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Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Seems pretty clear Disney has no feel for the property at all and is just reacting wildly to the perceived flaws of the previous installment, similar to how the DC cinematic universe went.

They want maximum profit without delay which is the problem, got to keep churning them out, quality be damned.

They probably could make great varied stuff of high quality but then time is money, safe bets.

It's shit.
Oct 25, 2017
Won't there be lots of Death Star tech floating around. Another stupid reason to have so many.

The tech was there but it relied on kyber crystals to be the focal point of energy. The scarcity of Kyber crystals would be the limiting factor on having that anywhere.

The TRoS ISDs were just lazy design that even scaled up the OG ISDs (my guess they used the R:1 models) to the point that windows etc are comically large. Them having Death Star tech was just another point in laziness of the ST where they think everything has to be pushed to absurd levels to be credible. Having the FO quintuple their force would've been a good enough threat, having the Death Star cannons is just overkill for overkill sake.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Hey, I saw the Death Star 2 get completely vaporized and now they're telling me large pieces of it are actually pretty well intact. One of those hundreds of Star Destroyers has some intact Death Star tech in it that someone is going to reverse engineer. Sith Engineering Inc will no longer will have a monopoly on superweapons.
Well the lasers were the weak point so I can't imagine enough, if any, of it survived to use to reverse engineer it.

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
The TRoS ISDs were just lazy design that even scaled up the OG ISDs (my guess they used the R:1 models) to the point that windows etc are comically large. Them having Death Star tech was just another point in laziness of the ST where they think everything has to be pushed to absurd levels to be credible. Having the FO quintuple their force would've been a good enough threat, having the Death Star cannons is just overkill for overkill sake.

One of the few loud criticisms of TFA was that the deathstar retread was dumb and awful, so for him to repeat the mistake and dial it up to 100 is bizarre.

There's a lot of stuff like that in this film that were basically blinking red "DO NOT PUSH" buttons attached to them that JJ pushed anyway. He could have gotten away with maybe two of them, but there's like 10 such buttons he pushes in TRoS and there's no excuse for it.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
If we get an Episode X, I'm hoping we get a divided galaxy with several different factions preferring to stay independent rather than one New Republic. You can have a lot of interesting stories with Jedi like Rey finding their purpose in the galaxy and choosing between sides in cases where it's not so black and white as Empire vs Rebels.

Although if the galaxy eventually came together again the One Republic could be a fitting name.

That would still be a variation on Galactic Civil War. The Clone Wars kind of deals with this, although it's more about recruiting systems I suppose.

I think Lucas was actually on the right track when he was talking about going more metaphysical. If this is a series building on itself, rather than repeating, we can't keep seeing the Episodes deal with governments and systems warring with one another. The stakes stop mattering. So it makes sense as a progression for things to go beyond galactic conquest and become a true battle of the Force.

I would like to see Rey and the next generation of Jedi go in a very weird direction where planes of existence are at stake. This would even give Adam Driver a chance to return. And this would actually go further in making the Force stranger and more mysterious, not more concrete. But I doubt Disney would ever go in this direction.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not actually for it, but you could swap the titles The Rise of Skywalker and The Last Jedi.
Eh, this is true of all the titles in the ST (even including Duel of the Fates lol).

Actually this is true of all the titles in the OT also (in Episode IV you could argue the Empire striking back is destroying Alderaan after the Rebels attacked and stole the Death Star plans).


May 26, 2018
It's because "the trio" is bullshit.

They wanted to copy the OT trio, but the entire OT is built off the trio from the start in ANH. Whereas the ST has these characters only all finally meeting at the very end of TLJ. Finn and Rey are the only one that have a connection, but they got seperated in TLJ, still their was setup for their relationship to expand in TROS that's entirely thrown away. Poe meanwhile was basically a cameo in TFA, he wasn't a real character. Thus, we had to have TLJ turn him into a character. However, I fundamentally disagree with Rian that Poe and Finn needed to be split up. The film would've worked so much better if Poe and Finn stayed together, building on their relationship. It would also help setup the eventual trio, unfortunately TLJ separates everyone despite them never having been together in the first place.

