Sir Charles

Sir Charles

Oct 25, 2017
San Diego, CA
Peripherally Stardom related since Risa Sera has been competing there with Prominence, but the recent January 1st match in the WAVE promotion for the Regina di Wave title between her and Hikaru Shida (from AEW) is really solid and has some great hardcore spots. I'm a big Shida fan and this is a great example of her range.

Match highlight from Reddit


Oct 25, 2017
Something I have to get used to is that big spots outside of the ring always have spotters which I understand is for safety. Still kinda takes away from the immersion. Are these spotters members of the wrestlers' stable?


Oct 26, 2017
La France
Stardom gonna announce their upcoming big events/PPVs for the first half of 2023 during tomorrow's Bushiroad event, can't wait.

Wonder if they'll have something bigger than their Yokohama Arena show. Doubt it but hey.
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Oct 25, 2017
oh wow, a Stardom OT! I got back into watching wrestling about a year ago now, due in no small part to how good Stardom has been the last few years. I watch a lot of other wrestling, but Stardom is still far and away what I consider my favorite promotion. Great to see it getting some love in the form of this awesome OT.

I was sad to see Oedo Tai lose the belts, but Prominence are also just so freaking incredible. I just got done watching this match and it was 🔥🔥🔥


Oct 26, 2017
La France
Stardom gonna announce their upcoming big events/PPVs for the first half of 2023 during tomorrow's Bushiroad event, can't wait.

Wonder if they'll have something bigger than their Yokohama Arena show. Doubt it but hey.
Turns out they only announced a fan club event, so heh lol

They've also announced that the February 4th show will allow cheering! Stardom is one of the last companies that still didn't have cheering back.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Cheering being back for Supreme Fight is incredible news to wake up to. That show is going to be really special. They could get away with the handful of big matches they've announced so far (Giulia vs Suzu, Wonder Saya vs Momo, 7Upp vs MaiHime(?)), but they'll probably stuff it with some great non-title matches too. I wonder if AZM vs Kid shows up there, I know they were pretty adamant about main eventing whatever show they were on, but the getting the match bumped year after year could be a story in itself 😄


Oct 25, 2017
Today's Triangle Derby show was streamed on youtube and it's available for free on their channel. I think it was a special show for Tam's homecoming. I wish they would stream more tour shows 😔


【全試合無料配信!中野たむ凱旋記念!】1・9『TRIANGLE DERBY Ⅰ in Anjyo ~たむろーど~』愛知・東祥アリーナ安城【#STARDOM】

『TRIANGLE DERBY Ⅰ in Anjyo ~たむろーど~』2023年1月9日(月祝)愛知・東祥アリーナ安城FC有料会員先行入場 12:00PM/開場 12:45PM/試合開始 13:30PM【試合情報】https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20230109_Anjyo/☆S...


Oct 27, 2017
Does Queens Quest have a new theme?

Edit: NVM for some reason I was confusing Utami's theme and Queen's Quest theme


Oct 25, 2017
I gotta say I'm kinda hooked. I'm currently making my way through the 5 Star GP 2022. Since I'm only familiar with WWE/WCW booking it was surprising to see title holders lose clean in this tournament. Do you think it makes the champions look weak? Just curious how you feel about it.

Favs so far: Mayu Iwatani, Saya Kamitani, AZM, Unagi Sayaka, and Saki Kashima. I can see why Giulia is popular. Prominence is also one of the cooler stables.


Oct 27, 2017
I gotta say I'm kinda hooked. I'm currently making my way through the 5 Star GP 2022. Since I'm only familiar with WWE/WCW booking it was surprising to see title holders lose clean in this tournament. Do you think it makes the champions look weak? Just curious how you feel about it.

Favs so far: Mayu Iwatani, Saya Kamitani, AZM, Unagi Sayaka, and Saki Kashima. I can see why Giulia is popular. Prominence is also one of the cooler stables.

The lack of Utami is concerning lol. As Kurita said I don't think so either because of the long tournament and the any given day aspect.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 2, 2017
I gotta say I'm kinda hooked. I'm currently making my way through the 5 Star GP 2022. Since I'm only familiar with WWE/WCW booking it was surprising to see title holders lose clean in this tournament. Do you think it makes the champions look weak? Just curious how you feel about it.

