What do you think of IntelliHeath's Halloween avatar?

  • Great choice! Duck Season ftw!

    Votes: 106 24.6%
  • Creepy! Remove it ASAP!

    Votes: 97 22.5%
  • Don't Care...

    Votes: 228 52.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
It'd be pretty funny if PapaGenos ended up being right in this.

But still, the guy has not once been credible about anything. I believe he believes it, but that doesn't make it true.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope there are no dlc this time, honestly.
I mean I can tone it down, but seriously who in the world is this guy and why did he suddenly gain immense prominence? I thought we were winding down on commenting on grifters at this point
I'm not 100% sure myself, but from what I understand, he has some sort of credibility which is why people have been paying attention to what he's saying. I'm sure someone else more aware can saying exactly what. I just don't understand why your first thought is to start flinging insults.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
New PapaGenos post.

I'm curious what he and his source came up with.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Guys I have a theory

Brock will like this

Minecraft stage

Elma xenoblade x stage

Inceneroar gen 7 stage

Sora kingdom hearts stage

Shadow the hedgehog semi clone with a new sonic stage


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
My DLC Hopes and Dreams (Predicated on the following missing the base game):

Dixie Kong
Rex & Pyra/Mythra
Spring Man
Ryu Hayabusa
Crash Bandicoot


Oct 27, 2017
Melee giving me the Ice Climbers and Mr. Game & Watch instead of Diddy was a true act of kindness

I can forgive the lack of Wario


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017

I'm not 100% sure myself, but from what I understand, he has some sort of credibility which is why people have been paying attention to what he's saying. I'm sure someone else more aware can saying exactly what. I just don't understand why your first thought is to start flinging insults.

As far as I can tell he's never actually broke a story or anything.

I think people are just latching onto him because he believes the banner leak and "has a source."


Oct 25, 2017
Let us bask in what's a pretty heavy couple of weeks in the Dojo. You won't get content like this out of the blog!

Week 11

July 30

Donkey Kong: Final Smash


"Feel the rhythm and increase the power! T-t-take it easy, will ya! "

Konga Beat is an amazing idea mired by Brawl's super laggy online and also it just being useless on a lot of stages. But I just love the idea of referencing Donkey Konga and playing a brief rhythm game out of nowhere! His new final smash is for the best but I do miss having this cool reference. I feel like a Rhythm Heaven character would probably use a rhythm based moveset as well and probably kept it back too…

"Oh, and jamming during screen scrolls and such is something you might want to...think about. "

July 31



"Now's your chance. You can't help but grin. "

Wow a stage AND an item? The evidence for Animal Crossing Boy is just piling up!!!
Successfully setting these traps and then someone wandering into them always feels good. It feels even better when you smack someone with it mid-air though.

"Getting thoroughly fooled by a trap like this... It's pretty humiliating. "

August 1




"The fact that he can wield a two-handed sword with a single hand is a testament to his magnificent strength. "

Suddenly, with no warning and before even showcasing the final already-known newcomer, Ike appears! Nothing like waking up and seeing that banner. Nothing like this has happened before or sense then. Melee revealed everyone but Zelda (who wasn't a wellkept secret) thanks to the intro video being the reveal trailer and the other secret dudes were...secret...so, you know. And Smash 4 and Ultimate have made showing a newcomer a BIG EVENT.

I love how Ike feels. Hitting those meaty smash attack is great. That said I feel his movement speed doesn't really match up with his lithe PoR appearance.

August 2

Castle Siege


"It's an enemy castle in the midst of battle—but it's not set in a particular castle, nor is it from a particular game in the series. "

Another fun stage! The walk offs in the mid tier and the rotating platform at the bottom can be a bit awkward, but it's still one of my favorites to play on. Although this is just a generic representation of FE's tendency towards castle level design, Caslte Siege is possibly the realiziation of the original "Kingdom of Archanea" idea they had for Melee. Sakurai's never commented on it though.