By the time we get to TROS we've got our "trio," but it feels hollow since this is our first time seeing them all together. And even worse, as you mentioned, they don't act like friends. It's a complete waste. Rey is straight up the worst friend ever. It's hard to believe anyone would be her friend considering how she treats other people, especially Finn.

Yup. I get that it's been a major marketing thing since Rey/Finn/Poe were the main three of the Resistance, but it was kind of only ever in the marketing and not in the movies as a major character dynamic, and then to have it suddenly be a big chunk of the story for the LAST film in the trilogy felt odd. Especially in the leadup to TROS when they kept talking about the trio being "back together", when they were never really "together" in the first place. Rey/Finn and Finn/Poe separately have had their friendships developed, but don't mush all three together in this movie and pretend like that dynamic has been a thing this whole time, and even then not give it the development it needs in a movie that's supposedly about them together.

God, this movie just feels so weird. It keeps lingering with me. I felt zero closure at the end, to the point where it feels like there'll have to be some continuation down the line that provides...actual catharsis? Like we see Ben fade away, and it gets zero acknowledgment afterwards -- no funeral, no Force Ghost (Vader got those at least). Is that meant to be some door they left open for his potential return? Finn never tells Rey or Poe that he's Force-sensitive -- why? They defeat the Final Order, but what's happened to the First Order? I guess they're gone too? Palpatine talks about how he's died before, and he was able to come back here with no explanation, so what's to stop him from popping up again?


Oct 25, 2017
What's funny is that "the trio" in the OT really only a major thing in ANH (and even then it's over halfway through the movie before they are together) .. The three of them have on scene together in Empire IIRC, and Hamill and Ford barely share the screen at all in the opening segment with the taun-tauns.

With Jedi you've got just a bit in the middle of the movie (basically the barge sequence through Ewok intro) and then Luke is off on his own again.


Oct 29, 2017
What's funny is that "the trio" in the OT really only a major thing in ANH (and even then it's over halfway through the movie before they are together) .. The three of them have on scene together in Empire IIRC, and Hamill and Ford barely share the screen at all in the opening segment with the taun-tauns.

With Jedi you've got just a bit in the middle of the movie (basically the barge sequence through Ewok intro) and then Luke is off on his own again.
Yet it's all it took to write cinema history. Compare that to the ST, doesn't even come close.


Oct 27, 2017
They expected us to buy the trio's friendship like the Anakin/Obi-Wan friendship in the prequels


What's funny is that "the trio" in the OT really only a major thing in ANH (and even then it's over halfway through the movie before they are together) .. The three of them have on scene together in Empire IIRC, and Hamill and Ford barely share the screen at all in the opening segment with the taun-tauns.

With Jedi you've got just a bit in the middle of the movie (basically the barge sequence through Ewok intro) and then Luke is off on his own again.

I mean, that's a significant time together. The group slowly forms in ANH until they are all together at the halfway point, then stick together after before the brief tension of break up, then reunion and award ceremony. In ESB, they are all together at the start and Luke, Han and Leia all get to joke around in Luke's medical room. But, even after Luke breaks away the rest of the gang are together. Han, Leia, Chewie, and C-3P0 all stick together while Luke and R2 find Yoda. Then they all meet up at the end as Han is frozen. The film ends with them all back together, except for Han. Then we get to ROTJ and the first half of the film is basically one big party as we get to see the trio together one last time before Luke hops off to do all the interesting character building stuff. Of course, they all hug and party at the end. All in all, that's a large chunk of time together.

The ST has none of that as our trio literally don't all meet together until the final film. They've never interacted with each other all together and even when separated it's not like ESB where the rest of the crew is together when split, it's a weird three way split. Thus, everyone is just off doing their own thing when at least the other half could be building further repertoire.


