Jun 26, 2018
Hey, are any other EU peeps able to buy the game on PSN?

I've seen it featured on the store for a week or more, but everytime I click "buy now" it says "content not available" 🤔


Oct 27, 2017
I bought it sometime last year and played a bit. School and work kind of took me away from it. I went back to it last month but the frame rate just kept tanking. No matter my settings it was a consitant stutter.

I have an i7 and a 1070 incase you were wondering.


Nov 12, 2017
Sacramento, California
I just finished this game the other day and I LOVED the first 15 hours of it. By the end, I was ready to just get it over with. My total playtime was around 26 hours on PS4 Pro. I'm not one for survival games but this one had me hooked. If it wasn't for the performance issues and the last little portion of the game, this would be a runner for game of the year for sure. Me and my boyfriend have had too many crashes to count and the draw distance/textures failing to load in at the last area just dragged it all down for me.


Oct 27, 2017
I really dug this game until I got to the point where I built the giant sub and couldn't put all of my other vehicles in it; I thought at that point I could have an entirely mobile base from which I could explore every inch of the place. I was so bummed out that I just never went back. I should give it another look; it was probably the only survival type game I've ever really enjoyed.