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Indie guy

Jul 11, 2022
It's so sad that defending a blatantly misogynistic game is the hill some people are willing to die on... there are better and healthier (for everyone involved) ways to satiate your thirst.


Shinra Employee
Sep 13, 2022
It sucks that I want a fun hack and slash game and it's just the protags ass on display in this one.

Kids and my wife would be like "wtf are you playing"


Apr 19, 2018
Hope it will be the next Lies of P in a sense of some random Korean studio with no track record suddenly releasing a very solid and polished product to everyone's surprise (well, I had little hopes about LoP and was happy to be proven wrong).

Didn't watch anything aside from two SoP trailers, excited to try the demo tomorrow. Generally very excited to see demos back on the menu as I'm still in believe that platform holders should force every dev\publisher to have a demo for every game they're putting out there. Anyway, with Rise of the Ronin being a mixed bag I'm unsure to get until discounts, this has the potential to nicely fit the "3rd person action game" spot for me that has been pretty much empty since Lies of P. I guess it's an easy day 1 purchase if I like the contents of the demo and the performance is at least acceptable.

Indie guy

Jul 11, 2022
It sucks that I want a fun hack and slash game and it's just the protags ass on display in this one.

Kids and my wife would be like "wtf are you playing"
This too, it would feel so gross to play this game in front of my significant other... or any other human being for that matter.
Honestly, that's my rule of thumb for anything in life: if it feels weird to do it in front of other people, it means there's something wrong with it.


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
Honestly, that's my rule of thumb for anything in life: if it feels weird to do it in front of other people, it means there's something wrong with it.

You must feel a lot of guilt everytime you have to go to the toilet 🙂

Sorry, bad joke - I get what you're saying though.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
This too, it would feel so gross to play this game in front of my significant other... or any other human being for that matter.
Honestly, that's my rule of thumb for anything in life: if it feels weird to do it in front of other people, it means there's something wrong with it.

To each their own but man that sounds so strange to me. I 100% could and would rather play this in front of my mother/grandma/girlfriend than Doom Eternal or Mortal Kombat. Hell, my mom hated the violence in Red Dead Redemption and asked me to play it when she's not around.

They maybe would shake their head and throw a joke at me but that's better than getting the "are you mental"?" look while i kill and maim.
Trying to improve the thread somewhat


I'll think about it
Oct 25, 2017
Morizora's Forest
Reports are starting to pile up and I don't want to lock a third thread for this nonsense because people can't seem to stop antagonising each other or dismissing issues. Here are some quick guidelines and thoughts. My one and only attempt here.

Official Staff Communication

  • Stop the meta-commentary. Era member this, era members are not this. Community is progressive or not progressive. Everyone is different and draws their lines differently, supports different things in different ways and have different understandings and approaches. Era is far from perfect and persistently showing off the flaws to make any sort of point is only further frustrating whatever the conversation is.

  • Subject ban request or discussion. That is "x should be banned from discussion because y was also banned" type stuff. Comparisons to prior bans are never correct and will only serve to further frustrations. It is inconsistent? Definitely, each situation was evaluated with a multitude of different reasons over a long period of time. Stop comparing them. We do ban for this type of commentary even though I hate doing it. No more please.

  • It is fine to talk about why/why not to buy, play or like a game. You don't have to be defensive or dismissive or antagonistic about it.

  • Sarcasm and snark. Don't @me if you get moderated because we didn't get your sarcasm or we deem it too spicy and thus more problematic than de-escalating. I'm frustrated. Members are frustrated. Just because moderators give you the benefit of the doubt doesn't mean members might and that can mean moderators need to consider de-escalation. A /s sign off is 2 characters and can go a long way.