Also make no mistake, EVERYTHING here is generic. There's a symbol on all the flags that isn't used in any game, the knights are generic and that general everyone thought was the Black Knight is just a...a knight or general on the throne.

"Quick! To the underground! "

August 3

What is Subspace Emissary?


"The Adventure mode also emphasizes character development. You'll see many famous characters persevering under the weight of their personal histories, shouldering their unique burdens... It's really something you won't see anywhere else."

2 weeks after the original tease, they revealed it in full with a plethora of screenshots and the invasion movie. SSE has a lot of criticism thrown at it and I can't really argue with a lot of it. As a platformer it's just kind of so-so, using a mostly-original setting and almost entirely-original enemies can be offputting. People also call it confusing but it...really isn't.

But despite that I liked it enough to play through it twice. There's a surprising amount of variety in the stage design, it's just kind of slow and the difficulty doesn't scale super well. And I love all the weirdo enemies in it.

Everyone loves the cutscenes though!

I want to say Sakurai called Brawl's development kind of hellish? I imagine juggling what are effectively 2 separate games (even more than Smash 3DS & Wii U) didnt help this. I think it's why it has a dual layered disc at all.


Also they accidentally showed off Peach before revealing her. I don't think anyone expected her to not make it in. They don't show her for like another 2 weeks, it's kind of funny.

Week 12

August 6

Smoke Ball


"This is an item that has absolutely no effect on characters...but it's pretty fun."

After that exciting week of new information let's start off with a new item that's also the most boring addition to the game. I feel like it only exists to show off particle effects. A clear replacement for the Cloaking Device, but somehow just as useless! The changing colors does look nice I guess.

You ever think how weird it is that Smash 64 & Melee just straight up had representation from Goldeneye and Perfect Dark? Like, of all possible things to draw on.

" Talk about smoke and mirrors! "

August 7

Ike: Special Moves


Shows off Aether and Eruption. Mostly focusing on Aether, presumably since it was his signature skill in Path of Radiance. A lot less impressive here, but it's not like having a Final Cutter effect would be that great either. Gotta have that heal! Eruption being an explosion is probably the only reason it shoots out pillars of flame in Ultimate, I don't think he'd get away with it otherwise.

This also had the reveal that Ike is a heavy character and gets super armor on some attacks.

"He's not flinching?! "

August 8

Kid Icarus: Underworld

"In terms of music, I think the most memorable themes for players were the Grim Reaper theme and the Game Over theme. "

Sakurai really likes playing up how unfair the original Kid Icarus was….bit surprised he didn't spring for the Reaper as an assist or enemy. And come to think of it, why not an Underworld stage…?

Regardless, this is a lovely new rendition of the themes. It's so jaunty!

August 9

Pit: Final Smash


"Now that's what I call a deity. Look how big she is! "

Pit wasn't the only one to get a nice new update, Palutena got a lot of love as well. She even appears in SSE cutscenes and I think might be the only non-fighter, non-boss character to do so.
The attack is okay. The centurions aren't too overwhelming but do hurt so I think it has a good mix for such a wide range attack. It's easy to forget, but Pit actually is one of Palutena's generals and would have authority to send in Centurions.

Since Palutena became playable it made sense to switch this with something else in Smash 4, but changing it AGAIN in Ultiamte was weird.

"Their sacrifices are so...so moving... "

August 10
Franklin Badge


"Just put it on your chest for now. I mean, it IS a badge... "

The first bit of Earthbound stuff gets shown and it's the least spoilery thing in the entire game. The fact the blog post didn't come with a 5 paragraph essay detailing how it's used in Mother 3 is the real shocker.

But regardless, it's cool. A tiny item that makes you autoreflect any projectiles is a great idea. It's tiny so it's easy to forget about, even if it gleams. Show of hands, how many times have you reflected something and forgotten about it? Or worse, how often have you sent a projectile at someone and had it reflected back at you?

