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Oct 25, 2017
I think people are overreacting.

Anthem had trial and early access and everyone saw how bad the game was, also, several previews not positive about the game.
Having a day one or day -14 embargo means nothing as long as quality is concerned.

I'm not saying Jedi Fallen Order is going to be a masterpiece, but being "worried" because reviews are not dropping one week or days before the launch means absolutely nothing. Bethesda didn't gave review copies for DOOM and Dishonored 2 and they ended up being so good, it really means nothing at the end of the day.
Agreed. It's a massive overreaction.


Nov 27, 2017
So I guess you missed where I said: "Nearly always"?

Still pretty misleading for someone unaware and trying to choose between X and Pro. I definitely would want to know the 2 biggest recent releases are preferably played on Pro with bigger draw distance, more foliage and better performance.


Oct 27, 2017
I just think that most embargos end around launch. And the decisions for why can be varied, logistical, or based on corporate decisions from people who really don't know the quality of the game they are publishing.

At this point we know the core gameplay and graphics are good. The only potential thing they could be hiding is if the rest of the game outside of the preview was rushed and incomplete, but I doubt that is the case.
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Oct 27, 2017
I know, I meant games published by EA

Yeah, the good news though is that it seems EA pretty much gave Respawn control. Single player with no multiplayer or microtransactions is not what you think about with EA. Its kinda like Activision publishing Sekiro this year. I understand the cringe at the association, but even sometimes these companies know to keep their hands off and let somebody really try to make a good game rather than a cash cow - its good for the reputation of everyone.

That doesn't mean this will be a great game, but I'm not worried about the EA association with it.


Senior Games Artist
Dec 10, 2018
Los Angeles
"Why do companies spoil so much in trailers!?"
"They haven't shown EVERYTHING yet, what the fuck is wrong with them!? They must be hiding that it is terrible!"
Oct 25, 2017
"Why do companies spoil so much in trailers!?"
"They haven't shown EVERYTHING yet, what the fuck is wrong with them!? They must be hiding that it is terrible!"
These are indeed things people say, but the concern is over review embargoes, not trailers.

That's not to say I believe there is a correlation between embargo dates and game quality.


Oct 27, 2017
"Why do companies spoil so much in trailers!?"
"They haven't shown EVERYTHING yet, what the fuck is wrong with them!? They must be hiding that it is terrible!"

Well, there's a difference between spoiling stuff and making a compelling trailer. I was sold on Death Stranding from basically Day 1, yet knew little about it because the trailers effectiveness. I know way more about Fallen Order, yet I'm primarily buying it out of slavish devotion to the franchise. Nothing they've actually shown seemed particularly compelling.

Also, pretty sure people are just complaining about review embargoes at this point.


Nov 1, 2019
I feel publishers generally align their embargo dates with the marketing push/strategy, essentially using the publicity from reviews to maximise the 'event' of a games release.

I've noticed Bethesda do this in that right at release I'd just start hearing a bunch of info all at once.

iirc, GTAV's embargo for the original release was very close to day one - I had no intention to buy it at the time but that sudden buzz generated from reviews/friends/online presence had me drop by my local game store and pick it up after work.


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
Still pretty misleading for someone unaware and trying to choose between X and Pro. I definitely would want to know the 2 biggest recent releases are preferably played on Pro with bigger draw distance, more foliage and better performance.
How am I misleading them by saying Xbox One X is usually better? lmao

2 recent releases were better on PS4 Pro? Ok, what about every other release that wasn't?

They'll need to wait for DF for confirmation. Hardly misleading anyone.


Oct 26, 2017
Why? A beta for a story driven SP game feels unecessary.

Ni-Oh 1 and 2, Mirror's Edge, Medievil and many others all say hi.

A beta for a single player game that release in a week? That's never happening.

I imagine we would have heard if they had a demo planned so I'm doubtful of that too.

Black Desert beta was near release.
Nayway i ddin't know this game will be out in a week. Thta's a bummer to not have a demo for it. It could have helped it a lot.


Oct 26, 2017
Granted, it's from research done in 2013, but

Game demos can hurt sales, suggests research

Information from analytic firm EEDAR suggests that releasing a game without a demo can almost double sales.

But thsi was from 2013 when downloading huge demos did hurt the downloaders especially for last-gen owners,s keep in mind that many PS3 users started with 20 and 60 GB HDDS and Xbox 360 owners with no HDD at all.
AFAIK, many devs released alphas betas demo free trials and even timed betas i.e RE2 adn DMC5 demos even timed were very praised and encouraged many to get the games.
I think for this particular Star Wars game a demo could help it a lot especially by exploring some of the possibilities this game offers.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not worried at all about late reviews or no EA access. It's Respawn. It'll be at least very good.

That's kinda the way I feel. And they gave a 3 hour demo to 70+ game journalists and star wars media people, and outlets like IGN and Games Radar said it had GOTY potential.

To me the question now is overall cohesion, story telling, and whether they rushed any parts of the latter game. I would be really surprised if its not at least good, my question on just how good. I think everyone has a understandable healthy dose of skepticism about single player star wars games, but I'm not sure this game and developer warrant that skepticism.


Oct 25, 2017
Reviews going live around launch is surprising, it felt like EA were very confident with the game.

Could mean nothing, but it's rarely a good sign when reviews drop s close to release.


Oct 25, 2017
Reviews going live around launch is surprising, it felt like EA were very confident with the game.

Could mean nothing, but it's rarely a good sign when reviews drop s close to release.
I'd argue that the numerous great indie games and AAA releases whose reviews have come out near or on launch far outnumber the disasters whose reviews released close to launch
Oct 27, 2017
Reviews going live around launch is surprising, it felt like EA were very confident with the game.

Could mean nothing, but it's rarely a good sign when reviews drop s close to release.

I dunno. Bethesda putting a release day embargo on the reviews for Doom kinda put pay to this theory for me. It's not necessarily a death sentence like it used to be.
Oct 25, 2017
Reviews going live around launch is surprising, it felt like EA were very confident with the game.

Could mean nothing, but it's rarely a good sign when reviews drop s close to release.
People say this all the time (I'm not trying to single you out) and the data are out there for someone to actually run analyses to determine whether embargo timing is actually correlated with review scores. Unfortunately, there's no repository of embargo dates so it would take a fair amount of grunt work.

This seems like the kind of thing metacritic or opencritic could tackle. It would allow them to tell users whether there's a correlation, per publisher, between these two things and it would answer a question (conspiracy theory?) that has been posed for years. Maybe not enough people care, I dunno.


Oct 27, 2017
These are indeed things people say, but the concern is over review embargoes, not trailers.

That's not to say I believe there is a correlation between embargo dates and game quality.

I think his point isn't necessarily about trailers, per se, but that you will never make everyone happy. What pleases one contingent of people will foment dissatisfaction with another group. It is the order of things.

Granted, it doesn't mean you can't make smart, strategic decisions that maximize the likelihood that the largest number of prospective buyers will be happy, but there are certain issues where the community is almost evenly split, and you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
After the disappointment of Death Stranding, this will be a nice way to offset it.
Nov 2, 2018
Do we know if their will be different types of lightsabers or are we just changing aesthetics? Also, are any colours confirmed other than blue, green and orange?


Oct 27, 2017
Do we know if their will be different types of lightsabers or are we just changing aesthetics? Also, are any colours confirmed other than blue, green and orange?

Officially we only know aesthetic changes, hilt and the colors you mentioned. I would bet purple will be there too but not announced.

There may be something in the achievement lists that hints at more.
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