
Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
This is a wait until its on sale game for me. Looks okay but nothing that really changes the formula of similar action/adventure games.

Scrub Jay

Nov 28, 2017
Looks great to me.

To me it looks like it can be compared to GoW 2018 the same way The Force Unleashed was comparable to GoW 2004.


Oct 25, 2017
Why does everything have to be shown off in a video for god's sake? The majority of the most valuable information is in articles
Print journalists have been lied to before and fed us what they were only told to feed us. Game previews are notoriously upbeat and uncritical. That's even ignoring the fact that Game Informer is owned by Gamestop and has an interest in promoting games they will be selling. At least in video form, shown to the public, there is the slightly higher possibility that game assets and mechanics were actually developed for the game they claim to have made. Show isnt perfect but its better than tell imo.


Alt account
Jan 10, 2019
People have been craving for a single player focused star wars game for 10 years, and this is the response. Lmao.

Never change.


Oct 27, 2017
A third person action game is right up my alley, my favorite genre if I'm being honest, so I'm interested. But this didn't look amazing or anything, just average at best. I'll still give it a try, I love GOW3 and what Stig did with that game so I have hope.
Oct 26, 2017
It would take you about three clicks to get to that article from these words and a few minutes to read it then you'll have a much better sense of what is in this entire game rather than what is in 13 minutes of linear gameplay made to show off how shiny it all is.

That "shiny" gameplay wasnt so shiny... it actually looked very boring and the main character is just so bland and looks funny.

I was really hyped for this but after what I saw it quickly turned into something else.. I really hope it turns out good, I need a deep dark Star Wars game that ain't like all other crappy Star Wars games. Take a chance and do something new damnit!

That being said, the article does have good info and the game sounds better there than what was shown off.
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Oct 27, 2017
I am honestly a bit tired for star wars. I was hyped as hell for Episode 7 movie, but now I feel fatigued.
Oct 27, 2017
North Carolina
Print journalists have been lied to before and fed us what they were only told to feed us. Game previews are notoriously upbeat and uncritical. That's even ignoring the fact that Game Informer is owned by Gamestop and has an interest in promoting games they will be selling. At least in video form, shown to the public, there is the slightly higher possibility that game assets and mechanics were actually developed for the game they claim to have made. Show isnt perfect but its better than tell imo.
Makes complete sense if Gameinformer didn't have actual hands on time with the game. Unless, you are going to say that Reiner has been lying about all of the games he has had hands on time with.


Oct 30, 2017
I never played it, I just once saw a 3 minute gameplay trailer and just dismissed it as bland, boring, meh and underwhelming without giving it a proper chance.
Oh, it's really really great actually. Fun combat, one of the best soundtracks of the last generation, and loads of personality and MGS-esque touches. Platinum really nailed it. I'd say it's one of the rare unmissable action games for any fan of the genre. It really is something special.

The limited budget shows in the environments, but the star attraction is the gameplay.

Also you can slice any destructible object into many dozens of pieces with crazy precision. Watermelons, phone booths, whatever. It's great.
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Mar 29, 2018
That "shiny" gameplay want so shiny... it actually looked very boring and the main character is just so bland and looks funny.

I was really hyped for this but after what I saw it quickly turned into something else.. I really hope it turns out good, I need a deep dark Star Wars game that ain't like all other crappy Star Wars games. Take a chance and do something new damnit!

That being said, the article does have good info and the game sounds better there than what was shown off.
Yeah I agree the look and feel of the game definitely doesn't appear to be there. But in terms of content and design... It sounds fantastic from the article
Mar 29, 2018
Print journalists have been lied to before and fed us what they were only told to feed us. Game previews are notoriously upbeat and uncritical. That's even ignoring the fact that Game Informer is owned by Gamestop and has an interest in promoting games they will be selling. At least in video form, shown to the public, there is the slightly higher possibility that game assets and mechanics were actually developed for the game they claim to have made. Show isnt perfect but its better than tell imo.
I'm pretty certain the game was in their hands. Need to go back to it to check though.

I can't really think of many times when interviewers have been "lied to". A far bigger risk with an article like this is that they are being way more positive than is natural because they want readers to keep buying. Which is all part of the cycle.


Oct 27, 2017
Just watched this, I think it looks fine. It's nothing earth-shattering, but it's pretty much what I want from EA at this point. Just a solid, fun single-player experience set in the universe will feel novel since it's been so fucking long since we've had one.

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
This looks incredibly generic.
Also the grappling hook animations at the beginning, lol. I don't think that's how physics work, not even in Star Wars.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
So it's not gameplay? The video is a lie?
What is this silly false dichotomy? Do you sincerely think it's impossible for the final game to have the things described in the Game Informer article because the 15 minutes showed didn't highlight all of those things?

If I show 15 minutes of a girl slaying hollows in the grey walls of the Undead Burg in Dark Souls with ease with a longsword and shield, and then I say that the game will feature a large interconnected world, great weapon variety and magic abilities, majestically monstrous bosses, epic locales, creepy mazes you'll get lost in full of tough as nails enemies... am I lying? No, I just showed a small sample of the game to demo some basic aspects of the combat and traversal abilities.

