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Jun 14, 2018
Id have the fact that the director has completely embraced AI image gen as the title personally.

Watch the game have a story that's like a cautionary tale about AI and synthetic humans or some shit while his Twitter timeline looks like a descent into tool assisted fucked up proportioned anime girl ass. I swear Era would normally ban this kinda shit if you took 1 look at what he posts lmao

People here are mostly ignoring Shift Up shitty stance on women in the game industry, they will not care either about genAI huge tits waifus. Hyun Tae Kim is training the algorithm on his own stuff, I'm confident 95% of his fanbase can barely tell the difference anyway.


Jun 19, 2018


Has this already been discussed? President of EA Japan is wondering how this game got past CERO with just a D rating (referring to the gore)

I guess the game will make it clear(er) that Eve, Tachy and their sisters are not really humans. Don't think Tachy losing her hand in the demo alone would have passed if she was a normal human, Japan doesn't care about violence against monsters or fake humans lol.


Feb 20, 2021
Watching the general tenor go from deserved side-eye to genuine stanning has been shocking…I'm thinking of that poster who was banned for unironically praising Eve's wonderful character and like…that's just the thread now, lol.
It's been surreal to watch from the sidelines. People rightfully and deservedly criticizing the game for months to then stanning it non-stop, makes no sense. It almost feels like some kinda elaborate trolling lol.

I will say I appreciate the devs being so open about it. What was that quote again? "Eve's design is the way it is because that's just what niggas like bruh" (paraphrasing). That shit's actually refreshing. Be open about it instead of the subterfuge we usually get. Saves me time from deciding if I should give your game a dime or not.

Kyle Cross

Oct 25, 2017
When the poll winner is what some people want: The community has spoken, great title!

When the poll winner is not what some people want: Stop the tempering! Just pick your own title!

You'd think this was some unproportionate landslide, but no - Rear Automata is losing by a mere 3 votes. But oh yeah, criticizing sexualization is tempering. You genuinely think there isn't 139 people here that want that title? This is an 80 page thread in large part because of criticism. Will it still be tempering if Rear Automata surpasses?


Oct 29, 2017
That was the original intent of Rear Automata. It reduced it down to a cheap facsimile of another game where even in being horny it lacks its own identity. That's why a number of people liked it when it was originally suggested I imagine. It wasn't meant to be taken as 'ooo sexy ass', but with that being how it was taken there's zero sense in having it. Intent and all that.

yeah, bit of a miss if that was the original intent.
Nov 19, 2019
It's been surreal to watch from the sidelines. People rightfully and deservedly criticizing the game for months to then stanning it non-stop, makes no sense. It almost feels like some kinda elaborate trolling lol.

I will say I appreciate the devs being so open about it. What was that quote again? "Eve's design is the way it is because that's just what niggas like bruh" (paraphrasing). That shit's actually refreshing. Be open about it instead of the subterfuge we usually get. Saves me time from deciding if I should give your game a dime or not.
My mind is made up about this game. It's too far for my personal standards, and I won't be getting it.

But I don't think the discussion should banned (or functionally banned via brigading or ban baiting). There is an obviously a modern-gaming-standards conversation that is being catalyzed by this game, and if it can take place anywhere, this place could be it.

Boxing the game into strict framings of "only the worst people play this" or "perfectly good fun to play and discuss sexlessly" both dodge that in different directions. One centers the objectification as the ONLY thing, while the other mostly looks away.

Both feel less thoughtful and thorough than what this community deserves IMO. Add the "Butt Game" OT title discussion and things just become like…completely incoherent.


Oct 26, 2017
It's been surreal to watch from the sidelines. People rightfully and deservedly criticizing the game for months to then stanning it non-stop, makes no sense. It almost feels like some kinda elaborate trolling lol.

who? the people that have criticized the game (well, the characters) still do it that I've seen, who are these people that criticized it and now stan it? unless "Im getting it / playing it" is stanning.


Feb 20, 2021
who? the people that have criticized the game (well, the characters) still do it that I've seen, who are these people that criticized it and now stan it? unless "Im getting it / playing it" is stanning.
Look I got no problem with anyone playing or buying the game, no shame, none of that. But if you're gonna diligently put to light the myriad issues with both the game and the shitty ass devs themselves and then turn around and stan it and presumably give those shitty devs 70 & change… man you do you but I don't vibe with that toothless nonsense which has become all too common online.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Alfheim
My OT title was not even on the poll... ☹️😑

Stellar Blade |OT| 콜로니의 천사 (Angel of the Colony)

Democracy has failed. Just pick this one.


Oct 25, 2017

Battle Angel of the Colony

Alita was named as an inspiration and people call Eve Angel of the Colony

My OT title was not even on the poll... ☹️😑

Stellar Blade |OT| 콜로니의 천사 (Angel of the Colony)

This was always my first choice and I quoted it before, so it was disappointing that it wasn't part of the poll which should just be neutral.
Neither sexy puns nor shitting on the game are required.
Doing a poll for such a controversial title was a bad idea anyways, sorry.


