
Oct 25, 2017
Do you eventually go to all 3 maps or is the one you pick it for the duration of the campaign? Also speaking of that, does the game have an end game final?


Oct 25, 2017
Do you eventually go to all 3 maps or is the one you pick it for the duration of the campaign? Also speaking of that, does the game have an end game final?
Edit: Travel between maps is something the player needs to seek out, story won't push you either way. Once plague hearts are done it becomes focused on your leader, which is more like an epilogue than an end game. Finale has a point of no return but if you don't start it I imagine you can play that community for as long as you want.
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Jan 22, 2018
México - United States
I was frustrated at first but when you start understanding the game it stops punishing you. I play with a lot more stealth and always prepared before I head out. Allied AI is surprisingly useful, actually. They do give me a hand and take off zombies fairly well.


Self-requested permanent ban
Nov 3, 2017
Do you eventually go to all 3 maps or is the one you pick it for the duration of the campaign? Also speaking of that, does the game have an end game final?

Almost certain you do. The in game tutorial tips mention driving to an exit on the map once completed and that you can carry over your characters you've built up.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
Pre Order car. Worth it.




Nov 9, 2017
Does anybody know how to clean the dead zombie bodies around the house?
Them zeds make my house look messy.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
Just cleared all the plague hearts on the first map, about to return to camp and most likely be told we need to move to map 2. There's some stuff going on with radio broadcasts that seems like maybe it'll continue to unravel across the maps. No idea if there will be a payoff to it or not.

Edit: It looks like once you complete all the plague hearts on your map it's over. That's pretty weak. Endings are based on your leader type.

What? You can't go to other 2 maps?

I think it's intended to show history of your enclave/moments defending. No way to remove them that I've seen.

Doesn't it reset after restarting the game? I think it does.


Oct 25, 2017
What? You can't go to other 2 maps?

Doesn't it reset after restarting the game? I think it does.
You can go to the other maps, but it's something you need to seek out. Not part of the story or a tutorial. And yeah the body clean up might reset on load, play sessions have been pretty long so I'm not sure.


Self-requested permanent ban
Nov 3, 2017
So once you clear a map you have to start a new game? That's kind of shitty. Was hoping you could move through the three maps while carrying over your community.


Oct 25, 2017
So once you clear a map you have to start a new game? That's kind of shitty. Was hoping you could move through the three maps while carrying over your community.
You can. The end has a point of no return warning before it starts. You can freely switch or go on forever I'd imagine, as long as you don't start the finale.
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The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
What time will the standard edition unlock?

Should be midnight Monday night. In every region. So if you're on Game Pass you switch to New Zealand and get it earlier (once they hit midnight). If you've bought it/preordered it then it'll unlock at midnight in the region you bought it from.


Oct 27, 2017
Had a blast with this last night on stream with viewers . Gameplay loop is great the first 3 hours. I'm unsure if the game can keep its momentum or if fatigue will set in as I keep going. May not be a game I complete but it is fun to mess with for the $50 price I paid on PC.

I'm excited to play more tonight .


Oct 27, 2017
I'm really digging this game .
This game Is really one of a kind and reviews kind of blew it.
I have only had a couple little bugs, like my car getting stuck on something (I was able to wiggle free eventually) and door's open state being unsynced .
I haven't played co-op.
HDR implementation is fantastic but the settings reset everytime I boot the game.
Fps can be pretty dicey on the One X.
Holding out hope that all of that gets patched, but even if it doesn't, I'm having way too much fun to care .


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
dunno why but game makes me wish bits of like left 4 dead or dead rising were in this

Deleted member 19996

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Think I'm going to ask for a refund. Way too many game breaking bugs so far. Latest one has a vehicle stuck on the environment even though it's not even touching anything. I can run around it freely, but it's still considered stuck on a bench nearby.


Self-requested permanent ban
Nov 3, 2017
I wish there were an aiming line for throwables. Maybe in a patch?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Day 1: We found a place to make a small base in order to survive. We built a small infirmary to take care of the wounded.
Day 2: We found a survivor who needed our help. We saved her and she gave us resources in return. She wanted to join us. We accepted.
Day 3: We destroyed a plague heart. We almost had a casualty as we ran over a zombie with a cloud around it, infecting the vehicle and damaging everyone inside it. The vehicle is no longer drive-able. A horde attacked our base but we managed to defend it without trouble.
Day 4: We gathered too many resources and they are going to waste. We found rats in our food supply and had to throw some out. Fighting in the camp has erupted. We found survivors needing help, but unable to take them in they got angry. Morale took a hit after someone stole from out food supply. We will hunt them tomorrow morning.

