
Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
I will never understand why both Rian and JJ thought that pairing Rey and Kylo was a good idea. Like sheesh. What a great message to send to girls who look up to Rey. "All girls want bad boys" trope played out and rewarded too for the shippers.


Oct 25, 2017
The problem isn't not planning it out, it is the filmmakers essentially having an argument with each other over three films.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
Rian didn't pair them up. He did the exact opposite.
"Closest thing to a sex-scene"? The tweet that implied that it their moment was meant to be romantic?

Oh sorry I guess its okay that they didn't fully pair up in TLJ but instead looked longingly at each other and do the closest thing that Star Wars will allow in terms of sex and fuel a group of shippers so much that they became toxic towards anyone who didn't disagree. JJ has a lot to answer for, but finally the whole thing with a kiss was just another slap in the face and ruined any good will between the two.

Its fine that you understand TLJ in ways that many of us never will apparently, but Rian had a choice in making that scene and decided to go full steam ahead with it. Could have easily not have done that but nope.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
"Closest thing to a sex-scene"? The tweet that implied that it their moment was meant to be romantic?

Oh sorry I guess its okay that they didn't fully pair up in TLJ but instead looked longingly at each other and do the closest thing that Star Wars will allow in terms of sex and fuel a group of shippers so much that they became toxic towards anyone who didn't disagree. JJ has a lot to answer for, but finally the whole thing with a kiss was just another slap in the face and ruined any good will between the two.

Its fine that you understand TLJ in ways that many of us never will apparently, but Rian had a choice in making that scene and decided to go full steam ahead with it. Could have easily not have done that but nope.
So yea Rian didn't pair them up because---> *gestures toward everything that happens afterwards including the part where they go back to trying to kill each other and Rey literally closing a door on him*


Oct 25, 2017
I have ideas for how they could've improved the sequels but I'm saving them for my own space opera


May 5, 2018
"Closest thing to a sex-scene"? The tweet that implied that it their moment was meant to be romantic?

Oh sorry I guess its okay that they didn't fully pair up in TLJ but instead looked longingly at each other and do the closest thing that Star Wars will allow in terms of sex and fuel a group of shippers so much that they became toxic towards anyone who didn't disagree. JJ has a lot to answer for, but finally the whole thing with a kiss was just another slap in the face and ruined any good will between the two.

Its fine that you understand TLJ in ways that many of us never will apparently, but Rian had a choice in making that scene and decided to go full steam ahead with it. Could have easily not have done that but nope.
The last scene between Kylo and Rey in the Last Jedi ends with her literally shutting him out. Using a scene that takes place around the half way point of the movie as indicative of what the movie was saying about Kylo and Rey's relationship instead of the scenes afterwards that shows them becoming enemies again is just silly.

ROS is of course, it's own can of worms but your reading of the Last Jedi is off-base.


Oct 27, 2017
Saw this a few weeks back. Agree with some of it. However, these threads are just red meat for ERA at this point and no real discussion or debate can be had in good faith.
With the first movie of the new trilogy I thought "A new empire? A new gifted kid from a sand planet? A new mega weapon? A new rebellion?"
It felt like a very much intended reminiscence to the old trilogy.
But the further this new trilogy went it felt like they didn't plan a story that went further than this formula.
There were lots of interesting bits and teases that went absolutely nowhere. The whole story ark was super frustrating and at the end very much forgettable.
I had more fun watching "The Mandalorian" after that.

Scrooge McDuck

Oct 25, 2017
I think the idea would be the resistance is destroyed but the people rise up. It's not really apparent because JJ can't escape the Rebels vs. Empire dynamic but the First Order isn't all powerful or ruling the galaxy but without the resistance or new republic, there's no one to stop them from ravaging a bunch of planets. I think the idea was that Luke's message/sacrifice inspires the people to band together and drive them away for good or something. Plus Finn leading some troopers to break away.
Ya, I thought the third movie would mainly be about people banding together defeating the old threat instead of the search for a magical MacGuffin to defeat a completely new threat. I guess there's a dash of "oh yeah, the old threat is also defeated behind the scenes by the way all thanks to Lando" there at the end.


Sep 4, 2019
finally finished the video and... yeah, I basically stand by what I wrote here. I vehemently disagree with his TLJ take (especially what he regards the "message" of the movie) and while agreeing with him on TFA (and superficially on ROTS, but because those flaws are so evident in that movie it doesn't really take an analyst to point them out), the fact that I disagree with him on both his regard for the Prequels (not the Prequel era, which has spawned some excellent content, but the Prequels themselves) and what he thinks on TLJ it means I cannot really concur with his conclusion either - even if we share points. I basically can't defend the Prequels beyond liking them as "ideas" and "themes" but he's intent on proving their worth and, basically, make the point of "them going anti-Prequels is why the ST failed!", which is something I can't really agree.
Yeah, that was pretty much how I felt when I watched the video, the TLJ section especially, it's rife with complete misunderstanding of the film, it's better atttempts at criticism than I usually hear, but it feels like they just forced their interpretation of the movie to fit with the conclusion they were setting up for their whole essay.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Another SW Sequel Thread, another opportunity for me to scream that Fin was done so dirty.


