bland and reactionary in a way that Trevorrow's movie probably wouldn't have been.


Oct 30, 2017
Not only was deranged Supreme Leader Kylo an obvious set up from TLJ but it would have been so fucking good to watch. This artwork of Kylo on the throne, interrogating Chewie etc is killing me. This is what the movie should have focused on not Sheev and his trinkets. What a waste of a film.

Why is it, that whenever stuff like the artbook or the colin Trevorrow script come out people automatically think 'they looked great they should have used it in the movie!'.

Concept art is concept art and most of it dates back years. There is a good reason it does not make it to film. The grass is not always greener.

TROS was so bad that literally anything that tries to follow on properly from TLJ would have been better.
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Oct 25, 2017
It's ridiculous, utterly stupid, that there isn't a single scene in this trilogy where Kylo gets a one-on-one talk with either of his uncles (Chewie and Lando), his nanny/butler (3PO), or his mother.


Oct 29, 2017
So Palpatine returning from the dead is too much for you people, but a squidbrain coming out of a giant baby head, that's good stuff? Ooooooooooooookay.

Just because it's in space does not mean it should be Total Recall.
Oct 25, 2017
Shame, they should've really leaned into the occult and arcane nature of the Sith. Those concepts are great and actually show the difference between light and dark. Lucas always said the Sith were a perversion of life and the desperation to cling to it. Exogul was the only visually interesting new planet of the ST and we only got a topical treatment with it.


Oct 27, 2017
Not only was deranged Supreme Leader Kylo an obvious set up from TLJ but it would have been so fucking good to watch. This artwork of Kylo on the throne, interrogating Chewie etc is killing me. This is what the movie should have focused on not Sheev and his trinkets. What a waste of a film.

TROS was so bad that literally anything that tries to follow on properly from TLJ would have been better.
I did not like TROS either, but it did follow up a number of plot points from TLJ.

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
We need more of Star Wars digging into the fantasy, medieval, gothic aesthetic-- the Kentaro Miura'esque stuff that got cut from RotS is great.

We need an "All A plot" type of film. One that doesn't feel the need to include a B plot full of dog fights and space chases and trying to think of stuff for sidekicks to do. The idea of the lightsaber wielding apprentice who's in over his head and seeks to save the princess from Dracula's The Sith Lord's funhouse esque castle.
Jan 4, 2018
Sith Rey would have been cool. An ending with the dark side winning because of Rey joining Kylo Ren would have been a very interesting choice.


Oct 25, 2017
Is this Kylo approaching the Jedi Temple?


of all the outfits to give rey, they gave her the one from the first movie.

My understanding is that her Episode IX outfit was specifically designed to mirror her outfit for The Force Awakens to make compositing the old Leia footage when they interacted easier.


Oct 26, 2017
This is all fucking dope. Especially the last two pics.

Edit: we could have had a Kylo and Chewie scene?! I've literally wanted it since the words "your father, Han Solo" were spoken.

I want to know what their relationship was. I mean, Chewie's his fucking uncle for god's sake.

That fan art of Chewie and Kylo made me want it to be official.

Same here. You saw a glimpse of it with Chewie shooting him in TFA and then nothing. You could tell that having to shoot his likely godson was a horrible decision to have to make.