Oct 25, 2017
mean, that's a significant time together. The group slowly forms in ANH until they are all together at the halfway point, then stick together after before the brief tension of break up, then reunion and award ceremony. In ESB, they are all together at the start and Luke, Han and Leia all get to joke around in Luke's medical room. But, even after Luke breaks away the rest of the gang are together. Han, Leia, Chewie, and C-3P0 all stick together while Luke and R2 find Yoda. Then they all meet up at the end as Han is frozen. The film ends with them all back together, except for Han. Then we get to ROTJ and the first half of the film is basically one big party as we get to see the trio together one last time before Luke hops off to do all the interesting character building stuff. Of course, they all hug and party at the end. All in all, that's a large chunk of time together.

Right but if you focus in on the "Trio" there is only one scene of the three together in Empire. Even in Jedi with the way the beginning introduces them one by one they really aren't together until the sail barge. The Empire team (Han/Leia/Chewie/3PO) is the one that actually spends the vast majority of both Empire and Jedi together. Hamill actually gets very little interaction with the rest of the cast.

It's not a complaint- it works for the OT and I think their chemistry in ANH is so strong that it's easy to fill in the blanks even when they barely get any scenes with the three of them together in the second film.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
There wouldn't even be this whole trio discussion if TFA didn't set the tone for this trilogy being a remix of the OT so now it feels wrong to people if you don't have that trio dynamic. It's not really a flaw of the movies in and of themselves if Poe, Finn, and Rey aren't a fun friendly trio, its an expectation that came about cause the movies veered so closely to the OT in every other way so obviously we need a trio and the marketing played into it cause you gotta cash in and all that OT nostalgia. But with what we actually have onscreen in TFA and TLJ, there is no trio.

TROS just comes off more cowardly by trying to force it at the last minute, they heard the complaints about them not being together and they tried to smash 2 movies of friend development into one and you get something similar to ROTS Obi Wan and Anakin cause both trilogies wait till the last minute to develop a friendship. With Sith it happened cause that had to be the story and Lucas ran out of time, his own fault for mucking around with Phantom Menace. With Skywalker they just wanted....."fanservice".


Oct 27, 2017
An interesting tweet I made a thread referencing in April. He was the first to say that Palpatine was alive through an anagram, and he thought JJ always wrote Rey as feeling the call to the dark. This was before we had any real Rey Palpatine leaks.

Oct 29, 2017
An interesting tweet I made a thread referencing in April. He was the first to say that Palpatine was alive through an anagram, and he thought JJ always wrote Rey as feeling the call to the dark. This was before we had any real Rey Palpatine leaks.

Yeah, there's also a video on youtube pulling similarities to Rey's theme from Palpatine's theme from the OT (and also linked Kylo's theme song to Palpatine as well). Pretty cool video.


Nov 4, 2017
I'm still shocked at how remarkably incompetent the Final Order was. Of all the bad guys in the series, they might be the most dumbest and worst fighting force. Why does Sheev put himself through all this just to be let down by his useless troops once again?

Between this movie and the finale of The Mandalorian, it was a bad week to be a storm trooper. At least IG-11 made it look fun.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017

I'm still shocked at how remarkably incompetent the Final Order was. Of all the bad guys in the series, they might be the most dumbest and worst fighting force. Why does Sheev put himself through all this just to be let down by his useless troops once again?

Between this movie and the finale of The Mandalorian, it was a bad week to be a storm trooper. At least IG-11 made it look fun.
I like how there was an overall point to be made about the first order's incompetence and how it was directly tied to the pettiness of their leadership which was comprised of two manchildren. Which was a good parallel to the nazis of today. But then the final order is literally just there.


Oct 25, 2017
Can we just get the high republic stuff already, it's crazy how TROS ended up being the polar opposite of endgame


Oct 27, 2017
High Republic is some dumb shit. What's the purpose of such an era? The point of the prequels was to show the decline of the Republic, the OT was the fight against the fascist Nazis that took over the Republic, the ST was the war over the future of the Star Wars franchise. Why are we going back to the height of the Republic when shit was just chill and business as usual?

