
Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Sekiro is hardly an example of responsive combat lol. Looooong startup animations, attack queuing that ignores panic inputs so you can't dodge or block anything at the last moment, heavy hit stun and block stun...

Sekiro is fast but very sluggish at the same time. It's a bizarre feeling that I would never wish to have in a game with lightsaber combat.
Heh. Sekiro combat translated to lightsaber is my personal dream. 🤷‍♀️


Oct 26, 2017
Double Jump makes every game better!
No. it's an hand holder for platforming and usually a sign of weak level design. "I've made this platforming section. Not sure if its completely balanced so I'll give you a double jump so you don't get too frustrated while playing it"

Also Jedi can use the force to lunge. No need for double jumping


Alt Account
Apr 20, 2019
Yeah, this is unfortunately what I expected. An Uncharted style action game focused on being flashy and telling a story than something challenging and fun to play. Definitely a Redbox game.


Oct 30, 2017
Heh. Sekiro combat translated to lightsaber is my personal dream. 🤷‍♀️
If you combined it with Bayonetta's responsiveness, sure. But I'm not about that feeling that my block, dodge, and jump inputs were just ignored because I was locked into some other animation. That's just not a good feeling in a fast action game where you want to be able to react in a snap.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
Sure maybe they should have shown off more but maybe they are saving that but people also shouldn't be so quick to judge it either, especially when we see this all the time and should know one early trailer doesn't always represent the full finished game.

I thought the demo looked good, not the best thing ever but still good and I know it's only a small part of the game and they will have more exciting things to show later on. The GI article certainly suggests there's a lot more to it.

Tbh, what is described in the GI article sounds so much better than what was actually shown. It's possible this is simply a slice of an early segment in the game, but if so I think that again, might have been somewhat of a mistake on Respawn's part. Better to polish a segment a bit further on that might have shown a better, more flattering and more accurate showing of the game, though they still have plenty of time left before release to polish and show it off, so not the end of the world.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
You didn't actually answer my questions.

What is your source that the demo was scripted? How have you concluded those particular animations were unfinished and scripted, even though they appear in the final game exactly the same? And why are you using other devs faking on stage demo's as evidence or proof that ND did the same?
So you think ND is a special magical developer that has finalized code in demos two years away from release? Demos can be so scripted due to unfinished features that even each bullet an enemy fires can be a scripted event.
Wait what is that top game? That looks awesome

And I didn't accuse you of not owning the platform, I simply asked if you did or didn't, because your ignorance on many of the contextual mechanics in these games gives the impression you haven't played them
I literally said that they implement these features in games and script them in demos for presentation purposes. I even bolded, italicized, and underlined that part. You didn't seem to be following the convo. Enough with this derail.

Usually the people debating with you about these things are people who are responding letting you know certain animations are in the game, and conveniently they're generally animations you yourself haven't seen or don't know about, even when GIF examples are presented to you.
This has genuinely never happened even when i directly asked.

Going from this

To this

There's a segment that is a much better showcase of blaster shot blocking.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
If you combined it with Bayonetta's responsiveness, sure. But I'm not about that feeling that my block, dodge, and jump inputs were just ignored because I was locked into some other animation.
lol. See, I want this game to resemble Bayonetta as little as possible, and to resemble Sekiro as much as possible.


Nov 21, 2018

I'm burnt out on prequel/OT-era Star Wars. Fact is, Sith Inquisitors and the like are boring enemies (and even Vader/Palpatine are starting to feel that way) when placed next to some of the creative villains in KoToR or the old EU. And the protagonists (especially the Jedi) are suffering too for it, there's no depth to them any more, being just generic good and this new guy feels the same.

Star Wars has started to feel incredibly limited, as though all Disney is willing to take a chance on is stuff that's already been done in the movies/popular TV shows and all the smaller/niche parts of the EU are being left behind.

agreed. i was half-expecting the MC in the demo to go "don't worry, chewie, i got you' when he saw that wookie imprisoned. i wish this game was set in KOTOR time period (that was a period way, way before any of the movies, right?). I kinda rolled my eyes when I saw forest whitaker character from rogue one.

but i think respawn is doing the best they can, considering they have to work with disney who does not allow any creative freedom when it comes to their licensed content. i will def buy it but disney is really not doing well with the star wars IP.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, this is unfortunately what I expected. An Uncharted style action game focused on being flashy and telling a story than something challenging and fun to play. Definitely a Redbox game.

Other than being a linear third person game with cutscenes i definitely don't get ND vibes here. Parrying/Blocking/Dodging/using abilities fits the Sekiro mold more than the Uncharted mold.