  • If you're tired of seeing the criticism and disappointment from commentary about sexism within the industry, that is perfectly understandable... I am also tired. Tired of people being dismissive about it when others manage to muster up energy to talk about these important things even when I don't have the energy to do so. The doors to other platforms that don't allow these discussion are just about in every direction you can see. I'm going to be a lot less lenient in reviewing this type of commentary going forward in this thread because its 2024 and Resetera has been trying to be better allies for a long time now. Lets try a little harder.

  • Sexualisation is not inherently sexist. This is not a defense. Sexism includes considerations of sexualisation and if you still don't get it then I'll lay it out for you. The crux of these conversations deserves to be from a sexism lens. Not a this design/character/game ok or not. You could look at it in isolation but know that many are not and if you are commenting on it from solely this perspective then it might do you well to say so as to not come across as disregarding the elephant in the room.

  • Sexism is rampant in our hobby. While we are disappointed when some of the more eggregious examples are still supported we need to do better than simply trying to shame members. We're not going to stop them from buying the game regardless and it deteriorates the topic from talking about the issues into talking about the users. I know its frustrating but I'd rather not have this escalate to the point I must start banning people for antagonising each other. By the number of reports I may still have to.

  • Asking each other why we're still supporting a thing is... fine. Antagonising is not. Realistically we could look at all the other problematic thing and fall to very likely similar reasonings. There is no right or wrong answer and there is unlikely a happy one either. Still, this isn't off topic provided we're being sensible about it. I (somewhat hesitantly as I eye the reports queue) encourage discussion here. I think it is important for understanding and reflection but if you want honest answers we need to also accept responses that may not be to our liking. We need to allow that honestly for a chance to communicate in good faith. Shaming, antagonism is unlikely to be productive.

  • Some members are likely conflicted and/or do not have a good understanding or cannot properly articulate their reasons and desires, sometimes trying to do so falls afoul of being dismissive or they don't post lest this happens. That is fine. For what its worth, as a moderator I'm judging the contents of a post not your character. We need to come to accept that some members want to enjoy the game and don't know how to come to terms with the problems. They remain silent sometimes not because they don't care but because they don't trust themselves not to make it worse for you and me and everyone.

  • A lot of members (myself included) would do well to better their understanding of sexism and all its insidious systemic forms within our favourite hobby (and beyond really). We are not good at identifying it and worse at discussing it. Perhaps worse yet is that many of us are bad at listening and then another large portion fall silent and let things get worse and boil into a bit of a silent boys club feel. I understand being tired of everything but effort is needed and appreciated. If you don't know how to navigate these threads and these feelings. If you fear you might get banned when posting. If you don't understand why evoking your wife who doesn't even play games' opinion is inflammatory. If you feel attacked. If you cannot read past the venting. If nothing I say makes a drop of sense. It might be worth reflecting on this and scheduling some time to try and work out why. No one knows everything. We are all ignorant of everything until we learn.

I'll leave this last one outside the official staff tags because I don't want to hassle other mods who might need to consider reports on it's basis. But if you think it might apply to you then its time to reflect on that.
  • Sometimes you're making a good point and you're absolutely right. But you're still the biggest asshole in the room. I'm in an asshole banning mood, don't give me a target.
You have 20 minutes grace. Posts after this time that goes against this or the spirit of it I will consider with particular harshness that I don't like to bear. Ask for leniency from other mods.


Oct 25, 2017
Went from not interested at all to kinda curious. We'll see how reviews pan out.

Game does seem mad horny though, with that whole "sex doll" feel to characters, but I felt similar to Nier Automata and that's now one of my favorite games ever, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.

This being from the makers of Nikke is fucking hilarious though. Of course it is. Less funny is all the accusations that people have mentioned in this thread. Pretty shitty if true.


Oct 29, 2017
It seems like there's been an uptick in demos this gen. Capcom, Square, and NAMCO release demos for nearly every game that they release. But I am surprised that this game is getting a demo because I really can't think of the last time that Sony released a demo for any game.

FF16 demo was the best piece of marketing for that game. Sometimse demos can pay off massively if the studios are confident.


Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes I put in effort for a staff post and the thread dies thereafter. If this is such a time I won't be upset.

If anything, it's a template that can be used elsewhere on the forum for future threads, and maybe even retroactively on others. It's always appreciated.

It seems like there's been an uptick in demos this gen. Capcom, Square, and NAMCO release demos for nearly every game that they release. But I am surprised that this game is getting a demo because I really can't think of the last time that Sony released a demo for any game.

Demos have ALWAYS been helpful, and the fact we had to live through long periods of no demos fucking sucked. It sucks as a consumer to not try before buying.
Dec 6, 2023
FF16 demo was the best piece of marketing for that game. Sometimse demos can pay off massively if the studios are confident.

Yeah, I think at this point it's clear that in a world of $70 games, there is no more effective form of advertising than letting players try out the game for themselves. Sure, it might bite back at you (which was likely the case for Forspoken), but I think the overall numbers are heavily in favor of demos.

Sometimes I put in effort for a staff post and the thread dies thereafter. If this is such a time I won't be upset.

FWIW I appreciated the effort you put into that, and I think it's a very reasonable and understandable message.


May 7, 2023
Elephant in the room aside on some of the ...iffy... visual design, anyone else feel that action games this gen (this game included) feel incredibly muddled and too visually busy?

Maybe it's because I'm becoming an Old, but I almost prefer slightly worse visuals and more clean lines to better process what the hell is going on on-screen in character action games like this.

In motion it just looks like high def particle effects vomit. But maybe I'm just a curmudgeon.


I'll think about it
Oct 25, 2017
Morizora's Forest


Studied the Buster Sword
Jan 29, 2022
Reports are starting to pile up and I don't want to lock a third thread for this nonsense because people can't seem to stop antagonising each other or dismissing issues. Here are some quick guidelines and thoughts. My one and only attempt here.

Official Staff Communication

  • Stop the meta-commentary. Era member this, era members are not this. Community is progressive or not progressive. Everyone is different and draws their lines differently, supports different things in different ways and have different understandings and approaches. Era is far from perfect and persistently showing off the flaws to make any sort of point is only further frustrating whatever the conversation is.

  • Subject ban request or discussion. That is "x should be banned from discussion because y was also banned" type stuff. Comparisons to prior bans are never correct and will only serve to further frustrations. It is inconsistent? Definitely, each situation was evaluated with a multitude of different reasons over a long period of time. Stop comparing them. We do ban for this type of commentary even though I hate doing it. No more please.

  • It is fine to talk about why/why not to buy, play or like a game. You don't have to be defensive or dismissive or antagonistic about it.

  • Sarcasm and snark. Don't @me if you get moderated because we didn't get your sarcasm or we deem it too spicy and thus more problematic than de-escalating. I'm frustrated. Members are frustrated. Just because moderators give you the benefit of the doubt doesn't mean members might and that can mean moderators need to consider de-escalation. A /s sign off is 2 characters and can go a long way.

  • If you're tired of seeing the criticism and disappointment from commentary about sexism within the industry, that is perfectly understandable... I am also tired. Tired of people being dismissive about it when others manage to muster up energy to talk about these important things even when I don't have the energy to do so. The doors to other platforms that don't allow these discussion are just about in every direction you can see. I'm going to be a lot less lenient in reviewing this type of commentary going forward in this thread because its 2024 and Resetera has been trying to be better allies for a long time now. Lets try a little harder.

  • Sexualisation is not inherently sexist. This is not a defense. Sexism includes considerations of sexualisation and if you still don't get it then I'll lay it out for you. The crux of these conversations deserves to be from a sexism lens. Not a this design/character/game ok or not. You could look at it in isolation but know that many are not and if you are commenting on it from solely this perspective then it might do you well to say so as to not come across as disregarding the elephant in the room.

