Having just watched the Club Venus vs Classmates Derby match, I have to say, Mariah May is really winning me over. She's definitely still in the rookie category, but she's been getting better with every match she's had since coming to Stardom last month and she's coming off as someone with a lot of potential.
Xia Brookside I am way less sure about. lol
I can't keep up with the content!
Coming to the end of the first Triangle Derby show which was great (and of course Maika gets the pin :-)
I am, however, not in the Donna Del Mondo club - it's early days but I'm a Prominence man.
It is so much, but not all of it is essential. I follow some people on joshi twitter like @ScottEWrestling that shout out worthwhile matches on these tour shows. I have watched every tournament match from the last year (and I went back and watched the 2021 5 Star in its entirety, too). Tournaments are fun and Stardom is very very good at them. But just watching PPV to PPV is also a totally reasonable approach. They do A LOT, sometimes more than two in a month, not even counting stuff like New Blood or Showcase.
As for DDM... give that some time, you'll come around ;)