"Q: Why does it say MOTHER on this item?
A: Is there anything WRONG with having an item that says that? "

Previous weeks:
Week 1 & 2
Weeks 3 & 4
Weeks 5 & 6
Weeks 7 & 8
Weeks 9 & 10


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Like the way I see it, if this guy is wrong about this then he can kiss his whole channel goodbye. He'll never live this down.


This guy are sick of the unshakeable slayer
Nov 11, 2017
The only consistent thing about PapaGenos's videos is that he's been wrong about Smash. In all of them.

You sound needlessly aggressive and mean spirited towards a small time speculation channel run by a guy who's genuinely a nice person.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Like the way I see it, if this guy is wrong about this then he can kiss his whole channel goodbye. He'll never live this down.

That's why I feel he's going through with this. Gamble on if his source is right or not. If it's true, boom lots of traffic and subscribers! If not...then well, back to his little corner of YouTube.



One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Like the way I see it, if this guy is wrong about this then he can kiss his whole channel goodbye. He'll never live this down.
The fact that he claims he just does it for fun makes it seem he has nothing to lose. Though I can see him pinning the blame on his source moving forward if he's wrong.


Oct 28, 2017
Pit: Final Smash


"Now that's what I call a deity. Look how big she is! "

Pit wasn't the only one to get a nice new update, Palutena got a lot of love as well. She even appears in SSE cutscenes and I think might be the only non-fighter, non-boss character to do so.


"Q: Why does it say MOTHER on this item?
A: Is there anything WRONG with having an item that says that? "

I am building a theory: Sakurai has a bit of a mommy fetish, and his childhood crush on Palutena is what inspired everything he's done with Kid Icarus.


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
Parts Unknown
You sound needlessly aggressive and mean spirited towards a small time speculation channel run by a guy who's genuinely a nice person.

I don't think he's a bad person, I'm simply saying he's been wrong about Smash across the board. In all honesty I feel bad for him, I don't think he's lying, but that he's instead been duped by fake "sources" using him to spread lies.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
You sound needlessly aggressive and mean spirited towards a small time speculation channel run by a guy who's genuinely a nice person.
Dude probably gets a lot of people spamming him about PG's videos from "Team Real"

It's probably in the wrong direction but I can understand why he's sick of those videos.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
That's why I feel he's going through with this. Gamble on if his source is right or not. If it's true, boom lots of traffic and subscribers! If not...then well, back to his little corner of YouTube.


I guess. Smashboards keeps referring to him as genuine, kind, and honest. He's built up a little thing for himself and he'll blow it all away if it doesn't pan out.

This makes more sense to me than the Gordian knot surrounding the alleged leaker though.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Who would have thought that Steve from Minecraft would have called out a Geno fan for his bad sourcing? What a world we live in

Like the way I see it, if this guy is wrong about this then he can kiss his whole channel goodbye. He'll never live this down.
At least he can start a chain of pizza parlors. They'll be the only place in town to put leeks on their pizzas


This guy are sick of the unshakeable slayer
Nov 11, 2017
I don't think he's a bad person, I'm simply saying he's been wrong about Smash across the board. In all honesty I feel bad for him, I don't think he's lying, but that he's instead been duped by fake "sources" using him to spread lies.

Can you cite another instance of him being duped? To my knowledge this is the first time he's talked about predicting something based on an actual source and not just his best guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, I was so off on that one! Spent way too long looking at Wonderful 101 characters...

I only knew a few Line Attack Heroes characters, and that wasn't one of them.


Oct 25, 2017
Papa Genos is a relatively new person on the scene in terms of leaking (or attempting to leak) stuff. He comes across as pretty genuine, which could also mean he's naive. But if he really does have some source at Microsoft that no one else does, then it's possible his information could be legitimate. It's also possible he is being duped. But I think at minimum he believes what he's saying to be true.

Not that dissimilar to how all the insiders believe Incineroar to be true, when it might not be.

I'm willing to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. At least he's actually engaging with the community and giving people something to talk about.
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