There's also alot of videogamey stuff in that trailer that ND tends to avoid in its more grounded mechanics, like double jump and freezing a platform to traverse it.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 29, 2017
Hmm didn't look much fun. Almost boring tbh. A disappointing demo considering the hype around it. Will need to see more but that didn't excite me in any way.


Mar 18, 2018
Holding left trigger to deflect every incoming shot vs timing a block press to deflect. Also Dark Vader vs a Padawan lol

I may be wrong but that second gif does not look like its timing the block to deflect. He holds it up for two seconds in a single pose and blocks all the shots even turned in a different direction.

Battlefront limits the block feature to a certai number of shots and leaves you vulnerable from numerous other directions.


Oct 25, 2017
I will keep an eye on this game, but that trailer did nothing for me, I'm sad to say. It's not final obviously, but the characters, the levels, the combat...everything looks so bland :(

Agent 47

Jun 24, 2018
I may be wrong but that second gif does not look like its timing the block to deflect. He holds it up for two seconds in a single pose and blocks all the shots even turned in a different direction.
I'm watching the Game Informer crew talk about it right now, they said you hold a button to block attacks or time the block press to deflect it back at the target.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
So you think ND is a special magical developer that has finalized code in demos two years away from release? Demos can be so scripted due to unfinished features that even each bullet an enemy fires can be a scripted event.

So tales from your....

You basically don't have any evidence, source or reason, you've just decided to assume ND showcased faked or scripted versions of these contextual animations from that demo, despite them being in the retail release of the game, and you've also decided to just assume that ND also fake stage demos when we have evidence that they don't, and when there's no evidence to suggest they do.

Also, these demos are never final code, but they can be close to, eg they spend months polishing up a particular segment of the game for demo purposes, the mechanics, animations etc of which they can or do then transition to other parts of the game. Both the UC4 demo's are like 99% close to the retail versions of the said levels, so clearly they were pretty close to final code despite being so early on.


Oct 27, 2017
I loved the original Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series back in the day. I remember getting a new graphics card for my birthday just so I could play Jedi Knight.

Needless to say, I am looking forward to this.


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
How Stig went from God of War 3 to this makes absolutely no sense to me. Sooo boring and how can a team with access to the Battlefront engine make something so visually bland

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
Wow the level of generic has escalated a lot over this thread. It was generic, then very generic, then really generic and now your coming along with incredibly generic. You've barely left any room for anyone to out generic you with that.

I understand it may look that way, but I'd have said the exact same thing even if everyone else was super excited :).
It's fine to have liked that gameplay video, no worries, different strokes for different folks.


Oct 26, 2017
The game looks alright. Not exactly blown away by it though. It's like Uncharted with melee combat. Seems kinda by the numbers?

Deleted member 17630

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm really excited for this but I can already tell I'm gonna wanna play it on hard mode. 1hit kills on the basic storm troopers is fine but I want those encounters to be intense af.


Oct 1, 2018
I laughed when the main char saw the map only to reveal the most linear level I've seen in recent years lol.

Game looks bad and clunky imo.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
Anyone else getting an Aliens Colonial Marines from this game?

NOT saying it's going to be that bad, but I mean more like they are working on this licensed game to bring some money in and are putting more effort into their own IPs?

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
So tales from your....

You basically don't have any evidence, source or reason, you've just decided to assume ND showcased faked or scripted versions of these contextual animations, despite them being in the retail release of the game, and you've also decided to just assume that ND also fake stage demos when they don't and when there's no evidence to suggest they do.
So you're so delusional that you belive ND showcases finalized unscripted demos of games years out from release. Congrats on that.

I may be wrong but that second gif does not look like its timing the block to deflect. He holds it up for two seconds in a single pose and blocks all the shots even turned in a different direction.

Battlefront limits the block feature to a certai number of shots and leaves you vulnerable from numerous other directions.
You either parry it back via timing or holding to deflect.


Mar 18, 2018
I mean, aren't you just holding a single button to deflect all those blaster bolts in the above gif?

He's a sith lord. It's meant to be effortless, it's the force blocking the shots for him. You are certainly not invincible doing it and can easily be killed in a few seconds if not careful, less in Battlefront 2. Add to that there's a limit to how much you can block (notice the yellow bar depleting).

In Fallen Order, given that holding block lets your back block bolts it's clearly much easier than Battlefront.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
how can resetera love hellblade but call the combat in this game basic, lol.

I think Hellblade's strengths or particular commendations are more in other areas, such as narrative, acting, atmosphere, visuals, art design, sound design etc, and not necessarily solely the gameplay or combat.