  • Sexism is rampant in our hobby. While we are disappointed when some of the more eggregious examples are still supported we need to do better than simply trying to shame members. We're not going to stop them from buying the game regardless and it deteriorates the topic from talking about the issues into talking about the users. I know its frustrating but I'd rather not have this escalate to the point I must start banning people for antagonising each other. By the number of reports I may still have to.

  • Asking each other why we're still supporting a thing is... fine. Antagonising is not. Realistically we could look at all the other problematic thing and fall to very likely similar reasonings. There is no right or wrong answer and there is unlikely a happy one either. Still, this isn't off topic provided we're being sensible about it. I (somewhat hesitantly as I eye the reports queue) encourage discussion here. I think it is important for understanding and reflection but if you want honest answers we need to also accept responses that may not be to our liking. We need to allow that honestly for a chance to communicate in good faith. Shaming, antagonism is unlikely to be productive.

  • Some members are likely conflicted and/or do not have a good understanding or cannot properly articulate their reasons and desires, sometimes trying to do so falls afoul of being dismissive or they don't post lest this happens. That is fine. For what its worth, as a moderator I'm judging the contents of a post not your character. We need to come to accept that some members want to enjoy the game and don't know how to come to terms with the problems. They remain silent sometimes not because they don't care but because they don't trust themselves not to make it worse for you and me and everyone.

  • A lot of members (myself included) would do well to better their understanding of sexism and all its insidious systemic forms within our favourite hobby (and beyond really). We are not good at identifying it and worse at discussing it. Perhaps worse yet is that many of us are bad at listening and then another large portion fall silent and let things get worse and boil into a bit of a silent boys club feel. I understand being tired of everything but effort is needed and appreciated. If you don't know how to navigate these threads and these feelings. If you fear you might get banned when posting. If you don't understand why evoking your wife who doesn't even play games' opinion is inflammatory. If you feel attacked. If you cannot read past the venting. If nothing I say makes a drop of sense. It might be worth reflecting on this and scheduling some time to try and work out why. No one knows everything. We are all ignorant of everything until we learn.

I'll leave this last one outside the official staff tags because I don't want to hassle other mods who might need to consider reports on it's basis. But if you think it might apply to you then its time to reflect on that.
  • Sometimes you're making a good point and you're absolutely right. But you're still the biggest asshole in the room. I'm in an asshole banning mood, don't give me a target.
You have 20 minutes grace. Posts after this time that goes against this or the spirit of it I will consider with particular harshness that I don't like to bear. Ask for leniency from other mods.

Good post, when I created the thread I should have done things differently.


Oct 25, 2017
Big thanks to Snormy for the staff post, hopefully this will help calm down the discussion a bit.

FF16 demo was the best piece of marketing for that game. Sometimse demos can pay off massively if the studios are confident.
I feel the same, games that have got demos lately have been very good, showing off the confidence the studio has in their game.


Oct 27, 2017
Ottawa, Canada
I am really looking forward to this game, because I love DMC/Bayonetta gameplay. I love Souls, Sekiro and Nioh Gameplay too. So any combination of those games has me really excited. Plus I love the look of the bosses (cool boss models have been a main selling point for me in Souls games).

Will give the demo a try and if I like it, my recent birthday money may just go to grabbing this!


Jul 22, 2019
Dark Souls has been so influential that even when games aren't that similar are still called Soulslike.


Oct 30, 2017
Looks like it could be fun, but I'll wait until reviews drop or when it goes on sale. Also would much rather pick this up on PC and play ultrawide but oh well.


Nov 13, 2017
The difficulty on this seems like its a cross between God of War and Souls games. I can get behind that. Souls games are way to hard for me and GOW was perfect for my skillset. I'll definitely give this demo a shot.


Oct 25, 2017
Elephant in the room aside on some of the ...iffy... visual design, anyone else feel that action games this gen (this game included) feel incredibly muddled and too visually busy?

Maybe it's because I'm becoming an Old, but I almost prefer slightly worse visuals and more clean lines to better process what the hell is going on on-screen in character action games like this.

