
Oct 29, 2017
I think the underlying issue with this is:

How would Vecna know what was in Hawkins in 1983 when he wasn't in Hawkins anymore? If Vecna made it then wouldn't it be Hawkins sometimes before 1979, whenever he was taken to the facility with the other children?

Even if you want to argue he formed the Hawkins look in 1983 when Eleven made contact with him...Eleven was born in a hospital and taken to the facility near immediately and never actually saw Hawkins.

So neither of these characters knew what Hawkins (certainly not a large swathe of the town at that) looked like in 1983.

This is why I think the following:

It is powered by the mind in some sense.

I think it's incredible important that:

1) The Mind Flayer takes the shape of 1's drawing in the first place, upon entering the Upside Down. He was a powerful psychic but he had no connection to the Upside Down (he didn't even know it existed yet when he drew that), so it was either dumb luck or the Shadow molds itself based on thoughts.

2) Will's connection with Vecna/the Shadow on his mind still exists, so they're still linked since 1983.

3) Vecna's house in the upside down (barring the tendrils of course) doesn't look how it does in 1983 (where it was already boarded up and what not), but rather how it does before 1 was taken to the facility. His memory of the place, in particular.

So not that anyone can just walk in and change it with strong enough belief, but the Shadow molds the place based on the minds of the things it touches.

And they went out of their way to literally say the UD (at least Nancy's house) is how it was on the day Will disappeared. So I really think this is to setup that the UD can be shaped into something one desires, unconsciously, or potentially even consciously.


Oct 27, 2017
What are you taking about. People were talking about it, in spoiler tags, and in an abundance of caution I spoiler tagged something in case it referred to something I missed. Chill out.

I'm confused, I'm not in a state that would require me to "chill out". Just found it funny you haven't watched something and asked about it.


Oct 25, 2017
So El spent the whole season getting her powers back to achieve what, exactly? That showdown was really underwhelming after all that buildup.
Really liked everything else though.
But yeah, Nancy, "you should've gone for the head".
She's such a badass though so I'll forgive it.


Jun 3, 2019
So El spent the whole season getting her powers back to achieve what, exactly? That showdown was really underwhelming after all that buildup.
Really liked everything else though.
But yeah, Nancy, "you should've gone for the head".
She's such a badass though so I'll forgive it.
She defeated Vecna and saved everyone .. ?
Oct 25, 2017
So El spent the whole season getting her powers back to achieve what, exactly? That showdown was really underwhelming after all that buildup.
Really liked everything else though.
But yeah, Nancy, "you should've gone for the head".
She's such a badass though so I'll forgive it.

She literally brought Max back to life lol. They mentioned her powers would be stronger if the Nina project worked.


Oct 25, 2017
Do some of you actually like watch shows anymore or is it more like you're "watching" them in that they're on but you're doing something else


Nov 2, 2017
Where was Erica at the end? They didn't even show her.


Oct 28, 2017
I bet his advice to Nancy will eventually pay off, like
Vecna will be held back, will reach out to grab the shotgun, miss, and she'll blow his head off.

One thing I noticed when Jason was like "Shotguns are only good for small birds" and that's exactly what Nancy was going for since they needed protection against DemoBats. Loved how it showed her to be competent in a subtle fashion.
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Oct 28, 2017
Love Part 2. That finale is such a roller coaster of emotions.

The only part I'm abit miffed at is the state of Hawkins. First they showed the gate opening up all over town, but then 2 days later not really(?). But then the final shot shows that they all opened(?), or was that just the town on fire.


The Gif That Keeps on Giffing
Feb 24, 2018
Incredible, and solidifies my love for the series again. Upon watching S1 for the first time, it became my favourite show ever and that continued with season 2, then I kinda had mixed feelings on S3 (I think I need to do a whole rewatch on it again though - I don't think the gap between S3 and COVID exactly helped). Season 4 was all around great. Loved it a lot and the acting was top notch. Not everything was perfect, but hey, nothing ever really is. This show is up there with the likes of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul for me, as top tier TV.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Love Part 2. That finale is such a roller coaster of emotions.