Who wasnt ?

Luke is a coward that gave up on family and friends instantly and left them to die and suffer for a mistake he made and never even tried to fix it.

Han lost all character development and ended up a lonely loser that lost everything then got killed by his own son.

Leia had to watch everyone she loved die and lose her son. Then randomly drops dead.

Rey became a misplaced prop for nostalgia with uber powers and the blood of sidious.

Kylo ??????? Died like a dog

Anakin wasnt even mentioned or addressed whatsoever while his legacy was entirely undone cause they couldnt think of anything else. He let his family be tortured and ruined by the same asshole for 3 generations. Great.

Finn Poe and Rose became footnotes instead of main characters.



Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
The fact that we had posters here insisting that there was never any anti-prequel sentiment in 2015 era STAR WARS is amazing to me.

Every piece of advertising seemed to be designed to loudly address a complaint made by Mr. Plinkett.


It made them crashing and burning and The Prequels striking back in popularity that much sweeter for me.

But I am absolutely ready for something completely new, with new enemies and vehicles and planets that are not Sand Planet #567 and Worn down metal box building Planet #47


Oct 25, 2017
It's a very interesting essay, saw it a few weeks ago, each movie pulled to hard to contradict the others

This is a false argument and always has been to try to trash the best god damn film in star wars since the Original Trilogy. The Last Jedi.

Nothing Rian did in his movie fucked over the prior movie in any way. At all. At all.

To argue otherwise is basically just arguing against reality.

Now if you don't like the TLJ then that's fine. I feel sorry if you didn't like it but hey what can ya do. But thinking it did anything to like jerk things in a direction setup by TFA is not true.

EDIT: lol I feel like you might take this as directed at you and it's merely more of a general statement on that view. Basically I don't subscribe to the back and forth. The only movie that was designed to fuck over the prior one from the ground up was EP 9.
Jun 5, 2018
The problem isn't that the films are bad per say either (I'd argue the first was solid, second had a lot of pointless back and forth and the third felt like someone figured out how to paint with colour for the first time though) it's for sure the fact that a clear concise story wasn't at its backbone, Disney was so concerned with making more Star Wars they never stopped to ask themselves if they should, or at least how.

Say what you will of the MCU, it generally knows what story it's telling, making it even more baffling that they managed to miss that entirely, the tcg shows at least have a little more quality to them, just a shame they didn't get Mark Hamill back for his voice and instead used the Ai voice tech (seriously how do you need this up?)


Mar 4, 2020
We blame JJ for TROS...but let's not forget the 'fan' backlash to TLJ. I think decisions in TROS were an intentional [over]reaction to the close-minded fans' reaction to TLJ. It's funny some people complained about TLJ because they didn't care for the direction it took (which okay we all have our opinions). Meanwhile TROS is unanimously hated because it's straight garbage. Like it literally killed people's fandom. Yes, we argued about TLJ because we loved the franchise and we have our opinions. But TROS destroyed the love.


Sep 16, 2020
Even if JJ had done all 3 I don't think we'd be any better off. I can't say in strong enough terms how poor of a foundation for any trilogy the Force Awakens was. Anything resembling an original idea was introduced and discarded basically straight away. The rest was just shamelessly repackaged plot, characters and set pieces that we've already seen, but now worse.

Its crucial because the battle with the big bad, the fight between good and evil, the entire guiding thrust of these movies and what we're supposed to be rooting for and against is knee capped straight away with the decision to just rehash the empire in a laughably transparent way. To the extent that the big planet cannon destroying the Republic capital honestly feels more like an exercise to justify casting the resistance as underdogs somehow despite being on the team that won against Palpatine. All so we can have rebels vs stormtroopers again.

So yeah, tl;dr the trilogy was going to be shit no matter what once TFA laid the foundations so poorly

This perfectly sums it up for me. TFA was satisfying in the short-term because it brought Star Wars back to its roots, but in the long-run it ultimately sabotaged the trilogy and killed any chance of getting an original story. It reset the status quo and reversed everything that had been accomplished in RotJ. TLJ tried its best to take things in an interesting direction, but Johnson's hands were tied and even then you still had people whining that it deviated too much from TFA's nonexistent "setup;" Snoke's backstory and Rey's parentage were rabbit traps and it still blows my mind how badly people wanted those fucking carrots.