In motion it just looks like high def particle effects vomit. But maybe I'm just a curmudgeon.
I cut my action game teeth on shmups and bullet hells so it's not overkill for me but I think something like Ikaruga, Returnal, or Nier Automata with high contrast colors with consistent "this will hurt" visuals helps focus a lot with processing the action on screen even when everything is on fire.

Bayonetta and Devil May Cry on higher difficulties lack that same visual clarity and became more about spacing and positioning so you can read and react to the enemies attacks. Sekiro was more about reading each enemy and learning how to parry them. I'm curious where on that line Stellar Blade will fall.


Oct 25, 2017
previews are name dropping sekiro, but everything I've seen and read sounds much more like Revengeance??

either way, looks like a decent enough action game, but there is little in the way of novelty based on these previews. Maybe I'll take a flier down the road.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
More Japanese clip.

The action of ``Stellar Blade'' has both a sense of speed and a severe response that feels great.

The formidable battles are full of exhilaration when you land a combo. The sense of accomplishment when you defeat a boss is similar to Soulslike.


What engine is that game using? Can't believe the world and enemies look that good and run at 60fps.
Project EVE use Unreal Engine 4.

Don't know if this changed or not.
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May 11, 2021
I am still amazed at how big this game is, I honestly didnt expect it to be this big and didnt know the studio behind it had a huge mobile game out.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
I'm gonna try the demo out tomorrow but just out of curiosity, how does it play like? And is it as hard as those games?
The Sekiro comparison comes from the fact that when you successfully parry, you remove part of a poise bar on the enemy. Remove the entire bar, and the enemy is opened up for a special attack. Difficulty-wise, it's not remotely on the same level as Sekiro or Souls. This is way more accessible. At least the demo was.


Oct 25, 2017
As someone who hates the souls genre and the fact that it's infecting everything, fuck this I'm out.
just give the demo a try, it's free. I'm not a big fan of Souls either, the only Souls game I've beat is Bloodborne. never been able to stay long enough to beat other Souls game. but the thing I don't like about Souls genre is the difficulty and stamina meter. which doesn't look like a problem with this game.


Feb 15, 2018
Hope it will be the next Lies of P in a sense of some random Korean studio with no track record suddenly releasing a very solid and polished product to everyone's surprise (well, I had little hopes about LoP and was happy to be proven wrong)…..


Lies of P demo helped solidify a purchase from me where beforehand I was very skeptical about the game in the first place. I'm hoping Stellar's Demo does the same.


Oct 27, 2017
The lighting and colour tones really stand out. Enemy designs are.....ehhh, and the lead character is kinda ridiculous, but if the gameplay is there, I'll bite.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Sekiro comparison comes from the fact that when you successfully parry, you remove part of a poise bar on the enemy. Remove the entire bar, and the enemy is opened up for a special attack. Difficulty-wise, it's not remotely on the same level as Sekiro or Souls. This is way more accessible. At least the demo was.

Oh, so more like Ronin, which also heavily focuses on parrying, but isn't as hard as Sekiro or Souls, well, I'm intrigued
Jul 2, 2021
I'm gonna try the demo out tomorrow but just out of curiosity, how does it play like? And is it as hard as those games?
Reminded me more of Nier or GOW. The game rewards you for patience and learning enemy attack patterns instead of just spamming buttons. And this imo is the reason why they called it more "souls-like".


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
A lot of positive impressions over the combat so I'm looking forward to trying it out tomorrow


May 31, 2018
Sometimes I put in effort for a staff post and the thread dies thereafter. If this is such a time I won't be upset.

As someone who hates the souls genre and the fact that it's infecting everything, fuck this I'm out.
Souls inspiration is everywhere, that does not necessarily mean it is a Souls-like though (I also dislike Souls and Souls-likes).


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Based on the gameplay clips this game is going to have a pretty great OST too
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