The only part I'm abit miffed at is the state of Hawkins. First they showed the gate opening up all over town, but then 2 days later not really(?). But then the final shot shows that they all opened(?), or was that just the town on fire.
Presumably that's something that will be addressed. When the Gate opened, I think what the group envisioned was a full scale invasion of Upside Down forces, but what's happening now seems to be more akin to the environment itself bleeding through the crack, since we see the atmosphere itself seeping in. I'm sticking to my theory that Eleven reviving Max, and Vecna being wounded - as well as the Russia crew possibly damaging the Flayer who may be some kind of overmind of the Upside Down - may have caused some kind of fracture in the Gate that's putting both dimensions into risk. I get the feeling that they've literally "broken" both their dimension and the upside down, and both Vecna and Max's disappearances are playing some part in that. They might even be interlinked at some level.
Oct 25, 2017
So besides the Star Wars door breach/corridor battle and end of Halloween references, were there any other big movie references I am forgetting?


Dec 15, 2018
Love Part 2. That finale is such a roller coaster of emotions.

The only part I'm abit miffed at is the state of Hawkins. First they showed the gate opening up all over town, but then 2 days later not really(?). But then the final shot shows that they all opened(?), or was that just the town on fire.
The real answer is because they wanted to have that end-of-season breather before the cliffhanger, but I assumed the upside down didn't start pouring through because Vecna was wounded when it first opened. Two days later though the full invasion began. You can tell that wasn't the town on fire because of the red lighting.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Didn't this season fail to match Squid Game?

The zeitgeist around Squid Game certainly felt bigger than S4 of ST too.

Squid Game definitely felt bigger than ST S4 so far. Squid Game is definitely the next big thing for Netflix and the lucky thing for them is that the show is so much cheaper than ST.
I think 1 season of Squid Game costs less than 1 episode of Stranger Things.


Oct 26, 2017

apparently One actually mentions Eight (the girl from that S2 episode that everyone hated), as in "in the time Eight was still here" and I completely missed it, I was actually thinking "is this a plot hole" but I guess not.

anyway just the finale left but it's so long I'm leaving it for tomorow.


Oct 26, 2017
Just finished part two. I don't know how I feel about it. Part one was great but I don't think part two lived up to my expectations after the month wait. I don't think it was bad, just not as good as part one was. And the state of things being so bad at the end feels like the worst of all of the end-season cliffhangers so far, which makes sense seeing as the next season is the last season, but I don't know. Gonna feel like a long wait…

I'm also bummed Eddie died. Someone definitely needed to die, maybe even more than one person. Eddie's death will be great for developing Dustin further as well. I just liked Eddie too much. Not really sure where they could take him next season though if he had lived. His death is supposed to be a bummer though, like no one is supposed to have been like "Fuck yeah, glad he died." Except the rest of Hawkins, which sucks, but the Satanic Panic of that era was super-shitty. It'd be nice if somehow he gets redeemed in S5. Kind of wished we could have seen the rest of his bad/rest of Hellfire at the end of Ep 9 too but I get that those guys are probably miles away from Hawkins at this point given how things have turned out with everyone blaming Eddie and thinking they were in a satanic cult.


Feb 28, 2019
United States
I was wondering why they went out of their way to point out that Vecna specifically, not the Demogorgon or Mindflayer on his orders/under his control, killed Barb. Nancy's got more than enough guilt for Vecna to manipulate without that extra detail. I could see Vecna absorbing Barb and that coming back to bite him in the ass. Billy I'm not so sure about, I prefer where they left his and Max's relationship after this season: as this twisted knot of raw bad emotions Max hasn't untangled and may never 100% process

It would definitely be a fun full-circle moment. Heavy on the fan service, for sure, but why not lean into that since it's the final season?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm about 90% convinced S5 will do a Dark Phoenix plot line with Vecna possessing Max.

Just finished it about 10 minutes ago and that's pretty much exactly where my mind went. I'll actually be a little annoyed if something along those lines doesn't happen because otherwise I think Max should have just died there.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't understand this preference of having Max die there. Do you guys even like the character and the show?

And stop fetishizing Game Of Thrones.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand this preference of having Max die there. Do you guys even like the character and the show?

And stop fetishizing Game Of Thrones.