Favs so far: Mayu Iwatani, Saya Kamitani, AZM, Unagi Sayaka, and Saki Kashima. I can see why Giulia is popular. Prominence is also one of the cooler stables.

I'm a newcomer so I could be wrong, but the 5 Star GP reminds me of NJPW's G1 Climax in that it's the most grueling tournament I can think of in wrestling. Having the champions pinned clean sells that grueling aspect as well as promotes the idea that the GP is full of killers from top to bottom.


Oct 25, 2017
I gotta say I'm kinda hooked. I'm currently making my way through the 5 Star GP 2022. Since I'm only familiar with WWE/WCW booking it was surprising to see title holders lose clean in this tournament. Do you think it makes the champions look weak? Just curious how you feel about it.

Favs so far: Mayu Iwatani, Saya Kamitani, AZM, Unagi Sayaka, and Saki Kashima. I can see why Giulia is popular. Prominence is also one of the cooler stables.
Somewhat echoing what's been said, I think the better way to look at it is that they're trying to make everyone look strong rather than making any champion look weak. Trying to make nearly the entire roster look like a credible threat to the champions makes the tournament and any resulting title matches more interesting.


Oct 29, 2017
Just came in to say that Syuri vs Giulia from Queen Dreamdom was fantastic, and the 2nd best match I saw last week (right behind Kenny vs Ospreay from Wrestle Kingdom). Somebody forgot to tell those two that its fucking fake LOL.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy crap @ that Giulia vs Suzu match!
I was big on Kamitani and Syuri the first half of the year, but Giulia's 5 Star performance was legendary and really won me over in the back half. There were so many amazing matches she was part of. She really showed up in a way I was not fully expecting. I'd still maybe name Syuri my WOTY from the promotion because she had a really special run of matches, but it's hard for me to say who I think had a better year out of Giulia or Kamitani now.


Jan 10, 2018
It's great to see a thread for the best promotion in all of Pro Wrestling! I started watching around April last year and I'm so glad I did.

I could list off all the amazing talent that's working there but we all know how good they are.

I can't wait to see Waka finally get that long overdue win (and for her to hopefully walk away from Cosmic Angels)

Looking forward to seeing who finally beats Kamitani (as amazing as her reign has been), i'm personally hoping to see Mina take it but that's possibly wishful thinking


Dec 15, 2017
Long-time Stardom fan. The roster expansion in 2022 was crazy. I'm happy Bushiroad is pushing the brand hard. I just wish they would hire more backstage staff so they can upload all promos (pre and post match) with subtitles and provide English commentary for big shows.

Just watched the 1st show. The Triangle Derby intro with that stage setup looked amazing.


Oct 27, 2017
Just watched the 1st show. The Triangle Derby intro with that stage setup looked amazing.

Looked a bit goofy in the arena, like they were in a prison cell. But goofy is good, always keep experimenting with presentation.

I dipped my toes into Stardom with this year's 5 Star and having just seen three shows live in the past couple of weeks (along with a bunch of other promotions), I can factually confirm that Stardom is currently the best wrestling promotion overall. They even had to limit Stardom to 5 minutes in Wrestle Kingdom because anything more than that and it would have stolen the show away from Omega/Ospreay.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the most fun I've had watching wrestling in a long time. Saki vs Syuri's 'rivalry' has got to be my fav story line.


Oct 26, 2017
La France
Long-time Stardom fan. The roster expansion in 2022 was crazy. I'm happy Bushiroad is pushing the brand hard. I just wish they would hire more backstage staff so they can upload all promos (pre and post match) with subtitles and provide English commentary for big shows.

Just watched the 1st show. The Triangle Derby intro with that stage setup looked amazing.
Yeah the roster is dope, now they should focus on more behind the scenes staff.
Really want them to have more non-PPV shows with actual production too.
Kind of a bummer to have league/title matches filmed with like two cameras and without commentary.