That's how you do it, pay respect to the original VA, which are korean.
Not sure whether they scanned Adam's korean VA, but he for sure has the physique to pull it off. Pretty hot.
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Nov 24, 2023
I wasn't super convinced on the demo, but I have ordered it anyway. Hopefully we get a PC version down the line at some point.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Calling other people toothless while vague subtweeting yourself is an interesting combination I will say. I can only assume me though, right, since I seem to find myself having to justify the things I like these days to people with the most basic etch-a-sketch understanding of me. It's just kind of weird considering I'm pretty sure I didn't post in any other Stellar Blade related thread (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.) prior to this one where I basically did what I've been doing in any Stellar Blade discussion; called out the over-sexualisation and noted the nature of how such designs appeal can differ between the men they're designed for and women who like them. I spent half of my posts throwing shots at Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Oh and this one I guess, where I called out someone for trying to guilt a woman by invoking other women who like the game and said people should be free to voice their criticism. I don't think any of that is particularly diligent though. The second post I made on SB in the sexualised characters thread was this, which touches on a frustration I've voiced pretty openly since:
Honestly miffed that yet again another game with interesting visual design elements is just mired in shit. Like on the green outfit there's this strip of transparent plastic over her shoulders with a Louis Vuitton-esque pattern done as a hologram between the layers of it. It's genuinely cool… but then you get a glowing light on her crotch and the seam line running down it is a markedly different shade to the rest because you know, you really have to emphasise there is a vagina there.

Then yeh, again, you have whatever this suit is lol


It's just like, can we get the intricate and heavily detailed femme costumes without needing to collide them with the imagination of some horny creep.

It's stupid it needs to be said but I'm not required to bind myself for the sake of maintaining whatever image of me you have in your head, of which people have many. If wanting to play Stellar Blade while being critical of its issues and having long conversations about the male gaze and how it relates to hyper-femininity – and how high-femmes deal with accusations of internalised misogyny for liking what we like – is what fractures some perception of me then it was too fragile to begin with. I'm not the one who built me up into something that could be blown over by your own disappointment. I think we should be critical of the shit elements of things that appeal to us or we engage with, if that's some line in the sand for you then ignore me and move on. People who want to discuss their report card of me can DM me, sniping with the lens cap on is just petty.

if it's not, then she's a big fat LIAR.
I hope you're ashamed of your words and deeds.
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Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Calling other people toothless while vague subtweeting yourself is an interesting combination I will say. I can only assume me though, right, since I seem to find myself having to justify the things I like these days to people with the most basic etch-a-sketch understanding of me. It's just kind of weird considering I'm pretty sure I didn't post in any other Stellar Blade related thread (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.) prior to this one where I basically did what I've been doing in any Stellar Blade discussion; called out the over-sexualisation and noted the nature of how such designs appeal can differ between the men they're designed for and women who like them. I spent half of my posts throwing shots at Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Oh and this one I guess, where I called out someone for trying to guilt a woman by invoking other women who like the game and said people should be free to voice their criticism. I don't think any of that is particularly diligent though. The second post I made on SB in the sexualised characters thread was this, which touches on a frustration I've voiced pretty openly since:

It's stupid it needs to be said but I'm not required to bind myself for the sake of maintaining whatever image of me you have in my head, of which people have many. If wanting to play Stellar Blade while being critical of its issues and having long conversations about the male gaze and how it relates to hyper-femininity – and how high-femmes deal with accusations of internalised misogyny for liking what we like – is what fractures some perception of me then it was too fragile to begin with. I'm not the one who built me up into something that could be blown over by your own disappointment. I think we should be critical of the shit elements of things that appeal to us or we engage with, if that's some line in the sand for you then ignore me and move on. People who want to discuss their report card of me can DM me, sniping with the lens cap on is just petty.



Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
lmao @ trying to smuggle ass/tits jokes as OT title on ERA, especially for a highly discussed game as SB.


I'm cackling lookin' at the poll result, couldn't ask for a more perfect ending. 🤣

It's a fuckin' TITLE, it's not gonna impact y'all's enjoyment of the game lol.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
lmao @ trying to smuggle ass/tits jokes as OT title on ERA, especially for a highly discussed game as SB.


I'm cackling lookin' at the poll result, couldn't ask for a more perfect ending. 🤣

It's a fuckin' TITLE, it's not gonna impact y'all's enjoyment of the game lol.
Oh hey, since you're here can you ping me when Chiori is next up on a Genshin banner?


Oct 25, 2017
Jan 20, 2023
i was only really asking generally but turns out "stellar blade thread" might actually be the best idea

the opinion genious wins out again


Sep 19, 2022
Just put a "neutral" OT title or drop it all together. It's sad that something as basic as voting for a title is not longer possible on the internet. The two top candidates made unnatural jumps more than once. The "winner" was more than 5-6% behind just 1-2 hours ago. The other alternative has made similar jumps earlier in the process.

Edit: I see now that the mods are deciding the title. That's probably the best idea.
Dec 6, 2023
Just put a "neutral" OT title or drop it all together. It's sad that something as basic as voting for a title is not longer possible on the internet. The two top candidates made unnatural jumps more than once. The "winner" was more than 5-6% behind just 1-2 hours ago. The other alternative has made similar jumps earlier in the process.

This, please.


Oct 25, 2017
Who can say that's unnatural though? 1 - 2 hours is plenty of time for people to vote.
All I will say on the poll is, it got over 450 votes... I did this same voting system for Elden Ring last year and that was a "popular poll" and only had 200 votes total after 7 days of voting. Yet Stellar Blade had over 450 votes after less than 24 hours.

Just put a "neutral" OT title
I imagine the mods will choose one of the neutral options on the poll but can't confirm that.


Nothing against you btw, I think you've got a hot potato on your hands. I just wanted an opportunity to post that gif.
haha nice. The mods did do that.
Title Chosen


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
After looking over the titles and the brigading going on with the votes (To put into perspective, when Elden Ring had voting it got 200 votes over 7 days, Dragon's Dogma 2 got 120 votes over 8 days... Stellar Blade 450 votes in less than 24 hours).
Thus Seoulsborne will be the winner of the OT title. As it was the highest rated title that was also inclusive of others and didn't see impact from brigading.

Not up for debate or change.
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