Oct 27, 2017
The discourse around these movies is honestly so stale and boring. How many people, over how many years, can still regurgitate and believe the same wrong shit about TLJ? How many people can still say "JJ wanted to do X while Rian wanted to do Y" and pretend that they're adding something new to the conversation (or that they're even right in the first place)? How many want to act like the prequels were always beloved by fans and flawed but true works of art born of a creative vision, while the sequels were just corporate cash grabs with no story to tell?

It's hard to even take seriously because in 10-15 years, you're gonna have videos and essays and other cold takes extolling the virtues of the ST to shit on whatever new crop of Star Wars movies is out by then.

I will never understand why both Rian and JJ thought that pairing Rey and Kylo was a good idea. Like sheesh. What a great message to send to girls who look up to Rey. "All girls want bad boys" trope played out and rewarded too for the shippers.
I honestly think this take is more condescending to girls than you think the movies are being, lol
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
I still feel TFA and TLJ work as a duo. That way the yin and yang is complete, and there's no third entry - straight ignore episode 9. need to watch again to reaffirm. broom kid as the final shot of the 8 episode series *chef's kiss*


Oct 25, 2017
a hundred years from now people will still be arguing about TLJ won't they

Look Upon my works ye mighty and despair
for I have made The Last Jedi an eternal affair


Oct 25, 2017
JJ Abrams giving Kylo a mask like Darth Vader, Rian Johnson then smashing that mask and then JJ Abrams reforging the mask is pretty symbolic for the whole things

And it was held together by some cheap Sith gorilla glue as well.

"Somehow… Palpatine has returned" sums things up as well.


Oct 25, 2017
I will never understand why both Rian and JJ thought that pairing Rey and Kylo was a good idea. Like sheesh. What a great message to send to girls who look up to Rey. "All girls want bad boys" trope played out and rewarded too for the shippers.

The ending to TLJ is her rejecting him completely.

Again for allllllllll the ails of the trilogy, 90 percent lets say to be fair... are from Episode 9's fucking ludicrous plot decisions.


Oct 25, 2017
Whole Trilogy was a mess. Even a large number of people who like The Last Jedi still get the message wrong. People say ROTS retconned Luke and The Last jedi but that is not the case at all. By the end of The Last jedi it's Luke who realizes he was WRONG. The Galaxy does need the Jedi and it actually does need that Mythical Legendary Luke Skywalker. Does that mean the Jedi are perfect? Hell no that's part of the lesson Yoda teaches Luke. Failure is as much a lesson as success is if its properly understood.


Nov 2, 2017
bEast Coast
give 10,11,12 to the russos

RDJ is Rey's son
Chris evans is Palpatines other grandkid that wants fuck up his team like in civil war
Driver is thanos
tom holland is jarjar three'nks


Aug 21, 2018
Unfortunately, Milwaukee
they're still better than the prequels, which are probably among some of the worst big budget movies ever made.

when you look at it, the sequel trilogy is basically a complete repeat of the OT. ANH = Force Awakens- gets people interested again, doesn't go in super innovative directions, but was just there to say "hey, we're back, we know what we did was wrong, here's your apology movie." Last Jedi was ESB- a fucking masterpiece in scifi. TROS was ROtJ- some cool shit, but way, way more "what the fuck are you doing?"


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
they're still better than the prequels, which are probably among some of the worst big budget movies ever made.

Nah. Not only do I get far more enjoyment out of the prequels when I get basically none from the sequels at this point given how they ended it, the prequels added a shit ton of good things that the current state of SW is literally relying upon. The sequels did nothing but destroy. Didnt bother adding anything new or interesting.


Oct 25, 2017
I came across this video and it pretty much sums up everything that went wrong with the sequels:

Yeah... just a classic case of "I want it to go this way!" "No, it's going this way!" "No, I'm pulling it back my way!"

I started to watch this a while back but couldn't continue once I realized it was a prequel defending person. You can all like whatever movie you want to like, but if you think the prequels are good then I don't want to hear whatever else you have to say on movie analysis and don't respect your opinions when it comes to film

Anyway, the disney sequels are a mess too, they're all terrible. There are some good things in The Force Awakens but the basic premise is just stupid so the whole thing was rotten from the start
Oct 27, 2017
Even shirtless Adam Driver couldn't save the sequel trilogy. I can genuinely say I like the prequel trilogy better.


Oct 30, 2017
The fact that we had posters here insisting that there was never any anti-prequel sentiment in 2015 era STAR WARS is amazing to me.

Every piece of advertising seemed to be designed to loudly address a complaint made by Mr. Plinkett.


It made them crashing and burning and The Prequels striking back in popularity that much sweeter for me.

But I am absolutely ready for something completely new, with new enemies and vehicles and planets that are not Sand Planet #567 and Worn down metal box building Planet #47

I do love the Prequel resurgence so much.