Oct 25, 2017
So what would have happened if the tag Champs (Meltear at the time) won the tag team tournament? Doesn't winner get to face the Champs? But the Champs were in the tournament. I know they didn't win just wondering how that scenario pans out.


Oct 26, 2017
La France
So what would have happened if the tag Champs (Meltear at the time) won the tag team tournament? Doesn't winner get to face the Champs? But the Champs were in the tournament. I know they didn't win just wondering how that scenario pans out.
I'm sure they'd still find a way to book a title match against a team that managed to beat them or something. Or they could book a number one contenter match with the teams that were right behind.

In NJPW, Finn Balor won the Best of Super Junior league as the champion, and they just moved on.


Oct 27, 2017
So what would have happened if the tag Champs (Meltear at the time) won the tag team tournament? Doesn't winner get to face the Champs? But the Champs were in the tournament. I know they didn't win just wondering how that scenario pans out.

Isn't it like in NJPW where if the champion wins they get to pick their opponent?

Sounds interesting.

Jamie OD

Oct 27, 2017
In previous tournaments when the champion team reached the final it was turned into a title match. It happened in 2014 and 2015.


Oct 25, 2017
12th Anniversary STARDOM Supreme Fight 2023 Full Card (Osaka, Feb. 4, 2023)

World of Stardom Title Match

Giulia (c) vs Suzu Suzuki

Wonder of Stardom Title Match
Saya Kamitani (c) vs Momo Watanabe

Goddesses of Stardom Title Match
7Upp (Nanae Takahashi & Yuu) (c) vs MaiHime (Maika & Himeka)

Naniwa Roulette Singles Tournament - Winner Gets a Title Shot
Yuna Mizumori, Mai Sakurai, Thekla, Mariah May, Waka Tsukiyama, Tam Nakano, Mina Shirakawa, Mayu Iwatani, Natsuko Tora, Natsupoi, Saki Kashima, Miyu Amasaki, Momo Kohgo, Momoka Hanazono, and X

Special Singles Match
Mirai vs Chihiro Hashimoto

6 Woman Tag Match
God's Eye (Syuri, Ami Sourei, Konami) vs Queen's Quest (Utami Hayashishita, AZM, Lady C)

TRIANGLE DERBY Official League Match
Unique Glare (Starlight Kid, Haruka Umesaki, Ruaka) vs Classmates (Hazuki, Saya Iida, Koguma)


As always, the press conference was great fun, but not translated into English (or any other language).


【生配信】2・4『スターダム12周年記念STARDOM Supreme Fight 2023~おおきにスターダム~』記者会見【STARDOM】

『スターダム12周年記念 STARDOM Supreme Fight 2023~おおきにスターダム~』日程:2023年2月4日(土)会場:エディオンアリーナ大阪(大阪府立体育会館)第1競技場FC有料会員先行入場 1:30PM/開場 2:00PM試合開始 3:00PM【試合情報】https://wwr-stardo...

Mayu got her roulette match after all 😄


Oct 28, 2017
Considering signing up, just want to check. - regarding ordering PPVs from twitter, are the links to those events posted here as I don't use twitter?


Oct 26, 2017
La France
Considering signing up, just want to check. - regarding ordering PPVs from twitter, are the links to those events posted here as I don't use twitter?
I think most of us wait for the PPVs to be available on Stardom World (usually 4 days after the PPV aired live) but I can try and post the purchase link whenever one is available!

One thing to keep in mind is that the live feed of the PPVs isn't on Stardom World. You buy and watch them via the Pia platform.
Stardom World just uploads the archive later.


Oct 28, 2017
I think most of us wait for the PPVs to be available on Stardom World (usually 4 days after the PPV aired live) but I can try and post the purchase link whenever one is available!

One thing to keep in mind is that the live feed of the PPVs isn't on Stardom World. You buy and watch them via the Pia platform.
Stardom World just uploads the archive later.

Thank you, if most of you wait then I'm happy to wait also, was just worried about constant spoilers appearing here!


Oct 28, 2017
Thanks for the info both. I only follow AEW, which is great, but as someone who has always hoped for a 50/50 split between the number of men's and women's matches in a mixed promotion like AEW (never gonna happen), a women's only promotion sounds great.