I mean perhaps the article is lying and the entire game will nothing but small corridors, and then we can be outraged at the obvious lies peddled by the devs and Game Informer... but come on.

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Dafuq are you talking about?

You're saying the article is irrelevant.

You're saying over 30 minutes of described gameplay and interview questions in an article is less relevant than 13 minutes of a short, linear slice of gameplay in a video

One I can see for myself, the other I can't. I'm not sorry for not believing gaming journalists (and it is not like the gaming industry is any better).


Oct 27, 2017
I'm going to be that guy: am I the only one who's still bothered by the Uncharted-esque problem of an ostensible light-side "good guy" just brutally mowing down grunts? At least with Force Unleashed you knew you were playing a bad dude who could massacre without conscience. The cognitive dissonance is going to be a big barrier to me getting immersed.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
The examples GIF's you gave are literally within the game itself, so if they went to the effort to make them real time contextual mechanics for the game, why would they be scripted for the demo? And how have you exactly concluded it was scripted? Do you have a source for this claim or have you literally just assumed it?
Why would they script unfinished features for a demo?

On a side note, throughout the years I've seen you post countless PC screenshots you've captured yourself in numerous debates (eg to defend Ubisift games, Assassin's Creed etc), but I've not seen you do the same thing for PS4 exclusives that you seem to be routinely debating or berating. You clearly don't even realise that many of the things you claim are faked or scripted are in some of the games you're discussing, so I have to ask, do you actually own a PS4 and have you ever actually played UC4?
Has your fanboyism literally stooped to the point where you're asking if I own a PS4 when i've literally posted videos of myself playing UC4. That's quite frankly very embarrassing and cringeworthy. People can own more than one platform. CRAZY I KNOW.

Btw, i've literally pointed out segments in Ubi's demos that were scripted. Including posting gifs. Calm the hell down and kindly never accuse me of not owning a platform ever again. 👏


Oct 27, 2017
Looks awesome to me. I don't know what you guys wanted, but given what EA has released lately, this is much more along my Tastes.
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
No one's "judging" it though. If you want people to be interested and excited for your game, maybe your "cover" vertical slice demo shouldn't look lame.

No one's judging it ???

Seems like a lot of people have already decided to dislike it, without knowing all the info going on a lot of comments.

The gameplay demo looked fine, even if it wasn't the best demo ever but the info in the article makes it sound fantastic. Metroidvania gameplay, with freedom to explore each world and travel between them at any time and access new areas as you gain more powers.

This isn't just a standard linear action game, like some people have been saying / thinking. There's a lot more to it than this one demo.


User Requested Ban
Dec 29, 2017
This looks incredibly generic.
Also the grappling hook animations at the beginning, lol. I don't think that's how physics work, not even in Star Wars.
Wow the level of generic has escalated a lot over this thread. It was generic, then very generic, then really generic and now your coming along with incredibly generic. You've barely left any room for anyone to out generic you with that.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to be that guy: am I the only one who's still bothered by the Uncharted-esque problem of an ostensible light-side "good guy" just brutally mowing down grunts? At least with Force Unleashed you knew you were playing a bad dude who could massacre without conscience. The cognitive dissonance is going to be a big barrier to me getting immersed.

Why pick on Star Wars of all things? Call of Duty and Battlefield have you realistically killing realistic enemies from real countries with real politics involved, comparing that to over the top evil space nazi's really makes the violence and ethics in Star Wars seem trivial and almost cartoonish in comparison.

Besides, we clearly jumped into a story mission here, there's going to be context behind what you're doing and why, i'm sure the empire didn't politely negotiate their positioning in this area we're in.


Oct 28, 2017
Looks up my alley! Combat looked pretty weighty and I appreciate that, they could have easily gone bombastic with waves of enemies which would have turned me off immediately.


Oct 27, 2017

The character rendering leaves something to be desired. Ian has never looked this goofy on Shameless!


Oct 26, 2017
I can't quite figure out what but something about this looks really off. Like the characters look weird, the animations like the grappling at the start where Chewie and the others just fly off are super weird, the main character looks like he belongs in some teen drama or something, the gameplay looks too smooth to be real, but kind of bad at the same time..

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What is this silly false dichotomy? Do you sincerely think it's impossible for the final game to have the things described in the Game Informer article because the 15 minutes showed didn't highlight all of those things?

If I show 15 minutes of a girl slaying hollows in the grey walls of the Undead Burg in Dark Souls with ease with a longsword and shield, and then I say that the game will feature a large interconnected world, great weapon variety and magic abilities, majestically monstrous bosses, epic locales, creepy mazes you'll get lost in full of tough as nails enemies... am I lying? No, I just showed a small sample of the game to demo some basic aspects of the combat and traversal abilities.

I mean perhaps the article is lying and the entire game will nothing but small corridors, and then we can be outraged at the obvious lies peddled by the devs and Game Informer... but come on.

Not impossible, just that I'd rather see it than hear from it / about it.

Take Cyberpunk for an example, for all the "day one", "in CDPR we trust" jokes that I made, I still don't believe deep down that the game will be as ambitious as they've said. And that goes for any company / creator / developer (Kojima, ND, SSM, Nintendo, etc)