Day 5: We found a nearby survivor camp and threatened them to give us our supplies back. One of them got killed and the others ran away.
Day 6: We decided to move base, it was getting too small for our upkeep. We cleared out 3 plague hearts around the area before building. We made too much sound during construction and moving, a horde attacked us. We barely survived but lost some resources.
Day 7: I decided to spend some time helping other survivors nearby in their districts. They gave me some supplies in return. The infection is spreading across the map, we need to catch up to it and eliminate the nests sooner rather than later if we want to survive.
Day 8: Some survivors called out for help on the radio. They wanted supplies, but we could spare none, we're already running on fumes as is. They turned hostile and threatened to kill us.
Day 9: We killed the hostile survivors and stole their items. They had some ammunition and a frag grenade. Unfortunately a out of town survivor died to plague zombies as we tried to destroy a plague heart at night. Mistakes were made. On our way back we stopped by a military outpost and found a grenade launcher and some ammo for it.
Day 10: Scouting reports say only 2 Hearts remain. We loaded the pick-up with a grenade launcher and some grenades, called in some out of town reinforcements to assist us. They are close together, so the fight will be huge in this small town street.
Day 11: After a successful assault on the last plague hearts, we celebrated victory at our base. It was cut short as some of the nearby survivor camps had planned to take our base for themselves. We had refused to take them in earlier as we had no space and they where upset. Lucky for us, one in their camp told us as they did not agree with the rest of the camps decision. We decided to take the fight to them.
Day 12: We fought our way through some of the survivors and executed their leader.

We gathered our supplies and left for another town. There was nothing left for us here and the infection was spreading. Perhaps the next town over will be better...
Oct 25, 2017
Ugh, just looked at system req's. I only have 6gb of ram...

Anyone know if it will actually run or am I sol.
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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
I wish there were an aiming line for throwables. Maybe in a patch?

Press LT and throw, no arcs though, just general direction and distance.

btw. who the fuck let the guy behind infestations keep his job, WHOOOO?!

It sucked in SoD1 and it sucks here. It is by far the worst fuckin' "mechanic" in the entire game, it's pure busywork [which is required to do every hour or so or your community will be depressed] with no pay-off.

If there was a DLC that removes this stupid shit I'd be all over that no matter the cost, I'd even throw in my dignity for good measure, ugh.


Oct 25, 2017
What time will the standard edition unlock?
Should be midnight Monday night. In every region. So if you're on Game Pass you switch to New Zealand and get it earlier (once they hit midnight). If you've bought it/preordered it then it'll unlock at midnight in the region you bought it from.
Yep. And I believe Midnight New Zealand on the 22nd is 8 am US Eastern on Monday if anyone is counting.
Oct 27, 2017
I offed my last remaining survivor because I didn't have any stuff to heal them and nothing to heal me and they were getting ready to burst. Thats the excellence of the game.

FYI they are dictated by things like their own tiredness, issues elsewhere in the base, their ammo, if they have a gun, the moral of people around them as they get into or called to fights. When our moral was high and I had ammo and MOST of the folks were on the same sleeping schedule mine was manned alot.

Also as someone said on our 3 hour MP video a bit ago. It really does seem to run with very few issues for me. Its crazy we played for 3 hours and sort of like my review time with it. Ran into so few issues. But they are bugs which mean you wont get them all the time. I hope these guys patch the fuck out of it

If you're low on resources, do this:

Good tips guys! Having a blast with this game.


Oct 27, 2017
I got a mission to move my base, Laura came with me and wouldn't leave. Then I met with an enclave, which started another mission (I needed to earn more influence to actually move the base), which canceled out the first one without warning. After several missions I figured "alright, now I can move" (the moving mission didn't come up again). Moved to a new home and the minute we arrived the mission popped up again.

Now Laura is insisting we move again and I can't make her shut up. Fix this shit, Undead!
Oct 30, 2017
Ugh, just looked at system req's. I only have 6gb of ram...

Anyone know if it will actually run or am I sol.
I'm sure it'll run/start up. The way RAM works, it just means you're going to be paging to disk a lot which is going to make in the least load times suck ass but it may actually affect frame rate depending on how/if they stream textures etc..

If you buy it and it doesn't run how you like, buy more RAM? Its cheap.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure it'll run/start up. The way RAM works, it just means you're going to be paging to disk a lot which is going to make in the least load times suck ass but it may actually affect frame rate depending on how/if they stream textures etc..

If you buy it and it doesn't run how you like, buy more RAM? Its cheap.