I've said it many times before, but my fan fic future SW trilogy would be based on the Cold War. We already saw WWII in Space and the rise of Nazi Germany. The obvious next setting that could have real world relevancy would be a Cold War in space. It should be the New Republic v. Some Union, where the lines between good and bad are blurred. The rival faction should not be cartoon villains, but have legitimate reasons for why they are opposed to the "democratic" Republic. And, each side should be engaged in proxy wars and diplomacy over control of free galactic space. Such a setting would help reinforce the anti-war themes that Lucas was all about and allow for an exploration of morality, empathy, and the accepted goodness of longstanding institutions.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally saw this last night. It's not great or anything, but nowhere near as bad as I was led to believe. The fact that the prequels reviewed better is a joke.

The movie doesn't redeem the awful plot set up by the first two movies, but it did a decent job wrapping up what it had to work with.

Anyway, glad this trilogy is finally wrapped up so that they can start over with something better.
Oct 30, 2017
Okay so saw this today. Not the worst of the movies but not good at all. The pacing was way off. Too much convenient plot elements to push it along.

"we need this" shows them literally where they need to be with the item they need. Nothing was left to the imagination. It was all just spelled out for the viewers.

Felt like a 4 hour movie condensed into 2 1/2 hours. My friends raved about it.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not gonna lie High Republic sounds dumb

It's going to be so stupid but it's what people want. You see it all the time here - people asking that Star Wars drops the Jedi, the Sith, lightsabers and the Force - and that's really the only way a "High Republic era" would work. With no Sith for the Jedi to fight, they'll basically be nonexistent. They might show up occasionally but that's about it.


Oct 25, 2017
It's going to be so stupid but it's what people want. You see it all the time here - people asking that Star Wars drops the Jedi, the Sith, lightsabers and the Force - and that's really the only way a "High Republic era" would work. With no Sith for the Jedi to fight, they'll basically be nonexistent. They might show up occasionally but that's about it.

We're def getting Jedi based on the leaks. My guess is we're retconning the sith not being around and having new non sith dark side guys.

Pretty sure the knights of Ren flashback in the Kylo Ren comic is during that period.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the Sith won't be active in this era

Villains will probably be either Dark Jedi, the original Knights of Ren (the ones in TROS are possibly usurpers according to the artbook), or a new evil group


Mar 28, 2018
We're def getting Jedi based on the leaks. My guess is we're retconning the sith not being around and having new non sith dark side guys.

Pretty sure the knights of Ren flashback in the Kylo Ren comic is during that period.

That happend before they met Luke and Ben.

High chance that the enemy during on High Republic are "the dark jedi".

It was mention in Master & Apprentice.



Oct 30, 2017
Yup. I get that it's been a major marketing thing since Rey/Finn/Poe were the main three of the Resistance, but it was kind of only ever in the marketing and not in the movies as a major character dynamic, and then to have it suddenly be a big chunk of the story for the LAST film in the trilogy felt odd. Especially in the leadup to TROS when they kept talking about the trio being "back together", when they were never really "together" in the first place. Rey/Finn and Finn/Poe separately have had their friendships developed, but don't mush all three together in this movie and pretend like that dynamic has been a thing this whole time, and even then not give it the development it needs in a movie that's supposedly about them together.

God, this movie just feels so weird. It keeps lingering with me. I felt zero closure at the end, to the point where it feels like there'll have to be some continuation down the line that provides...actual catharsis? Like we see Ben fade away, and it gets zero acknowledgment afterwards -- no funeral, no Force Ghost (Vader got those at least). Is that meant to be some door they left open for his potential return? Finn never tells Rey or Poe that he's Force-sensitive -- why? They defeat the Final Order, but what's happened to the First Order? I guess they're gone too? Palpatine talks about how he's died before, and he was able to come back here with no explanation, so what's to stop him from popping up again?
Yeah this is one of the biggest problems I have with the ST, this trio doesn't feel like they're a crew.