As someone who absolutely didn't want her to die, I'll play devil's advocate here and say that most people are complaining about her being alive because the show went out of its way to make it look like she was absolutely a goner, only to suddenly backtrack on that with El's powers, which in turn cheapened Max's "death scene" for them.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Just finished part two. I don't know how I feel about it. Part one was great but I don't think part two lived up to my expectations after the month wait. I don't think it was bad, just not as good as part one was. And the state of things being so bad at the end feels like the worst of all of the end-season cliffhangers so far, which makes sense seeing as the next season is the last season, but I don't know. Gonna feel like a long wait…

I'm also bummed Eddie died. Someone definitely needed to die, maybe even more than one person. Eddie's death will be great for developing Dustin further as well. I just liked Eddie too much. Not really sure where they could take him next season though if he had lived. His death is supposed to be a bummer though, like no one is supposed to have been like "Fuck yeah, glad he died." Except the rest of Hawkins, which sucks, but the Satanic Panic of that era was super-shitty. It'd be nice if somehow he gets redeemed in S5. Kind of wished we could have seen the rest of his bad/rest of Hellfire at the end of Ep 9 too but I get that those guys are probably miles away from Hawkins at this point given how things have turned out with everyone blaming Eddie and thinking they were in a satanic cult.
If Dustin isn't spending Season 5 redeeming the hell out of Eddie's good name then he's going from my perpetual favorite into bottom tier.

I want his legacy fucking immortalized by the time this show ends. No more pariahs and scapegoats now that the dam has bust wide open, he deserves the recognition.


The GIFs of Us
Jun 25, 2020
the wilderness
As someone who absolutely didn't want her to die, I'll play devil's advocate here and say that most people are complaining about her being alive because the show went out of its way to make it look like she was absolutely a goner, only to suddenly backtrack on that with El's powers, which in turn cheapened Max's "death scene" for them.

I think the reason they made her die was only because they needed a solid enough reason for the fourth portal to open, but they really didn't want to get rid of the character.

And besides, Max is the character that suffered the most in season 4. Sure, she's still technically alive, but she's basically gone. The way it all played out, if it was a backtrack it was a very cruel one. It really didn't cheapened the death scene in my opinion, it made the whole thing even crueler. Being most likely paralyzed and blind with her mind possibly gone to Vecna, she suffered some very heavy consequences.

I really think that Max simply dying would have been a lot less interesting on a narrative perspective than what ended up happening.
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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
As someone who absolutely didn't want her to die, I'll play devil's advocate here and say that most people are complaining about her being alive because the show went out of its way to make it look like she was absolutely a goner, only to suddenly backtrack on that with El's powers, which in turn cheapened Max's "death scene" for them.
I would argue that it enhanced her death scene because by the time El said, "No." I had already accepted her death and was devastated by it (legit crying). But when El came in with the save I can't recall the last time a TV showed had injected me with serotonin and hope so much in a singular moment. I was like, "Yes Eleven! Do ittttt!" lol. Only Agents of SHIELD has played with my emotions the way this season of Stranger Things had.

Also I have a huge pet peeve with character deaths being the only way to portray "steaks" in any form of fiction.
Oct 25, 2017
As someone who absolutely didn't want her to die, I'll play devil's advocate here and say that most people are complaining about her being alive because the show went out of its way to make it look like she was absolutely a goner, only to suddenly backtrack on that with El's powers, which in turn cheapened Max's "death scene" for them.
Having her die would cheapen the impact of Episode 4 imo which would suck way more. It would have been pretty shitty to do this whole thing where Max is targeted because of her guilt and suicidal thoughts which results in her fighting through it with help from her friends, only to kill her off by the same thing 5 episodes later with her crying about how she wants to live. Especially considering the type of show ST is.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
While I don't know how they'll rationalize it, I have doubts that Max will end this series with paralyzed arms/legs and being blinded for life.

She's going with Lucas on that movie date, damn it. Eleven left her door open three inches and that paid off, Lucas will fulfill his promise too. I refuse to believe this series won't end on a good note.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not one of those people who thinks that all shows need to kill off a ton of characters or anything, but a few things that made me go just a little "eh" were:
1. They did the same thing of introducing a new character, having them be incredibly likable, and then killing them off instead of the main cast. Makes it feel like the main cast has plot armor.
2. They raised a lot of death flags for characters and developed a sense of "we're not going to all make it out of this" but they mostly did.
3. They did the death fakeout. Even if it's more interesting for Max to be in the position she's in, it always feels a little cheap to me when this kind of thing happens.

So yeah, even though I liked the season overall and I even liked stuff like how Eddie's death was handled, it still feels like they could have followed through a bit more and been a little less formulaic. It's a minor complaint in the grand scheme of things, but still.


Oct 28, 2017
Wait this series is finished or not? I'm so confused. I thought this was the last season. Hated how it ended if that's it for the show.


Oct 25, 2017
Why is everyone not using spoiler tags? It's only been out 2 days, don't be jerks. At least give it a week.