Yeah I'd recommend just sticking some more RAM in if you can. It costs virtually nothing and is easy to install. Should have 8 now really.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure it'll run/start up. The way RAM works, it just means you're going to be paging to disk a lot which is going to make in the least load times suck ass but it may actually affect frame rate depending on how/if they stream textures etc..

If you buy it and it doesn't run how you like, buy more RAM? Its cheap.

Yeah I'd recommend just sticking some more RAM in if you can. It costs virtually nothing and is easy to install. Should have 8 now really.

Holding out till new GPU's to make a new system. Running a i7 930, gtx 970, 6gb ram.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
Do player characters in co-op get tired? Let's say I wanna help somebody, will the survivor get tired as quickly as they do in solo-mode?


Oct 27, 2017
Should be midnight Monday night. In every region. So if you're on Game Pass you switch to New Zealand and get it earlier (once they hit midnight). If you've bought it/preordered it then it'll unlock at midnight in the region you bought it from.

Yep. And I believe Midnight New Zealand on the 22nd is 8 am US Eastern on Monday if anyone is counting.

At least in the US it unlocks at 12 AM ET / 9PM PT just like every other game.


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
How do I get back to the call in supply drop screen lol? I swaer it was in the command center, but its not showing up there now. Is there a limit to how many times you can do it?


Oct 26, 2017
Do player characters in co-op get tired? Let's say I wanna help somebody, will the survivor get tired as quickly as they do in solo-mode?
Yes, but you can still switch out characters at your friend's base or outposts.
How do I get back to the call in supply drop screen lol? I swaer it was in the command center, but its not showing up there now. Is there a limit to how many times you can do it?
Up on the d-pad, I think? I always end up pressing all the arrows, lol. Whatever button it is to get to your radio. You can call in the vehicle as many times as you want for influence (there's a cool down, too), but weapons and supplies are once per community.


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Up on the d-pad, I think? I always end up pressing all the arrows, lol. Whatever button it is to get to your radio. You can call in the vehicle as many times as you want for influence (there's a cool down, too), but weapons and supplies are once per community.

Ok thanks, that worked!

Unrealed question: Can I have multiple playthroughs at once, or can I only have 1 at a time? Thinking about starting over now that I know more about what to do, but dont want to loose my first if I dont have too.


Oct 27, 2017
Press LT and throw, no arcs though, just general direction and distance.

btw. who the fuck let the guy behind infestations keep his job, WHOOOO?!

It sucked in SoD1 and it sucks here. It is by far the worst fuckin' "mechanic" in the entire game, it's pure busywork [which is required to do every hour or so or your community will be depressed] with no pay-off.

If there was a DLC that removes this stupid shit I'd be all over that no matter the cost, I'd even throw in my dignity for good measure, ugh.

Undead labs would be wise to learn from xcom and patch in a robust game customization menu, allow players to change a bunch of variables like:
rate of zombie/infestation spawns
rate of food/resource consumption/generation
starting happiness/stamina
drop rate of rare items
number of plague hearts
double or half influence gain


Jan 25, 2018
I am loving my time with the game. First night played with a friend co-op and had a blast helping build our first base and learning how to heal people infected in our base. Some zombies are passive aggressive but some are beasts! Second night played by myself and had just as much fun, especially driving at night-pitch black; and trying to collect materials for the base. I didn't know that if one use the fast search option (Y + RB) while you're out on the field, and it breaks, it makes some serious noise that will attract any zombies around... I had more than one unexpected wtf moment, lol.


Oct 26, 2017
Ok thanks, that worked!

Unrealed question: Can I have multiple playthroughs at once, or can I only have 1 at a time? Thinking about starting over now that I know more about what to do, but dont want to loose my first if I dont have too.
You can have up to three communities on a profile!


Jan 3, 2018
btw. who the fuck let the guy behind infestations keep his job, WHOOOO?!

It sucked in SoD1 and it sucks here. It is by far the worst fuckin' "mechanic" in the entire game, it's pure busywork [which is required to do every hour or so or your community will be depressed] with no pay-off.

If there was a DLC that removes this stupid shit I'd be all over that no matter the cost, I'd even throw in my dignity for good measure, ugh.
I highly disagree with this. Infestations make it so that you can't just sit in your base if you have enough resources and can't just loot every building with little resistance. Without infestations (or a similar, more difficult than usual spawn that can spread if not contained), there would be very little threat from the undead hordes and significantly less incentive to help out other survivors who (I think) help push infestations back.


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Are you able to move your base to a Outpost? Are there some outposts that are able to be used as a base? I found this awesome outpost that's huge by a power plant and I want to make it my main base, but don't know how or if I can.