They didn't even need to copy the OT for this, Guardians of the Galaxy and Star Trek 2009 had fully formed crews in both of their initial movies where you bought that these group of individuals were a family, and they did it better than Star Wars ever did IMO.


Nov 4, 2017
How different can the High Republic era be from the PT era? I mean, the Jedi were on the wane during the PT, but they were still in power. I just don't see the point in doing another era where the Jedi are in power, and without any Sith to boot.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
How different can the High Republic era be from the PT era? I mean, the Jedi were on the wane during the PT, but they were still in power. I just don't see the point in doing another era where the Jedi are in power, and without any Sith to boot.

It won't be any different. Disney tried to do the original trilogy better than Lucas and failed, so now they're trying to make the prequel trilogy better than he did because that's a lot easier to pull off.


Oct 27, 2017
Naomi Ackie on if Jannah is Lando's daughter: "But, obviously, again, does every white person who's in a film get connected to another person in a film? Probably not."

Awkward comment to make when she's confirmed to be his daughter.

Speaking of Lando, there were early theories that Jannah was going to be revealed as his daughter, which turns out to not be the case. Ackie understands why people gravitated toward the theory, even while she laughs at it.

"The theme of Star Wars is always trying to find family...abandoned children who don't know who their parents are and I think that's partially that," she says. "But, obviously, again, does every white person who's in a film get connected to another person in a film? Probably not. I think if anything, it goes to show that there's probably not enough people of color in these films so that they can just wander around not being connected."

Theories? Wasn't this like stated by Terrio or JJ themselves as the case?


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Naomi Ackie on if Jannah is Lando's daughter: "But, obviously, again, does every white person who's in a film get connected to another person in a film? Probably not."

Awkward comment to make when she's confirmed to be his daughter.

Ackie's interpretation makes the scene even weirder because then the logical conclusion is that Lando, a known womanizer, is hitting on Jannah.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope we could get JJ to comment on or confirm that Rey was always planned to be a Palpatine, or, as this guy says it, from dark side origins. MSW claimed he heard JJ had the idea of her being a Palpatine back in 2014/2015, now this guy from Slashfilm is claiming this. I really wouldn't be surprised.

And this guy who was the first one on the internet to say that Palpatine was back through an anagram tweeted this back in April.

Ackie's interpretation makes the scene even weirder because then the logical conclusion is that Lando, a known womanizer, is hitting on Jannah.
I couldn't help laughing in that scene even knowing the intent, lol.

In a normal film, certainly not.

In a Star Wars film...
Yeah, it's definitely not a thing that is exclusive to black characters in Star Wars. In fact, it hasn't happened before this, and I'm happy they gave Lando a daughter.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure but she was confirmed in the visual dictionary to be Lando's daughter.

Hilarious, even the actor doesn't accept the dumbass script.

I hope we could get JJ to comment on or confirm that Rey was always planned to be a Palpatine, or, as this guy says it, from dark side origins. MSW claimed he heard JJ had the idea of her being a Palpatine back in 2014/2015, now this guy from Slashfilm is claiming this. I really wouldn't be surprised.

Except Terrio is on record saying that they only came to the Palpatine conclusion after thinking about TLJ and Kylo's reveal. I don't for a second believe any that Rey was always a Palpatine when the intent is so obvious she was meant to be connected to a lightside user either Luke or Kenobi. We know that Palpatine returning was never in the cards originally, so why would Rey being a Palpatine from the start matter?

Rey, you're a Palpatine! He was your grandfather!

You mean, that dead ol' Sith Lord? Okay, he's dead though, I've never known him. Why does this matter?

Well, um...because Snoke um...cause you have evil genes or something?

The reveal only makes sense if Palpatine was always coming back which we know he wasn't.
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